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The Thirteenth Cabin (bunny x east)


𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔯𝔢
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020
Two sat in the back of the cab of the Graeae. Siblings, one a year older than the other, though at first glance the boy appeared older than the female; it wasn’t just his height, he was near six feet, while she was a full foot shorter, but the way he held himself. There was a sort of confidence to Alexander that Briar lacked. Camp half blood, that was where the cab, driven by the Graeae was taking them. Curled on her side of the cab, Briar allowed her eyes to close, thinking about the last few hours and how they’d come to this.

“Wake up my Rose” Her mother’s perfume more than her words drew Briar from sleep. Whimpering, thick lashes had fluttered and lifted from her eyes, her mother’s face shadowed in darkness, a halo of light from the hallway illuminating her back, and her brother’s form to one side. “What's wrong momma?” Her voice was thick with sleep, a sleep she’d just found not a scant half hour ago. “You need to get up and pack a bag. Come on honey” Blue eyes so pale, they were almost white slipped from her mother’s face to Alexander. His form in the doorway offered what appeared to be a shrug, before turning to gather his own bag.

She could pick out the details as they’d hurriedly packed, their mother offering nothing more than they’d been found. Briar and Alexander knew that that meant, they were children of gods and not just any gods, but Zues and Hades. Her own father had been Hades. She’d never met him face to face, but she knew when she whispered her secrets into the dark, he heard her and in the mornings when she woke, she’d have a feeling of peace and on the rare occurrence, she’d hear a voice, distant; she’d known it had been her father.

It was said the year of her birth, winter had never come. Mortals had not known why, but the gods had. Her mother was the one and only human that Hades had ever loved, had ever bore a child with. Persephone was not known for her understanding in such matters, no matter how she tallied with others. Her vengeance had not lasted that year alone either; unusually warm winters had plagued humans for the next few years as well. Briar assumed it was part of why she’d never seen her father… Or perhaps it was Zeus’ doing. She didn’t know the details, neither child did, but it seemed that Zeus had seduced their mother as some sort of joke. Briar had never really cared to know the facts. What she did know was Alexander was his child and in her eyes, had ruined not only her mother’s life, but her father’s as well. This had caused a rift between the siblings from the moment they’d found out.

Opening her eyes, she looked across the cab between them, pale, unusual eyes focused on Alexander. A year younger than her, he was as different from her as he could be. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her brother… She did, but it was hard to forgive the sins of the father and Briar was not perfect. Closing her eyes again, she tried her best to ignore the bickering of the three sisters and the rather sicking way the cab dashed about, avoiding obstacles. When she’d tried to look out the window when their trip had first begun, she’d almost immediately been sick and only by the grace of someone, had she been able to avoid vomiting in the cab. A sudden lurch had her moaning softly, eyes peeking open. “Camp Half Blood” Three voices said at once. “That will be 70 Drachma” Fishing out a handful of golden coins, she pushed them at Alexander and scrambled from the car.

Outside the air was cool, a fine mist brushing her pale face. Inhaling deeply, she could smell the forest; the sweet scent of grasses, the richness of earth, the smell of leaves decaying and of the life budding around them; it was pleasant at least. Moving to the trunk of the cab, she pulled out their bags as Alexander paid their faire. Setting both on the ground she looked towards him as the cab sped off, much like it had arrived recklessly. Briar pushed back a heavy fall of raven hair, so dark, that blues and blacks were highlighted in the inky depths of her hair, watching Alexander. Was he excited to be here? She wasn’t. She’d not had many human friends, she was too shy.. A little too odd… But in a place where everyone would know who their fathers were? Hades got a bad rap period, she already knew this and that was from humans. She could only imagine what other demigods would think. Like most times in their short lives, Alexander would once more be the favored of the two and Briar had long ago accepted that.

How could he not be? It wasn’t even just who his father was… Alexander had a charisma and a draw to him that people flocked to. Lashes lowered, Briar couldn’t help but wish that for once, she had that sort of charm. Though, she knew, this would be like every school they’d ever been to. Her voice was like smoke and honey. “Do you know where to go?” She couldn’t see a camp, but their mother had explained it was hidden. She’d also told them that it would be the only place they’d be safe. Briar wasn’t even sure what they’d be safe from. Their mother had never said and no matter how she asked, no answer had come from her father.
The cab ride was exausting but Alexander had been determined to stay awake through all of it. He had tried to see landmarks, but like his sister his eyes hadn't really been able cope with the speed of the cab. Nor it's swerving motions. His stomach hurt, but he had been determined to sit and watch through it all, hoping that he could piece together a little of where they were going, and maybe a little of how to get back, but the more he looked the more he felt like he was just torturing himself. Till finally he had to give up trying as it felt like his head was about to explode.

Son of Zeus, he had been the first to find out about the family secret. It wasn't exactly easy to hide in his formative years. Zeus's children all had certain gifts, they were leaders, kings, conquerors, and he held the gift of divine strength like Heracles before him. Like Briar he had never known his father, but it went a step further. Alexander had never heard a voice calling to him like his older sister had, and never had that sensation of being watched like she did. For whatever reason it was be it the complex relationship between Hade and Zeus or that the man simply had never cared about his mortal children Alexander had never felt his half of the family. He had tried to ask their mother once about his father, and the reaction had been one of tears and pain, he had never asked about it again, and so he didn't know the details of why his father had chosen to do what he had done.

and now they were alone, in a cab driven by three mad women, and their mother who had shielded them for the last eighteen years of his life was gone and he didn't know what had found them. Just that the children of the kings were in danger for some reason. Taking the golden coins from his sister, and adding his own to the pile he counted out what they needed and handed the Drachma to the three sisters offering a quick "thank you." As he ditched the cab and got out into the fresh air of the forest. Fresh air he desperately needed and drank in for a moment as he tried to collect his head. Hearing his sisters voice he was still a little woozy at the moment but was able to collect himself and start looking around. It only took a few moments to gather himself enough to point to the marble pillars as the mist started to fade in the early morning light, and he read the words atop them. It was nice not having to translate everything into ancient greek for once and actually be able to just read the words. 'Camp Half-Blood'. He found that title rather amusing.

"I think that's the way." He said softly, he reached out for his older sisters hand now standing back up at his full height of 6'2" he wasn't exactly a beast of a man all things considered. He was more tall and lanky. Slightly awkward with long grey hair a perfect contrast to his sisters raven black. His eyes a shade of blue, with a handsome face. He wouldn't exactly deny that he was popular and handsome. He had always seemingly been surrounded by people, assumed it was part of the physical gifts that his father had left behind. He took his sisters hand and walked towards the pillers, and upon stepping through them, it was like the world transformed. One step back and they were in the woods with not a sound.

