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Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

She twitched as he kissed her ear, the gesture tickled, and blinked looking up at the stars. The cold light from the ceiling made her skin look a pale bluewhite, and highlighted her scars faintly.
He looked at her a moment, his eyes wider and awestruck as though he viewed her for the first time and realized she was above him. "I don't know what I did to get myself the most beautiful woman in the verse." He said slowly his voice low and hushed his cheeks turning a slight pink as he realized he had declared it to the world rather than to himself.
She blinked and smiled, her face easing and she nuzzled him gently "Luck av the draw? I'm asking myself how a ragged Browncoat found someone like you." she pointed out, placing a hand on his cheek.
"I had seen you years before I told you, when I saw you again, I figured it was fate." He said slowly before he wrapped his arms about her holding her close as he kissed her lips tenderly. "I mean you're a bit older than me, kinda gruff, rather take charge, but those are just some of the few things I love about you."
She listened to him and smiled faintly, holding him as well "The age thing doesnae bother ye does it?" she asked and grinned at his statement "And ye're stubborn, reckless and tend to get in trouble, a handful of reasons I love ye as well."
"You kidding me?" He asked her as he leaned up and gently took her nipple in his mouth slowly suckling it. "There are sixteen year olds our there who's tits aren't as perky, there backsides not as firm, and none of them will ever capture my heart like you have." He said to her slowly. "My warrior woman." He added with a smile.
Hawk laughed and shivered lightly, kissing his neck softly "I built my awesome body through work, sweat and torn muscles and I'm glad ye like my warrior parts as well." she replied and grinned "Even if I could have been an artist once, all Core-i-fied and proper, ye've no regrets?" she asked.
"I'm going to hold you in my arms every night, and one day I will make love to you and create a new life, and we will settle down and grow old together. Every night I will tell you what a wonderful woman you are and how I'm the luckiest man to ever exist." He said as he kissed her. "No regrets, ever my love."
Hawk was quiet a moment, visibly touched by his words, she had not heard anything of their like in years. "I like the idea av a new life, and growing old with ye, complimenting ye on ye're rugged manliness as the years passed." she replied and kissed him back, nodded "Good." she commented to his statement of no regrets a small knot in her chest easing.
Grinning he leaned in kissing her stomach. "But when this is swollen and stretched." He said before nipping one nipple then the other." And these are full of milk and swollen to bursting, you sure you won't have regrets ruining your soldier's physique." He said to her with a soft laugh before he gently stroked his fingers down to the backs of her thighs.
Hawk stiffened and swallowed, frowning now as she blinked "Part av me used to, then I found out I couldnae have kids and that became less av a regret and more of a petty thought."she replied, the light in her eyes shuttering out.
"Oh, I didn't know my love." He said slowly as he kissed her breasts and then up to her lips. "Grinning he looked to her. "Maybe we can adopt a kid, one of those from the Core elite where the Guild's harvest from, keep some child from becoming a lesser copy of myself." Leaning up he kissed her his eyes staring into hers.
She shrugged "Never really spoke av it, I thought that sort of thing didnae matter until now." she murmured and gave a small smile 'I like that idea." she commented, looking up at him.
"It doesn't matter, means I can molest and ravish you wherever I want. Watch you when you eat breakfast from now on." He said teasingly to her as he slowly nibbled along her neck his lips pressed to under her chin as he slowly raised her up and slipped her over to his length. "Man this whole time I've been worried because I never saw you take medication, found patches or needle marks worried I might knock you up."
"See there is an advantage to such things, and ye could have asked if ye had been worried. Though we were busy the last day or so." she commented, moving to face him.
Smiling he let her slip downwards sliding into her slowly as he nibbled her chin. "I guess we have, but we can find out a bit more in the future I guess so." He said with a snicker. "Lets make up for lost time?'
He lowered her onto his length and kissed her deeply his hands cupping her breasts and gently stroking them while he pushed upwards into her. "Mmm you know..we left alot of clothing on that planet."
A good time later, the woman stirred and rolled onto her side, eyes half closed and smiled, fully relaxed. Nuzzling against Xeno she chuckled faintly "Ye know, I could get used to doing this quite often." she mused.
"Oh you could? That's nice to hear." He replied to her slowly before he stroked her hair. "However in the meantime, I think we should go to the cockpit and see about that approaching vessel." He said as he pointed to the ceiling and a silver shape that was slowly growing larger.
"Aye, I think-" she broke off as she saw the ship and growled "Great." she muttered, hopping out of bed and dressing in a flash, scrambling up the ladder to run for the cockpit.
"Hey,you should" He said as she pulled on her clothing. Looking down to the floor he smirked. "wow didn't even spill a drip." He said as he stood before slowly walking over to the ladder and making his way up.
"What its amazing, like magic." He said as he walked in not bothering to wear more than his boxers. "Oh its an alliance I thought we were so far out it would be Reapers." He said with a slight chuckle.
She swore lightly, in the chair and fired up the engine "Reavers would have been on us already, we'll hopefully be able to get out av here soon." she mused, the ship speeding up as Hawk didi what she did best.
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