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High Profile (ShadowOfDesire and Catalyst)

Candy collapsed atop the couch the moment he stopped pounding away, half naked body flecked with sweat and body glitter that had undoubtedly transferred to his hands and clothes at some point. Panting breathlessly, she lay there for a moment beneath him, quivering with their shared release while she tried to work up the energy to move. Eventually, she licked her glossy lips and moaned as she lifted her head to glance back at him.

"Goddamn, you're fucking amazing," she breathed. Her fingers loosened around the leather as her body calmed and her heart began to slow. "I think you've ruined me, Jackson. I have to go back to work after this. How am I going to dance? I'm not going to be able to walk right for a week?" She chuckled low, face resting against the cushion again.

"If you don't get to come for the party, I hope you come back to see me, at least. I'll always be happy to do a little private dance for you, sweetheart, especially if it leads to this. You ain't had a girl in a while, hmm? Needed that, didn't you?" She giggled, not expecting an answer, but knowing all the same.
Equally enraptured in the moment himself, he breathed raggedly into her ear, smirking and chortling at her comments. "Good...I hope you think about me when you wake up sore in the morning."

Oh, you don't know the half of it...he thought to himself as he studied the woman beneath him, arms bracing him on the couch on either side of her whilst he recovered from his own climax. The satisfaction of a good, hard, fuck after so long was undeniable, and she clearly knew exactly what she was doing. So why was it that as his clarity began to return, it was that young woman he'd left tied up in her bed in South Beach that was on his mind?

He was slightly unsteady on his feet as he reluctantly pulled himself out of her dripping wet cunt, glancing down at the glistening mess that her own juices had made between her thighs. Once he stepped back and removed the spent condom, tying it off and chucking it in an empty waste bin beside the couch, he allowed his own body to halfway collapse onto the couch beside her, catching his breath while he looked back over at her. She'd still been lying face down against the cushions, her ass slightly raised in the air, and he took advantage of that by reaching over and grabbing a handful of her ass, toying with her a little more for good measure.

"I'll definitely come back and see you." he assured her with a wicked grin. "I don't think I've had nearly enough of you yet." Even now, he was flattering her. He'd barely even remembered the reason he was here in this room with her by the time they'd finished, but slowly, it was coming back to him. He let his hand slid down the back of her thigh and away from her onto the couch. "These you know any of the other people who show up? I'm curious if I might know any of them."
The stripper smiled at his touch and finally slid off the couch when he'd settled, adjusting the skimpy fabric of her outfit to cover her again. She fetched them both refills on their champagne and curled up on the couch beside him, one hand resting on his thigh as she took a long drink.

"Hmmm? Oh, tons of people show up. Mr. Garcia has lots of friends. Most are guys he employs, I guess. Tough guys." She cut her eyes at him and grinned. "Like you. The type that can handle themselves and like it a little rough." She squeezed his thigh. "I like the tough guys with lots of tattoos, and Mr. Garcia brings in plenty of those."

"We get bigwigs in here sometimes, too. Do you know Mr. Lopez? Mr. DeSantos? They aren't much for us girls as they're pretty busy with business, I guess, but every once in a while they'll ask for someone in particular. Do you know that Mr. Garcia will have parties at his house, too? Those are the best!" She sighed, sipping at her champagne. "We haven't had one in a while. Maybe soon, though. His house is amazing, and he's got a huge pool. He's like... the Hugh Hefner of Miami. The house, the girls, the expensive cars. He's got the whole deal."

"So... when do you think you'll be back in? I'd really love to see you again." Her fingers walked along his inner thigh, skating dangerously close to his spent cock.
He welcomed her to sit, accepting the glass from her when she handed it to him and putting an arm around her shoulder as she sat beside him. He chuckled subtly beneath his breath when it felt appropriate, but all the while listened to her closely. "Sound like they keep you plenty busy, then." He noted.

"Mr. DeSantos? Haven't heard that name in a while," he lied through his teeth, acting as though he were reminiscing over an old friend. "I used to know him well. But now? I'm surprised someone with his kind of money and notoriety comes out this way at all." Pieces were slowly, but surely beginning to fit together. He owed much of that to just how open his new friend seemed to be in sharing those pieces with him. Good dick does wonders, I suppose. Lopez was an exceedingly common name in South Florida; he could think of quite a few notable bearers of the surname, but all of whom had no business conducting their own 'business' out of a strip club. "House parties too...sounds like he's even more of a party animal than I realized." he forced a smirk. "They really don't invite you girls to their big-boy meetings, though? Must be some pretty important business if they don't even want to have a little fun, hmm?" He kept his gaze steady on her, though he was focused on his own thoughts, processing the information he was being given, bit by bit.

