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High Profile (ShadowOfDesire and Catalyst)

He's much more handsome when he isn't looking at me with murderous intent, she thought. Dark eyes searched his face, narrowing slightly at the smugness that seemed to be his default expression. She almost said no because of that smirk alone. Almost. But she wasn't playing around, and he'd agreed to help her exact revenge. If he really wanted sex, Sofia was almost willing to oblige him. Almost.

"I'm not a whore," she told him. "Call me a slut, if you like, but I've never gone to bed with a man for money or jewelry or any sort of favor. I've never slept with a photographer or editor so they'd give me preferential treatment. I've had plenty of guys make offers, trying to bribe their way into my bed, but I've never once caved. I've also never cheated. When I'm in a relationship, I'm in a relationship. I don't go looking at other guys or jumping from bed to bed. I've had casual flings, sure. Hookups, one night stands, booty calls... whatever you want to call them. It's about the sex, not about what I'm getting from the guy afterward."

"What you're asking is a very hard sell. We both know you could take whatever you wanted, but that's completely different from me deciding to whore myself out to you so you'll fuck up Brandon. Jesus. Just saying it out loud sounds ridiculous." She frowned, glancing briefly toward the window and the bright Miami sky. Her mouth pursed in thought as her attention shifted back. "So, before I make a decision, I want to know how bad this is going to be for me and whether I'm going to enjoy any of it. I've never fucked a guy that I wasn't attracted to in some way."

She gestured for him to move closer. "I want you to kiss me. I want to know if there's anything there."
Just as he'd agreed to do, he stood there before her without a word, and heard her out. What she'd done with how many other dicks and at what times was not something that concerned him, nor was he thinking about it in the slightest. Admittedly though, he did find a small touch of respect for her in saying that she'd never cheated, nor slept with anyone to gain an advantage in her line of work. Of course, he had no way of verifying that information, but it wasn't as though she had a reason to give enough of a shit about him to lie about such a thing. Up until that point, he had certainly had her pegged as the type.

He chuffed at the unfortunate phrasing of her current situation. It was absolutely, hauntingly accurate, and yet when she repeated it in that way, even he had to acknowledge just how depraved it truly sounded. Fortunately for him, he was just fine with that.

There was a twitch at the corner of his lip at her suggestion. He had not been entirely sure what to expect; some form of limitation, or line in the sand for him not to cross. But a kiss was among the last things he'd anticipated her to request. There was but a subtle change in his outward expression, and while he examined her closely, he did not open his mouth to speak until a quiet moment later.

"I've seen the way you've been looking at me," he remarked slyly. "You might not have thought I'd noticed, but I did. So let's not kid ourselves and pretend you aren't attracted to me. You just feel like you shouldn't because of who I am." He had no qualms about calling her out in such a way. He knew what he'd been seeing, and he had a strong feeling that he was not at all wrong in his assumptions.

"But a kiss?" he added, pausing briefly so as to give it a fleeting thought. "That I can do..."

He took a step toward her, closing the already minuscule gap between their bodies, and only accentuating the differences in their height and size. As he did, his right hand instinctively came up toward her face, and soon settled upon her. His fingertips found their place at the side of her neck, his palm about her jawline and the soft skin of her cheek, while his thumb rested just at the edge of her cheekbone. His left hand gripped her by the waist and guided her calmly, but commandingly toward him. He looked down into her eyes, giving her a moment to prepare herself as she looked back into his. Then he leaned down, and with no trace of hesitation pressed his lips to hers.
It annoyed her when he called her out, pointing out the way she'd been staring, but she didn't let that ruin the moment. As he took hold and pulled her close, her dark eyes met his searchingly, looking for something beyond the coldness of a hardened killer. Her breath caught when he bent to meet her, and she felt the first brush of his lips against her own. The spark between them was undeniable. Perhaps because he was so dangerously handsome and she was infernally beautiful. The way he looked at her, the way he smelled, the casual brush of his fingertips across her skin -- wrapped together they made her stomach quiver. How is this the same man that was just groping me yesterday? Is he really that wicked, or just desperate?

That kiss drove away whatever reservations she had. He could take what he wanted, but why shouldn't she enjoy it if she could? It'd be better for them both. Besides, she needed a rebound from her degenerate, cheating ex-boyfriend. Why not hook up with his polar opposite? It was flawed logic, perhaps, but Sofia was having trouble focusing on actual thoughts. She was having trouble focusing on anything other than their bodies pressed tightly together while held her that way.

