An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

The barmaid nodded.
"Oh umm sure, four copper pieces," She told M.

As Sonia walked in the back she would see a hall, to her left was the kitchen with two chefs talking, and several large barrels behind them which must have kept the ale they brewed. Down the hall were two doors, and in front of them was a goliath sitting on a chair with a battleaxe to his side, which he grabbed when he saw Sonia enter.
"M, not know how to count, pretty lady make nervous." M said with a blush.

"Aww hes sweet on ya." Sheldon said pulling out the copper, "Make it two lass, we may be here a bit."

Sonia rested her hand on the hilt of her dagger, "You don't have to do this." she said, "He is taking advantage of a beautiful woman who just wants to help us, please, step aside. It does not have to be this way."
The Barmaid smiled.
"I am flattered, but before you get too excited, I am taken," she said showing a ring on her finger.
"Two mugs of ale it is, that is eight copper, which is all but two of your fingers big guy," She told him with a smile.

The Goliath stood up and held his axe in both hands.
"Ha ha, that pretty woman went back there on her own. You no leave, then I hurt. But wait, you pretty lady too, Boss said to let them pass, but no weapons!" He told her.
"OKay." M said and smiled, "Still think pretty though."

Sonia happily surrendered her dagger, she had left the rest of her weapons at the table. She could improvise anything with a weapon if need be and she had sparred with M many times so if she had to fight the giant she was well prepared to do so. "Here." she said handing him her dagger, "May I pass now?"
"Oh, umm, pretty, Lady, no weapon... yup Boss says you pass" He nodded and turned to let her pass by, having counted the conditions on his hands.
"Thank you." Sonia said as she walked by the guard "Which door did the other pretty lady go into?" she asked, hesitating hoping he would give her that information, if not she would try them both, but she felt time was of the essence.
"Thank you." Sonia said and headed towards the designated door, she opened it gently, quietly, hoping not to startle whomever was behind it, she anxiously grabbed for the hilt of her dagger that was no longer there, remember, everything is a weapon. The voice of Modok said in her head.
She moved towards the noise, "Ethel?" she called out quietly, "Please be okay." she said quietly as she got closer.
Her whispered didn't seem to be heard as she neared the door, which was cracked open. A shadow in the room seemed to be thrusting, as the masculine grunts continued.
"Ethel?" Sonia called louder, opening the door just barely enough so she could see inside.
Instinctively Sonia cocked her elbow forward, ready to hit whatever was behind her as hard as she could, she also leaned back into her captor and lifted her leg, ready to elbow then push herself off the door frame into whomever had grabbed her, toppling them both to the ground.
She soon felt an arm wrap under one of her arms as it grabbed her prepped elbow, her planted foot got swept as she was turned upward. She was then Spun through the air and pinned chest down to the couch, her mouth still covered as she heard a whisper.
"Shut up" The voice was familiar, Ethel?!
Sonia tensed every muscle in her body, ready to spring up, but it was clear her opponent had predicted her moves as she was now face down on the couch, unable to speak, she tried to wiggle so she could get on her back to see her captor.
As she tried to move, it seemed her captor used that to spin her around. Both her wrists grabbed in their hand, her mouth still covered. As she looked up, she would see Ethel with a cross look.
"What the fuck are you doing back here?" she whispered.
Sonia gave her a look of shock, and made the sort of gesture that told Ethel she would answer, but her mouth was still covered.
"I thought he was going to take advantage of you and have sex with you." Sonia whispered, "I saw that look in his eyes and I knew what it was, why else would the guard be instructed to let pretty girls through?" she asked, "So who is he fucking then if it isn't you?"
She narrowed her eyes at her.
"If he was fucking me it would have been my choice, and you have no right intruding on that, no one is taking advantage of me I am a big girl and can take care of myself. I suggest you leave before he sees you and wants a threesome" she told her pointing to the door as she released her, not answering her question of who was with him right now.
"No." Sonia said, "It is not right, coin is currency, even blood or steel, but never sex, not for something that can be obtained otherwise." She tightened her jaw. ""
"No." she said, tears in her eyes, "I don't want him to take advantage of you."
She stood tall and gestured to herself.
"No one takes advantage of me, you get it? I don't need you to take care of me because I can take care of myself and then some. Do I look like I am being taken advantage of?" she asked when she heard the innkeeper groan in the other room.
"Oh shit, here it comes!"

"Crap!" Ethel dashed into the room at breakneck speeds.
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