He was drawn away from those thoughts as he felt a slight shiver run through the sensitive skin of his inner thigh at the gossamer touch of her fingernails against him. "Keep doing that, and it'll be sooner than you think," he spoke suggestively, looking her in her eyes. "If I didn't know any better I'd say little miss Candy's found herself a favorite customer." he teased her. "Don't worry. If I find myself at one of these parties, I'll make sure Mr. Garcia knows to bring you in especially for me." he ran his fingertips playfully along her shoulder.

As he took another sip of his champagne, he caught a glimpse of the watch upon his wrist and glanced to check it quickly. It had been a touch over three and a half hours, now, since he'd left the apartment. It would be nearly four by the time he returned. While Sofia was still surely fine, he had a feeling she wouldn't be entirely pleased, either. As much as he was learning from the young stripper, he knew he could not stay forever. Nor could he ask too many questions all at once. Of course, after the time he'd just spent in this room, returning once or twice more did not sound a terrible fate.
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"You know how boys are," she sighed. "Always like their secrets and private clubs. No girls allowed. I guess... except for Elise. She's allowed in, but that's only because she might as well be one of the guys, for all the interest she shows them. I asked her once why she dressed like a man, and she said that no one would take her seriously if she made herself up and got all pretty. I guess that's the truth of it. If she dressed like us, they'd treat her like us, and she's a terrible dancer. Not that pretty, either. She's the bookish type. You ever met her? You'd know it if you had. Little mouse of a girl, glasses, very attached to her books, wicked smart. I think she's Mr. DeSantos' niece or something like that."

Candy just smiled at him, oblivious to his manipulations. She gave his thigh a hard squeeze as she leaned against him to nibble at his neck. "You already are my favorite customer, sweetie, on account of that giant cock you're lugging around." She smirked as she finally drew back, rising from the couch. The control pad by the door was blinking and a glance at the camera showed that it'd been activated again.

She sighed. "Looks like our time is up, Jackson. I'm on stage in fifteen. I hope you enjoyed yourself." After turning off the alert, she turned to study him, gaze raking over him again. "Mmm... you'd better come back to see me, else I might have to stalk you. I'm going to need to taste that cock next time, I think."
And there it was. Another crucial piece that he'd been all but entirely ignorant of. He'd been sitting at this club for hours. He'd seen all of the talent and all the near-perfect bodies working the poles and the laps of its patrons. And yet the only one allowed into those meetings is someone who possesses neither of those things? Perhaps it was purely on account of her being related to DeSantos, but then... he wasn't so naive as to believe that. No, there was something else there. Something else yet to be discovered. The more he thought about it, the more he started to think he just may have had a strong hunch as to what.

He felt Candy's hot breath at his neck and looked back at her, grinning devilishly right back. "Just my cock? Not my ravishing good looks?" he joked as he watched that pert little ass sashay away from him. He expected her to be of some help, of course. As it turned out though, she was positively filled to the brim with useful information. The only missing ingredient was a long, hard fuck, and she'd vastly exceeded his expectations, in more ways than one. God I love strippers. he thought to himself, for various reasons in that moment.

"You'll see me again soon," he assured her with a knowing smile. With his cock tucked away, and the camera above completely unaware of what had occurred during its slumber, he rose from his own spot, walking over to stand beside her just in front of the door and putting a flirtatious hand on her arm. "No need to stalk. You can taste allllll you want." With that remark, he brandished the fold of bills he'd previously prepared, and with his fingers removed several large ones from it. Even for all she'd done for him, the amount he gave her was more than a little generous, and he'd made certain that she could see that there was more where that had come from.

"You might not believe it, sweetheart, but I'm actually a little bit of a private man..." he started quietly as he offered her the cash. "You keep our time together, and all our little conversations between us and these four walls, and next time, who knows... there might even be a little more in it for you." He leaned in extra close, letting her feel his own breath about her, now. "Money, and otherwise."
Candy pressed a finger to her lips playfully. "Oh, I never suck and tell, Jackson," she purred. To her credit, she didn't count they money he'd given her. She simply tucked it into the strap of her top to retrieve after he'd gone. Giving him a little nibble at his ear, one hand caressed his face as she drew back, smiling. "I'll take both. You've been a real treat. I hope you stick around for at least one dance so you can see how good I really am working that pole."

She laughed as she opened the door for him. "See you later, sweetie. I've got to go get ready."


Sofia didn't have her phone to stare at obsessively while the minutes ticked away. As she didn't know how late he'd be, she gave up on hitting the television display to check the dashboard clock. Time dragged sooooooo slowly whenever you couldn't do what you wanted.

To keep herself from boredom, she switched back and forth through several movies until she found one that she thought might keep her interest. However, it would only work for so long before she was thinking about Brian and wondering where he was. Different scenarios ran through her head. What if he never came back? How long should she wait? She even glanced at the handcuff attaching her to the bed, wondering if she could slip her hand free or somehow work it off the iron support. It didn't seem likely, but she figured she could rip the headboard off the bed if it came down to her survival.

