αqвмєℓє∂‚ \\.

            • i was overly worried about schooling, apparently. i
              went in this morning for my meeting, and they told me
              that instead of sticking me in a classroom for four and
              a half hours, and expecting me to do my work there,
              they put me in a program that lets me get my missed
              credits by working instead. that means i'm getting my
              credits to graduate, and at the same time, getting paid
              to do it. i'd say that's a win-win situation.

              since i'll be moving after christmas, instead of getting TJ
              to graffiti my wall, i'm going to ask him to graffiti my desk
              instead, just so i'll be able to take it with me where ever
              i go. i made a deal with him, to get him to do it by the
              time i leave, that each day he puts work into it, i'll pay
              him in weed. TJ was fast to agree to that. plus i'm like
              family to him, so i don't even think the payment would be
              needed. i just wouldn't feel right, making him down all
              of it for nothing. c:
H a r r i e t said:

            • ... kay. well. what i can remember, it was like a hotel
              place. it had a hobby, and it had rooms on higher levels.
              for some reason i was trapped up there with a bunch of
              other people. the only person i really remember was my
              mother, but she was only there for about ten minutes to
              piss me off by nagging. i had this love / hate relationship
              or something going on with this guy who had a pacemaker.
              i have no idea why he had a pacemaker. i've never met
              anyone with one before. anyways! he was shirtless for
              the entire time he was in my dream, apart from the very
              beginning of what i remember. he had like... dirty blond
              hair, a little more brown than blond, and it was just long
              enough to look good styled as messy. hrm. so, we were
              trapped on the higher floors. for some reason, things got
              chaotic and a little supernatural, and shit started moving
              by themselves. i think i saw a demon, too, but i don't
              really know. and then i got into an argument with whats-
              his-nuts over something (i don't even know his name ._.)
              and it got all hot and sexy. and then we got into another
              argument, because we were all paranoid that this supreme
              being was going to kill us all. we blocked all the windows
              and shitz. and then, for some reason, the doors to the
              stairs to get to the main lobby were opened. him and i
              were the first ones to get out and into the lobby. i saw
              a package tipped over, and open, but i didn't go see what
              was in it. i was too worried about my pacemaker hater /
              lover. he said there was something wrong about his heart,
              and he had to take a needle to help him, or else he'd go into
              shock or something. so, he gave himself the needle, and it
              was in like... his most vulnerable part or something. the most
              weakest part of his body was in his ribs. and i got all mad
              because he just let the supreme being know his most weak
              point, and it was really touching and angsty-filled.

              and then one of the guys who was stuck up stairs with us
              came down, and the people outside git the doors open to the
              main lobby, and started rushing to all their friends / loved ones.
              i turned around to one of the guys that i had made friends with
              (or something) and gave him the el diablo sign and said "have a
              good one." he looked at me, grinned, and then got killed by a
              falling piece of ceiling. the entire hotel started to cave in. i
              woke up after i died, clinging onto whats-his-nuts.

              fuck fun times.

DAMN! Crazy dream indeed. But HAWT too. Hrmm... definitely muse-worthy, I can easily see that. And hell, you have the actual visual to go with that. Yeah... you're going to be one creative chickita right now!!! ;)


            • bleeeeeeeh. i'm finally able to get on the computer,
              my headache died down enough over the night that
              i'm not in hardly any pain at all. i'm still coughing
              like a mofo, though. it's all in my throat, now. but!
              it has been breaking up. of course, it's more of a
              pain to deal with when it starts to break up, but that
              means that i'm getting better! yaaaaaaay!

              it's completely sucked most of my muse out of me.
              i might get replies up tonight, but there's no way in
              hell i'll get them up anytime this morning. not unless
              something amazing happens and i get a huge wave of
              muse. instead, i think i'm going to relax for the rest
              of the morning, and possibly go do my running around
              if i feel up for it after lunch.

