An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

Sonia laid there, "What?" she said, but never got her answer as Ethel practically disappeared.
She would hear the man finish and then start talking to Ethel about how that was excellent, and for her to leave, that she and her friends can stay and she can perform.

Ethel thanked him and walked out after a moment backwards with a class of a white liquid behind her back.
Sonia stood and prepared to follow Ethel, although she still had many questions, she simply followed quietly.
Ethel would grab Sonia's wrist roughly as they walked out, she dumped the glass into the man's sink on their way out.
"What is wrong with you?"
"I didn't want you to be hurt, or otherwise be taken advantage of." she walked ahead of Ethel, "Hang on." Sonia said and she knocked on the door three times and M let them out.

"Fine?" M said looking worried.

"Yes, everything is fine. Tell Modok to have a seat, M" Sonia said.
As Ethel walked out.
"son of a.. did you lock down the bar? You need to back off Sonia, the rooms are all set but don't get in my way again, let me do my job" Ethel snipped at her before walking up to the stage and starting to play and sing.
"I'm sorry!" Sonia said, she sat at the far end of the bar, ordered a flagon of mead and a mug and proceeded to drown herself in it.
Ethel would not respond to her and instead finish her set. Once down she would put the instrument down and place the gold collected on the group's table.
"here, the gold for the night, two of you need to share a room, I'll see you in the morning" she stated turning to go to her room.
"Ethel!" Sonia called out to her drunk, "I need to..." she tried to stand, but fell over, "Talk to you." she said from the floor.
"No!" Sonia said, "If I sober up *hic* I wont be able to say what I have to say, I order you to *hic* not sober me up." Sonia said.

Margaret shrugged, "No can do." she said and sipped her wine.
"Not here *hic* somewhere it can be just us." Sonia said.
"I *hic* can't walk." she giggled, "Take me to your room?" she asked, "J- *hic* justtotalk *hic*."
She took a deep breath and then grabbed her and threw her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes before walking into her room and dropping her on the floor and closing the door.
"You have five minutes" she told her crossing her arms.
"Ethel, I wanna tell you something, back there, I-I-I'm sorry I, I just love you so much, I love your...just I love everything about you okay?" she laid on the bed, "And I may have stolen some of Margaret's truth serum and drank it with my mead so I could force you to believe that I love you. *hic* Ask me anything, and I will tell you the truth, I literally cannot lie."
"No." Sonia said and giggled.
"Yes." Sonia said, unable to lie, but she did break into a giggle, "Oh my, I don't know what's going to come out of me next!"
"No." Sonia said, "I wanted to tell you that what I feel for you is love, I really didn't plan past saying I love you, but I felt that if you knew I was under the influence of something that made me incapable of lying that you would believe it." Sonia bit her lip, "I do want to kiss you though."
"I don't care what you want, And first of all, I never doubted you think you love me. Second, you could be lying about being under the truth serum, especially since she uses a truth spell, not serum last I heard cerlics weren't alchemists. Third, why do you keep telling me something I already know you believe to be a fallacy like it will make a difference, do you know what a common definition is of insanity is?"
"Correction." Sonia said, "If the cleric knows alchemy, which you never asked if she did, it is possible. *hic* I can't lie, I promise, you can ask me anything, anything you think I would lie about and I promise, nothing but the truth will come out of my mouth as it is quite impossible for me to say anything to the contrary. Like for example. *hic* No I did not want to be alone to have sex with you, but now that you mention it, I wouldn't say no."
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