Eventually, sleep finally found her, though the position was uncomfortable at first. She couldn't curl up around her bound arm as she had before. She could roll to her side without pulling at the ropes holding her ankles to the bed. The best she could manage was to pillow her head on her outstretched arm and try to doze off for a few hours.
The night had already drawn on considerably longer than he had planned. It had also far exceeded his expectations. Not only was he walking away with more than enough information to dig up more dirt on DeSantos, Garcia, and their potential contacts, but he now had quite possibly the best in that he could have hoped for in the form of his new connection. After such a success, how could he resist the temptation to have a drink and watch a little bit of the show?

She was almost as good at working the pole as she was at working him. Her masterful little moves, turns, and sultry sways were more than enough to draw one of the larger crowds he'd seen at the main stage all evening. She may or may not have caught a glimpse of him sitting back near the bar for one last round, but he was definitely watching her. The show was impressive, as was the amount of money cast haphazardly about her. Undoubtedly though, the most satisfying part of it all was knowing that the girl who all of these horny, hopeless men, as well as a solid handful of women were now drooling over, he'd just spent an hour fucking senseless in the back. I wonder how much she's aching, right about now, twirling on that pole? he laughed to himself with a sly grin.

At some point through her set, he found himself not so inconspicuously ready for a second round, noting the swelling in his pants. He always was a hard one to fully satisfy. What was more, though; he was not necessarily thinking just about going at it with the young stripper, again. If there were any particular images in his mind's eye at all, it was actually that of Sofia, instead. She'd look pretty damned good on a pole, too, he imagined. But she'd look even better on my cock.

Just as she seemed to be winding down, he glanced down at his watch, having to scrutinize it for an extra couple of seconds just to be sure it was correct. Realizing how late it now was, he made quick work of paying off his tab in cash, slipping out of the club doors as though he were just any old normal patron, and heading to where he'd parked his vehicle a ways away. Between the slight buzz, the feeling of accomplishment, and the freshly relieved tension in his loins, needless to say, he was feeling pretty good about himself and the way the night had gone. He would carry that feeling along as he made his way back to his temporary home, to where another woman now awaited his return. Only two hours later than what I'd originally said. I'm suure I won't hear any bullshit for that. He scoffed.

Though it was fairly late by the time he returned, he did not make any significant attempt to quiet himself in the process of entering. If she was awake by then, she'd hear him from a mile away. Even if she was not, there was a good chance her attention would be garnered by his footsteps and the click of the door as he found his way back into her bedroom. She was right where he'd left her, and with little to no real evidence of any sort of struggle at all. Surprise, surprise. At first, though, he was not quite sure whether she was awake and alert or not. But it may well have been by choice that he'd made a little extra noise when approaching the bed. His experience with Candy, while satisfying, had not exactly enough to keep his thoughts from wandering in her direction several times throughout the night. Lingering on the image of her restrained as she was before him now. Alone, bored, while he was out finding a great deal more than just the few rogue pieces of information he'd set out for.

For as irritating as he found her, the spoiled little bitch had certainly carved out a neat little lustful niche in the back of his head.

"Hey." he said lowly and simply, studying her for any signs of a reaction.
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The volume of the television covered his entry into the apartment and her bedroom, but Sofia roused as he neared the bed, making no effort to conceal himself. Stretching, back arching slightly, she opened both eyes to peer up at him. After the briefest inspection, her nose wrinkled. "You stink like strippers, cigarettes, and desperation," she announced. "Did you have a fun evening? Learn everything there was to know about pole dancing?"

As she couldn't rise up in bed, even to sit up, he had the distinct advantage, and she knew it. Still, she was doing her best not to act like he had her strung up on her own mattress, trapping her completely. It irked her that he'd insisted on keeping her tied, though she understood why it was necessary. Understood, but didn't agree with in the slightest. He could have made her life a whole lot worse, but he also could have made it a whole lot comfortable. As she gazed up at him, she wondered if he was enjoying the sight of her stretched helplessly upon the bed. Pervert.

"Do you know how fucking late it is? You said a few hours, not several. You're damned lucky I don't have a small bladder, else you'd be sleeping in a different bed tonight." She jerked her handcuffed wrist against the headboard. "Free me anytime."
"Hmph...everything there is to learn, and more." he retorted with a quiet laugh. The room was primarily dark, with only the faint and everchanging glow from the television joining the dim and curtain dampened light of the starry sky outside of the penthouse. In that glow, though, he was still able to look upon her body, from her splayed open legs to her freshly awoken face, eyes fixated back upon him. It was a view he was finding he enjoyed more and more with every glimpse.

