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High Profile (ShadowOfDesire and Catalyst)

He'd been loving every bit of the look upon her face as her first broke their kiss. The slight part of her lips where she'd just allowed his tongue to invade them with an open welcome. That twisted conflict of hatred and lust that clashed within those deep chocolate eyes. That beguiled beauty. For very different reasons, he also loved the expressions that washed over her as she was brought to the startling realization of what he'd done. By the time she was able to process, he'd distanced himself just enough to be out of reach of her free arm, and was looking down upon her knowingly.

"Of course they would have been." He answered devilishly. "But that's nowhere near as fun, now is it?" He knew he had them, all along. He knew that she would not be able to get out of them. That they alone would be more than enough to keep her restrained until he returned. And yet, he'd still taken the time to tie up her legs. To keep them spread, and to take his precious time in doing it. Not out of necessity. Not out of any particular abundance of caution. For no reason other than the fact that he could, and that he wanted to.

"Oh, just a couple of hours. At the most..." he paused intentionally, feigning thought. "Well...maybe a little longer if I decide on that lap dance." he teased. "Either way, you'll be fine! You've got everything you need right there, after all." he gestured open-handedly to the little supply she'd created for herself, within easy reach of her free arm.

Rounding the bed, he stopped just at the front of the footboard, where he could admire her to the fullest. Like an innocent fly, trapped in the spider's web. If he had the time, he would have had the mind to continue to experiment with her further. To show her that this was far from the extent of the near-endless possibilities of compromising positions he could subject her to. To give her a further taste of all that he could do. But alas, he was on a schedule. And his little maneuver had already used up a few extra minutes.

"Bet your fans would kill to see you like this," he remarked on a whim. "They'd definitely pay out the ass for it."
Sofia gritted her teeth. "They'd also pay out the ass to see me beating a man with his own arm. Perhaps that's my next reality series pitch."

By twisting her body at an awkward angle, she could still get her free hand up behind her, propping herself up on her elbow. Of course, she couldn't grab anything while she was using her arm in that manner, which she really wanted to do. However, as the things nearby were the only items she'd be able to throw, and she wanted them for herself, she wasn't going to waste her snacks on him. Not for a moment of petty revenge. No, she'd bide her time and get her revenge some other way. A knee to the groin would suffice, if she could get him close enough to land one.

Huffing, she flopped back down on the bed and arched a bit, giving the cuff at her wrist another tug. Though she knew the movement was futile, it still made her growl in frustration. She didn't like being restrained, helpless, and vulnerable. Especially not with him. He'd already taken far too many liberties. It wasn't that he kept her tied up. It was the simple fact that he was enjoying every minute of her discomfort and irritation. He enjoyed seeing that hatred in her eyes, enjoyed getting another one over on her. For a girl at the top of her game, who was usually the one winning at everything, the fact that she was fighting a losing battle angered her to no end.

Her gaze shot back to him, brown depths blazing. "Have fun getting lap dances from skanky strippers," she snapped. "I hope you catch something that makes your dick fall off."
"Aww," He chortled in response, "Well that would be a damn shame. How would we be able to seal our little deal with no dick?"

As he turned to leave the room, he glanced back over his shoulder one last time, just for good measure. "Don't you go anywhere, now."

Just under two hours had passed, and as he sat at the bar with a drink in hand, watching drunken patrons stumble about and throw money at the topless and big-breasted, full-assed ebony temptress who had taken the mainstage, twirling herself around the pole as if she was utterly weightless to the tune of what must have been at least the fifth Rihanna song since he'd been here, he was beginning to lose hope. There was something more to this place. That much, he knew. But tonight, at face value, it appeared to be nothing other than another skeavy club in downtown Miami; one in a gross, at the minimum.

