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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"Please forgive my lord, he has a terrible illness and does not wish to pass it to you. In his stead, I will be asking for him and will be donating my blood." The retainer said. Megohime could hear her mother scoff gently, her father staying surprisingly quiet.
"If that is acceptable?" The retainer asked.
Megohime couldn’t help the frown that tugged at her lips, she had gotten many ill clients, many begging for her to tell their futures in hopes of seeing a cure, but many didn’t have the money, and her parents had simply turned them away. “Of course.” Megohime nodded, doing her best to not stare too much at the client and be rude. “As long as the fee is paid, I will still preform the reading.”
The man moved to sit beside the young noble and gently took hold of the knife, cutting his palm and letting his blood fill the bowl.
Megohime offered him a cloth to wrap his wound when he had finished, taking the bowl carefully and bringing it to her lips. She was used to drinking blood at this point, but could never get used to the way it felt going down her throat, drinking everything in the bowl before setting it down again. “Please, ask what you wish to know.”
Hashira? What in the world was he talking about? She felt the familiar feeling like her consciousness was being pushed from her body, the light fading from her red eyes, yet she remained sitting upright. “Six remain in this realm, three have passed on, sound breathes life into water, their numbers will grow steadily.” She said softly.
“Fires rage will melt ice, snuff out fire to quell poison, water is but a babe, their waves will drown out sound. Shadow will come to light on their own; lighting has already been bottled.” The light returned to Megohime’s eyes and her shoulders sagged a bit, looking tired. “I’m sorry, I will need more blood if you wish to have more answers..”
Megohime nodded, taking the bowl and taking another drink of the blood. “I can continue.” She said, waiting for his next questions. No one would hardly have seen it if their eyes weren’t quick, dark marks hidden just under the sleeves of her fine kimono; bruises.
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"What will happen to humanity should demons continue on this coarse?" That didn't seem like a scripted question, as the noble rose his hand as if to strike hos retainer, but halted just before.
Demons? Megohime had heard the people outside speaking about such creatures on occasion, but surely they didn’t really exist. Her eyes darkened and she gave him his answer. “Extinction.” These questions were starting to scare Megohime, make her uneasy, why ask about fairy tail stories?
"Unfortunate." The noble finally spoke. Her mother became very uneasy and tried not to launch forward in her seat.
"Th-That is enough with these awful questions!"
"Pay your fee and leave!" Her father spoke up.
Megohime was surprised when he spoke, feeling like his words themselves held a terrifying power to them. The light slowly returned to her eyes, and she shifted uneasily in her seat. Where her answers not the ones he wanted to hear?
What kind of question was that? What did it matter if she was happy there or not, he was only there for her ability. “Yes.” If she were to answer truthfully, she would only be beaten by her parents once the man left.
Megohime clenched her fists and stared down at her lap, what was he trying to accomplish? To get her beaten more severely? “No.” She said, finally answering truthfully.
"Hai." The older man reached for Megohime and gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward him.
"L-Let go of-!" Her father was cut off when the noble removed his veil, revealing sharp haunting eyes. Her mother gasped.
"Please do not look..." Kojurou requested Megohime softly.
Megohime, who now stood directly in front of the man named Kojurou complied, keeping her eyes on the floor at their feet, but she listened to every noise she heard behind her.
Masamune launched forward in the blink of an eye, digging his sharp teeth into her mother's throat, ripping it open and letting her choke as he fell on her father.
Megohime could smell the heavy scent of blood, listened to her mother’s choked sobs as she drowned in her own blood, her fathers screams as Masamune tore into his flesh, then silence. She was afraid she’d be next, but didn’t try to run or scream. Demons were real? They were just stories told to scare others?
Megohime made the mistake of looking back over her shoulder to see what fate her parents had received. She felt regret instantly, looking away quickly and nodding, holding her hand over her mouth to fight the nausea that threatened to make her sick. She didn’t feel sadness, didn’t feel angry that her parents were gone. Strangely, she felt only relief.
Kojurou took her from the home, sitting outside with her while his master fed. He draped his haori over her to keep her warm and stood quietly.
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