"Well, you're right about that. It took me a lot longer than I expected." he relented. "Although I learned a lot more than I was expecting to, as well. Not that I would expect you to give the slightest shit about my work" he looked up at the source of the metallic clanking that came from the sudden wrenching of steel upon iron when. "Still I must say, I'm impressed you didn't at least try to escape, from the looks of things. I guess someone is finally getting the hang of this whole 'being held captive' thing, hmm?"

With a couple of smaller steps, he was standing just at the foot of the bed. He remained quiet, studying her with an exploratory gaze that suggested several thoughts running through his mind; none of them virtuous. She would feel his fingertips as they touched the rope binding one of her ankles, and then slowly began to creep upward. His touch gliding up the inside of her leg, first on one side, and then the other.

"What if I'm not quite ready to let you go yet?" he inquired at last, mischief in his eyes. "What if I have a better idea?"
Her toes curled despite her resolve, thighs clenched as she tried to close her legs a fraction more to deny him entry. Her arm strained against the handcuff that held her down. "Normal people don't know how to wriggle out of handcuffs," she pointed out. "That's why the cops use them. They aren't easy to get out for most of us. I'm sure you're different and would have been out the moment they snapped shut, but I'm not a damned assassin or a magician." She jerked on the handcuff again, setting it clanging against the frame to prove her point.

Sofia twitched away as he caressed her legs, lifting her head to watch him, brows dipping slightly. The fingers on her freed hand dug into the blankets, balling the cover beneath her. She didn't want to respond to him, didn't want her body eager for his touch. He had too much power, already. She didn't want to give him more, inflating his ego to new heights when he discovered what havoc a simple touch might cause.

"I haven't given you my answer," she said, jaw slightly clenched. "I haven't decided if I'm going to hire you and pay your price. If you're going to take it anyway, then you're agreeing to my terms -- you'll make him hurt. Is that what you're doing?"
"Oh relaaax, would you?" he hummed at her in response. "Nobody's talking about 'taking' it." Not right now, anyway... "You said it yourself, you haven't even accepted my offer, yet. Now what sort of businessman would that make me if I just went ahead and did it anyway; before the deal was even done?"

Even in saying that, he had to laugh to himself internally, knowing full well he was lying through his teeth; If not about his intended actions, then at least about his moral compass. He was no ordinary businessman, and though not what he'd presently been contemplating, he knew that in truth, he would be more than happy to simply 'take it anyway,' right now, or at any other given time.

Despite his words, his hands, too, seemed to say otherwise, familiar touch grazing over the soft, silken skin of her legs, tantalizingly tracing lines along the insides of her lower thighs. "No, I'm thinking more along the lines of last night..." The already taut rope that bound her legs pulled back and forth in those small motions as she moved, each leg taking the other with it in its attempts to avoid his exploration.

"Besides...I did say I'd only be gone a couple of hours...And I've already received quite a bit of personal attention, myself, tonight..." he grinned faintly in alluding to what he'd done. As he spoke, he braced one knee at the foot of the bed, just enough to allow him to bend down and lower his upper body between her legs. He looked up at her from between them, studying the expression upon her face before tilting his head to the left side and slowly, tauntingly kissing the flesh of her upper thigh, giving her the sensation of his hot breath and his lips against her. Turning his attention from one side to the other. Toying with her, and then biting at her gently, allowing his teeth to graze her skin and his tongue to make its presence known, all the while knowing just how limited she was in her ability to move away from him.

"It'd be quite rude of me to just leave you here for most of the night, all alone and bored out of your mind while I'm out having a good time...especially after leaving you the way I did...and not at least reward you for your cooperation, don't you think, princess?" He asked devilishly. Once again, he spoke as though she'd really had a choice in her earlier cooperation, though clearly she did not. His reasoning was as transparent as the windows all along her walls, and he knew it. That did not stop him.
Sofia sucked in a breath as his mouth found her flesh, eyes widening slightly when she understood where he was heading. She bit back a moan, but couldn't stop her body from squirming beneath his touch. His tongue was like fire upon her skin, heating her flesh, and his mouth sent tiny electrical jolts of lust to her aching sex. Her thighs tightened again, straining against the ropes, but he'd secured her far too well for her to break free so easily. Dark eyes followed his progress as she nibbled at her lower lip, a sure sign of her uncertainty.

"So... this is your apology?" she asked, her voice low and hesitant. "Some way to make it up to me for leaving me in this position in the first place?" She didn't believe him. She certainly didn't trust him. However, she couldn't deny that his suggestion made her want him. And she definitely wanted him. Her body made certain to remind her of that fact. Already she could feel that dampness between her thighs, which he'd discover for himself if he trailed much higher.

