αqвмєℓє∂‚ \\.

            • I should be asleep right now, considering it's
              two thirty in the morning and I have a raging
              headache, but sleep doesn't sound at all
              appealing. FML.

              Zombies; Eh. I don't really notice a change
              in smoking and not smoking. I've been around
              smokers my entire life, so I've inhaled it either
              way. I'll most likely start my quitting up
              again soon, it's just right now, I'm too fed up
              with nagging.

              Seraph; There isn't much to tell, unless you
              want me to go into detail about how my friend
              Josh reacted to his first taste of shrooms. I
              really wish I got it on video. I haven't seen
              anyone laugh and giggle as much as he did that
              night. It was a little ridiculous.

              ♥ you all~

Do I need to kick some ass?~ Cause cause I willlll~ You just tell me the When, Where and how Hard~

By the way, do you think I'm over possessive/protective of you? Pincushion seems to think so. Let me know if that's the case :<

            • At least I slept off my headache last night. That's
              the only good thing that came from sleeping. I
              almost died at the end of it, which is why I'm up so
              "early." On a good note, I make a pretty kick ass
              Lara Croft! 8D

              Tako; No asses need to be kicked. And I haven't
              really noticed you being possessive/protective. I
              mean, I have, but not in a way that I feel smothered
              or anything like that from it. YOU'RE SHOWING
              THAT YOU CARE. Right? .__.

            • I like it when people are passive, too. It's easier
              to deal with that than them jumping all over me,
              y'know? But sometimes it's nice to have someone
              jump all over me, instead of just sitting there.

              I'M SO COMPLEX, JESUS FRAK.

H a r r i e t said:

            • I like it when people are passive, too. It's easier
              to deal with that than them jumping all over me,
              y'know? But sometimes it's nice to have someone
              jump all over me, instead of just sitting there.

              I'M SO COMPLEX, JESUS FRAK.


Not complex, dear. Just weird. But we love you anyway.


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