Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

"No, they just smash against the other." she agreed and sighed, shaking her head "No, we're not. Xeno, I'm sorry, that woman, she got under my skin and I tried to rein things in, but it felt like she would have tried something no matter what. And I had te get you back, I couldn't leave ye there." she stated, voice tense and upset as she spoke quickly.
He pulled and shot upwards with his legs standing before her suddenly as he leaned in his nose almost touching hers. "You think thats what this is about?" He said slowly. "You think I wanted to stay there?" He said slowly as he leaned in towards her. "What because she's pretty? Because she's rich?" He snapped. His lips were curled into a sneer as he looked to her before he pulled back and gave a laugh. "Wow...really.." He hissed before he looked down. "I propose and you think I'm looking at other women not a day later."
Hawk blinked, how the hell had he come to that conclusion!? "Av course not!" she snapped, standing her ground. "That's why I came for her, she may be rich, beautiful, but her soul's cold and I know ye saw that as well as I did. you proposed and I came to get you back, maybe you should look at that instead av being worried that I think ye're eyes would wander." she pointed out, frowning. This was Xeno's first experience with this type of relationship, maybe that was why he was saying what he was. "I feel like all this happening was partially my fault, that I wasnae alert enough, didn't use a good cover story, and that will never happen again, I'm sorry Xeno." she added, voice softening now.
"Of course not" He snapped back. "You didn't think you couldn't just let it go, you couldn't maintain your calm!" He said to her. "You always look at things and I mean instead of simply letting me have a bit of peace you come at me like this. You couldn't just wait, no you need the answer now now now and you phrase it like I wanted to stay there..is that what you thought, really what did you think this was about?" He snapped again before leaning in his eyes staring directly into hers. "What do you know about how things go." He snapped till she said she was sorry. He sighed and leaned in his arms slipping about her. "We both have one big issue..mine is just to kiss you." He said slowly as he began to lean in.
"Av course I couldn't! Ye know me, if there's a challenge I rise up to it." she replied, she had been that way for a long time and she sighed "Ye worried me, being so distant, even if that's ye're way of dealing with things if makes me feel shut out." she admitted and shook her head "No, I didnae and I already said I know you wouldn't want to stay with her." she replied and softened as he held her. She leaned up and kissed him, letting the issue drop, for now.
"What am I supposed to do?" He asked her slowly. "I mean...I don't know how to do this..i've never done it before." He said slowly before he stroked his hand along her cheek. "I was just kinda mad at you, you seemed to just take things to a point where..oh never mind." He said as he slowly pulled her back with him. "The ship can be left alone a few hours...lets finish our honeymoon shall we?" He said with a snicker.
Hawk listened and bit her tongue before nodding slowly "I know and I'd forgotten, your so damned smart about everything else." she teased and leaned into his touch. "Agreed, I am in full support av that." she stated and followed him into the room.
Grinning he looked to her before sitting back on his bunk and tilting his head as his eyes ran over her with a slight smile. "You're so gorgeous." He said slowly as he trailed a hand along her thigh.
She chuckled and sat beside him, kissing his neck lightly "I'm glad ye have such good taste." she commented with a small grin and shifted blinking "I still have my armour on." she remarked, looking sheepish. "I'd forgotten."
"Such a vain woman, I should find myself a nice humble girl." He teased as he kissed her throat and pressed her back towards the bed. "Yeah, so what?" He asked as he began to nip at her lips.
"Oh I can be humble, modest even." she replied with a grin as she lay down and shrugged "I just remembered that there's a bullet stuck in there." she added with a shrug.
"Theres about to be something else stuck in you." He said before he clicked off the lights and the sounds of his lips trailing kisses down her neck could be heard. "Let me see this modesty of yours."
Hawk snorted and chuckled as the lights were turned off. Nuzzling against him, she relaxed and shrugged "Well that would mean I'd have to leave, being all shy av ye seein' me with no clothes on and all." she teased.
"I'm sure I've seen enough of your body to get us past that stage." He said as he gently nibbled her ear and cuddled up to her pulling her close to wrap his arms about her gently nipping her chin soon after.
She chuckled and nodded, nuzzling against him with a faint wince as she pressed against him, ducking her head to kiss him deeply.
Grinning he kissed her back and slowly ran his fingers through her hair. "No matter what, I love you darlin." He said to her slowly as he pulled her atop himself lifting her so he had to lean up to kiss her softly.
"I know." He said with a snicker as he gently nibbled her lips softly and wrapped his arms about her.
Smirking into the kiss he pinched her backside before slowly lifting her higher into his arms with a soft laugh.
She twitched a little and chuckled, nestling against him with a light sigh and winced as she pressed against him 'Great, I think I bruised my rib cage." she muttered.
"I think I'm wondering why you're still clothed." He said to her with a slight laugh.
"Me too" she admitted with a smile and removed her shirt, peeling away the torso armour she wore and sighed. Under her right breast a huge bruise spread along her ribcage.
"Oh my." he said as he slowly leaned in and looked at her bruise. "Thats rather large." He said as he leaned up and kissed just under the bruise. "I think I should treat that before we get more into this."
She shrugged, smiling down at him lightly "I've had worse love, it hurts like a bastard, bullet hit right against the armour there." she commented easily.
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