            • you know what's awesome? running out of your sinus
              tylenol before you get sinus issues. actually, i think
              josh got our last one. and he's the one who got me
              effin' sick. it sucks, especially right now, because i've
              got a sinus headache like you wouldn't believe. i
              got some of the build up out today after stupidly
              thinking that i can eat a banana, drink pineapple and
              orange juice, and then smoke a bong. mind you, i felt
              fucking amazing after i got sick.

              i wanna spend all my time in the basement, because
              of the pressure difference in being underground vs.
              my room. only, there isn't anything to do in the
              basement apart from listen to music, weed, and play
              video games. none of those things are a good idea
              for me right now, even if the weed does help a little
              with the headache. my throat doesn't benefit from it,

              ironic thing was, is that i didn't start feeling like shit
              until after lunch. right when i said i'd do shit i've been
              meaning to do all week. ;c
Dies Irae said:
Hope you like them ^^.



            • Irae, i absolutely love them. especially since i logged
              online to see them in such a good mood. thank you
              vrry much. ♥

              i had an epic dream last night. i don't know why i
              know it's epic, though. i don't remember anything that
              really went on inside of it. all i know is that the feeling
              i get when i try and remember it is perdy good. wish
              i could remember.

              today's been awesome, too. apart from the whole,
              waking up at 8:15 am. but, i got a job for it, so i guess
              it isn't that much of a drag. Harri is now the proud
              employee of dollarama. which is a dollar store in canada,
              for those of you who didn't know. it pays pretty good
              for being such a slacker job.

              going in either tonight or tomorrow to set up an
              appointment with ken for my next tattoo. my friend
              is trying to con me into letting him do it, because he's
              a pretty good tattoo artist and he'd do it for free. i've
              seen his work, and it's pretty good. i just don't think
              he has the right patience or skill to do the tattoo design
              i want. plus with it being in such a bad place, i don't want
              to take any chances.
DAMN! Your sign is teh awesome! Go Dies! Go Harri!

Congrats on the job! Very sweet! Who cares if it's a slacker job. You're getting paid. 'Nough said. ;)
Ooooh! Where are you getting your next tat??? And what's the design???

            • yeah, that's what i thought as well. as long as i'm
              getting paid, i don't have a problem with it. plus
              my friend josh is getting a job there too, so it wont
              suck as much. c:

              i'm gunna get my tattoo on my left wrist, on the inside.
              here is what the design will remotely look like.
The hardest part was the hands -is the suck with drawing fingers-.

Yay! on the job, working with friends is much more enjoyable, least you won't get home at 1am on busy nights like i do sometimes xD.
That design is awesome Harri.
Oh yeah! Wrist tats. I've heard those hurt like a bitch. Worth it though if that's where you want it. And I love the design. It's going to look awesome once you get it. Pics are a must!!!

            • psh, i got my hip done. i think i can handle any other
              painful tattoo experience. and yes, i'll most likely get
              a video of it being done. and pictures are always a
              must when tattoos are involved.
LOL! They are. I wish I had videoed my tat when I got it done. But alas, I just have pics of the various stages. Weirdly, my tat didn't really hurt. And I got mine done on my ankle. I'll admit it hurt a bit when they had to go directly on the bone part. But other than that, it just felt like a minor scratch. Not painful. But later that night...... fuck! It hurt like a bitch! LOL! And it didn't help that my son constantly wanted to poke it. XD

            • my dream last night was highly amusing. i was back in
              high school for some reason. or something like it, anyway.
              i was a real bitch, though. then again, the girls starting
              shit with me might have been why. i told her to blow me,
              gave her the finger, and walked away. now, why didn't
              i think of that while i was in high school?

              for some reason, the school's main lobby was a grocery
              store. without people actually buying food. what was
              even more weird, is that in my dream, i noticed it was
              out of place. usually, when you're dreaming, you don't
              realize how retarded some of the things are until after
              you get up.

            • i was rudely woken up this morning, being told to get
              my shit together. i thought i was getting kicked out.
              turns out, it's worse. i have to go out of town for
              holidays this weekend, considering Canada isn't weird
              like you Americans and has Thanksgiving this weekend.

              that means that i wont be here. at all. i wont have
              internet access until sunday. and even then i'll still
              be with family, so it'll be limited time.

              bai guys. ♥

            • you guys are awesome. it's nice to come home to friends
              waiting for me in real life, and then have you guys waiting
              for me on here, too. it's a really nice feeling to have, after
              finding out something exploded between the time i left and

              no idea what happened, but i suspect money's changed
              hands. again. which leaves me in the gutter. again. but.
              fuck it. if i've got people making decisions and opinions about
              me behind my back, and don't want to let me know what's
              going on, oh well. that's not my loss, now is it?
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