One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"I slept like shit, since my boyfriend continued to sulk all night." She said, waiting for it to brew.
"Wasn't sulking but sure, if that's what you wanna think." He replied, "Sounded like you slept like a rock to me, though."
"What the fuck am I supposed to think? Because right now, I think, that because of a situation that was entirely out of my control, you despise me. Because of something I didn't ask for, you hardbor resentment towards me." She said, firmly setting her mug down.
"Never once said I hated you, hun. Don't think I could hate you even if I gave it an honest try." He replied.
"Forgive me but right now that's the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard. You didn't have to say it, your actions have spoken fucking volumes, Derek."
He only hummed before she heard him get up and move to her, "You wanna return to the same song and dance you've hated for years then? Would that show you that I don't hate you? Or would it just make things worse?" He stood against the door frame, scowling gently, "Cuz, if I'm honest, it's the other way 'round for me."
She heard him move before he trapped her between himself and the counter, "You wanted selfish, didn't you?" He asked lowly in her ear, "Well, you're gonna find out just how selfish I can be when it comes to you."
"But you don't know what lengths I would go to for you. The struggles I've put in just to see you smile. You know, but you don't know." He stated.
He would have to do a lot more than just give up or slow down his drinking this time. No more romance, no amount of that would fix this. If she wanted to love the greedier side of him, then he would show her what that would be like. He gripped her hips hard and kissed along her neck and shoulder like he wanted to fuse with her, moaning lowly at her smell and taste.
"You seem enthralled by that part of me." He hissed against her skin, "You want it so bad? I'll give it to you."
She stifled a grunt. She didn't want to humor him, but she couldn't help herself. She grabbed at his hair. "D-Doesn't mesn you aren't a bastard.."
"Call me whatever you want, so long as you keep moaning for me." He growled, pulling her closer by her hips.
She fought the urge to drool, panting softly. "G-God dammit, I hate to admit it but I love it when you fuck me until I'm not mad at you anymore..~"
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