She wouldn't allow him to get away with a simple kiss. A chaste kiss. No, she wanted the full experience. She wanted to know, was he more than just a handsome face, a nice body, and a wicked profession? Her arms snaked around his neck as her head tilted a fraction, lips parting in obvious invitation. Deeper. More. She was demanding, even when she wasn't yelling angrily at him.
He would not say it aloud, but he too felt something in that moment. Something neither of them could have prepared themselves for. As he felt those arms wrap about him, resting upon his bare shoulders and taking a hold of his neck, it did not take him but a moment to realize what it was that she wanted from him. Her invitation had come across loud and clear, without a single word spoken, and he wasted little time in accepting it.

His fingertips curled just a touch against the soft skin of her neck, his eyes falling closed as he intensified his kiss. His tongue taunted her lips, toying with them, making her feel its presence before he delved deeper, slipping between her soft, plush lips, and brushing past her own tongue in an intently exploratory, mischievous fashion. Her taste was vaguely sweet; delightful, even. He found himself surprised in just how immediately and how intensely he was intoxicated by it. It was sensual, alluring...needy - and her demanding urgency only pushed him further.

The hand at her waist slipped behind her back, wrapping her up in his grasp more fully and pulling her against him, enough so that she could feel the warmth radiating off of his body through the clothes she still wore. His breaths through his nose were impassioned, as he refused to break away, each moment growing more fervent in his own indulgence in the welcoming heat of her mouth, daring to explore her further.
She felt her toes curling in response to his kiss and a slowly expanding warmth in the pit of her stomach that dipped ever lower to torment. One hand remained firmly upon the strong frame of his shoulder. The other slid up along his neck and through his hair. Her eyes had closed automatically, other senses heightening to compensate. Pulse racing in excitement rather than fear, she knew in that moment that she was in deep trouble. If the man had this much power over her from a simple kiss, how in the hell was she going to be able to resist his cock? But then... did she really want to? Lines were beginning to blur. That quickly, she'd already made up her mind.

A soft, shiver of a moan rolled through her as he invaded her mouth, and she answered with her own tongue, drawing him in to suckle at that questing muscle. He tasted primarily of coffee, strong, bold, and forward. Just like the man himself. Sofia lost herself in the taste of him for a moment, savoring the flavor, indulging in the way their tongues tangled and stroked.

She'd experienced all manner of kisses, even those that did little to pique her interest. Boring kisses. Sloppy kisses. Disgusting.

Not his kiss, however. She wanted more of him, more of his mouth, and couldn't help but ponder what else he could do with that tongue.

His scent was heady, intoxicating. The strong, firm body pressed against her was rousing. Before she even realized that she'd moved, one of her silky legs slid up to rest at his hip, bringing her throbbing sex so very close to his. By her manner, there was little doubt of her interest, nor of the power he had over her.

Cooperation was not guaranteed, but it could definitely be coaxed.
He would have been hardpressed to deny the tingling sensation that her fingertips had left in their wake as they trailed up the back of his neck, and that radiated downward through his spine. So close, he could practically feel her heart beating, between the touch of his fingers at her neck and her full chest pressed so firmly against him. And so too could he feel the vibrations of the noises that escaped her, as he gave himself over just as well to the sinful dance of their lusting tongues.

Beneath that single layer of clothing, his cock had already begun to respond to her nearness, filling little bit little with hot, rushing blood. The movement of her leg that very nearly drove her into him did little to solve that. God, how he could so easily have lifted her up off of her feet and done whatever the hell he pleased with her. The way she was pulling him closer, enticing him with her tongue and with her body, he had little doubt that she would not fight any of it very hard.

His hand down her back, roaming down over her and finding that voluptuous, round ass. He glided over its curve slowly as he tempted her tongue and satiated himself hungrily on her taste. As his touch eventually found its way to the leg she'd lifted to his hip, he grabbed it with a strong and forceful hand, urging her body even closer, until he could feel her pressed up against himself, while stroking her thigh.

And then, he broke away.

