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An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

Ethel looked over at the armor as it hung seeing the engraving that was being settled. She narrowed her eyes at Sonia and walked over, mending the engraving away before sitting beside Sonia again and speaking in elvish again.
"No, you don't"

She then turned to the others with a smile again and gestured to the food.
"Help yourselves should be ready to eat"
Sonia turned away, and walked into the woods try cry, she found a rock and sat on it and quietly cried, skipping breakfast and mending her broken heart again, what was she going to do? She did love this woman, and she would break down her walls and lay siege to her heart. A grand gesture, that's it, that's what it would take, but how grand to impress this woman who seemed to have seen and done everything. Her knowledge was endless and her beauty was timeless. Sonia finished her sobbing and returned to the fire.
As she returned Ethel had just finished eating and had already started packing up the camp, pulling out the pins that M had done before, being careful not to break any more of them, she had even mended the two that had been broken the previous day.
"Hey." she said to Ethel, "C-c-can we talk?" she asked, "I just, I want to ask you some things and I have to get something off my chest." she smiled weakly.
Sonia lead them into the woods to the same rock she had isolated herself on. "Tell me please, if I even have a chance with you." she said, "It breaks my heart every time I try to give you a gesture to show you I love you and you deflect it, I just want to know, because I really do love you, if I should stop." she wasn't going to cry.....she was going to hold back tears....she was going to try.
"haaaa..." Ethel let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"You don't know anything about me, how could you possibly love me? You Lust after me, when we were alone this morning, all you wanted was sex. Here tell me something non-sexual you "love" about me. And don't say your singing or something stupid like that" She told her placing her hands on her hips.
"Your sure footedness." Sonia said, "Your hair how it smells like dirt, and your skin how it looks as frigid as a glacier but its as warm as a mothers love. Your voice how its soothing and comforting, how angry you can get over something silly, your knowledge and understanding of how the world is. How you came out of that tree, so surely not even scared that I could have killed you, how you were the one to save those girls and if you had not somehow teleported away you would have surely died, and you seemed perfectly okay with that. How you get along with my comrades and how you seem to be your own person and follow no one." Sonia smiled, she hoped this was enough.
Ethel looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Okay first, all those physical descriptions I am counting as physical, that is lust. Second, The rest all seemed more like attractive traits, something that excites you, things that attract you to me more. Now I'll hand it to you not all of them was like that, there were a few good points in there. But! If you love someone you want to know everything about them yes? Well, I without ever claiming any love for you have inquired about your heritage, parentage, dreams, goals, why you were in the place you were when we met, and what you intend to do in the future. Now, what are all those things for me?" She asked standing tall and looking down at her.
"You never told me, you have a secret you have still not told me." Sonia stood up, thinking she had Ethel cornered, "Even though I said many times I would not say a word, you still opted to keep what you really are from me, I will tell you anything you want to know about me, I just want to know you and that part of you." Sonia smiled, hoping she had made her point.
Ethel pinched her nose.
"No I told you that answer, and you ignored my answer and instead claimed I was keeping a secret from you, I told you I think I am human but I do not know that, and the whole tree thing, again, I told you I don't know how I do that, I just can it's not like one of my spells which were learned." She stated arms crossed.
"You presumed before that I was deflecting but I am not, those are the facts."
Sonia hung her head, "What must I do?" She asked and pulled out her short sword, "Fall upon my blade?" she pointed it at her chest, "Just tell me how to prove to you that I love you." she took a step forward, "If you say it, I will do it."
"Even now you prove yourself wrong. If you truly loved me you would not threaten to harm yourself to force me to do what you want! If you want to show that you truly love me, have patience! spend time with me, as a friend, save the world with me, learn about me, get to really know me, not physically but truly." She told her, not flinching.
Sonia sheathed her sword, "I will do whatever it takes." she said solemnly, "I will show you its love and its true love." she opened her arms to embrace the woman but did not take a step forward, letting her make the first move.
Ethel took a breath and gently placed a hand on her head, and then on her back, giving her a half hug.
"Maybe just pump the brakes hmm?"
"Okay." Sonia said, she was happy, there was a chance, even if it was the size of a grain of sand, there was a chance. "Shall we go back and finish packing?" she asked, "We have half a days journey before town."
Sonia offered her hand, "Please?" she asked hoping Ethel would take it so they could walk back together.
"Walk with me, but we are not holding hands, I don't want to encourage your fantasies," She told her, stopping so she could catch up with her.
Sonia huffed, "Fine." she said, "But one day, you will see, I will prove it to you, then will you hold my hand?" she asked hopeful.
"IF that happens, and I truly believe you love me, AND I return those feelings, sure. Or you know if we are in a situation where I have to hold your hand for strategic reasons." She nodded and gestured for her to follow.
"Good enough." she said happily and followed Ethel back to camp where everyone had finished eating and was packing up.

"Everything alright?" Modok asked.

"Yes, very well." Sonia said.

"And you Ethel, are you okay as well?" Modok asked.
"Yes!" Sonia said, "I mean, if you want to." she said looking at the ground sheepishly. The rest of the gang simply burst into laughter
"heh, well I suppose once we get moving I'll get singing" She stated before helping get packed up. Once everyone was set up and they started to walk Ethel had Sonia's Lute as she carried some of the camps stuff on her back, having the second biggest load after M.
"Okay so, this song is actually more or less about your group, including those you have lost, so here it goes," She said before she started to play.

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