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An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

Sonia giggled, "I mean its shut now." she smiled sheepishly, "I mean fair enough, we could wake them with the smell of breakfast."
"Exactly, and I can sing that song I sang for you last the one about you and them. But mostly you" she leaned in and winked." Ethel suggested.
"Okay!" Sonia said, "Care to come on the hunt with me this time?" she offered, which was something she never did.
"Thanks for the offer love, but I best stick to my post and watch the camp if the others are all still sleeping, besides, you will likely work better alone at something like that," she told her.
"Suit yourself." Sonia said as she picked up her bow, shouldered her quiver and bound off into the forest with hardly a sound. She set to her work, tracking and finding exactly what she was after, during this forever winter the wildlife seemed to thrive it was easier now more than ever to find deer in the snow and kill them. She did exactly that, only one this time, it was to be a breakfast not a full meal, something light to get them through the day till they would rest, breakfast was supposed to wake you up and get you moving, not make you want to go back to sleep. Sonia returned about half an hour later with her kill.
Sonia came to the camp and hummed along to the tune as she butchered the animal, "Its beautiful." she said, "Does it have a name?"
"Not yet, no lyrics either, just kind of, what's the term... going with the flow? trying to find something, waiting for inspiration, it always comes eventually." She explained.
"I see. Like a hunter looking for food?" she said, trying to relate, "You search and you wait, and when the right moment comes along you are ready." she said with a smile as she cut the remaining meat off of the animal and sat it in the snow, "So." she said, "Breakfast prep time."
"If you like." Sonia said, "Although this will be more of a breakfast, no soup, so if you would not mind, in my tent there is some butter and eggs, I will make a simple breakfast, I have a cast iron as well, please grab those things." Sonia said with a smile.
She placed the instrument down and nodded, walking and grabbing the items that she had told her to get. bringing them all outside to her.
Sonia held up the animals heart and did something traditional that most elf hunters did, she got on her knees and held the heart to the sky. "Thank you for your sacrifice." She whispered as she bought the heart to her chest and whispered something in elvish then took a bite and gently buried the heart in the ground with a hole she dug with her bare hands. She gingerly covered it and patted it down then covered it with snow. Standing up she began to bring the beat to the fire, sitting it down with the meat still in the animals skin, "You know how to make eggs?" Sonia asked.
Ethel noticed this and she had seen it before plenty of times, when she was asked if she knew how to make eggs she chuckled.
"Yeah, I can make eggs, how do you want them? also, can I ask something?"
"Well this will be a scramble so scrambled." She said, then looked back to where she buried the heart, nervously almost as if she was afraid that Ethel's next question would have to do with it. "Yes what is it?" she asked nervously.
"I knew about and have seen that very same ritual done many times, and usually I just let others do as they want, but I ask you this, do you elves know what sacrifice means? doesn't "Sacrifice" have an implication of choice? Tell me, where was the deers choice?" She asked rather bluntly.
"I mean isn't that kind of like stealing from someone then thanking them for their donation? except you know, more murder"
"The deer does not willingly give its life, no. Yes in fact I took its life with the tip of my arrow." she said, "But it still died to sustain us, even if it was not willingly, chances are had I not found this particular dear it would still be alive, but without it we would not." she said, "One cannot ask for the dear to lay itself upon the tip of my arrow, but one can pray for the swiftness and steady handedness it requires to fell the animal in one shot. The animal did not want to die, nor would it have been willing to but if you could die to feed others would you truly?" she started to question her own ideals. "L-l-look, I am half elf and half human, the very least I can do is hold on to some of the ideals of my elders, I don't even know what a human would do." she said honestly, "They just take, and they take, till there is nothing left, and no thanks, at least I am giving thanks." she said, shaken by the woman's question.
Ethel paused as she answered.
"Oh, well I honestly was just curious, I am not judging, just you know, thought there may have been some elvish philosophy or something about it." And you are right, humans just hunt them, no prayer, no ceremony, they just kill it, usually sell the skin, eat the meat, sell the bones and organs, and stuff the head" She stated.
"At least the proper humans do that, some just kill them for the antlers or fun" she added.
"I...I was going to cure the hide and give it to you for a cloak or blanket....if....if you would like that." she said, nervously.
"Really?" She asked, smiling, "I...I could engrave something special into the leather!" she said, "If that is okay?"
"Ruin the integrity of the armor." she chuckled, "I'm elvish remember? We don't ruin things, we make them more beautiful." she grabbed her leatherworking tools and began to imprint into the armor the words I LOVE YOU. Sonia smiled as she went about her work, and kept it pretty quiet as breakfast was still cooking and she did not want to wake the others, let alone Ethel see the words before it was finished.
Soon everyone awoke to the smell of food and shambled to the fire like zombies, not really saying much, still waking up. Sonia finished her work and hung the skin up to cure by the fire, seeing as they did not have much sunlight, the heat from the fire would have to do. If Ethel did look at the skin there would be the words I LOVE YOU in elvish engraved on it. Sonia happily sat by the fire next to Ethel and smiled. "Smells delicious." she said.
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