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            • all together, the two pizzas, boneless chicken, dip, and
              pop came to like... 40 something. plus the price of the
              delivery cost on top of the order. so it wasn't a bad
              price. not for canada, anyway. weirdo americans.

              i can't believe you don't like pizza. that is vrry, vrry sad.
I hate tomatoes in all shapes and forms, so Pizza isn't that delicious. Except when I was in italy, they used very little tomato sauce so the pizza was really good.

            • canada be cold! ;\_____________/


              yuan is love. <3

            • FUUUUUUUU-
              so, after waking up because someone in the living room
              is talking really fucking loud (it wasn't even 9 am yet),
              i wander down stairs to discover that the bitch who took
              my camera just beat the shit out of him with her girlfriend,
              her son who apparently "hates her and wont admit that
              she's his mother," or so he's bragged to everyone who
              hates her anyway. the guy was her boyfriend; they had
              this three-way thing going on. as soon as he signed the
              lease for the apartment, she kicked the shit out of him
              and kicked him out. she even moved her new boyfriend
              in- he's, apparently, a huge nazi asshole.

              this is all going to court, because she's gunna try and get
              custody of the two kids she has left in her possession.
              what's that tell you right there? out of six kids, she only
              has two left living with her. she wont get custody. as soon
              as he tells the judge that she's sleeping in his place,
              and that she has no place to live, with everything else that
              she's done, he'll get the kids automatically. she's hooked on
              cocaine, one of those moms that would rather spent her money
              on buying drugs than buying food for her kids. i know, personally,
              three people she's stolen from, not including myself. i know one
              person who she's snagged his bankcard and put him in the hole
              for about 5k.

              everyone in belleville is pissed at her. absolutely everyone. it's
              kind of ridiculous. that's the reason why she wanted out of here,
              too. she's fucked too many people over and now she's got her
              ass on a list. personally, since encounters with her, i can say
              that i hope something does happen. with half the shit she's done,
              getting a steel toe to the face is too much of a light punishment.

              considering no one in the house can let him live on the streets
              until court, he'll probably be crashing here. i just gotta keep
              an eye on it, 'cause i'm not sure how his dog's gunna react to
              mine. or my cat. .___.

            • Mriss says:
              can i just say penises are fascinating
              idk why

              D0CT0R F4GG0T says:

              Mriss says:
              think about it
              they're tiny and then BAM grow cause of blood flow. fucking weird and they LOOK funny too
              just sayin

              D0CT0R F4GG0T says:
              a penis. is a penis.
              you lick it. you suck it. you fuck it. end of story.

              Mriss says:
              they're bizarre and interesting to look at. so there.

              D0CT0R F4GG0T says:
              you're effed in the head. srsly.

              Mriss says:
              psh, nuh-uh
              just means i could TOTALLY be a penis doctor

              D0CT0R F4GG0T says:
              you'd have too much fun touching the penis to do your job right.

              that totally just happened.

            • i have no idea if you even bother checking here anymore,
              but here's to hoping, right?

              i have made new friends since the bump we hit. that's
              what happens when the friends you currently have take
              away an aspect of trust. yeah, i seem like i'm neglecting
              you, and you can think that all you want. but that's not
              what i'm doing. i'm finding the decency in myself not to
              completely shove you out of my life.

              you said you wanted me to start conversations. when i
              did, you signed offline as soon as i sent the message. so,
              i don't know what you want from me anymore. i can only
              go so far until i'm just putting in meaningless effort. i'm
              not about to try and save this if you don't even want it
              to be saved. i've got better things to do with my life than
              sit in a computer and wait for you to come around and talk
              to me about it.

              tweeting about it isn't going to resolve the situation, either.
              making a tweet about it is just like, indirectly trying to insult

              i didn't dump all my friends and get new ones. i'm not that
              kind of person. i'm allowed to make new friends, though. if
              my old friends can't handle the fact that i'm showing interest
              in other people, then i guess that's just a problem you'll have
              to deal with. i'm not gunna seclude myself from enjoying
              talking to someone else just because you're getting all huffy
              and throwing a tantrum about it.

              i think it's about time you grow up and tell me directly how
              you feel instead of posting shit all over the internet- most of
              which i probably wont even see.
*is not one of those Most if she has her way with it <3*

next year babeh. I will come see youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. <3 In the summer >.>

            • ilu, tako~ <3

              you're not like that at all, so don't worry about it. that
              was left directly for one person and one person only. if
              anyone else i know is throwing tantrums because i have
              more online friends now, i've got no idea about it. c:
I might be getting my stepdad's car next year for my birthday =P Thus. ROAD TRIP. <3 I'll come up for a few days and rap- I mean hang out iwth you ;3...and Murder certain male populace probably if I can find them. ;3

            • i wasn't really social when misha was on BM, so she'd
              prolly just be like, "O__o;;; the fuuuuu-" if i showed

              we should go to Toronto. they have a zoo there. and
              subways. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A SUBWAY. D;

            • omg, yesssss. i'm pretty sure i'll have a job within the
              next week, so i'll be able to save up moneh. so that i
              can help pay for gas. AND AN EPIC HOTEL ROOM. it
              shall be awesome. even if we're just at the hotel for
              one night, 'cause they're kinda expensive. we could
              even go to canada's wonderland. ;D
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