"Last night was a peace offering. This... this is different." She held his gaze, a slight quiver in her stomach flooding her with warmth. It was easy the effect his teasing had on her. She was torn, pulled between her own lust and fighting against the perverse situation. Swallowing, she shook her head. "Don't... don't tease me like that. I know where this is going. You're going to work me up and then leave me suffering, aren't you? You want to watch me squirm."
With a slight shrug, he tilted his head to one side. "Don't think of it as an apology..." he corrected, his breath still carrying across her skin as he spoke. "A reward, more like...a gesture of good faith." He remarked slyly, analyzing her. He need not directly lay his eyes nor his fingers upon the evidence of her arousal fto know that that what he was doing was getting under her skin. He could tell as much from the stiffness of her muscles as she stirred beneath him, and the poorly hidden expressions that crossed her face.

"Pretty intimate for a simple peace offering, don't you think?" He chuffed, allowing his fingertips to trail along that sensitive flesh of her inner thighs once more. "A handshake, a verbal agreement...that's a peace, what happened last night certainly did the job of a peace offering, yes...but let's not kid ourselves and act like you didnt love every second of it. I've already seen for myself just how horny of a little thing you can be, after all."

He turned his attention back toward her soft skin, moving back and forth between her two enticing thighs, and trailing ever so slowly upward, both with his lips and with his touch. The nearer he drew, he could begin to feel the heat that radiated from the source between them, mere inches from his face at any given moment. "You assume I'm interested only in teasing you...that I'm just doing this to drive you crazy and leave you to take care of it yourself...and quite frankly...That ain't a half bad idea..." he glanced her way almost playfully. By now, he was looming dangerously close the her barely veiled sex. So close, in fact, that with another few temptous kisses, he turned his head, allowing his breath to fall directly about her. "But as much as I do love watching you squirm...maybe, just maybe, that isn't where I'm planning to stop."

In the process of speaking, one of his arms had snaked it's way beneath her thigh.
She inhaled sharply as he skated closer to her throbbing sex, which was well aware of his daring proximity. She twitched beneath his hands, though had stopped trying to run from the caresses. Rather, his exploring fingers caused her to shiver and a rush of goosebumps appear upon her skin. Propped up on one elbow, her other arm held awkwardly behind her, she stared at him with unmistakable lust in her eyes.

"A reward? For being a good little girl?" That clearly irked her. "You can't say I'm the only horny one around here. You were the one that was jerking over me while I slept. Now you've been grinding on a stripper all night and come home wanting to taste my pussy? You're a strange man. Very strange man."

"If I demanded that you stop where you are and not go any higher, would you stop? Or would you keep going despite my protests?" Sofia thought she knew the answer to that, for the man clearly had no shame.

The slight tension beneath her thigh brought her ass slight up off the bed, presenting her clothed sex to him. Her shirt had ridden up her thighs, so he had a clear line of sight to her panties which showed a dark line of moisture down the center. She tried to bring her thighs together to cover herself and stop him from exploring higher, but the ropes about her ankles were far too tight. So she remained splayed open and vulnerable. Dangling in wait for his decision.
As much as it obviously pissed her off, he derived a sick sense of pleasure in hearing her say those words, as evidenced by the expression upon his mug as he gazed back at her. A good little girl indeed. "And you're the one who posed for me and let me do it." he quipped back. "You're also the one who asked me to fingerfuck your little pussy, and offered to finish me off in return, weren't you? Not to mention that you asked me to kiss you... So, tell me again, which one of us is the strange one?"

She wasn't going to admit it aloud, but then, he didn't need her to. She could attempt to stand her ground as much as she desired. But by now, her refusal to admit to her own lust was nothing short of humorous, to him. Especially when her own body was betraying her every step of the way, even now. Between the moisture that had soaked through her bikini bottoms - at least the third time he'd had such an effect on her in half as many days, - the little twitches and shivers that ran through her, and the way she watched him so closely, she could not have effectively lied to him if she'd tried.

If she wanted to play this game with him, though, he was more than prepared to call her bluff.

"You know what?" he raised an eyebrow, pulling his head up and slightly away from between her thighs. "Sure..." he assured her simply, his eyes narrowing and head tilting in observation. "I don't have to go any further if you don't want me to..." His gray eyes raked over her from her head to her barely dressed cunt as his touch still lingered... "All you have to do is ask me to stop..." His focus locked in upon her, remaining fixated as he once more dipped lower, the sensation of his breath returning.
Her cheeks flushed as he pointed out all of the times she'd caved to temptation, and a touch of anger flickered in her eyes. "That is all taken out of context. The pose was sarcastic. And how is a girl supposed to sit just there and watch a man jerk off without getting horny? I'm just as human as you are and have needs, too. Besides, that kiss was just an experiment and didn't mean anything." Naturally leaving out the fact that the power of that kiss had sent her to her room to masturbate, but then she'd mostly done that to tease him right back.