One step in and they were suddenly in a more open field a hill that overlooked the rest of the camp, a stone worked road that seemingly led the way down the hill and to a frankly massive camp ground. When he had heard the words 'going to camp' he had envisioned a small simple affair this was honestly a lot more than he was expecting. Even from the opening of the camp ground he could see the thirteen buildings arranged out, at the head of which was a massive marble building with a domed roof. The word 'cabin' barely fit it's description it was far more sterile and large like the walls of a bank. "Okay... I was not expecting this." He said blinking his eyes for a moment and trying to be reasonable they hadn't exactly been hidden from the fact that their fathers were gods, so this shouldn't be a shock... and yet he was shocked.

The soft brick road followed it's way down the hill towards the camp, which now was shining in the early morning light the fog still clung to the ground, but it was fading away with the warmth of the morning and the promise of the coming day. Down the hill they could see people getting ready for their day greeting the sun and moving about. At first he thought one of them was riding a horse to come greet them, only to realize that the man wasn't riding the horse but rather attached at the waist to it. "Toto I have a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore." He muttered it more under his breath than directed it towards his sister. Though if he was being honest with himself, his sister did often have puppy like qualities she often seemed to follow him around or need his protection. It was a thought never voiced as he was sure his sister would have taken offense to that thought. Even so he put himself between his sister and the horse man.
Alexander’s hand felt warm in hers, he always felt warm. It was something she liked about her younger brother; more often than not though, even being a year older, it felt like he was the elder of the two. It was times like this, her smaller hand in his as he led her towards the pillars. He went through first and Briar was close on his heels, so close that she bumped lightly into his back, her own mouth parted as she gazed out at the scene before them. He wasn’t alone, when their mom had said camp, she’d pictured the parent trap’s cabins, not the sprawling landscape of buildings and activity. The softness of her form was still snuggled into his back slightly when he put himself between her and whatever perceived danger he saw coming.

It wasn’t untrue, his thoughts though she would have hated being compared to a puppy. It was hard not to follow him though. She never questioned it, the way her brother held himself, the sort of charisma he put off. That instinct to naturally lead. She had never asked, nor had it ever occurred to her to ask or to fight that pull she, like many others, felt to simply follow; being called a puppy however would have hurt her feelings greatly. Peeking from around Alexander’s from she frowned as the Centaur neared them. Chiron was a splendid example of his kind, though not what most of human culture would have thought of. Rather than the chestnut brown that most Centaur had, his lower half was that of an Appaloosa, black and white, the colors speckled together. His skin was a warm brown, likely from hours under the sun and his hair was a rich black, though it lacked the luster of her own. Stepping from behind Alexander she watched as he slowed from a gallop, to a canter, then to a trot and as he neared them a walk. “Briar and Alexander, I presume?” His voice was a rich timber and his smile was friendly.

Briar nodded, her voice soft as she answered him. “Yes” “Perfect! Follow me, I will show you your cabins” He started off, and spoke over his shoulder. “My name is Chiron and I am the activities director here at Camp Half Blood” His hooves made a soft clipping sound on the brick as he walked, his voice warm as he told them about what to expect from camp. Much of what he said made Briar’s heart drop. Archery, fighting, team building and she was pretty sure he said lava pit. Trailing behind them for a moment, she looked at her brother’s retreating back. Another place for him to shine and for her to fail. Inhaling deeply she sighed and fought back that feeling she got the first time they went to a new school every time. There had been a glimmer of hope that this time might be different. Catching up she heard Chiron say they would head to her cabin first. “Your father built it for you overnight” He smiled over his shoulder at her and she paused, blinking. He had?

It was a bit of a hike to get to her cabin, it was set away from the others nestled in the dunes of the beach, edging the woods. It was sleak, modern and even though she’d never met him, reminded her of the voice she sometimes heard. The structure had been built into the dunes, the seagrass rustling in the morning air gently, the walls of either side of her cabin were made of dark glass, and a sharp jutting pool pointed into the woods, made of dark stone. Stepping away from her brother and Chiron, her finger tips ran along the edge of the pool, but not before she caught sight of something black within. “What... What is that?” She pointed to the moving blackness, frowning. “Ah… Your father, despite the camp rules… wanted you to have a dog.” Coming up behind her he laid his hand on her shoulder, speaking softly to her. “He is not to leave the cabin, he may look like a normal dog, but I am almost certain he is a hellhound” At her worried look he chuckled. “I doubt he will hurt you, as he was sent to keep you safe. But hellhounds are fiercely loyal and ferociously protective” His hand tightened on her shoulder gently and even from where they stood, the dog growled. Chiron released her immediately, but kept his eyes on her. “Your word Briar, that it will stay here.” She nodded and spoke, her voice smokey "I promise" and he let out a breath he’d been holding.

Chiron understood the reason Hades had insisted, she was likely going to be his only child…Ever. Much like the hound waiting for her inside, he was protective of his little girl. Looking to Alexander, he smiled and motioned them onward. “Now for your cabin”
Hearing about the camp he was enamoured with everything, other half gods, Pegasus flying, rock climbing, war games. He could actually see himself enjoying his stay at this camp, at least for the activities, and he was excited to meet new people, but first they had to go see where they would be staying.

Cabins? He swallowed for a moment not really sure why he didn't like that. Growing up their family had never really been rich the god of wealth didn't exactly pay child support nor had his father to be fair. For most of their lives they had lived in close quarters, sometimes sharing a room separated only by a makeshift curtain as they moved from house to house. Walking the path it was tucked away from the rest of the cabins, and that made his heart sink a little further. The pool was a pleasant surprise though, so at least they would get to relax here. He paused for a moment at the introduction of the dog, for some reason it made him nervous. "Wait, why can't I stay with Briar?" He asked almost naively.

"Well you two do share a mortal parent, and I suppose such a transition is a difficult time for you so some leniency could be allowed, but well... try to walk up to it." Chiron's voice was actually a touch curious about what would happen. Alexander shrugged off the curiosity and stepped up to his sisters Cabin, and the moment he crossed the line into cabin 13's property line the hell hound went ballistic. Far more than a growl the dog charged at the window teeth bared and howling in rage and anger, stepping back quickly the dog immediately sat down and it's tail wagged happily. "I'm afraid the blood of Zeus has never been very welcome in the underworld. The hound doesn't seem to like you at all."

"Yeah..." Alexander's voice became more quiet. It wouldn't be so bad right, Zeus had prepared his cabin. He took a deep breath and the two of them walked back to the head of the camp site, cabin one was ostentatious, it stood a full story taller than the other Cabins, it's grounds were marble white pristine. He chuckled for a moment seeing it's size. "What, is this where you tell me I have like six more half brothers, this place is massive." Thinking that he would at least have a few other campers to be around and not stay isolated.

