One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"You love him more than me." He blurted out, not looking up from his drink, "It sounds really stupid, because he is me...but that part of my life is more appealing to you, more attractive."
She stopped. "What? Run that by me one more time, if you please, are you saying that I find your almost identical angelic form more attractive than your human form?"
He shook his head, "He isn't a form...he's me...what I was...what I am...what you saw and what you had fuck you brainless was just...God, I don't even know how they did it. They just...took my soul and split it. Took the part of me that was out of who I am." He said, "But, yeah. You love that side of me more than the one I've made for you...the human mask that I built carefully for you."
"I don't want to sound insensitive but you've been acting like an abrasive asshole towards me because you're insecure about whatever happened?" She asked.
"I think I get to be a bit of a bitch after days of this, Derek, we're no better than when were months ago." She said. "Instead of trying to fucking TALK to me, you holed up in the bottle again and made me feel like shit for what?"
"Jesus, Derek, really?" She asked. "Fine then. If you think I love him more than you, or.. however the fuck this works, then one, what are you gonna do about it, and two, what actual proof do you have?"
"You've never looked at me like that before..." He almost whispered, "The awe...the adoration...none of that was for me...this fake human..." He remembered clearly every eye sparkle, every smile, every jaw drop she made for him, but nothing like when she saw what he truly was. It hurt him; an angel who wanted so desperately to be human and to be loved by a human, was not loved as a human. Not desired as a human.
She didn't know what to say, really. In a way, maybe he did have a point. Maybe she could pay more attention to him. On the other hand, she was hurt. All he did was lay around and drink, and then they'd fight, and he'd bust a nut, say he'd do better, and then they'd begin the cycle anew. "I can't believe it.." she said. She sounded hurt too, if he wanted to hear it.
He slammed back his drink and sighed, "I do everything for you. Every demand, I have followed like a dog. I slowed my drinking, I paid more attention to you. I did everything you FUCKING asked!!" He threw the bottle and it shattered against the wall, "And you can't believe it?!"
She froze but she wouldn't back down. "No, I fucking can't believe it!! You do everything for me?! Who keeps a roof over our fucking heads, who keeps that fucking rotgut in that house for you?! Who fucking spent MONTHS worrying about you dying because you were keeping some great, forbidden secret from me?!"
"Don't make this about you!!" He yelled, shooting up in his chair so fast that it fell backwards. "I have waited on you beck and fucking call!! I have been like a fucking servant for you, doing anything and everything to make sure you're happy!!" He advanced on her, eyes glowing with anger - quite literally. "And the only thing you want to wrap your head around his my drinking?!"
"No, I can wrap my head around fucking plenty!! This fucking temper is one! The throwing shit, the yelling, the childish fucking sulking, we could have fixed this easily!! But you had to go and start all this!! You're a selfish bastard, Derek!!" She was trying to stand her ground. One small part of her very much did fear for her safety now.
He knew. He could see it. He saw her eyes flicker with fear the moment he stood and it quelled his anger some, but not by much. "Selfish, huh?" He said, like he wanted her to repeat herself, "I can show you selfish."
This was the part where he would start hitting on her, pin her down and fuck her silly. But he didn't. He didn't move any closer to her or even touch her. He just took a deep breath and turned away from her, moving to clean up the remnants of his whiskey bottle.
He threw the glass away and picked up his chair before sitting back down. "If you're done gawking, I would like to be alone.." He muttered, "I'll show you another time, when you aren't scared that I'll kill you or something.."
He didn't join her all night, even when she finally fell asleep and woke up in the morning, she woke up alone. It hurt more than the fight did, really. When she got out of bed and went to check on him, make sure he didn't bail out on her, he was in the living room on the couch. He hadn't slept, she supposed he didn't need to, and he looked up at her briefly before he looked away, flipping through his phone. "How'd you sleep?" He asked, almost bitterly.
"Don't pretend like you care.." she responded, moving to make some coffee. Why was he still being so miserable?
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