There was no sign of Garcia, nor of anyone who looked out of place. Just businessmen with their ties and blazers halfway undone getting lapdances from sexy women, drunkards dancing and grinding against one another on the dancefloor most of whom more than likely looking to get laid, and those who were just there to enjoy the show. Besides that, things were quickly getting too crowded to properly keep track of anyone. If there was any chance that he would learn anything, it would not be out here.

"Hey there, handsome. You lookin' for a dance?" a pretty young redhead caught his attention, much in the same way he'd clearly caught hers. The way he was dressed right now, he did not look particularly wealthy, and there were plenty of other customers to tend to all around him. So, he figured, either she'd taken to him because of the way he looked, or it was simply the luck of the draw. Neither would surprise him. Still, an opportunity had presented itself.

"Uh...actually, yes..." he paused, glancing at the far corner of the room, at a single door guarded by a mountain of a man, labeled 'VIP' "How much for a private dance, there, beautiful?" he asked, flashing her a flirtatious smile and a wink.

"Ooooh." she cooed, looking him once over, and biting her lip. She got a little closer, putting one hand on his knee, then taking him by the hand. "Come back with me," she spoke sultrily.

He followed readily, playing along with her. However, it was not the piece of ass he was after. It was information. And if he could get her alone for just a few minutes, play into that little glimmer of interest he's spotted in her big blue eyes, then maybe, just maybe...he could find what he was looking for.
The bouncer gave them a look as they neared the VIP area and stopped, one hand opening as he stared expectantly. The redhead shot him a glance, still smiling, and tipped her head in the bouncer's direction. The message was clear. The VIP cost extra, likely to prove that the men had money, and they wouldn't be going in without an upfront payment.

Once he'd handled that little hiccup, she led him through the door, which in turn led to a hall lined with doors. Some were open and empty, but a few were closed and the sounds of music and moaning coming from within. She pulled him into one of the empty rooms and shut the door behind him, another quick smile upon her lips as she waved him to the seating area. There were a variety of leather chairs and a couches, and an elevated pole in the center for those that wanted private pole dances.

She moved to pour them both a glass of champagne as he settled, hips swaying when she delivered it. Her fingers purposefully brushed against his. "So, sweetie... tell me what you like. What do you want me to do for you?"


After he'd gone, Sofia lay in bed, staring furiously at the ceiling for a short while. Not only was she angry at him for leaving her in such a position, she was also angry at herself for not seeing what he was going to do much sooner. While she may not have been able to physically stop him, she would have at least tried to talk him out of his course of action.

A few minutes was all it took for her to get bored, but she didn't immediately turn on the television. Instead, she scooted down on the bed as far as she was able, stretching her handcuffed arm as much as it would allow, and contorted her body in a way that would surely cause soreness the next day. Though able to reach her ankle, she couldn't figure out the hang of his knots, nor how to release them. Her fingernails dug into the rope until they began to hurt. Growling, she relaxed again and rubbed the thigh muscle that had started to cramp.

Tomorrow, I'm working out. Hell or high water, she vowed.

Finally, she reached for the remote and started flipping through the many channels, though couldn't settle on any one particular thing. Her mind was still racing, her body aching from his damned kiss. And with all the provisions she'd brought, she'd not thought to keep her dildo within reach. It would have been another marvelous tease for him to return and review the footage, only to see her fucking herself once again. Though, it'd also probably give him a bigger head than he already has, thinking that one tiny kiss would make me that horny. So she did without and suffered, eventually finding a movie to watch so she could just zone out and stuff her face while waiting for him return.
Luckily, money would be no object. In his line of work, he'd learned to carry plenty, never knowing when an 'unexpected expense' would arise. It did not take long for him to realize what sort of club this was. Moaning meant pleasure. Pleasure meant touching. Touching meant this was the sort of place where anything went for the right price. With any luck, that premise might just extend beyond the physical.