His lips departed from her own, his hand releasing her thigh, and leaving her with only the unspoken allure of his temptuous, stormy gray stare. For some time, they remained that close, until the corner of his mouth turned up in a knowing smile, and he made the first move to separate them, his fingers slowly sliding down and away from her face as he backed away from her.

"You go ahead and think about that offer, now, sweetheart...Hypothetically, of course..." he teased, the tone in his voice having dropped ever so slightly. "I've got some business to take care of..."

With the final seconds of his gaze, he gave a roguish wink, and turned away, ascending the stairs and returning to his self-made office, silently trying not to dwell on the pulsating presence between his legs.
Her eyes fluttered open as he broke their kiss, and she stared, mouth slightly agape, flushed and breathless. A ripple of confusion crossed her face as their eyes met, locked, and held. She could feel his erection pressing against her, knew that her kiss had caused it. Her skin tingled where he'd caressed and held her thigh. Staring into those stormy grey hues, she felt slightly overwhelmed by the sheer sexual magnetism he exuded. He wanted her, she could tell, but in that moment... she wanted him more.

And then he released her. Released her. Dropped her as casually as one might toss away a bit of trash. Her confusion quickly became a glare. That bastard was teasing her. Granted, she'd only asked him for a kiss, and that's exactly what she'd gotten, but they'd not shared just a kiss. It had been far more than that -- like a lit match falling in slow motion into a powder keg. She felt as though she might explode -- with pent up anger or passion, she wasn't certain. All she knew was that he'd made her want him, for all his insufferable behaviors, and she hated him for that. And hated herself for not really hating him.

She let out a breath when he walked away, her body still thrumming with unsated need. Her panties were damp once more and her clit throbbing in time with her heart. There was no distraction great enough for her to ignore it. So as she watched him walk up the stairs, she quickly made up her mind. If he was going to torture her, she'd do the same to him.

Marching into her bedroom, she snatched up her toy from her suitcase and climbed onto the bed. Splayed out atop the covers, she flipped the vibrator on high and began to tease herself, running the thrumming cock up and down her clothed sex. Her eyes lifted, seeking out the camera that was tucked away in one of the high corners. She knew he had the cameras turned on, that he'd likely be watching, so she gave him a hypothetical show.

Writhing on the bed as she teased herself, one of her hands lifted to uncover her impressive breast and squeeze it, kneading it firmly. After a moment, she slid the dildo under her panties. The bulge of her hand and the toy stretched her shorts lewdly. As she slid the cock home in her slick cunt, she began to pump, hips rising and falling as she fucked herself. Panting, driving herself to orgasm, her gaze remained on the camera, peering through it to the man beyond.
"Foxx." he answered the call that had his phone buzzing beside his computer monitors as he walked into the room. Such unfortunate timing...

"I take it you already read my notes" he suggested, his eyes seeking out the leftmost monitor, expecting to see Sofia still standing where he'd left her. "I already talked to him about her. I told him I've got it under control. As for DeSantos, well, if he's making visits to Garcia's club like that, then clearly you got a bigger problem than you thought." Where did she go? To his surprise, she'd momentarily disappeared from the camera's view. It did not take him long to find her, though, as the movement alert flashed red on the bottom center feed, and her familiar form came intently into the frame of the bedroom camera.

At first, he thought nothing of it. "No, I mean you got a problem" he chided back at the voice on the other end of the line. "Your little contract covered one body, not two. Garcia might be a nobody compared to him, but he ain't just your average joe schmo, either. He'd got a business. Employees. People that'll miss him when he turns up missing. And clearly, he's got a lot more connections than you realize."

His eyes had remained on the camera while he spoke, and soon he discovered exactly why it was that she'd retreated to her room so quickly. Suddenly, his focus was not on the conversation at hand, but on the sight before him as she sprawled herself out, in clear view of the camera, and looked directly at him as she toyed with herself.

You're one horny little cunt, aren't you? he thought to himself. He thought his teasing would have an effect on her, but not this much of one. He certainly didn't quite anticipate that it would play out like this. He brought the bedroom feed into full focus at the center of his screen. Perhaps he wasn't in the best position to talk, as he found his free hand roaming own to the bulge in his pants, freeing himself through the fly and wrapping his hand about his girth, all the while watching her closely.