"Oh no, Zeus has not produced a mortal child for over a hundred years, but I was assured he prepared it for your arrival." Alexander's smile faded as it all started to sink in. He stepped up to the large temple. Pushing the large doors open, he looked inside the interior and felt his heart truly sink. The only thing inside the massive structure was a statue of his 'father' standing tall in all his glory holding a golden shield and his lightening bolt aloft and proud the only part of the room not covered in a thick layer of dust. The ceiling far above had paintings of storm clouds above him, but it was cold, drafty, and empty. "Um... there's no bed in here?"

Chiron seemed surprised for a moment. "Ah sorry, I'll make sure one is brought in for you. I really should have checked but with an entire cabin over night we... I'm sorry."

Alexander shivered for a moment and tossed his bag inside the large marble structure. watching as dust rose up from the ancient undisturbed ground. "This is fine." He said for a moment feeling a dark chill. Hades had given his sister a dog that would make sure wouldn't be able to step a foot into her cabin, his own father hadn't even bothered to fetch him a sleeping bag. This is fine, this was how it always was. "It's pretty drafty in here, could you make sure I have some extra blankets?" He asked softly, Chiron simply nodded.
Trailing behind them, Briar felt the same sort of unease. While she and Alexander didn’t always get along and at first glance, they didn’t seem close, she did love her brother. The dog’s reaction to him had tugged a frown to her lips and her pale almost blind colored eyes shifted from it to him. She’d have little in the way of friends here; she wasn’t trying to be pessimistic, just realistic. Briar was aware she lacked the confidence that Alexander did, the strength they both had, but she rarely used her own. A small voice whispered to her. If she wanted to, she’d burn brighter than all of them. She was unsure if that was her father or her own knowledge, either way, it wasn’t something she desired. She wanted to be liked, who didn’t? But Briar knew who she was and she wanted to be liked for who she was, not who she could make herself become.

Following behind them, Briar stopped short of the rather large building. She bit back a snort and slipped her hand back into Alexander’s. He likely didn’t need the comfort as she did, but she offered it to him without thought. The building, was honestly exactly what she expected from Zeus, but she didn’t say that. Instead, she gave his hand a small squeeze as he tossed his bag in. “You can stay with me, Alex.. I will put the dog in the other half.” Tipping her face up towards him she offered a shy smile. “Or we can camp in here for the night?”

She could see the difference between the two homes and couldn’t help but wonder why. Was it some sort of test for her brother? A way to show him he could stand on his own, without the aid of his father? It was a quirk of Briar’s personality. To see the good in others or their motives. Even Alexander received this, it was in part why they were not so far distant. She knew it was his fault, the gifts that he seemed to naturally exude but she couldn’t completely hide her jealousy no matter how she tried. Briar shifted her hand in his, fingers lacing together.

It would only be a matter of time before Alexander was the center of attention. It was his way. A smile curled on her lips, soft, and a touch sad. She didn’t think Alex did it on purpose… It was just part of who he was, part of his father’s legacy desired or not, though she never once hear him complain. It might be the last night they could be together without a horde of people chasing after him, assuming that the span of the day didn’t change things. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with him? Shifting closer to him, Briar laid her head on his shoulder. Jealousy aside, she got it, even if she hated it at the same time. Chiron excused himself, with the promise of finding more blankets and then continuing the tour.

Briar smiled up at him, a true smile. “Remember, when we were little and mom yelled at us cause we wanted smores? We tried toasting the marshmallows over the stove… It made a huge mess and then the fire?” They had been eleven or twelve and in one of their better periods together, something that had been missing the last few years. “And we tried to put it out with the towel” She giggled softly and bit her lower lip. “Alex, don’t leave me behind” There was a smallness behind her voice. They both knew what would come. When they’d lived with humans, they had always had each other… but now they were with others like them.
Looking into the cold room of cabin 1, he hated it. He wasn't sure why but the longer he looked at it the more painful it was, maybe it was the fact that the statue was so pristine that it had clearly been dusted, or perhaps enchanted so that dust never fell upon it in the first place. When he felt his sisters hand enclose in hers, he tried to hide the shuddering in his body. The gesture meant everything in the moment because there was genuine care, but he couldn't allow himself to show the anger, or the fear that she would leave him. In his mind he had to be the protector the leader, the confident steady hand that was always there for her to lean on, and everyone else would expect the same. The son of Zeus couldn't afford to be insecure or allow himself fears of being alone. He looked at his sister a steady smile across his face after he had repressed all the other emotions and focused on just being that charismatic leader that everyone needed him to be.

"Thank you." He said softly looking to his sister and then back to Chiron. "That's okay with you if I stick with cabin 13 for now while we adjust?" In truth he wasn't asking a question.

Chiron sighed, leave it to the son and daughter of the kings to change the rules around on their first day. "If your okay with the dog being around than honestly I can't stop you from entering one another cabins, your maternal lineage gives you a freedom few others have. Normally those who are claimed can only enter their own cabin, and the rest go to cabin 11 Hermes, but." He pointed to the property line both of them had passed, and it wasn't like she had been struck by lightening the moment she had stepped into his cabin, and he hadn't been pushed away from hers. "Leave it to the prince and princess to change the rules." he sounded a touch amused, but shook his head and moved on.

"We didn't turn off the burner before we tried to smother the flames with the towel, so the towel just caught fire and made everything worse." He said remembering the event for a moment as she brought out a peaceful memory of the past. He smiled for a moment dumb kids, being dumb, no gods no expectations, just trying their best in an ensuing panic. "Mom grounded us, but she also took us to a campsite for a day, and taught us both how to make a campfire." He was a bit more bemused at that point and closed his eyes he could recall the sweet smell of smores for a moment.

"I do hope mom is okay, she was so panic'd." He knew she wasn't, but in the end... that only meant she was in the underworld really. She was back with her first love in some form or another. He could only hope Hades cared for her. He turned towards his sister a soft smile gracing his face. "Stay close to me Briar."
Offering the support cost her nothing and she shifted in closer to him, eyes moving to Chrion. A smile tugged at her lips at the comment. Prince and Princess. The titles were not wrong, but she’d never thought of it like that, had Alexander? There were times that Briar didn’t think highly of Alex, thought it was never malicious; in this case, she didn’t think that it had gotten to his head just yet, but in a camp full of people who knew who their fathers were? Something made her feel like it was only a matter of time.

The giggle that left her was sweet and she bit her lower lip, head resting against his shoulder as she recalled their first camping trip. It was a good memory, though that smile faded and she nodded some. “Me too” She had similar thoughts as Alex, if the worst had happened she might be with her father… Though Persephone was still there. Briar couldn’t help and wonder how’d that work. She knew her father had loved her mother, she was proof of that. Hades’ love for her mother was a complicated bag of worms, one that her mother had been less willing to share. Briar had always just assumed it was too painful. Hades had never once looked at another, Persephone had been his everything; how her mother had caught his eye was a mystery.