Her stomach quivered again as he rose to peer at her, and she bit back the moan of agony at the thought of him abandoning her completely -- exactly as she'd expected him to do. Already, her pussy was quaking with need and her clit throbbing. If he left her worked up and needy, she was going to literally strangle him when she got out of those cuffs.

"Well... I.... don...." Words failing her, she bit down on her lower lip while watching him slide back between her silken thighs. Swallowing, she flushed again, pussy clenching as she felt his breath against her, so very close.

He had his answer and knew she'd already begun to bend a fraction. The first day she'd been ready to put a bullet in his head if he'd let his guard down. Now, she was playing nice and couldn't help but give into the temptation that he was offering. She did want him, and it was all too obvious. Maybe because he was dangerous, perhaps because she still feared for her life a little, or it could be because her previous boyfriend was such a dick, and she really needed some rebound sex. Whatever the case, Sofia certainly didn't tell him to stop. The words never even entered her mind.

Why would she stop him... when he was going to...
Didn't mean anything...hmph...riiiiight. That's why you were grinding yourself all over me like you were ready to go right then and there. The little cock of his eyebrow alongside the glint in his eye let her know just how he felt about that. Needs are needs indeed. But she didn't just need the release. She wanted him. Of that much, he was increasingly confident.

He listened for any signs of protest to his actions even as he brought his lips to her soft skin once more. It was all he could do not to chuckle to himself as he heard her fumbling over her words, only to fall silent, left speechless by his words and his touch. Exactly, he thought to himself, knowing he'd proved his point.

"Yeah...that's what I thought..." he said aloud with a sly little huff of affirmation. She knew every bit as well as him what had just happened. And it was all he needed to press on, drawing nearer and nearer to her sex. His left arm mirrored the actions of his right, sliding up the foot of the bed and beneath her thigh thighs that both of them now rested on his arms.

His hands had begun to glide their way up her thighs, slipping under the fabric of her bikini bottoms and daring to begin to pull them down. Before that, though, she would feel his hot breath and warm mouth ascending further along those sensitive inner thighs, until he finally reached his destination. He could feel the heat radiating from off of her against his face. That same, intoxicating scent that he'd enjoyed from his fingers enticed his senses, straight from its splendid source. As his gaze sought out her own, he pressed his lips to that darkened spot, tasting her faintly through the fabric, lightly sucking at it, leading her on just a little bit longer before he gave her what he knew she wanted so badly...
She watched with rapt fascination, a slow lick of her lips as he drew closer to his end goal. She could have tried to stop him, could have said the words, but she didn't. Even with one hand restrained, she could have used the other to fight him, as useless as that fight would have been. But she didn't do that, either. She watched him, breath catching as she felt her bottoms began to slide down her ass. With her thighs tingling from his continued attention, and the feel of his breath nearing her sex causing her to shiver, she could only wait with a tiny knot of anticipation growing in her stomach. He was being purposefully frustrating, and she was determined not to break, not to beg for his attention.

That's what the bastard wants, isn't it? For me to beg for him? She swallowed the thought and stiffened her resolve. If he wanted to take things slowly, she'd be just as patient. She could enjoy the teasing. He certainly knew how to build up the tension between them.

He had little trouble capturing her gaze. Her attention was riveted on him, and she watched him taste her salty-sweet nectar from that cloth, a shudder rolled through her. She wanted that tongue on her. Inside her. She'd already discovered what he could do with his fingers. Now she wanted to see what he could do with his mouth. Her ankles shifted again, legs tightening in his arms. She sucked in a slow breathing... waiting...
God, she tasted good. It wasn't as though he hadn't spent more than his fair share of time with his head between various pairs of legs. He'd always enjoyed the taste of a good pussy. But hers was even more intoxicating. The only thing keeping him from teasing her endlessly, from continuing to toy with her for his enjoyment, was his own wanton desire to taste her further. He pressed his tongue to her through that thin sheet of silken fabric, letting her feel the pressure of it at her lower lips.

All the while, his fingers found their place hooking at her waistband on either side, inching her bottoms further and further down, exposing more of her skin by the moment. As the protrusion of her clean-shaven mound began to peek out from behind, he leaned himself upward, giving it the very same attention he'd given her thighs. Within another short moment, he had stripped her bottoms down away from her pussy entirely. With her legs tied, he could not remove them entirely, but he was able to draw them down around her knees, giving him, at long last, an unabated, clear view of that sweet, inviting little cunt.

Her smooth, velvet lips were smooth and bare, glistening with all of the desire he'd already coaxed from within her. Her inner lips and her little clit were swollen, waiting for attention, her forcibly spread position opening her up to his scrutiny. He could not help himself but stare, taking in the most intimate sight of her. How was it that even her pussy was so god damned perfect?