"Like I told him,
you sweeten the pot, I take care of both of them...that's the plan..." he remarked. "You don't, he walks. I don't take extra risks for're lucky I don't charge you extra for this bitch showing up, as it is..." No, he was already getting his own reward, for that...and that reward was making it harder by the moment for him to concentrate.

He had a feeling that was exactly what she intended. And it was working like a charm with every minute that passed.

"Uh...yeah...I'm gonna have to go over there and see for myself..." he answered, his interests very firmly elsewhere. "No..." That's right...I bet you're thinking of me while you fuck yourself, aren't you? His hand sped up on his cock, stroking himself harder and faster as he watched her hips bouncing up and down on her mattress, and not listening to so much as a word the man on the phone had to say. That was, until finally, the urge became to much to resist.

"I gotta go." he said abruptly, cutting his caller off in the middle of whatever sentence had been coming out of his mouth. "I'll take care of it. He knows my price."

He folded the phone closed and tossed it onto the table as he was finally able to focus on what he really wanted to. He leaned back in his chair and let his head fall back as he watched her fuck herself right there on his screen. There was no doubt she knew his eyes were on her, which meant she knew damn well she was doing this for him.

He didn't need sound to identify the orgasm that rocked her. The sudden, erratic motions of her body as it rippled through her made it all to obvious. He could swear he heard her moan aloud from across the apartment, even through the walls and floor between them. And not a moment later, as he fervently jerked his cock, he erupted with his own deep, guttural growl. In the aftermath of his climax, as he rode those pulses of pleasure, he found himself staring at her, eye to eye through the digital feed, rabid lust surging through him.
It was satisfying, but not overly so -- not when the real thing was so close at hand. Sofia had a pleasant little smirk upon her lips when she finally slid from the bed. The dildo in her hand was glistening as she pulled it free of her cunt. She threw a glance at the camera as she passed, pointedly staring at it, knowing he was likely still up there watching.

Her closet and bathroom weren't equipped with cameras for obvious reasons, so she was assured relative privacy unless he came downstairs to join her. After cleaning up, she returned to her vast closet to rifle through one particular drawer, two small scraps of fabric in her hand when she was done. Her specialty, what she was most known for, was modeling in swimsuits. Each one she modeled, she kept, leaving her with an ocean of them in her dresser. The one she'd selected wasn't as skimpy as some of the others she had, but it was an elegant designer bikini, black with sheer panels, and cut high so that it hugged her ass and left her remarkable curves exposed, covering her crack and little else. She worked hard to maintain the figure she had, and knew how well her swimsuits flattered her body. She also knew how men loved to look, to watch, and she figured that her house guest was no exception.

With a towel thrown over her shoulder, and a margarita in one hand, she climbed the stairs to the second level, breezing past his chosen room and opening the doors to the rooftop terrace. The pool was calling her, cool and refreshing on such a hot day. She dove in without hesitation, surfacing after a few moments of gliding underwater. She was a graceful swimmer, as well, and had modeled underwater on more than one occasion. Not every girl got to live out her dream of being a living mermaid, but Sofia had, and she had the photographs to prove it.

Of course, being on the terrace gave her easy access to the emergency exit and a chance to escape, but Sofia hadn't even looked in that direction. Not only was the exit alarmed, meaning that he'd hear it well before she descended more than few flights of stairs, but tripping it would also bring up the notice of building security. Neither of them wanted that. After the kiss that still lingered in her mind and upon her lips, Sofia definitely didn't want that.

After a few laps, she swam to the edge of the pool to have a drink, arms hooked over the edge while the rest of her floated behind. This was what she was used to -- leisurely days, relaxing swims, and tasty mixed drinks.
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Though the high had faded and his tantalizing nubile captive was no longer explicitly putting herself on display for him, pushing the images from the forefront of his mind still had its difficulties. Particularly so when even as she returned into view, wearing her chic little bikini and nothing else, the shape of her body and the natural allure in her movements still all but called out to him. She seemed to have a little more confidence in her gait than before. Perhaps it was because she knew all too well the likely effects of the show she'd just put on.

He'd surveilled her all through the apartment as she made her way up the stairs and out into the midday sun. He watched her body disappear into the cool, clear waters, and resurface dripping wet with her long hair flowing behind her. The longer he thought about it, the more he was unable to help but be oddly amused. Margaritas in your private pool at noon...even as a hostage, you're still getting off pretty fuckin' easy, aren't you? Normally, when he held someone captive, it was either to torture them for information or beat them within an inch of their lives. That, or his face was meant to be the last thing they'd see before they died.