Letting the thoughts dance away, she looked up to Alexander and returned the smile. Her baby brother always looked after her… Rising on her tip toes she brushed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Always” Hand still in his she looked around. The kids, though that didn’t seem like the right word, for everyone was their age or older, looked at the siblings as they passed them on their way to breakfast. “Are we meant to wait here?” Chiron had said he’d come back…

I wish I was more like you. Her pale eyes had come to rest on Alexander again. You always look after me, but shouldn’t I be the one looking after you? Briar smiled when he looked at her, shy from being caught staring, her thoughts prompting her to question him. “Alex?” Her mouth opened and she paused before closing it again, a shake of her head given, dark locks reflecting the morning light with the movement. “Never mind” Chiron’s return saved her from any prying into what she might have asked him, which she gave thanks to silently.
The kiss was a gentle reminder that even though things often got tense between them they were never fully against one another. He loved his older sister, hence his need to protect her, but honestly, he wanted her to stand on her own. Being called a princess only made him think that she could do better, be stronger, but the truth was they still weren't sure what her godly gift was. While his strength was the obvious thing that made their family noticed, she had always seemed average in his shadow. He wished that one day she could maybe stand on her own feet but for now this was enough.

He shrugged unsure he saw others heading towards the pavilion for breakfast and Chiron soon returned, but not before an awkward moment where his sister was about to speak something "yeah?" He said curious about what was on her mind, only to be told it was nothing. everything he knew that 'never mind' was something that girl's used to deflect when something was wrong. Just tell me what your thinking, why does it always need to be a mind game? He sighed and shook his head. Chiron's arival made it easy to deflect the moment.

"Breakfast is being called for, I had to set somethings up so you two could be properly announced." He said walking them over to the pavilion where people were waiting a small fire in the pit that never seemed to really go out. Chiron was quick to walk center stage. "A few announcements and a seating change." He said. "First announcement we have two new members at camp. Which brings us to our seating change, Cabin 1 take your seat." Chiron jestured to the center table.

Immediately surrounding them other campers started to whisper about what was going on. Cabin one had been abandoned for a very long time, hushed tones and rumors abound as Alexander raised his hand signifying who was the son of Zeus. He turned to look to his sister, "I'll wait for you to sit before I eat." He said stepping forward and letting out an awkward breath as he was the first to be called on. He was going to have to get used to that he supposed it was a privilege considering who his father was. He pulled out his chair at the center table and sat down.

The plates provided him with pancakes, suryup, and a feast of fruit much to his surprise along with a glass of Orange juice basically everything he could have wanted. Chiron gestured to Alexanders right. "Cabin four if you will take your seat, and then we will continue in our usual cabin order till we get to cabin 13." At that another set of much louder rumors came among them, with many staring and pointing at This strange girl from a cabin of a god that hadn't been at camp yesterday.
There had been no mind games, it was hard to ask questions that could possibly change everything between them. If she’d asked and the answer had been yes, she was unsure of how to even start doing that and if it was no… Briar saw the look and sighed softly in turn, looking to Chiron. Listening to Chrion speak, Briar blanched— a nifty trick for someone who was already pale, her skin becoming nearly alabaster. Chiron seemed pleased with his idea and Briar gripped Alexander’s hand tighter.

The pair followed him to the pavilion and Briar wanted to do nothing else but disappear. Crowds normally were not her thing, but a crowd of demigods? The hands she’d been holding was gently pulled from her grasp as Alex lifted his hand. Nodding some, she watched as he sat, the room abuzz with whispers and curious eyes. When it came to her turn, she was the only person still standing and the whispers started again. Breathing in, Briar held her breath as she took her seat to the left of Alexander.

Shifting in her seat, Briar lowered her head looking at the food. She wasn’t hungry… She could hear the whispers and she knew she could have tried to stare them down, been a “bad bitch” rather than what she was, if it was in her… The simple fact was it wasn’t. Briar normally liked who she was, when she wasn’t being stared at and talked about. Some were more subtle, others less so.

“I heard Hades cheated on Persephone… it’s why the winters have been all fucky… Humans think it’s because of global warming, when it’s really all because of her”

Looking to Alex out of the corner of her eye, she smiled softly. She could tell he was a little uneasy with all of the attention, but she doubted anyone else could see it. To others, he likely seemed to be handling this all very well and she found herself feeling envious of his ability to do so. But, she could try.. Couldn’t she? Lifting her head, Briar tucked a lock of dark hair behind her ear and smiled, the curl of her lips shy.

Somewhere from across the table she heard a girl say “Oh my god, look at her eyes! They are so freaky...”
The gossip wasn't really anything new. Everywhere they went they had been faced with this kind of rumor spreading. He had long accepted it as a fact o life for them, but at the same time hearing someone say his sisters eyes were freaky made him glance up from his food. He quickly sought out the face of who had called his sister's eyes freaky, and once he had her, a woman from the Athena cabin, he made a note of her face so whenever they had a war game he could smash it in. At the same time he also wasn't raising his voice to defend her in the moment as he was still assessing the other campers.

He knew that some found it a little off putting looking at his sisters eyes, some people have asked her if she was blind. He personally liked the shade of lavender that her eyes held, he found them unique and pretty. He thought for sure that this place would have been a little more empathetic. They were all the children of demigods they all had to know they didn't choose their parents, and she was the daughter of a King, so it annoyed him that they didn't have the same respect for her as they did for him.

"I bet he shoots lightning." One of another cabin a male spoke for a moment, judging from his seat the ares cabin? "I want him on our side come the war games, Son of Zeus? No way he doesn't have some serious fire power."

That actually got a chuckle out of Alexander people wanted to recruit him, he just looked out into the pavilion. "Sure you can join my team, but it would be me calling the shots." Coming from any other camper on his first day that may have been a touch too boastful, but considering this was the son of Zeus a few campers gave off calls and whistles. The smile Alexander had after that moment as he sat back and pulled a grape from his plate said one thing. Yes I am your god, long may I reign.
Alexander wasn’t the only one to hear the comment about her eyes. Briar’s lashes lowered and she could feel the tears that threatened as her eyes grew hot. She wanted to flee.. But to what? Her cabin? It wasn’t home and it had none of the familiar trappings of her room, so the comfort to be found within the cabin was seclusion and distance from the people that surrounded her.

There were others talking about Alex, and so rather than flee she tried to listen to what people were saying about him. Bitterness settled in her chest, as she listened to them. Of course they all loved him, all wanted to be his friend or at the very least the strengths he could provide. Things never changed, even in a new place, new people. She looked to Alexander as he spoke and bit back a sigh; there was the cockiness she’d come to expect.

Rising from the table, she ignored eyes as she left the pavilion. There was likely more they were meant to be shown, she knew that.. But this camp was not for her. She didn’t have the strength Alexander had… She didn’t possess the sort of other gifts the others did. She was a demihuman, that was more human than demi. She couldn’t help but wonder why she didn’t, but accepted it as just what was, at least for now.

