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D'wh. I miss you guys, too.

I think the best chance that I'd get to getting rid of Dameon right now, would be to push him in front of a car. And with my new fear of cars because of our car accident, I don't think that's gunna happen anytime soon.
Can you say...

*Vega is getting mad that Dameon keeps taking her Harriet away from her and if he doesn't stop soon she will personally kill him.*

Well, see, if things end up where I'm going to school in Harriet's home town, I'll probably make her get out of the house more often.
Dameon called me a jerk and said that he hoped I got AIDS because I told him not to fall asleep on my bed.

He's totally gunna pass out, and I'm gunna have to kick him in the ribs until he GTFO's.

He wont stop looking at me, too. Which is making me typing this awkward.
You haven't told me in long time~ I appreciate the luffings <3

See no what I would do is Kidnap Hahvy along the way and we can just let Hahvy's might cock scare off Dameon from your bed :3

He wasn't snoring by the time that I got the program loaded and my cam hooked in so I didn't take a video. I did, however, take this.


He's a dirty pervert. Not only is he sleeping in my bed. But he's sleeping with my dog, too.
H a r r i e t said:
He wasn't snoring by the time that I got the program loaded and my cam hooked in so I didn't take a video. I did, however, take this.


He's a dirty pervert. Not only is he sleeping in my bed. But he's sleeping with my dog, too.


If I knew how your webcam worked, I'd totally take a picture of you sleeping right now.

...oh well. I have a cell phone camera. I'll videotape it! Vengance is mine!

Now I just need to find that cord to transfer it to my computer.

Also...I sleep weird. I look like I'm in a coffin.
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