Despite the distractions, he was eventually able to refocus himself at least primarily on his work. While he did not try particularly hard to resist the temptations of glancing over to the terrace feed every once in a while to observe her, he had regained enough self-control to tend to the matters that needed to be tended to, including contacting his connection within the hotel to follow up from the previous night and planning his next move.

If DeSantos has some vested interest in the club, it was likely he'd be back. Garcia certainly would be. He was known to be present there just about every night that it was open, and at least most nights when it wasn't. If that was the case, then it seemed a no brainer that the next logical step in his process would be to get a closer look at what exactly is going on behind those violet curtains. He could go tonight. The club would be open, but he could at the very least stake it out and see if there were any other familiar faces coming through. It would be risky, no doubt, but he knew his clients well. They may not have enjoyed hearing that their little operation would cost more than they'd already put aside, but they were not the type to take half-measures, and neither was he... The only problems would be figuring out what to do with Sofia, and...

Shit...wait...what the fuck had he been saying on the phone?

"Hey." He called out to her from behind. Clearly, she either did not care about his presence or hadn't heard him slip out onto the terrace at all, which would not have been surprising, given his naturally hushed movements. At some point, he'd finally opted to change and dress himself beyond his boxers. Compared to the insouciance of that morning, and the semi-formal all-black attire he'd been wearing when first she saw him, his current look fell somewhere in between. His strong, broad torso was hugged flatteringly by his fawn-colored half button Henley shirt, which he'd paired with a pair of pants of a slightly darker shade and brown lace-up leather boots. From the looks of it, he was not dressed for roof-top relaxation.
While he had conducted his business, Sofia had a leisurely time floating in her pool and soaking up the sun. At some point, when the direct light became a bit much, she moved to recline on one of her deck chairs where her face would be shaded while the rest of her tanned. Her natural caramel colored skin absorbed the warming rays. With a healthy dose of tanning oil, her body glistened like burnished copper. Though her thoughts drifted now and again to her captor, and that amazing kiss, she was eventually able to let go of the day's worries. She didn't want to think about her ex-boyfriend or her ex-best friend. Her eyes were closed, though she wasn't dozing. One margarita wasn't enough to give her a buzz, but it put her in a pleasant state of relaxation.

His voice roused her and she opened an eye, head turning slightly to peer around the chair. Her hair had dried in the sun and she wrapped it in a loose bun atop her head to keep it from clinging to her sweat flecked skin. Stretching, back arching slightly, she rested one hand over her head. Her eyes flitted over his body, only slightly disappointed that he'd put on clothes. She preferred him shirtless and in his underwear. Even so, he cut a nice figure no matter what he wore, and she could certainly appreciate the muscular lines of his body beneath the fabric that hugged them.

"Hey," she called back lazily. Rising in her seat, she propped herself up on one elbow to study him further. "I thought you might join me for a swim, but I see you've got other things going on. Heading out?" Her eyebrow quirked. Personally, she didn't put on real clothes unless she was heading out. She certainly didn't wear shoes in the house. The fact that he'd done both hinted that he had business elsewhere.

Like him, she wondered what he was going to do with her if he did need to leave the apartment. She knew that though he'd loosened his leash significantly, he wouldn't trust her so easily. It was in his nature. She still hadn't made her mind up about hiring him to pummel Brandon, but she didn't have any intention of running at the first opportunity. Not yet. Not until she was sure she could do so safely.
He approached her while she spoke to him and adjusted herself, and sat on the chair beside her, making no secret of the wandering of his eyes as he examined her soft, tan skin, glistening from the combined effects of the oil she'd used and the light natural sweat from the warmth of the Miami sun. "Not for long." he answered her. "There's just something I need to make sure gets taken care of." he was as vague as could be, still hesitant to give her any real information about the nature of his assignment.

As much as he would have liked to sneak into Garcia's club and take care of him tonight - rid himself of one more unexpected problem - he knew that it would not be feasible. It was too soon. Taking an action like that was little more than a surefire way to alert DeSantos to the fact that someone was hot on his trail. Especially if the two of them had some other meeting planned. Instead, he would have to settle for patiently waiting, gathering further intel until he could be sure that he could dispatch him properly.

