αqвмєℓє∂‚ \\.

            • Joey's one of my role play characters. Long story
              short, Harri shouldn't be on the computer at 2 am
              and trying to function; I accidentally sent Hahvy
              some of the post I had copied to save, instead of
              a youtube link, and it included hawt, rough sex.
              They broke both her bedroom doors and trashed
              her entire room via hardcore sexing.

            • I think I made myself feel guilty in my dream last
              night. I can't really remember why, though. What
              I do remember from my dream last night is
              that I was a badass, invisible cat burglar. T'was

              Mebbe I shouldn't watch Batman Returns before bed,
I think if I remembered every detail about every dream I ever had, I'd be a bit worried about what that said about me.

So far, from what you've told me, most of your dreams have been pretty cool. Even the body swap one with Ryan Reynolds. Although, being a guy, it's probably easier for me to think it's cool.
H a r r i e t said:

            • Joey's one of my role play characters. Long story
              short, Harri shouldn't be on the computer at 2 am
              and trying to function; I accidentally sent Hahvy
              some of the post I had copied to save, instead of
              a youtube link, and it included hawt, rough sex.
              They broke both her bedroom doors and trashed
              her entire room via hardcore sexing.

Where was I ;-;? How come I always miss the Smexings!? ;-;

            • Tonight has been anything but amazing. Not
              only did I give the delivery guy a ten+ dollar
              tip, but I also over flowed the kitchen sink and
              flooded a little bit of the basement. All within
              an hour of each other. That's how responsible
              Harriet's been today.

              I was also caught up with my RPs, apart from
              two of them, and then now I have to reply to
              every one but two again. Well, for now, until
              I get my ass in gear and stop procrastinating.

              Set up a tumblr account. When I say 'set up',
              I mean actually set up with posts, and a theme,
              and all the technical stuff sorted. It was a little
              more than frustrating, but I managed it. Well,
              after some struggling, anyway. Not that anyone's
              gunna read my tumblr, though. It's just a place
              for me to e-vent without anyone really seeing.
              Harri's own, personal sanction to whine and moan.

              On a good note, the pizza delivery guy gave me
              a pack of brownies, and I didn't pay for it. It was
              a mistake, obviously, but still. Yum.

              I've decided, within the past hour or so, that I'm
              going to go back to school. Or, rather, something
              like it. Either way, it's an education, ja? Further
              updates will be spewed whenever they become

              On a completely different note: Looking for work
              fucking sucks. Period. End of story.

            • I'd like to start this entry by patting myself
              on the back. Not because I'm awesome, but
              because I've finally gotten my ass in gear
              and replied to everything I owe on BMR. I
              haven't been free of posts since I started
              role playing here, and that was well over a
              month(lolSeraph'llgetit) year ago.

              So far, I've got five recruitees. I'm vrry vrry
              happy about them. I hope to get moreeee.
              'Cause having more people is more of a
              variety for writing. And that's always good
              if people want to improve. AKA- HARRI WANTS

              I was sitting in my basement an hour ago,
              in my "social circle." AKA- HARRI WAS GETTING
              HIGH. Our neighbor came over and pitched in
              for another session. He got to talking about
              how his wife has had three kids, and she thinks
              she's ugly and fat because of it. He then proceeded
              to look at me and then say, "She had a body like
              yours when we first met. A perfect body shape."
              Dude, I may have been high (and still ammmm),
              but fuuuuuugh. I was the only one who caught
              on to that. I'm hoping it was just my head,
              playing me like it usually does.
It's good to hear you're getting your writing ducks all lined up in a row. Hope you can find work/get an edumacayshun and still have time to enjoy yourself with it.
Mr Master said:
Which is our way of saying... Dude, married man wants to do you!

(which should be obvious, as any hetero man, married or single, ought to want to do Harriet, but whatever)

Not to mention the straightest of wominzes who also happen to be married and with children! XD

            • lololol ew. Married guy with kids shouldn't even
              be looking at me remotely like that. Creepy guy
              is creepy, kthxbai. His wife lets the chick that
              stole our camera in her house, the same chick
              who threatened to punch me out because she
              was yapping her mouth about my family and
              friends, and I told her to shut it. HARRI LIVES

              Muse is still here. Which is fucking amazing.
              I feel good that I'm no longer making people
              wait on me, and instead, I'm waiting on them.
              Makes my stomach feel all tingly inside. :'D

              LAST MINUTE NOTE: There is something
              touching my door. It's creepy, and I don't like
              it. But I'm too lazy to move and open my
              door to find out what it is. :<

              First Broomy convo~

              It's Harri, btw. :3

              Oh, hello!