As he took his seat, watching the scantily clad little redhead make her way about the room, he drew from his wallet a variety of bills, with plans to get every last bit of information she had to give. First, though, he'd have to find out just how much that was. And to do that, he'd need to get her comfortable. If there was ever a time to turn on that 'charm' that Sofia mocked him so mercilessly about, it was now.

He took the glass of champagne with a smile and sipped from it. "Well, gorgeous, I think you've already got a pretty good handle on what I like, just by standing there." he leaned back in his chair. "I bet you could do a whole lot for me...but how about you come bring it on in a little closer and show me how you move, first?"

With a single finger, he gestured her toward him, playing the role of the slightly drunk, horny customer quite well from the outset. "I'm Jackson. What's your name, sweetheart?"
"I'm Candy," she purred. Not her real name, of course, but then he wasn't using his real name, either.

A quick selection at the touchpad by the door had Beyonce's Naughty Girl piping through the speakers. The girl made her way over slowly, giving him an eyeful as she swayed her hips to the beat. She put her glass on the table on the way so both of her hands were free when she reached him. Putting both hands on the arms of his chair, she bent toward his crotch, though didn't make contact. Her body undulated, rolling as she rose, putting her only inches away from him. She turned, one finger in her mouth, as she gazed back at him and jiggled her ass in his face. The thong she wore covered very little and left her round, toned cheeks completely bare as they slapped together. She isolated each cheek in turn, twerking, which turned into a slow grind against his crotch.

"This close?" she asked, smirking impishly. Her hips rolled again teasingly. "You want to touch me, Jackson? You can in here. No one is watching." Of course, that was likely a lie. There were cameras everywhere, though some wouldn't be recording for... legal... reasons. Clubs like this, the ones that catered to expensive appetites, usually had their girls on short leashes for their own protection. If a man turned abusive, he'd find himself hauled out or worse.
"Candy...Well then I hope you're sweet." he remarked slyly, listening to the music and taking in the view of her petite form strolling toward him.

Right. Of course they weren't.
He thought sarcastically to himself. He had an eye for cameras, after all, and he'd certainly noticed the one in the far right corner, conveniently pointed toward the seats. For now, at least, it was recording. He assumed that would change if things took a less up-and-up turn. Regardless, being watched was no issue. Without sound recordings, they could do nothing with just the grainy footage of his visage alone. Besides, Garcia would never review that footage himself, and he would not be a frequent customer, so as to have his face recognized by whatever hired security company kept an eye on things.

"Mmm...Perfect." he encouraged her, taking her up on her offer and running his hands up the round curve of her ass. He was not here for the private dance, but he was still a man, after all. Naturally, he couldn't help himself but enjoy the feeling of her ass against his cock, and she'd likely feel that large bulge already beginning to stiffen within a few moments, as he felt her up and watched her move. "God damn, you're good at this aren't you?" he inquired in a playful tone. "How long you been working here, sweetheart?"
She giggled and ground into his impressive erection. "Oh, about a year or so," she confessed.

Rising again, her ass shook beneath his hands, and she broke away teasingly. Turning, she rolled her body again, climbing up from between his legs to shake her tits in his face. That close, he could smell the heady perfume she wore. It was intoxicating. "Never seen you in here before. I would have remembered. You're a cute one, aren't you?"

Climbing into his lap, she lowered herself against his cock once again. Her hands slid up behind her neck, mussing her hair as she rocked her body to the beat. Her impressive breasts strained against the bikini top that was purposefully two sizes too small. The fabric just barely covered her nipples, which was precisely the look she was after.

"Are you from Miami or just passing through? Business or pleasure?" One hand roved his up broad chest, giving it a squeeze. "Mmmm... I can tell that you work out. Are you really strong, Jackson?"
A year. He could work with that.