All in all, that did not leave him with much in the way of options. And with this woman...this extremely notable, recognizable woman now under his control, every move he made had to be very carefully orchestrated. He could not leave her here. But if she was spotted in public, with him nearby with no explanation, it would raise more red-flags in the public eye than he could possibly overcome. His entire operation would be compromised...

It also did not help that even knowing how problematic his situation had become, when he was in her presence, and she was dressed like this, he could not help himself nor his thoughts from drifting.

"I'll have to remember to take you up on that swim offer...but did you enjoy yourself earlier?" he quipped, letting his smirk show. "You put on quite a little show for me, didn't you?" his words confirmed that he'd been paying very close attention, though he was sure she already suspected as much.
"Show? What show?" she replied innocently. That gleam in her eyes told him otherwise, however.

Suddenly, she sucked in a breath and pressed her fingers to her chest in an actor's pose of shocking disbelief. "Were you invading my privacy while watching me in the bedroom? How dare you, sir! I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but I definitely know for a fact that you're a pervert." One corner of her mouth quirked upward wickedly. "You must have seen one of my morning rituals. Nothing special about this morning in particular. I always enjoy a good fuck first thing, even if I have to do it myself."

Resting on her side, her fingers slid through her hair, mussing the sleek strands as she propped up her head. Her other hand rested on her stomach, twirling circles about the diamond in her navel. Dark eyes flitted over him again.

"If you're going out, what do you intend to do with me?" That was the question of the day. If she was going to spend the evening tied to her bed, she wanted to make certain she was comfortable first. "Am I staying here? Or going with you? I won't cause any trouble either way. Not while I'm still mulling over potentially hiring you. I think I'd like to be your boss and have you working under me, but the budget still needs final approval from the board."

Her fingers dipped to toy with the waistband of her suit, nails gliding back and forth over the flat of her stomach. She knew how she was posing and the picture she presented to him, and she enjoyed teasing him. If anything, it was an experiment to see how much he could withstand.
She'd elicited a loud, single burst of laughter from his gut with that snide remark of hers. He shook his head. "Well, considering I spent a pretty good portion of last night with my fingers doing the work, I think I've at least earned myself the right to watch. Especially considering it sounds like you more than likely were hoping you wouldn't have had to do it by yourself, anyway."

"If its any consolation, the audience was satisfied with your performance. If it's a daily show you're insinuating, I can assure you I'll be looking forward to the next one." His gaze floated down over her form, that hand at her stomach catching his eye.

"I don't do bosses, remember?" he reminded her. "But given the information, I presented to you at your request this morning, I think the value of my services speaks for itself."

Naturally, her little subtleties were succeeding in their attempts to draw his attention. Even when she spoke up, his line of sight flickered back and forth between the fingers that played so naughtily at the tight skin of her lower body, and the watchful brown orbs that were observing him intently, taking exactly two round, robust detours along the way.

"Considering you're still supposed to be in France right now," he started, "and God only knows how many people in this city would recognize you, I don't think it would be wise to take that chance of you being spotted out in public at the moment," he advised, not so much to her, but to himself. "So unfortunately for you, I do believe that means you're going to have to get reacquainted with your newfound position from last night." He was willing to bet she wouldn't like to hear that, and yet even as he said it, he could not stop himself from grinning.
Her eyes narrowed, and she sighed, though she wasn't at all surprised. Having figured as much, and knowing he'd likely enjoy it, she was resigned to the act even before he'd mentioned it. With a light shift of her body, she sat up on the lounge chair, glittery polish on her toenails glinting in the sunlight as she crossed one ankle over the other.

"You don't trust me?" she asked, lashes fluttering. "I'm heartbroken."

"If you're concerned about me being seen, I can always go incognito so that I won't be recognized. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not a damned celebrity. Yet. I've got a good career in modeling, but I'm not famous enough for a ton of people to know me. And since no one thinks I'm in Miami, no one will be looking for me."

Rising with another sigh, she collected the things she'd brought with her, and folded her towel over her arm. "However, if you still plan to truss me up, I do have a few special requests. since this is a planned outing, and not a sudden decision like last night, I'd like to think you'd be a bit more accommodating. Just the basic necessities, of course, to have close at hand -- food, water, and the remote to the damned television. I'd also prefer my own bed, because it is infinitely more comfortable and also has the largest television other than the one in the living room. I might have to play the captive while you're out, but I'd rather do it comfortably than not."

