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            • i feel better now that i've had a chance to get every
              little thing out on the table. better out than in, right?
              some people appreciate it more than others. not that
              it matters- i don't really give a shit about people's
              opinions right now.

              nervous about possibly starting classes tomorrow.

              i was reading some of the very first posts in my
              journal, and what i read made me smile. a lot. you
              guys are amazing, and honestly? i don't know what
              i'd do without you. i might not seem like i appreciate
              anything you say to me, but i really, really do. thank
              you for being here whenever i just needed someone to
              listen, even if it wasn't really listening.

            • i'm so fucking frustrated right now, and nervous, and
              i have no idea how to make it go away. i want to cry,
              i want to scream, i want to destroy everything i can get
              my hands on. but at the same time, i know that if i do,
              i'm only getting over dramatic about the situation. it's
              just the internet. it's just a role play site. i've put in
              like, what, two years? my main male character really
              grew up with that site, which will be the most that
              sticks in my mind when i think about the site. but
              honestly? is it really worth getting a headache over?
              i've got enough on my plate right now trying to do that,
              i don't need to add another.

              i want to know what happened to us, though. why this
              is so sudden. why i didn't even get a hint before it
              started to happen. yeah, i guess it's my own fault, but
              it was still low for you to drop to this level. but whatever.
              this isn't to lecture you, or tell you how you should live
              your life and what actions you should and shouldn't do.
              i'm not even going to ask for an apology, because i already
              know you wouldn't even begin to think about giving me one.
              the thing you don't realize, is that you're not the only one
              who deserves attention. it's not all about you. just 'cause
              you're running higher management right now doesn't change
              that fact.

              things aren't going to go back to normal after this. things
              like this stick with someone. i still haven't forgotten the first
              time something like this happened, either. right now, the
              scale's looking really lopsided, and i think i know what my
              decision's going to be if it keeps up like this.

              i value the characters i have there, and the plots that are
              attached to them, but nothing is worth going through a
              situation like that. i'll adapt. i'll get over it. i'll move on.
              so will all of you. you were all ready to do it before, there's
              no change this time, apart from the fact that instead of two
              of us walking the plank, it's only me.

              with the way things look, it might be for the better. i've
              started paying more attention to the most important things
              in life, and right now that's friends, family, and school. i
              can't have my relaxing time turning into a second shift in
              my day. i don't need the stress it brings.

              i'm just glad this happened before i actually needed you for
              something serious. i would've been a really big fool to go to
              you for some kind of help or support, to trust you with it,
              and then have something like this break out. really glad i got
              this out on the table before you tried to kick me while i was

            • i went on an adventure last night. before anyone asks,
              no. i wasn't on anything. i was completely sober. if
              i had been high, or drunk even, i'm sure that my night
              wouldn't have happened the way it did.

              i don't normally feel the need to walk around at night.
              i don't normally feel the need to walk around period.
              but when things just get too stuffy inside my room,
              and no where else in the house can remedy my
              situation, it's the only option i have. it was three in
              the morning. not the best time to go out wandering,
              especially when you end up being downtown for two
              hours by yourself, but i wasn't stupid about it. i've
              lived here long enough to know that if i leave the
              house without any means to protect myself in a bad
              situation, i'm pretty much asking for something to go
              wrong. but i didn't leave the house without anything
              to protect myself with.

              at first, i had no idea where i was going. i was just
              walking, because i needed the fresh air, and walking
              never hurt anyone. it was a little off putting, having
              sat down and then not even a few minutes later, some
              guy pulls up in a truck. his "hey there" put me off even
              more, because that's the first thing you imagine a
              creeper saying to you. he asked me if i needed a ride,
              and i told him that i was good. i could have this guy
              pegged all wrong- he could've been genuinely trying to
              help me out, but the chances and risks are really slim.
              either way, he went on his way, and i went on mine.

              we don't have a large down town, about two streets
              in total, so it didn't take long to walk the entire length
              of it. i decided to take a break and sat down on
              one of our 'abandoned' buildings that no one's bothered
              to buy yet. it smelt good for some reason. like flavored
              playdough, right when you take it out of the tube. i was
              focusing on it a little too much, maybe. a girl walked over,
              saw my smoke, and asked if i had an extra i wouldn't mind
              giving her. i pulled out my case and handed her one, and
              then gave her a light. the first thing i asked her was if
              she was okay. normal people don't stay downtown that
              late of night unless something is going on. she sat down,
              told me she was fine and that she was just waiting on a
              ride. i didn't know if she was lying, i didn't really care, and
              prying into a stranger's life isn't something i'm ever interested
              in. there was silence after that. i didn't know what to say,
              i don't think she did either. and then she asked me if i was
              alright. she didn't even look at me when she asked, but she
              still asked it. that's all that really matters.

              even though i know nothing about her, her being a complete
              stranger to me, i liked the fact that she still asked. my
              response wasn't like hers, though. told her i was as okay as
              this world can get. she laughed at that, most likely getting
              what i meant by it. she got up after her smoke, said she was
              going to go see if her ride was somewhere else, and walked
              off down the street. i don't think it was even ten minutes
              before she came back and sat down again. she asked me what
              i was doing. what does someone say to that? i told her that
              i didn't know. she gave me one of those looks, the ones that
              kind of feel like they're judging you, but at the same time, trying
              to find a solution. she said she didn't understand, and then i
              just told her i was roaming to get out of the house. she seemed
              to get that better.