He leaned back a little further in his seat as she moved up into his lap, taking in that sweet smell of her perfume and the entrancing view of those two big tits in his face. "I don't know, why don't you tell me; am I?" He smiled widely at her compliment. Though his money was insight on the table beside him, making it obvious he intended to pay her well, considering he hadn't actually given her anything, just yet, something about her readiness to allow him to touch and grind, and that little mischievous look in her eyes, while she flirted away with him, was definitely leading him to believe that she was willing to give him a little more than any other random patron. If that was the case, this could go even better than expected.

"A little bit of both, actually..." he relented as he felt her hand moving up his body. "I'm not from around here, but I've got a few friends with some business ventures around the city. I'm sure you know Mr. Garcia, don't you?"

His eyes moved downward to her little hand resting on his pec. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he winked at her suggestively. Then, he took her hand with his own, and guided it to roam over his chest and his shoulder, before settling it on one of his large, powerful arms, as solid as stone, especially when he flexed beneath her touch, letting her feel the ripples of his muscles. It was a silent, but effective answer to her question.
To her credit, she was focused on him and not his money, but with such a pleasant package to wrap up all that charm and wealth, she knew what was most important just then. Her hand squeezed his bicep eagerly. "Mmmm... yes, I can see I was right. Cute and strong. You must be smart, too, if you're friends with Mr. Garcia."

Leaning back, she ran her hands up along her own body, giving her tits a squeeze when she reached them. Her tongue swiped over her lower lip, leaving it glistening. Gazing at him with renewed interest, she smiled. "You should have said you knew him. You could have gotten the VIP treatment from the minute you walked in the door. All the girls know Mr. Garcia. He loves hiring us for private parties, and he never skimps on the cash."

She leaned against him, breath warm against his ear as she murmured. "We always treat Mr. Garcia's friends real nice when they come around here." Her hand dipped between them to cup his erection briefly, then she drew back with a giggle. "I haven't seen you at any of his parties, though. That because you just got into town? He's got the whole place rented tomorrow night for his special friends. Lots of girls. Lots of booze. Lots of dancing. You think you might come?"

She winked playfully. "If you do, I can guarantee that you will."
Being that she'd worked here for so long, it was only natural that she knew Garcia in some capacity. He was the owner of the place, after all. She and the other girls were his employees, whether direct or not, and the buck always ultimately stopped with him, at the end of the day. What he did not expect to hear, though, as his eyes roved shamelessly over her body, following those little hands with those long, painted nails as she ran them up her own body, was just how familiar she seemed to be with him, nor this talk of private parties and special treatment. Already, he was learning some especially valuable information.

Her breath was hot and enticing; enough to cause him to tilt his head a fraction toward it. Between that and those fingers at his bulge, he very nearly lost his focus for a moment. there were more of them. A lot more, by the sounds of it. Enough to have shut the whole club down for them. Just how deep this rabbit hole went remained to be seen, but clearly, the story he'd been given at the outset of his mission was merely the tip of the iceberg.

" know, I just might." he hinted, "If I do, I might just have to request you specifically..." As he flattered her, he allowed his hands to make a move once more, running up the tops of her thighs toward that skimpy little g-string of hers that hugged her hips so tightly, and playfully toying with the waistband with his fingers. "I haven't had the pleasure of attending one, just yet. But I'm willing to bet they must love you at these things, hmm? What's it like?"
"You should," she purred. "I'll treat you so good, baby." Her hands went exploring, roving over his strong arms and muscular chest, sliding to his neck to toy with his hair.

"You'll like 'em. We have lots of fun. Manny, our manager, always has special friends for us to entertain. Friends like you. Business first and then we party. As soon as the guys get out, we have our fun. Private dances, stage, whatever you like. Bring lots of cash. You'll have girls on you like crazy if you start flashing those bills." She laughed.

