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Anger from the Heart (Krad and Punk)

"Yeah..." he said, the words just continueing to spark thoughts in his mind. Unhappy ones, but he kept them as consealed as he could.
She looks over at him and mumbles somthing. "You've changed. Your more spineless now, like a little lost puppy." She rolls her eyes. "You need to get some balls." She giggles softly and runs a hand through her long light blonde hair.
"Spineless?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her. "Nice to know what you think of me." He said and smiled, even though he wasn't happy.
She rolls her eyes and sits back. "There you go again." She mumbles and crosses her arms. "Maybe you should get a girlfriend, or boyfriend, Maybe you'd like that kind of stuff."
He chuckled, mostly out of habit of teasing with her. "What was that in the bathroom just now?" He asked looking over at her. "I thought I herd you say something to me."
She looks over at him and giggles softly. "Oh, I was just talking to my friend about how small I bet you are." She giggles and looks in his eyes with a large smirk on her soft peach lips.
"How small I am?" He said blinking, his lips curling into a smile. "You'd loose that bet." He said looking back to the tv.
"Are you challangeing me just cause you want to see?" He said, figureing he'd turn it around on her. He glanced to her chest as she pushed it up.
She blushes and shakes her head. "I'd rather not. Thats the last thing I want to see." She looks away. "Why dont you just show your girlfriend?" She smirks. "Oh wait, you cant get one." She giggles.
"Sure you don't. That's why you talk about it with your friends when I'm not around." He said in response. "Why not bring her over and I'll let you both have a look."
She smirks. "Oh, You would like that wouldnt you?" She laughs. "Well sadly, she and I both only like rough, abusive men who know how to take charge." She grins.
"I could knock you around a bit." he said nudgeing her in the side. "If you'd like." He raised a hand and brandished it like a pimp.
"Anybody can do that if they get pushed over the edge." He said and folded his arms, looking back to the tv. He kinda started to wish she wasn't spending the night. He'd have to lay in the other room and think about her all night long.
She rolls her eyes and smirks as she suddenly gets up and sits in his lap, facing him. "Well, Maybe you could be forced into geting pushed over the edge..." She smirks and runs a hand through his hair and kisses along his neck gently licking and niping it.
He was confused once she got into his lap, but he stopped as she started licking and kissing his neck. He put his hands onto her shoulders and held her back a little. "You didn't take any pills in the bathroom did you?" He asked her, wondering exactly why she suddenly wanted to do this.
She glares at him and slaps him roughly across the face. "Fine, if you dont want it, you could of just said it!" She glares at him and quickly gets off his lap and sits on the edge of the bed, still blushing.
He watched her go and sit, then came up and grabbed the neck of the shirt she was wearing and pulled her back. He put an arm around her middle and held her in place. "You're the only girl in my life right now." His voice was tender but his grip was firm. "You're the only one I want." He leaned down and kissed her on the lips, gently pressing into her. Even if this was his only chance, he was going to take it.
She blushes and tries to pull away for a moment. She slowly breaks the kiss and slaps him again, even harder. "Well I dont want it now! So just back off!" She smirks lightly and pushes him back, escaping his grip.
He was stronger than her and they both knew it. He grabbed her and slammed her back onto the bed, bouncing it slightly. He held her down tightly and put a leg over her's. "I never knew you liked it so rough." He smirked back.
She blushes and looks up at him nervously, feeling herself get wet just by his forcefull attitude. "W-What are you going to do?" She mumbles shyly.
It was fully agaisnt his normal feelings to hurt her. He loved her more than anything, but he also thought this may be his chance to get a little payback for all the hell she'd put him through. He pushed that thought away quickly though. "I care about you more than anything." He told her still keeping her still.

His voice was still tender, as he put a hand onto her neck, holding her face still. He leaned down and softly kissed her lips for a moment.
She raises her hand and slaps him roughly across the face, breaking the kiss. "Get off me!" She demands. "I dont care about you at all, Your not my type and you never will be! I never liked you!"
He grabbed her hand and forced it down. He'd had enough of that. He climbed more ontop of her, pinning her down. "You fed me nothing but bullshit all thoes months, just to rip the rug out from under me." He said, leaning down to her. "I think you deserve this."

He put a hand onto her throat and put some pressure against it. Not enough to hurt, but to cut off some of her air.
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