His line of sight shifted between those watchful brown eyes and the warm, wet sex that silently beckoned him closer. There was no mystery between them now. They both knew exactly what was coming. Returning his attention to her thighs was difficult with the sight of her making his own sex stir beneath his pants, and it wasn't long at all before he'd worked his way all the way up. Still, there was no resistance. No effort to tell him to stop. Just the hot, primed body of a woman restrained and waiting for the attention it craved. With one more well placed kissed mere centimeters away at the apex of her mound, he locked eyes with her, and flicked his tongue out, parting her lips and finally sampling her at the source. His saliva immediately mixed with her essence, allowing his warm muscle to slide effortlessly up and down the length of her slit, making certain to apply just the slightest bit more pressure as he approached that little bundle of pleasure.
Sofia didn't moan or cry out the moment his wicked tongue flicked into her wetness, but the tension that held her seemed to snap, and her body melted against the bed. Her thighs spread as wide as her panties would allow. Sucking in a deep, shuddering breath, she lay back down upon the bed and closed her eyes. That first teasing lick through her wetness fanned the smoldering coals that had waited so impatiently within, waiting to grow into a raging inferno. Warmth and heat spread through her sex and lingered at her clit as his tongue made contact with that swollen pearl. A low, soft whimper rose in her throat as his touch threw another shower of sparks through her body.

She couldn't look at him in that moment, for it was as shocking as it was shameful. He was a relative stranger, a killer, and her captor. There should be no scenario in which she should be enjoying him lapping at her pussy. Then again, she shouldn't have made him the previous offer, either. A handjob always led to other things, as she well knew, and this seemed inevitable. Though it was surprising, and somehow even more touching, that he was interested in giving her pleasure rather than simply seeking his own. He could have stripped her the moment he'd come into the bedroom and fucked her hard without asking. Instead, he'd climbed between her legs to bury his face in her snatch.

He's fucking twisted, she thought. Or I am. Maybe both. All she knew was that she was desperately enjoying the attention. Perhaps because she was desperate for the attention. She loved it, enjoyed it. Everything he'd said about her was true. She craved attention, even the shallow sort that she gained through social media. It made her feel important, wanted, and loved.

This was different. Very, very different. He was different. Dangerous, she realized. That's what excited her. He was dangerous. So she lay upon the bed like the needy slut she was and enjoyed the feel of his mouth devouring her. The restraints kept her confined and without control. Now that he'd had a taste, would he stop if she asked him to?

Sofia didn't intend to find out.
Even without a single utterance or spoken word, the change in her body, the relaxation of her legs that allowed them to spread even farther apart was all the confirmation he'd needed that he'd had her pegged exactly right all along. The little noises that originated in her throat and grew slowly but surely in intensity were simply icing on the cake he'd intended to eat as well as to have. No matter how much well-justified disdain she harbored for him, it seemed she could not help herself in the face of the attention and the pleasure she was quickly learning that he could provide her. Nor could she extinguish the flames that he was so easily capable of stoking, with every roving touch like a shot of accelerant poured over all of that which already readily burned.

Why was he so intent on feasting upon her dripping wet cunt? Was it simply because he knew he could? Because he knew that her urges would cause her to give into him as she already partially had, and knew that he could use that power he so clearly held over her to elicit those reactions that he desired? To make her writhe in pleasure and bring her to release, or leave her to suffer in anticipation and an ache for more - whichever he so chose - at any given moment? Or was it more superficial than that? Did he purely and simply love the sounds of her ecstasy, and the taste of her sweet, succulent, youthful lips, saturated with the evidence of lust and a primal desire unlike any other?

With each interaction between them, he was becoming increasingly sure that the answer was a resounding 'both.'

He hungered for more of her, his tongue ravaging her, taking in all of that enticing essence that spilled from within her. As he slipped down toward the tight little hole he'd already had the pleasure of entering with his fingers, he was now able to slip his tongue inside of her, feeling the extreme heat that practically burned in her loins all around him. He ventured further and further, exploring her from the inside out with a fervor that evidenced just how thoroughly he was enjoying himself between her legs. His nose drawn breaths were ragged, every inhale filling him with the air laced with the subtle aroma of her sex and driving him to bury himself further against it. His arms found their way back beneath her thighs, this time wrapping around them, holding them in place about his shoulders and gripping them as his own low sounds of wicked satisfaction rumbled against her.
"Aaaaaah!" Her fingers dug into the blanket beneath her, twisting as he penetrated her warmth. She couldn't help the slight shift of her hips that angled her upward, pressing her sopping pussy against his face. Her hips rolled slowly as he lapped, the slight movement bringing his face into contact with her clit time and again, offering those pleasant little shocks that added greatly to the pleasure.