Leaning against him as his hands roved lower, breasts crushed between them, she murmured again in his ear. "You want more than a dance, just let me know. We can have all kinds of fun, baby. From what I can feel, you're packing a monster down there." Her sex ground against his for emphasis, drawing out the smallest of moans. Whether she was truly getting off or just flattering him for more money was anyone's guess.
Manny. He took a mental note of that name, as well. Any little tidbits he could gather now, he could look into further later. The longer she spoke, the more crumbs of information she seemed to have for him. He laughed along with her and grinned at her touch. Things were starting to look up. In fact, he may just have hit the jackpot, with this girl. She was giving him all the attention in the world, and in the process, even more. And he certainly was not about to stop pushing now. If that meant going along for this ride, then he had absolutely no problem with doing exactly that.

"So I've been told." he spoke provocatively, his hands still roving their way inch by inch over her body, now lingering near her waist. Slowly, he leaned forward, bringing his face within a couple of mere inches of her own and staring into those blue eyes with a daring gaze. "Well, would you like to find out for yourself, Candy?" he asked her. "You're more than welcome to have a look. I'm sure it'd be very happy to be let free."
"Now you're talking. I knew you looked like a guy that could have fun," she murmured lustfully. "I'll be right back, love, and then we'll see about that monster of yours." With a playful stroke of her hand against his pants, she withdrew and righted herself, turning to give him another view of that shapely ass and the thin bit of material that rested between her cheeks.

Smirking over her shoulder, she sashayed to the door in her platform stilettos to change the music to something slower and seductive. While the first notes rolled out of the speakers, she opened a drawer in the table by the door and pulled out a trio of condoms. He'd also note that she glanced up briefly to the camera as she turned. Her fingers rested lightly on her chest, a common enough gesture, though she stroked the top of her breast with two fingers instead of one. A signal? Very likely.

Returning to 'Jackson', she slid back into his lap, straddling him with ease. Lifting the condoms for his inspection, she grinned. "I got all three sizes, but I have a feeling which one we're going to be using. Let's have a look at what you've got for me." Her hands turned to his pants, unfastening them. She unzipped him slowly, a deliberate tease. Reaching through his boxers, her fingers found his throbbing erection and pulled it free, stroking softly in the same process.

She peered down between them and made a soft noise of approval in her throat. "Ohhh, baby. I was right. You're a beast. We're getting you fixed up with an XL, baby." After ripping open the foil packet, she stroked him a few times to ensure he was extremely hard for her, and then rolled the condom down over his shaft. The thin latex dulled the sensation slightly, but the lubricant provided superior strokeability.

"You want to fuck me hard and fast, or you want this nice and slow, baby?"
'Jackson' observed her dutifully the whole way. She did not possess the perfect figure and flawless look that Sofia did, but that did not make her any less incredibly attractive. Her ass was not immense but was round and firm, more than enough to fill his hands and to thoroughly ensnare his attention. This night had certainly taken a turn for the better, it seemed. God, I fucking love my job... he thought to himself with a wicked grin. I fuck her brains out, and she'll be putty in my hands. The harder, the better. I'll be able to get a few more important answers afterward, and I'll be leaving here one happy motherfucker...

Besides, all of this toying with Sofia has got me fucking dying to fuck someone.

He looked up toward the camera as she gave her little signal. Sure enough, not a moment later, that little blinking red light shut off, and the camera silently returned to its standby position. A sure sign of what was coming. And as she sat in his lap, showing him the condoms and working at his pants, he simply grinned, knowing long before her just how right her suspicions were.

That big, thick cock was more than eager to be released, and by the time she'd wrapped her hand around it, it was already pulsing with hot blood and adrenaline, just waiting to be attended to. The condom fit perfectly over him, and though he was aching for it so badly that he'd have had half a mind to raw-dog her, if asked, he appreciated her preparedness for the situation.

He met her eyes, reaching for her chin and tilting it up toward him. He studied her face for a long few seconds, developing an arousing look in his own stormy portals. "You look like the kind of girl that loves a good, hard, rough fuck...The kind that leaves you shaking and trembling, struggling to even think I right about that, sweetheart?"