Briar wandered without much of a destination in mind, following a pathway at random. It felt better now, not being around the others. Not feeling their eyes, their hurtful comments… And to a point to be away from Alexander. He hadn’t even stood up for her, she had expected him to… but why should he? Being her little brother didn’t mean he had to. She should have stood up for herself. The little flash of anger she’d felt for him fading. The jealousy and bitter feelings didn’t, but she was more accustomed to those than she should be.

Looking up, Briar found herself within the boundaries of the wood, the path having ended. Slipping further into the trees, Briar closed her eyes. This was something she’d done since she had been little, though it served no real purpose and was doubtlessly not one of her gifts, more just an unusual skill. She could sense things before brushing into them. As she wandered, she began to sing, the sweet clarity of her voice echoing in the woods.
Watching Brair walk away from the pavilion Alexander stayed, a desire to learn more about how the camp functioned made him stay away from his sister. He also recognized when she needed a bit of space. It was far too exhausting having to fight every single one of her battles for her. He had a second goal however his eyes kept wandering over the crowd, learning faces, and names. Talking to people getting a first impression of the other campers. "Y'all mentioned war games, when does that take place?"

Alexander spent a bit of time gathering more information, and then after a few conversations he found the girl from the Athena cabin who had called his sister a freak. "Athena was Zeus's favorite daughter right? Tactics, strength and war. Wanna show me what you got?" That single question sparked a flurry of motions, and before he knew it the entire camp was suddenly a rush with activity, as the two were basically escorted to the camp's arena everyone wanted to know what the Son of Zeus could do on his first day, and apparently the girl from Athena's cabin was a big deal celebrity in duels.

Offered a sword and shield, spear or bear hands the girl boasted that he could take whatever he pleased. So he grabbed the shield. "Never used a sword before don't wanna put my eye out, but this should do." The bronze shield was almost 20 pounds, to him it was like holding a grape. He was a little worried about breaking the woman in this bout. While he didn't say he was doing it for his sister he knew full well why he was about to destroy this woman. Chiron officiated the start of the match, as she took a spear.


As Briar's song echoed through the woods, a beautiful and slightly haunting melody she would find a kid among the woods. Bright blond hair, and a rather cute set of yellow eyes, he was a few years younger than her, maybe about 16, but his face hadn't fully fleshed out. His face hadn't been immediately familiar among the crowd at breakfast, but wearing one of the orange camp half blood shirts. He was sitting up in the trees for the moment, but when she noticed him he swung so he was hanging by his knees. "Don't feel too bad about being a freak. A lot of us have eyes or some weird thing that don't really line up." He said pointing at his own bright yellow eyes. "By the way your brother started a fight with that girl. they are going to the arena, thought you might want to know. Shame he missed your song."
Looking up she caught sight of something golden in the trees, frowning she walked closer to him. As she neared, he fell, dangling by his knees, the mop of blond hair falling slightly. "I am what I am, I don't feel bad about that" Her voice was soft but she offered the boy a shy smile "I wouldn't change even if I could". He was younger than she was, by a few years at least. Her eyes shifted away from him, looking out into the woods. Oh Alexander... He was standing up for her and a small part of her was comforted by it. "How do you know that he started a fight?" Her head tilted to the side, tucking her hair behind her ear to keep it from falling into her face. A soft blush colored her cheeks, not many heard her sing. She wasn't even sure Alexander had before, she often sought solitude before doing so. Her songs were a way to release the feelings she was afraid to share, normally with Alexander.

Looking back up to him she offered a small smile. "Would you show me the way to the arena? I am afraid I ran off without getting the full tour" her smile grew softly, husky sweet tones adding "Please" Briar did better one on one and it showed. "I am Briar, by the way. What's your name?" Her smile blossomed, and a small dimple winked at him.

Her eyes shifted back out into the woods and she couldn't help but wonder why he decided to defend her like this. She loved Alexander, but this was more than just for her. She didn't mind, in fact the fact he might gain something from defending her made her feel a little better that he was. Alexander. His name was whispered through her mind, reaching for him, calling to him. Briar had done this for as long as she could remember; she didn't expect that he had ever once heard her, but it made her oddly enough feel closer to him. Something that in their darkest times, when they were not on speaking terms, gave her solace.

Their spats had started for many reasons on both ends, though it often seemed silly after, neither able to understand how it started. Those times though, Briar felt her most lonely. She loved him though and a small part of her knew it wasn't just love for her brother. It was something she often dismissed, the other feelings she felt. It was crazy, but even as she was jealous, envious of him, she was one of the ones who flocked to his glow. Desired and needed to be near him.
The kid nodded when asked to take her back to the arena, and when she asked how he knew that the fight was going on he just shrugged. "I can see it." He said slightly amused. He pushed himself off the branch flipping down and landing on his feet. "Hello Briar I am Zavior, Cabin eleven. The Hermis Cabin takes in all the demi-gods who's parents have never claimed them." He gave a slight nod as he walked her through the woods.

When the two arrived at the edge of the woods Zavior stopped, and pointed towards the small coliseum. It stood apart from the cabin, directly south from the woods where they stood, a three story complex, about the size of a small baseball stadium. "I can see just fine from here, I don't really like crowds so this is as close to that place as I'm willing to get. I'm sure I'll see you around though." He gave her a slight wink. "I'm sure you will do great things here if you get the chance." When he stepped behind her to go back to the woods he seemed to vanish without a trace other then the soft breeze his body had blocked moments before.

It had been a long time since Alexander had gotten into a fight. He had never really gotten the chance to join physical sports due to his strength raising questions outside of camp. His reflexes were rusty, and his sense of distance wasn't as sharp as his opponents. Only having taken a shield he had chosen to be at a disadvantage but he hadn't realized just how great that disadvantage would end up being when he was fighting against a daughter of Athena, one who had spent more time in the camp, had more experience in combat. Even so, with no training and no sense for combat Alexander had no physical wounds yet, he was fast and strong enough to block the blows that came towards him though his movements were clumsy his strength made him move with an ease that made up for it.

He kept watching the movements of this girl, trying to learn and anticipate the next strike and so far it was keeping him safe. There was a moment his concentration was broken, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, a shiver ran through his body as the wind seemed to carry his name just for a moment he could have sworn he had heard Briar speaking to him. His focus lost in the moment his eyes scanned the crowd trying to find his raven haired sister for a moment wondering if she was watching him. It was in that moment he felt his legs get kicked out from under him, his entire body knocked sideways as he hit the ground the audience giving an 'oof' sound as commentary for the solid hit against him.
He could see it? That seemed a bit odd, but even so Briar didn't mind. She didn't have any gifts yet, if ever, but she Knew Alexander had the gift of strength. It really was no different. "That's pretty neat" here was an almost sweetness as she commented on his gift, her voice honest. It was neat. "It's nice to meet you Zavior. Is it common for gods not to claim their kids?" For a moment, she wondered if her father had considered not claiming her. Claiming her had brought a host of issues, but she did feel loved by him, having never met Hades. Had he not, she wondered what her life might be like. Would Persephone have known? ... Would Zeus? Her heart sank for a moment, a deep ache settling around it. Would Alexander have still been born? They had their differences, but never once had she wished he didn't exist.