              her ride showed up, some guy on a bike, but it was still a ride.
              she left, and i stayed there for a little longer. i don't know
              how many smokes i went through last night. when i left the
              house, i had my entire case full. by the time i had walked back
              into the door, i only had one left. mind you, i gave two of them
              away, one to her, and another to a guy just passing by. i most
              likely smoked more smokes last night than i have in a month. i
              don't know if that's stress, or if it's just me finally not giving a

              when i got back home, it was almost five. i wasn't tired, so i
              tried to play video games to settle myself down. didn't really
              work out. i ended up getting a really bad cold chill, and i took
              a warm bath to get rid of it. it wasn't until i got out of the bath
              that i started to get sick. i don't know if i'm just catching some
              kind of bug, because of the weather change, or if my nerves are
              just this bad. whatever it is, i'm not enjoying it.
I know that as a Canadian you haven't picked up on the ... finer subtleties of American social mores, but you never, ever turn down a Southern woman's offer to give you a recipe.
Zombies Galore said:
I know that as a Canadian you haven't picked up on the ... finer subtleties of American social mores, but you never, ever turn down a Southern woman's offer to give you a recipe.

It's all good ZG I put it in my Journal xD

;-; so you won't live with me Harriet? ;-;

            • i don't like chili, so. |:

              i could visit you, tako. and sleep on your couch for
              like... a week. and then i'll kidnap you back to my
              place for a month. we could rotate like this for a
              while. c;

            • i want another signature, but i dunno which lyrics
              to use. so, instead of sitting here, wrecking my
              brain trying to find a song, i figured i'd ask for an
              opinion. just choose one of the band names, and
              that's it~

              yeah yeah yeahs, hollywood undead, we the kings,
              & forever the sickest kids.

              right now i'm stuck picking between them. you don't
              even have to know any of their songs; just pick at
              random for harri if you have'ta. c:
"So watch my wings burn, as they burn in the fire
I'll scatter the ashes - now sing for the choir
Paradise Lost - Hollywood Undead

            • i was thinking something like this for the lyrics from
              hollywood undead:
              i wish i could have quit you,
              i wish i never missed you.
              if not hollywood undead, the we the kings'
              and we both know, you're everything i need.​

              - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

              hahvy rocks my e-socks. srs. ♥

            • soo high rite nao, kthx. c:

              josh took his hat back today. sad Harri is sad. oh
              well. i got two days out of it! i'll just have to buy
              myself one whenever i get placement.

              blah, speaking of placement. i have to switch my
              education system. after i just get settled in. boo.
              at least with what i might get put into, i'll be getting
              work faster. and work is always a good thing, ja?

            • i had the most fucked up dream last night. i can't
              really remember anything apart from what happened
              near the end, and the very end. way too confusing
              to type out for all of you, though. plus i don't think
              i can really give it justice with my words. it's given
              me role play muse for a violent, mixed plot, though.

You do realize that I want you to write out the dream anyway... even if it's as confusing as hell. My curiosity is getting the better of me. lolol. Regardless, hooray for muses!!! :)

            • ... kay. well. what i can remember, it was like a hotel
              place. it had a hobby, and it had rooms on higher levels.
              for some reason i was trapped up there with a bunch of
              other people. the only person i really remember was my
              mother, but she was only there for about ten minutes to
              piss me off by nagging. i had this love / hate relationship
              or something going on with this guy who had a pacemaker.
              i have no idea why he had a pacemaker. i've never met
              anyone with one before. anyways! he was shirtless for
              the entire time he was in my dream, apart from the very
              beginning of what i remember. he had like... dirty blond
              hair, a little more brown than blond, and it was just long
              enough to look good styled as messy. hrm. so, we were
              trapped on the higher floors. for some reason, things got
              chaotic and a little supernatural, and shit started moving
              by themselves. i think i saw a demon, too, but i don't
              really know. and then i got into an argument with whats-
              his-nuts over something (i don't even know his name ._.)
              and it got all hot and sexy. and then we got into another
              argument, because we were all paranoid that this supreme
              being was going to kill us all. we blocked all the windows
              and shitz. and then, for some reason, the doors to the
              stairs to get to the main lobby were opened. him and i
              were the first ones to get out and into the lobby. i saw
              a package tipped over, and open, but i didn't go see what
              was in it. i was too worried about my pacemaker hater /
              lover. he said there was something wrong about his heart,
              and he had to take a needle to help him, or else he'd go into
              shock or something. so, he gave himself the needle, and it
              was in like... his most vulnerable part or something. the most
              weakest part of his body was in his ribs. and i got all mad
              because he just let the supreme being know his most weak
              point, and it was really touching and angsty-filled.

              and then one of the guys who was stuck up stairs with us
              came down, and the people outside git the doors open to the
              main lobby, and started rushing to all their friends / loved ones.
              i turned around to one of the guys that i had made friends with
              (or something) and gave him the el diablo sign and said "have a
              good one." he looked at me, grinned, and then got killed by a
              falling piece of ceiling. the entire hotel started to cave in. i
              woke up after i died, clinging onto whats-his-nuts.

              fuck fun times.
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