He leaned back in his seat, not needing an answer to know full well he was correct. "If I am...then why don't you come and bounce on this big cock, first...and I'll make your fucking night..."
Candy was a professional, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy her job. As he took her chin, she grinned. "Big Daddy, you know me so well, and we only just met." Chuckling low in her throat, she pressed her clothed sex against his bared cock as she leaned to nuzzle at his neck and inhale the scent of his cologne. Rather than remove her bottoms, she simply pulled them to one side, exposing her hairless pussy. With a simple shift, she'd impaled herself on his cock and rolled down to take his full length.

She wasn't as tight as other women, but that was likely due to her profession and the multitude of men that fucked her on a daily basis. However, her depths were warm as they engulfed him completely with his length already jammed into her cunt to the fullest. Without any further teasing or preamble, she began to bounce on his cock, hard and fast. Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly as she leaned back, driving her body onto his shaft at an angle that rubbed him maddeningly against her channel. Even through the condom, he could feel the pressure increase as she worked his shaft in ways only a trained professional could.

Moaning loudly, head tipped back, she bit down on her lower lip as she met his gaze. Not only was she his little plaything to do with as he wished, at least for the duration of however long their 'dance' lasted, but she was clearly enjoying herself. Money was her primary motivation, but she wanted his cock.

"Make me scream," she begged him, panting.
The warmth of the cunt that welcomed him so readily caused him to tilt his head back and groan aloud. Sofia's hand had gotten the job done, and he'd been enjoying every moment of teasing her, dragging out something that felt all but inevitable. But after two days of it, and a fairly long dry spell, even before then, his throbbing cock was burning with the desire to be fully sheathed, smooth lips wrapping around his length. That desire showed in the way that he immediately began to roll his hips beneath her, finding a rhythm in tandem with her own bouncing.

"ooooh, fuck, baby..." he growled aloud, expressing with pleasure his approval of her movements, stroking his cock in all the right ways with her body. Focus on the questions he still sought answers to was quickly thrown to the wayside, for the time being, as he leaned back, putting his hands on her hips and following her up and down.

Her invitation was all he needed, wanting nothing more than to let loose. He sat up in his spot beneath her, staring intensely into her eyes, reaching around her back and grabbing her by both asscheeks in his strong grasp. Without a moment's hesitation, he started to thrust his hips violently up into her wet, slick pussy. His balls quickly began to slap against her with every hard stroke, as he obliged her request and then some. He buried his face in that full chest, forcing away the top of her ill-fitting lingerie and taking one of her bright pink nipples in his mouth, sucking on it aggressively.

His own moans vibrated against her, her tits bouncing wildly with the force of him pounding himself into her.
She squealed with pleasure, holding on tightly as he relentlessly fucked her. Her head tipped back as she moaned for him, genuinely enjoying the act. The massive cock that pistoned in and out was a true treat, for most of the guys she fucked weren't so well endowed. Having him feel her up completely was pure joy, and it was all too clear from the way she clung to him desperately. The sounds of his hips slapping against hers filled the room to join with her screams. Like the other noises he'd heard in the hallway, no one would pay any attention to the sounds coming out of his private room, giving them the freedom to do whatever they wished.

Her breasts were larger than Sofia's, but quite obviously fake. No woman could have such perfectly round tits that large. They still responded to his touch, nipple hardening his mouth. She arched to press it against him even more, indulging in the surprising jolt that shot through her from his mouth.

"Oh, yes! Yes! Oh my God, yes!" Bright red nails dug into his flesh as she gripped him even tighter.
She was loud. That high pitched voice screaming out in ecstasy had filled the air. From the sounds of it, she was without a doubt enjoying to the most sheer pleasure of any of the girls currently tending to their customers, and it was all at the hands of his thick, rock-hard member being pushed up into her as far as it could possibly go, again, and again, and again.