"How soon are you leaving?" she asked, head tilting at him in curiosity.
"Hm...Not that much." he shrugged. "You never know. For every 'follower' you have, there's probably a dozen other people creeping on your shit. Not to mention your face is already well established out there as it is just on account of your parents. You very well might go unrecognized. But any small risk like that is too much for me to take. Besides to put it bluntly, well...where I need to go tonight, and you you..." he gestured toward her body with an off hand. "You might garner a lot more attention than just the people who know you from your Instagram."

He raised an eyebrow at her as she made her requests. Obviously, she wasn't in a position to demand any sort of comforts. But then, she wasn't really demanding anything. She put up next to no fight at all about the idea itself. Instead, her biggest concern seemed to being comfortable. What is with her? he wondered as he followed her first with his eyes, and then rose to physically move back inside. Not that it would be difficult to oblige her requests. But should he?

"So let me get this're fine with being tied up...but you want me to leave one of your hands free so that you can watch tv and eat?" he eyed her up and down, and nearly chuckled at his own question. "You're certainly an interesting one. I'll give you that."

As he followed behind her, his eyes wandered down to those perfectly round, smooth asscheeks, watching the way they subtly bounced up and down with every step of her gait. Very...very interesting...

"The sooner I leave, the sooner I get back." he responded simply, knowing that he could put no concrete time frame on the information he needed to gather.
She toweled herself dry as they walked, wiping away the layer of sweat and oil that made her body glisten. Throwing a glance at him when they reached the stairs, she replied dryly, "I'm not fine with being tied up, but if it is going to happen whether I want it to or not, then I'd rather make the most of it. I could fight and bitch and moan, which you've already seen, but that accomplished nothing. So instead of that, I'd rather play nice and maybe you will, too. The alternative is shitty for us both."

Heading to the kitchen, she put her glass in the sink and fetched herself two bottles of water. She eyed him as she cracked the lid. "You aren't going to divulge anything about what you're doing? Not even give me a little hint about where you're going and when you might be back? You're not going some place where you need a distraction?" One eyebrow lifted as she took a drink and licked her lips.

As he hadn't flat out denied her request, she opened the pantry to rifle through her food, grabbing a couple of boxes and a bag of snacks. Arms full of items to see her through a lonely night alone in bed with Netflix to keep her company, she returned to the bedroom and deposited her items on the bed. After leaving her damp towel in the hamper, she pulled on a soft, knitted coverup. She didn't really care if she lounged about in her bikini all night, but she knew that she'd get cold in the air conditioned space. Already, the cooler air had her nipples standing to attention, but her curves were soon lost beneath the oversized garment.

As upstairs, the headboard in her master bedroom was wrought iron, though this one had wooden accents. Slats ran horizontally and support posts vertically, providing plenty of junctions that one might secure ropes to. She'd not have the freedom of movement as in the upper bedroom, but the comfort of the bed itself more than made up for the restriction. Sofia stared at the bed and then glanced back to him, lips pursed in thought.

"You're sure that this is the only way?" She'd love an alternative, though couldn't fathom what that might be. She definitely didn't want to be tied to a chair or stuffed in some trunk for hours on end.
"Oh, playing nice is absolutely the way to go," he agreed in a sinister, almost playful tone. "You know, you might just be a little bit more intelligent then I gave you credit for." Of course, it was as backhanded of a compliment as it could possibly be, but that didn't stop him from grinning as he paid it to her. "Although I confess, I don't necessarily hate a good fight, every once in a while." It was ambiguous as to whether he might have been challenging her, or merely teasing her with that sly look in his eyes. His wandering gaze alluded to the possibility of both.

"I start answering too many of your questions and telling you what I'm doing, you start putting things together. You start putting things together, you might end up learning a little too much for your own good. You know too much, and...wellll...I'm sure you know the rest." He gestured with his hand for her to move ahead of him on her trek to the bedroom, mostly so that he could have another few moments of watching that hypnotizing ass swaying in front of him.