That first soft whimper graduated into something far louder and passionate. The deeper he delved, the more incensed she became. Her hand tightened on her restraints, jerking at the cuffs. Her ankles pulled at the ropes binding her as she contracted, trying to press her feet flat upon the bed. She wanted to spread even wider for him, to feel him thrusting deep inside with his tongue. He slid easily through the wetness he'd caused, that slick nectar that soaked them both, dripping for him and him alone.

Sofia enjoyed sex, often enough to know what she liked, and had found very few men that could give her what she craved. The way that he stroked, worked his tongue against her in the most wicked of ways... it was as though he could read her mind and knew exactly where he wanted her to go. She found herself rising faster than before, much quicker than when she fucked herself with her toy, and the promised explosion was at hand. His hands pinned her. She couldn't escape the pleasure, couldn't run from it. He gave her only what he wanted her to have and nothing more. She was merely fortunate that what he desired was exactly what she desired.

Except... she didn't just want his mouth. She wanted more.

Tensing as he found a particularly sensitive spot, she collapsed bonelessly once more, breathing heavily. Another whimper escaped her as she dared to open her eyes and look down, watching his face disappearing into her snatch. What she suggested might have surprised him. It certainly shocked the hell out of her when she said it aloud.

"Swing around," she panted. "I want your cock in my mouth while you're doing that." It wasn't quite a desperate plea, but he could surely hear the hungry need in her words.
Every tumultuous moan and bellow that escaped from within her reverberated about the room and filled his ears as enthusiastic pleas for him to push her further, his nose being forced by her rhythmic bucking to brush over her clit and effectively coating his lips with her wetness as she quickly became far less a woman simply lying back and allowing pleasure to wash over her, and far more a needy, ravenous one, actively doing everything in her power to seek out more of it.

Her hips rocking back and forth wildly as the euphoria of the moment took hold caused him to growl out as he was forced to take a greater hold of her. Those legs of hers were far stronger than he'd given her credit for, and her increasing desperation for more seemed to grant her more power by the second. His arms wrapped around her thighs tightly, threatening to bring them down against either side of his own head, holding his mouth against her and fucking her with his tongue deeply and savagely, devouring her as though she were his last meal. The push from her hips caused his head to bob up and down along with her, and yet never for a moment did his cease in his impassioned feast.

Not until her words caught him by surprise, and his lips broke away from her cunt to glance up at her. His eyes were widened at first but were followed shortly thereafter by a devious, half-cocked smirk that crossed him.

"Well, if you insist..." he remarked smartly, slipping himself away from her sex and standing at the foot of the bed to undo his belt and remove his pants. If there was one thing he was not, it was the type of man to refuse that sort of offer. His hard cock sprang to life, already swollen with the delight in her taste, and becoming more engorged at the mere thought of being welcomed into her waiting mouth. As he rounded the bed, he ran his hand up the inside of her thigh, and over her dripping wet vulva. His other hand called her attention with a few errant strokes of his length. "This cock right here? Is that what you want, sweetheart?" he grinned as his passing hand pushed up her top, exposing her midriff.

He wasted little time in climbing back atop the bed, this time bringing himself to straddle her face, his long, thick cock dangling precariously close to her lips. With the bend of his back and a guiding hand at its base, he pressed it to her lips, too eager to feel her mouth's embrace to dawdle any longer.
Though the withdrawal of his mouth from her pussy was a small torture, she knew it would be well worth the discomfort to endure a few moments without him between her legs. She couldn't close her thighs to dampen the throbbing, quivering sensations. There'd be no relief for her until he gave it to her, devouring her until he made her orgasm. She bit back a moan at the thought, following his every movement. Her eyes fixed on his cock as soon as he'd freed it from his pants, mouth already watering in anticipation of sucking it dry.

A shiver rolled through her as he teased her again. His smug questions caused her to lick her lips as he neared with that tool, and she surprisingly made no attempt to shoot a snarky comment back at him. No, her attention was on that cock, and her own lustful desires. She didn't care that it was twisted and wrong. That he'd kept her prisoner almost the entire day. He'd more than made up for that by providing her with an almost overwhelming pleasure. Her body coursed with it, craving it.

There was no resistance as he pressed in close. Her mouth opened willingly, plump lips sliding about his member, mouth enveloping him in warmth. A low moan rumbled about his cock as she closed her eyes to enjoy the first taste of him. Thankfully, the use of a condom kept her from tasting the stripper, as well, but the seed from that encounter still clung to him like tiny salt crystals, and the flavor was a natural aphrodisiac. Her head rose, neck stretching a fraction as she rose to swallow as much of him as she could while her tongue curled about his length to tease. With one hand freed, she could also reach about his thigh to cup the sack hanging above her forehead, rolling his impressive balls about in her fingers.

She'd all but forgotten about her own pleasure in those few moments, though her thighs did open wider in response, stretching her panties to their limit.
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