He suckled and bit at her, hard enough that she would more than likely bare the evidence of his patronage on her flesh for some to come. "Mmmm, fuck, yeah, that's right. Scream for me." he encouraged her, gripping onto her tighter with both hands.

He could have kept fucking her just like that. But his lust was overcoming him, and it was becoming more and more apparent by the moment just how open she was to him being rough with her, now. With little warning, he rose from the chair, picking her up effortlessly, his cock still buried inside of her. She did ask if he was strong, after all, and nothing made that quite as evident as the ease with which he hoisted her up, stroking himself into her a few more times before drawing himself out of her and dropping her onto her back on the couch.

There was no time wasted as he climbed up onto his knees, grabbing one of her legs and guiding it up and back toward her head, spreading her wide and exposing that pussy to him, giving him the perfect access to impale her even more deeply than before. She would not have to wait long for him to start pounding her harder, the full force of his strength concentrated into the thrust of his hips against hers.
Candy squealed again with delight as he lifted her so effortlessly, gravity aiding in his thrusts as he bounced her on his cock. A soft moan of disappointment met him when he pulled free and tossed her onto the couch, but she watched with eager anticipation when he surged atop her again. Her eyes were glazed with lust, mouth slightly parted as she panted for air. She reached for him again as he joined her, shoving his cock back inside her dripping snatch.

As she was already extremely flexible, the contortion of her leg did little to hamper her pleasure. If anything, it enhanced it, for the moment he hiked her leg up to press against her chest, her pussy grew tighter than it had been before. He could feel it as soon as he penetrated, squeezing him a bit more as he angled his body to thrust even deeper. She moaned, screamed, and cried for him, their rough fuck driving her crazy in the best way possible.

"Oh... fuuuuuck... mmm... yesssssss...." Those moans urged him upward, though were the only warning he'd have before she came. She thrashed beneath him suddenly, shuddering with an even louder cry, body gripping him tighter as her stretched cunt clamped down on his cock. It didn't matter how many orgasms she had, of course. He was the one paying, so she'd be his little fucktoy for as long as he wanted... or until the money ran out.
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His condom-covered cock glistened with the shine of her juices, the sounds of his cock intruding into her wetness nearly as audible as the slap of their skin together with every plunge he took. There was no extra warning needed, as he felt the sudden spasms of her body all about him. But he did not stop, nor slow down in the slightest. Riding out the wave of her climax, he fucked her harder, leaning down and breathing down against her neck, pushing her leg back even further as he used her to his desire.

"Yes...Come on, baby, cum for me..." he growled aloud into her ear.

He rammed himself into her until he could feel the waves of contractions in her sex slowly begin to subside, and then for even longer after that, reaching up and toying with her tits with his hand. Every sweet sound of pleasure that escaped her only drove him to grow rougher and more relentless in his movements. The look of pure euphoria in her eyes and those heavy tits being forced up and down by his strokes was just an added bonus.

It was not Sofia, admittedly, but fuck, did it feel great.

Reaching down between them, he drew his cock out from her dripping wet hole, and slapped his swollen head against her clit, rubbing it up against it. "Turn around." he commanded assertively through ragged breaths, as he put his hand on one of her hips and began to guide her to do it himself.
Candy gasped as he continued to pump, her sensitive pussy driving her wild as he fucked her through climax and beyond. Panting, grunting beneath him, she held him loosely, hands roving up and down his sides. Riding high on her orgasm, she moaned in disappointment when he pulled himself free, twinging at the slight teasing pain to her clit. His orders were followed immediately and eagerly. Wasting no time in changing positions, she flipped onto her front with his help.

Both knees planted in the cushion of the couch and she gripped the back tightly. Still dressed in her scraps of fabric, tits hanging outside of her top, sopping cunt and tight asshole fully on display for his enjoyment, the stripper was the picture of lewd perfection. Hair spilling over one shoulder, she gazed back at him over the other while her knees open even wider. The slight arch in her back brought her ass up higher, giving him access to whatever he wanted as she waited with quivering anticipation.

