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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Soon enough the pair of them were fast asleep, and Raelle was just sitting on the edge of the ship, gazing off towards the ocean. Her eyes did flicker towards the king's guard for a moment before she was gesturing for him to come over to her.
Raelle looked at him and studied him for a brief moment. "What's your name? How old are you? And.... If you are to be on this ship, you will have to play the part. First try to loosen up a bit, and relax." With that she was twisting around on the railing before she could hop off then spoke, "I'm Raelle and I'm the second in command on this ship."
“ my name is Eric and I am Eight-teen years old” Eric nodded at her instructions but for the most part her would do what he needed to do
Raelle was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "You should fit in nicely though. I would hang around Nathan and Jaxon often, they can teach you the ropes." With that she was pointing towards where Nathan was and then was stating that Jaxon had been the one who had gone off with Bri. "Hey Rae.... Just to let you know.... Estelle decided to head off into the market. A couple of the others went with her." one of the other guys came over and let her know.
Eric looked over when one of the crew members came over and while he was worried that the captain would try something he also knew that he couldn't hover either as it would cause people to ask questions that they couldn't answer right there and then
"Who went with her exactly?" Raelle was questioning and listened as a couple of names were listed off, and she was nodding her head. Nope they were the veterans that knew what the captain looked like, and knew to keep the man far away. So she was just waving it off for the time being and stating, "Estelle is in good hands." With that her eyes were flickering towards Eric before she spoke, "Estellise, or Estelle as we tend to call her, is my sixteen year old sister. And the navy captain has been trying to convince her to marry him, despite the repeated nos. Then he turns around and denies doing this, claiming a few times that she has been coming onto him."
Eric nodded his head "I was informed and while Sixteen is the normal age of consent the king Recently upped it to eighteen as several girls were forced in to marriages they did not want too much older men and petitioned the king to annul them so that they could be free"
Raelle looked before she spoke, "I knew he upped it, but if she finds somebody she loves, I'm not going to step in. Unless I feel like I absolutely need to; due to a major age difference, and other factors." With that she was giving a small shrug before she was just tilting her head back slightly, enjoying the slight breeze that came through.
"yea its sixteen with parental consent but the bride has to be the one to request it and she speaks with the king privately to verify that it is what she wants." Eric looked over at the water and wondered if he would leave her be while in port
Raelle was just nodding her head before she spoke, "Oh I know all about it." With that she was gesturing for him to follow after her so that she could give him a brief tour of the ship.
"But we'll be here for the next two weeks, doing some repairs and fixing up some stuff." Raelle was commenting as she pointed out a few areas, and was introducing him to some of the other pirates. One of the veterans was making a teasing remark that resulted in her punching him in the arm lightly.
The tour was concluding and Raelle was heading back up onto the deck. There were a few of the guys that were up on deck that were looking over and introducing themselves to the young man.
Eric greeted them and talked with them for a bit and started to relax a little. While he knew he had to keep on edge he didn’t see anything wrong in trying to make some friends
Raelle watched for a moment although she left him to mingle with some people while she went to go chat with a few ours. A few hours had gone by of everybody doing little to nothing at all. At some point in time Estellise had returned to the ship and was currently sitting up in the Nest, working on a blanket. Second safest place when the navy captain was there, and he had picked a good time.... but bad time.... to decide to visit. Raelle and Bri had left to do some of their own shopping, and Jaxon and Nathan were busy taking care of getting some other supplies.
Eric looked over at him and sent someone to get Nathan and Jaxon knowing they would be the best ones to deal with him but Eric did prevent him from getting on the ship “sorry but your can’t come on board”
Estellise heard the man's voice and was just peering over the edge of the Nest, a slight groan passing through her lips. Damn this man was persistent, and annoying. Even playing off as though his bride to be had run away and he had the theory that she had escaped onto the ship. God she truly hoped that Eric wasn't going to fall for the oldest trick in the book. "Go away.... We have orders not to let you on the ship." one of the other pirates was speaking from where they were standing.
Eric raised an eyebrow at him “well I am going to have to agree with my friend here and if you had a bride and she did runaway from you I certainly wouldn’t help you find her” Eric already hated the male but once he left he would send work to the king about the two incidents
The other pirate was scoffing and commenting that he was shocked that anybody would even want to be his wife at all. It wasn't long before Jaxon seemed to be coming up out of nowhere and a glare was being cast at the captain before he was asking what the hell he was doing there. This had the pirate commenting that he had shown up for his bride to be. "Well considering your "bride to be" hates your guts, I'm really not as inclined to hand over over either. But I must say.... I invite you to try and get to her though." Jaxon was commenting before he was looking up towards Estellise as she was standing up.
Eric looked at her with a small smiled happy that she was out of his reach. His gaze then turned back to the male as if daring him to try and get by him.
Estellise was looking down for a moment in time before she was stating that she definitely invited him to come up and try to get her. Who would have figured that the man was demanding that she come down right away, which had her rolling her eyes. "Not the boss of me."
This had Eric chuckling a little while he waited to see what the male would do. If he tried to damage the ship in any way he would arrest him then and there and risk getting his ass beat
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