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Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

"So you would come after me." He said slowly as he continued to walk not bothering to covering himself. Slowly he made his way to the shuttle with a sigh and a slight yawn. "Its quite fine overall we should leave things will just get worse." He said to her.
"Av course I would. I love ye." she replied simply, starting to shuttle and making their way back to the ship. "Aye, we will, I need to warn my brother off planet, he can dock his shuttle with us." she stated and walked to their ship's cockpit, radioing Tobias. In moments his shuttle docked and the older man walked in, "Good, ye're both alive still." he stated calmly. He was a taller man, with fair skin, a stubborn chin like Hawk's and auburn hair. His eyes were frank and a bright hazel. "This is Tobias, my older brother-he's a doctor, are ye hurt any?" she asked, looking Xeno over, he looked mostly uninjured.
"I'm fine." He said plainly. "She had some great doctors. Look we just need to get back to the ship she's likely called her uncle and likely we will be seeing the Alliance soon or a small private army that will tear this planet apart and trap any ship within the sector if they can." He added as he looked out towards the planet.
Hawk scowled "I'm sure she did." she muttered, eyes narrowed and she nodded, starting up the shuttle and quickly got back to the ship. In moments they were on-ship and Hawk was in the cock-pit starting everything up, they were in atmo in the next ten minutes.
Pulling on his clothing in his room he made his way upstairs soon after. Walking into the cockpit he simply plotted a course and made his way out of the cockpit heading back to the kitchen.
Hawk let him, checking in the ship and making sure the shuttles were secure. Tobias watched her as she leaned her head back, face tight. "I know that face, it's ye're 'Getting a migraine.' expression." he commented and she nodded, frowning. "Something like that, too much anger and fear in the last few hours, Xeno seems hardly affected by it at all, but he could be hiding it like he always does." she mused, frowning. Her brother shrugged "Never know, from what ye said having that happen would be more terrifying to him then ye." he stated and she nodded "Watch things here, will ye? I'm going te talk te him." she stated, walking to the kitchen and her brother sat down, slightly at sea.
He sat at the table simply looking at it. His eyes were slightly hazed over as he leaned back his hands behind his head his booted feet on the table as he simply sat there looking at the table with a slight tilt to his head.
Hawk came into view and sat nearby, a air of quiet concern on her face "Xeno?" she asked, wanting to get his attention first.
"Yes?" He simply replied as he lifted his head to gaze at the ceiling.
She leaned forwards in her seat, watching him closely a moment "Ye alright? I mean I know ye're not hurt, but.." she trailed off, frowning unable to state her worries, maybe she was being over worried.
"I'm fine, I'm alive, thats all that matters, right?" He said simply without so much as looking at her. His eyes were focused on the ceiling at the moment and it seemed he found it of particular interest.
"I-yes. Yes it does." she replied, voice quiet. She took a breath and stood walking over to him "Why aren't ye looking at me then?" she asked, letting the question hang in the air.
He turned to her, his stare cold and hard as he did so. " happy?" He asked slowly before he stood. Slowly he moved back from the table and headed towards the door.
Hawk's eyes widened a bit and she shoved down the tide of hurt, confusion and irritation. She moved quickly and blocked his way to the door "No, not this distant shit again. Ye've not looked at me in that way since we first met. What's wrong?!" she snapped, eyes blazing.
"You can move out of my way..or I can splatter you all along the hallway." He simply said to her. "I just want a bit of space right now.." He simply said to her. "Just a little bit." He said to her his eyes flashing slightly as he did so.
Her face tightened and she seemed to shut down, stepping to the side to let him pass. "That's all ye needed to say, go ahead, I'll be in the cock pit if ye need anything." she stated, tone quiet, hurt filling her at his threat, even when she knew she had been unrighteously snippy with him.
"I'm sure you will be." He said as he walked past her making his way slowly past her towards his quarters. Stopping at the ladder he thought on saying something for a moment.
"Not like there's many other places te be." she commented, trying to keep her voice light as she paused as well, seeing him stop, wondering if he needed to talk.
"You can go anywhere in the verse, I was here before you, and I will be here long after you've gone." He simply replied before he slipped down the ladder closing the hatch after himself.
Hawk blinked and sighed "Not without ye." she muttered, unable to say much else. She headed to the cockpit and piloted the ship once more, dropping her brother off on one of Osiris's moons with his shuttle, before flying on.
Sitting in his room he slowly leaned back. His hand running it's fingertips back and forth along the box she had given him. Sighing he looked up to the center of the ceiling and shook his head wondering on what to do.
(I'm building tension damnit!)

He sat hearing the rapping and sighed. Slowly he stood and unlocked the hatch before peeking his head up and staring up at her. "Can I help you?"
(Ah, that's what that is! :D )

She looked down at him and nodded "Aye, by dropping this cold front av ye'rs and actually talking to me." she stated, voice cold.
"Says the woman acting coldly right back. Two glaciers do not melt one another." He said slowly. "Is that it? We done?" He asked as he began backing down the ladder.
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