"You're a fucking beast," she gasped out. Biting at her lower lip, she didn't bother to stifle her moans as she waited for him to plunge his cock into her again. Resting her cheek against the leather sofa, she reached back with both hands to grab each of her ass cheeks, long red nails digging into her flesh as she spread herself open wide. Her puffy lips were slightly pink from the pounding they'd received and glistened with the juices he'd fucked from her. Some had oozed down into her cleft, leaving her waxed asshole wet, as well.
"There's plenty more where that came from, sweetheart." He breathed hoarsely as he approached her from behind, hand reaching down to feel the wetness that dripped from her needy cunt. He lined himself up with her and put both hands on her hips, pulling her back onto him at the same time as he pushed his hips forward with authority, burying himself to the hilt inside of her once more. The sound of her sloppy wet pussy and the slapping of his hips against her round ass and his balls against her sex were so loud that it was easy to forget that music had even been playing within the room.

He was rough in his handling of her, grabbing her hips with brute strength and forcing her back into him with every thrust, her ass rippling with each and every impact. His low growls and moans let her know just how much he was enjoying taking her like the dirty slut she was. All of his sexual frustration from the last several days was being unleashed on her, and that raw, primal aggression, along with his sheer size, proved to be an incredibly potent combination.

One hand came up from her hips and gripped a tight handful of her hair, pulling it back and forcing her head up along with it. Those throaty noises of satisfaction invaded her ear as his lips were brought mere inches away from them now, and he made her look back into his eyes with that sultry gaze. The other snaked its way around her body, strong arm still pulling her against him. The pressure was beginning to build inside of him, and that only served to push him further. The power behind his thrusts was enough to send her whole body lurching forward over the arm of the sofa, until it was the only thing keeping her from falling flat on her stomach.
As soon as he shoved himself deep inside, Candy returned to holding the back of the couch, using it to support herself as she shoved back with every thrust. Her loud moans and cries joined his growls. The rougher he treated her, the more she responded, screaming ever louder as they fucked. Were those outside not aware of exactly what was happening in that private room, someone would have surely come to investigate for fear the stripper was being murdered.

She whimpered especially for him as he grabbed her hair and drew her back against him, twisting her almost painfully. Her eyes met his and locked, caught by the intensity of his stare. Lips slightly parted to allow for her ragged breathing, she loosed a sharp moan each time his hips impacted and drove the breath from her lungs in short bursts. He could see the tension in her eyes and mouth as she struggled to contain the passion threatening to burst free.

All at once, her eyes rolled upward as he felt her cum on his cock for the second time, body tensing as that white hot sensation shot through her. She squealed in delight and began to shudder, fingers tightening against leather.
Every scream made him want to ravage her harder. To make her cry out for dear life as she begged for him to fuck her silly. Like a savage animal in heat, he fucked her, using her cunt as nothing short of his own personal cock-sleeve. For as long as his cock was inside of her, and the money talked, she was his property, no more, no less, and he treated her as such.

Feeling her body clamp down on his cock all over again was enough to send him into overdrive, that perfect friction coaxing his already pulsating cock, embracing it in soaking wet heat and pressure. His balls were swelling with the desire to erupt, and those spasms of her walls all around him made it impossible to resist. low guttural sounds became outspoken groans of ecstasy, as he rode her out, pulling her back into him and thrusting her forward full of his throbbing shaft. That hand that had been wrapped up in her hair now suddenly and violently pushed her face down against the couch.

"Fuck, yes, you take that fucking cock..." He growled. "Unnngh fuck!" He plunged himself inside of her as deeply, and as rapidly as he could, making her feel every inch of him with every stroke, until finally, he grabbed her by both hips, putting all of his weight behind his thrusts, and buried himself, blowing his load into the condom while balls-deep inside of his little slut-for-hire, and that wave of release washed over him like a tsunami.
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