              Hi! :'D
              Told you I'd stalk yooou.

              Well, you're going to do well on here =P I'm always on AIM

              Me too! TWINS!

              Except we're not!

              In pretend-land!
              Twins that aren't related so we can do sexual things.

              ..hm, so twincest but not.
              I am alright with this.

              Sigh. I love him so hard.

              NOW. If you will excuse me. I need to go laugh
              some. x

            • @ DA; Glad I can make you smile, lovely~ :'D
              Especially because you have a vrry vrry
              beautiful one.

              I've been watching Soul Eater a lot lately. I'm
              usually not one for anime anymore, considering
              most of the drawn 'cartoons' these days are
              getting extremely ridiculous, but for some reason
              this series and a couple others have really stuck
              with me. I'm not complaining, considering the
              show is giving me a lot more muse than I think
              I could handle. But it's not just giving me writing
              muse, or anything like that. I've got the urge to
              start drawing fan art. Nothing disgusting (I hate
              looking on DA and seeing pairings that are really
              absurd) but something supple. To flush out the
              craving. I'm thinking some nice ones of Soul
              are in order. Maybe Frankenstein, as well.

              Getting kind of sick and tired about people telling
              me how awesome their College is so far. They've
              only really started their first day of classes, and
              my friend's completely losing his mind over it. I
              get it. You're excited to be sitting in a big room
              with a whole bunch of other adults-yet-still-kids
              and write everything the teacher says down.
              Just because you're excited about education
              doesn't mean I am. However, unfortunately, with
              how things are going, education seems to be
              looking forward in biting me in the ass. Online
              schooling is going to be such a pain, but... it could
              be worse. A lot worse.

              I just hope I can keep my head on my shoulders
              between the four and a half hours I plan to spend
              on schooling and everything else I've got going on
              in my life. Luckily, if I keep my fingers crossed, I'll
              be able to have good concentration for school, and
              be able to keep up with my RPs all at the same time.
              Not that... role playing should really... be above my
              schooling, or anything... heh. :'D

            • @ Zalvek ; Are you kidding me? I'd love to
              go to school with no women. At all. Not even
              teachers. And no, before anyone asks, it's not
              for sexual reasons. I just can't stand most
              women. Maybe I just have bad luck with them,
              I don't know, but I always seem to get stuck
              with the girls that bitch about stupid things.
              Like, actually stupid things: "Oh my God, Iz! Do
              you see that ugly girl in the red shirt that
              makes her look like she's pregnant? It's totally
              her fat. Why would she wear something like
              that to show it off?" If I went to an all male's
              school, I guarantee that I wouldn't get into a
              single fight that involved my fist. Or, at least,
              I'd have less of them.

            • UGH. she makes me so fucking pissed off sometimes.
              i can't stand it when she does this kind of shit. it's
              always at the wrong, wrong, WRONG times in my life.
              i don't need, or want, to deal with this right now. Dx

              just because shannon left because she's all important
              now and in college doesn't mean a fucking thing. so
              what, you're technically 'in charge' of the site now.
              that's fucking great for you. don't get on my back
              because you don't think i'm doing a good enough job
              for you. i let the advertisements slip up a little, yeah.
              because i had fucking company all weekend. but
              whatever, that's fine. you tell me i never log onto my
              admin account to show the members that i'm still alive.
              they can, obviously, see that i'm still alive when i sign
              into one of my character accounts. who else has
              access to my character profiles? no one, you dumb
              shit. she tells me that i don't post enough. really?
              what the fuck do you think i've been doing all week?
              i haven't been sitting here with my thumb up my ass
              the entire time. at least i have been posting. don't
              rag on me for it, when i have been, and when you haven't.

              i really hope you piss shannon off somehow and she
              takes you off the admin panel and bans you.
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