Looking towards where he pointed she nodded. "I see. Thank you Zavior." She paused as she stepped away from him and looked back. Her smile was shy, but warm as she nodded. "Thanks again! I hope to see you around" She lifted a hand and strolled down the sloping lawn to the Coliseum. Her spirits still felt high after her wonder through the woods and her meeting with Zavior. She had no idea that she'd distracted Alexander and as she pushed through the crowd some, she came to stand near the edge watching the fight.

The oof had happened well before she'd reached them and her pale, lavender tinged eyes sought out her brother. Alex was still in the pit and she breathed a soft sigh of relief. Her eyes took in the girl who had said her eyes were freaky. Hands linked before her as she watched the two of them circle, and her eyes rose to meet Alexander's as the girl's back was to her. She smiled at him softly, before letting her eyes fall back to the girl.

Do you see how her position shifted? Her mind asked curiously. She wants you to think she will attack. Her words were meant for no one else. She wasn't trying to reach out as she had before. How do I even know this? A frown tugged at her lips and wrinkled her brow. She'd never fought before in her life, such nuances should have been out of her reach. A figure stepped up beside her and she turned to look at her. She was a pretty blonde girl, her eyes tracking the fighters with rapt attention. Briar was about to look back to the fight when the girl turned to her, eyes wide. "Were you looking at me?"

A frown settled on Briar's face once more and she offered a small nod. "Yeah" The girl's face seemed as puzzled. "Like me? And you can hear me? No freaking way!" Her voice had been near yell with excitement, but no one turned to look at her and Briar tilted her head some, confused. The thought ghost did cross her mind, but she wasn't see-through or shimmery, nothing. The girl looked back to the fight. "He's yours? He has good footing. You can see some of his strength too, but unless he catches her off guard, she will likely win"
Zavior shrugged. "Drop by cabin eleven sometimes see for yourself." He said inviting her to find the answer about the gods unclaimed children on her own. But either way he vanished all the same.

Alexander took a breath before he got back to his feet, pushing off the ground using his shield to bounce himself upright and steady himself bringing his arms up as he shook off the stun from the attack. He blinked again hearing his sisters voice in his head. He watched her footing now a little less surprised as he heard the connection and words between them, her advice made sense. She's trying to keep me back, she knows if I get in past the reach of her weapon it's over for her. She wants to stay on the offensive. He thought back but wasn't even sure if this strange connection went both ways or if he had just hit his head a little harder than he thought when he had hit the ground the first time. good idea, I'll bait her in and knock her off guard.

If his sisters assessment was right then the best thing he could do for himself would be to rush in. Take away the advantage of her reach, and push an attack. He shifted his footing and pushed in with a burst of strength of speed. As she brought her spear up to brace against his charge. Alexander was essentially playing chicken with a deadly weapon charging directly at the woman's spear hoping the more experienced warrior would take the bait as he left himself open. As she thrust forward he planted his feet quickly skidding to a stop as he grabbed the spear at the neck.

For a moment it almost looked like he had been stabbed, their movements covered by the dust they had kicked up in the dirt. But as it settled She was trying to pull the spear away from Alexanders grip. Putting all of her strength to try and retrieve the weapon, Alexander's arm barely even moved as she tugged at the pole arm. He pulled her in closer. Bringing the bronze shield down on the wood he smashed the spear to splinters, and smashed the splintered wood against her face. It was the first time his fist had ever impacted against another human's and the feeling wasn't as satisfying as he had expected it to be, feeling her nose break on impact she was sent backwards her hands going to her face to clutch her bloody and broken nose.

Alexander looked at his fist clutching her broken weapon, hearing the cheer of the crowd, her blood dripping from his fist. She may not hear his voice, or hear his words in the moment, but she would feel the rush of adrenaline as the crowd gave their adulation, the feeling of power as he got to live out the victory of his first battle. The pride that ran through him for his first gladiatorial match. The brutality of the act was lost in gains of the crowd. But his eyes did seek out her as he spread his arms out wide towards her basking in the cheer of the crowd, but showing that this was actually in some way for her.
Zavior's suggestion she drop by cabin eleven sometime as given a nod to. It seemed odd, and perhaps to the parents understandable... Though Briar was more inclined to disagree that the reason would be worth it. They were not just normal kids whose parents didn't want to claim them, they were demigods. She held any parent to a higher standard, but a God? Perhaps it was the idea of divinity brought with it certain responsibilities, much like a monarch bore. The movie Ever After came back to her mind with the quote 'I born to privilege and with that come certain obligations.' She felt that applied to the gods; unfair perhaps, but no more so than not claiming a child as yours.

Too much was happening... The odd girl beside her and then the thoughts of Alexander, for she'd know that voice anywhere. She hadn't answered his thoughts, her face schooling into blankness as she watched her brother in action. The thoughts she'd picked up? How would she have known that. Her eyes cut to the girl beside her, who turned to her and smiled brightly. Had she heard her thoughts? She was staring at the girl when Alexander ended the fight. Turning back she saw him look at the remnants of the spear in his hand. She could feel what he felt, that adrenaline pouring through his system, the elation that the cries of the crowd produced.; the pride he felt as he stretched his arms wide, turning towards her.

Briar felt conflicted. Yes, he would acknowledge her, but would he tell others why he'd won? She offered him a small smile, congratulations Alexander, and as people began to pour from the sides, she used their momentum to slip away. She was proud of Alexander, more likely than not, he'd not have needed her help and she was still unsure how he could hear her, or how she'd known what was happening... Not to mention what for all intensive purposes she believed to be a ghost, had been the one to offer the suggestions. Biting her lower lip she didn't run away this time, which for Briar was a small win in itself. She waited near the exits, unsure what would happen next. Would their tour continue?
Alexander decided quickly that he wouldn't talk about the strange occurrence. Briar's thoughts in his mind had been a strange development, but it was also too useful to give up that kind of information. If the two could work out how their communication worked they could act as one another's eyes and ears in almost any situation. Since this camp seemed to rely heavily on it's war games, and battles having a tactical boon like their new found telepathic gift between one another was way more valuable when kept secret for as long as possible. When he did speak it was too the looser of this match as he helped her onto her feet, and started walking her towards the medical tent on the side of the arena he whispered to her. "Never insult my sister around me again, or it won't just be your nose next time." He gave her a sturdy pat on the back as he handed her over to the other campers who could look after her and treat the injuries she had sustained. "Better luck next time." He was much louder with that waving her good bye.

Walking out of the arena and away from the still rambunctious crowd, though more than a few tried to talk to them, he pushed through them, giving only a polite 'next time' or 'We will talk later' As he was still interested in the other campers, but felt he needed to get back to Briar. When he found her it wasn't actually hard. He put a hand on her shoulder giving her a proud pat on her shoulder. "What was that?" He was energetic smiling at his older sister ear to ear. He quickly walked with her away from the arena not wanting others to overhear the everything that he was going to say to her. "Telepathy? when did that start happening?" He felt like he wanted to pick her up, he was actually very proud of her with this new gift.

"And since when were you able to read someones movements like that? Briar you are surprising me today. Your finding your gift!" He was excited, and still a bit energized from the fight, letting his legs carry him as he walked with his sister around the camp, deciding that the rest of their tour could be a little more self directed, he wanted to speak with her more now that the two of them were alone together.
Looking up as Alexander joined her she smiled softly and gave a small shrug. His smile was infectious and she felt her own growing in return. The slight hurt that might have been there fading for the moment. Allowing him to guide her away she tipped her head and shrugged again. "Today I guess" She bit her lower lip, worrying at the tender flesh as she thought. "It's not the first time I have sort of reached out to you. It is the first time you've ever heard me though" Casting her gaze up at him as they wandered aimlessly. "What was the first thing you heard?" Had he heard his name whispered through her mind?

The next question he asked however gave her pause. "I.. I am not sure that was me. Did you see a blonde girl with short hair next to me? She was taller than me?" If he hadn't, then she'd seen a ghost? No one else had responded or looked at her when she'd excitedly shouted which already led her to that conclusion. Could she hear ghost thoughts? Even hearing Alexander's thoughts was a stretch towards the odd. Seeing ghosts as the daughter of Hades made sense, the thought projection though made a little less.

Shaking her head some she reached up and touched his face, fingers a gentle caress. "Thank you for standing up for me Alex, but you know you don't have to right?" She smiled softly and let her hand fall. "That was sort of what I wanted to say before. When I said never mind" She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "And you got all huffy." She was still teasing him, Briar's voice sweet. "The gist of it at least. I do appreciate it though" Briar was unsure if this was the time to bring up her protecting him. He didn't need that, she knew... She did still wonder if it bothered him to be the protector though.

But Alexander seemed happy. She didn't want to take that from him for the sake of her own curiosity.
Alexander considered everything that she was saying, and thought back to the arena when he had searched for her in the crowd. A tall blond would have stuck out like a sore thumb across from his shorter raven haired sister, but he couldn't recall her standing with anyone. "The first thing I heard was you calling my name, and I don't remember a blond, when I saw you from the grounds of the arena you were alone." He gave a shrug, the thought of ghosts wasn't the first thing he would have jumped too, but his sister was the daughter of the warden of the dead so really anything was possible.

He rolled his eyes when his sister started teasing him. It was natural to want to protect her. He was stronger than her, his gifts had come more naturally to him. She was finally starting to get hers, but they still weren't very physical. As thrilled as he was to see her start to blossom, she was still a rose, a beautiful but delicate flower. He looked at her for a moment, they were both adults. "I know I don't have to stand up for you, but your my sister. I don't ever want you to feel like your alone." He reached out and gently poked his sisters nose. "It's easier for me to do the heavy lifting for you."
A ghost then. Briar wondered if she should tell Alexander this gift as well. He knew who she was, who her father was. On one hand, he was thrilled for this gift and seemed happy for her, he shouldn't be shocked if she told him of her other new gift, right? She was the daughter of Hades, it would make sense. On the other hand however, she didn't know what it would do to her if he looked at her the way the others might. Death scared most people, it was an unknown even to those who knew of the existence of the underworld. Demigods were not immune to that fear. Nodding some she smiled softly. She would tell him tonight she decided, she didn't want to hide this, but it was reasonable to be scared, wasn't it?

Chuckling she wrinkled her nose at him. "Well when you have herculean like strength, I suppose that's true" His words touched her more than her quip let on. This is why, no matter her jealousy, her bitterness that rose against any desires she had personally, that she still loved him. Alexander could sometimes be so sweet. It also might explain why her feelings shifted occasionally to things they likely shouldn't. It had become a habit when such thoughts strayed that way to simply brush them aside and like then she did the same now.

"Anyway, I was in the woods when I thought your name. I met someone there who told me what was going on" Briar lifted a hand and pointed towards where she'd come from before turning back to him. "I have done that sort of thing a lot though, odd that here suddenly you can hear, don't you think?" It was true, for as long as she could remember she would think things to him. She'd never expected him to hear her. It was like watching a horror movie and telling the main female lead to not go into the basement where there was blood trailing down the stairs. It wouldn't save them, but you did it for your own peace of mind. She could remember a few occasions where she'd seen what would happen before he did. One winter rushing outside to put the bins out like their mother had asked them too, she'd seen the patch of ice on the ground before he had. Briar could remember thinks Alex, the ice! And the next thing they had known he'd been flat on his ass.

Chuckling at the memory she shook her head some, a smile lingering on her lips. Looking up at him she rose on her tiptoes to boop him back. "I still think it's unfair your so tall" A small playful pout on her lips as she lowered back to her heels. "So what now? If the tour was meant to continue I think we derailed it." Looking around she noticed an obstacle course with kids running through. Biting her lower lip she sighed softly. "I never wanted to go to summer camp as a kid because I knew I was no good at this kinda thing" Her voice was soft, but it didn't hold any sadness or bitterness just acceptance. "You will excel here, I am less sure I will." Making a soft hmmm in her throat she smiled at him. "They can't all be physical activities right?" Briar was trying to find a bright side of Camp beyond Alexander.
When she mentioned that she had reached out before he thought back over a few things but could never recall any particular event where he had heard her like had today. He could recall a few times where he wished she had warned him about certain things or thought she needed to speak up before he did something stupid or painful, but not once had he heard her voice like he had today. "A lot has changed since yesterday." He was trying to be calm about it but the truth was yesterday they had a comfortable life with their mother it hadn't been perfect, but he had friends he would never see again, people he would miss, and they still had no idea if their mother was safe or not. What had found them, or what the damage had been before they had been basically thrown into the cab and wound up here where they had to restart alone. "Maybe I can hear you now because there is less noise than there was before. Or maybe your gifts are just starting to wake up, no way to know what's going on for sure."

He chuckled at the comment about his height and smiled when she booped his nose. She always seemed so beautiful when she smiled, in these softer moments of their relationship thoughts would pop up from time to time, small curiosities, like what it would feel like to kiss her. He had one particular fantasy that came and went in passing dreams, ripping off clothes, and other dumb ideas. He had learned to ignore those thoughts and dreams. He chalked it up to the fact that he was son of Zeus, a god that didn't exactly ask permission of beautiful women, and his sister well... she was beautiful to him. He almost missed the commentary about the camp or the obstacle course. His attention had been on her eyes. "They are training."

"I spoke to some of the other campers at breakfast. The reason they have war games here, the reason why so much of it is physical is because the gods think a war is coming. Apparently an oracle gave a prophecy about the return of the titans, and a rise of the monsters. This is a safe place, but it's made so that the children of the gods can be ready to fight for their parents."
They both knew that monsters were attracted to them, they were the children of kings, there had been various run ins from time to time with the odd creature that wanted to eat them, but he had usually dealt with those things. "Not everything is so physical though, brawn alone would not slay a titan." A creature that could heft a mountain would not go down easily.

"You heard what Chiron called us right? The Prince and Princess, we are children of kings. I'm sure you will find your place here." Speaking of which as they stood their was a familiar fall of hooves on dirt that distinctly stood out.

"Ah this is where the two of you have gotten too. I still have much to show you, if your done hitting other campers, and disappearing into the woods I'd like to show you two around a bit more."
The reassurance Alexander offered her was appreciated, though she wasn't sure what all she could bring. Her talents for the moment were being able to speak to him telepathically and seeing dead people. She wasn't sure how well that would work should titans rise once more. There was hopefully time before such a thing would occur though. If no other talents presented themselves, perhaps she'd know how to use the two she had to help them. Briar wasn't fond of the idea of offering nothing to such an event. "I suppose that makes sense. I will try my best to find a way to fit in" Briar offered him a shy smile, tucking a lock of ebony behind her ear she looked toward Chiron as he approached. His words rankled her slightly but rather responded verbally, Briar nodded.

Chrion's tour brought to light that war wasn't the only thing they prepared for. There was arts and crafts, canoeing and volleyball. True there were more physical based activities than not, like the wall climb, the armory and forage. There would be no shortage of things to do, the strawberry fields and amphitheater intriguing to her. More and more however it felt like the camp had once been meant to be more of just that. A camp, likely a summer camp, like the ones Briar had never been eager to attend. As the tour drew to a close, she decided to ask. "Chiron?" Her voice held a curious lilt to the end, indicating a question.

Turning around, Chiron smiled slightly. "Yes?" Her eyes held his as she considered how to ask the question. "We were sent here because our mom said we'd been found." He nodded, waiting for the question. "Yet, it's the middle of a school year. From the way you've talked about the camp, it was meant to be just that." Chiron shuffled slightly to the side as Briar continued. "Alexander said the Gods think a war is coming and that's why we are all here?" There was another option than the one she was implying, that the war wasn't too far off. It could have been all these kids whose mothers or fathers didn't want the hassle of dealing with a half blood god. Their mother had always called Alexander and Briar her treasures. She had never seemed to regret having them, even if it meant living in the worst parts of town or moving every few years.

This brought another question to her mind. "Is.. Is our mom okay?" She didn't know how Chrion would know, but was there any harm in asking? She looked to Alexander and slipped her hands into his, cuddling into his side slightly. They were both worried, things... had not seemed good. In the past Alexander had been able to keep them safe with his strength, but that hadn't been an option this time? Like Alexander, Briar couldn't help but wonder if her mother was with her father. The mere idea brought tears to her eyes and she turned her face against his arm, tears brushing against his arm as she fought the feeling of crying.
Chiron took a moment to look at the two children, his face one of somber contemplation as he tried to think of how best to tell the two what was going on. Alexander's hand went to his sister's back offering a gentle hand that pulled her closer to him. He hadn't wanted to ask that question personally, but now that his sister had voiced those fears he had felt since they were shoved into the taxi he had to keep strong for her and be that pillar of support that she needed.

Chiron's shoulders slumped he had never been great with bad news. "The truth is, we don't know yet." Chiron gave a sigh. "Hermes is leading the investigation about what happened, but it's been less then a day." His eyes looked at Briar. "Your father wanted you here a long time ago, he wanted you protected and cared for, but your mother ever the stubborn one, wouldn't allow it. She doesn't have the blood of a god, so she wouldn't have been able to stay with you. She knew that protecting the two of you would be difficult, and we tried to give her every resource we could, but the camp is rather small, and the gods are often busy. We don't know what happened exactly, but your mother is missing. We believe that she was kidnapped in an attempt to get to the two of you."

Alexander noticed that Chiron was only really talking about Hades, and his sister, the unvoiced question on his lips was plane for the centaur to see. Chiron looked away sheepishly for a moment. For now Chiron avoided the question. "We believe that she still lives Charon, your fathers Ferrymen, has not reported her to be among any voyaged dead." He looked at them both more seriously now. "For now, you two are here and you are both safe, which is what your mother wanted. As I said Hermes was asked to personally lead this investigation, if he requires help he will reach out to us, but until then let the gods handle this your mother was a very important person Hades will not let her stay missing for long." Alexander snapped, his voice was louder and more brunt as he spoke out this time. "And what about Zeus, what is my dad doing in all of this?"

Chiron looked away. "I don't know, no one has seen Zeus in sixteen years. It's a secret, but at this point hiding anything from you two might cause you to do something stupid like run away. Zeus has been missing for a very long time, Hera has filled in as leader of the pantheon in his absence."
Shifting some, Briar leaned into Alexander more. She knew he would be her rock in this storm, but this was one he couldn't weather for them both. Her hand gave his a squeeze. Everything would be okay right? Even.. even if she was dead, she'd be with her father. She waited as Chiron tried to think of how to tell them, though the initial news wasn't bad. Missing didn't mean dead right? The focus of Chiron, as he told her her father had wanted her here long ago had Briar freezing. He.. had? Their mother had never said anything to the effect. Turning her face into Alexander's arm she took a slow deep breath and nodded once, nose nuzzling along his arm slightly before she looked back to Chiron.

The change was plain for them both to see and she looked to Alexander frowning softly. She could read the question too and gave his hand another squeeze, laying her head to his arm, giving all the comfort she could. Briar had begun to open her mouth, to ask a question when Alexander snapped. Shivering softly she ran her thumb across his palm, a small, soothing touch as they waited for Chiron to answer.

She didn't speak aloud, but offered a small piece of solace that she knew was unlikely to help him. It explains a few things Alexander. Like why he never spoke to you or your cabin isn't ready. I don't know why no one thought to tell you. I don't think keeping it from you was right. And Briar didn't. Frowning softly she looked to Chiron once more. "Did our mother know Zeus was missing?" Silently she prayed no one had told her, that it would give Alexander a reason to be upset with their mother. Chiron looked uneasy once more before shaking his head no. "No. Hera commanded no one tell her" There was an emphasis on the word her.

Persephone had not been the only jilted wife, the major difference was Zeus was known for such things. She could list off several stories and even children that were known to be his offspring without much thought. However what had happened to the king of the Gods? Had he vanished of his own accord? And it seemed like the knowledge wasn't well known. While she had him there, it prompted one final question. "Sorry, one more question?" Chrion nodded once, waiting. "Why would a god not claim a child?"
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