He'd been leaning just inside the doorway, observing her as she set her things down and covered herself. "Maybe not the only way. But the best way I've got for now." he answered. "You tempt me, though. Depending on what exactly you mean by distractions, maybe I can be convinced, next time." he shot her a knowing glance, fully aware that he already possessed a decent idea of what she'd meant. "For tonight...If I decide I really need the distraction, well, then maybe I'll just have to stop in for a nice lap dance while I'm there..." If she was looking for a hint, that would more than likely be the closest she would get, as the expression on his face seemed to tell her.

With a pointing gesture of his head, he turned her attention toward her bed. "Go on, now. Go get yourself nice and comfy, princess." he mocked her as obviously and sarcastically as he could muster. "I'll be right back."

He left her momentarily, disappearing out of the bedroom and back up the stairs. When he did return a couple of short minutes later, it was with a familiar coil of rope in his hand, looking upon her expectantly. Unbeknownst to her, however, that was not the only trick he'd had up his sleeve. He'd been giving some thought to how he could restrain her; allowing her just enough freedom to oblige her requests, while making absolutely certain she would not be able to free herself. What he'd come up with, he was interested to see the reaction it may elicit. "You ready?"
While he ventured back upstairs, Sofia slipped into the bathroom to empty her bladder. She didn't want a repeat of last time, especially as he'd be gone for much of the night and there'd be no one to let her loose to pee. After returning to her bed, she moved her pillows about to make herself comfortable with everything she needed within reach. It was strange sitting there upon the bed, waiting for the man that had invaded her home to tie her up.

While he is upstairs and distracted, I could just run out the front door without him even noticing until it was too late. He wouldn't be watching her security cameras from the time it took him to walk up the stairs and fetch the rope he'd left there. Distracted, she might have a chance to get away. Or maybe not. He was fast and ruthless. After tying to escape once and a near miss that morning when he'd thought she'd made a run for it, she doubted that he'd give her any additional chances. She sighed, knowing how dangerous that would be. If she proved to be too much of a problem, he'd just eliminate the problem. Eliminate me, she thought. And I doubt he'd have any remorse about it at all. Men like him don't possess remorse.

When he returned only a few moments after she'd settled, Sofia knew she'd made the right decision. He'd gone up and come down far too quickly. If she'd made a run for the door, he would have likely seen her dashing through the hall, and it wouldn't have ended well for her.

Propped up on her side using one of her throw pillows, she eyed him as he neared her with that rope. He looked far too smug, which she didn't like in the slightest. "Ready to be tied to the bed and kept like a prisoner in my own apartment? Sure," she said wryly.

"If I'm a princess, that makes you what... a dragon? An ogre?" She considered. "Yes, definitely an ogre. Some manner of foul monster keeping the princess captive. That suits you." Her lips curved into a wicked smile.
From his perspective, there was no evidence of the train of thought that had passed through her mind in his brief absence. As far as he could tell, she was cooperative and hadn't even thought about trying once more to flee for her life at the first chance she'd gotten. That ignorance would work out ever so slightly in her favor. Had she tried and failed, as she inevitably would have, the consequences would have been dire for her. But even the thought alone, had he been aware of it, may well have been just enough for him to reconsider his meager allowance of relative freedom.

"Good." He answered right back in the same manner as he approached her. "Well then lay back..." He made the command, but he did not give her much say in the matter as he put a hand on her and guided her onto her back near the center of the mattress. He scoffed at her remark, not saying much at first. She would likely be surprised when she came to realize that it was not either of her wrists that he'd gone for first, but her ankle.

As he began to wrap the length of rope around it, he glanced back at her, surveying her expression. Soon, he'd secured it fully, but rather than simply tying the other end to the bed post, he'd had other plans in mind, feeding the rope beneath the foot of the bed, and pulling it the full way through to the other side. He watched her closely as he slowly began to tug on it, removing the slack and in the process forcing her tied leg toward the lower corner of the bed.

"Ogre is a bit harsh." he finally said with a devious grin. From where he'd left off, he grabbed her free leg, and forcibly pulled her toward him. No matter how much fight she put up at that point, if any at all, it would do her little good. "In that particular situation, I'd prefer to think of myself as Prince Charming..." He made extremely quick work of securing her opposite ankle with the free end of the rope. The result was a singular length that bond both of her ankles together via a tightly pulled length of rope that ran beneath the bed. Rather than securing each of them separately to the bedposts, this gave her the ability to move her legs, but severely limited the range of motion she had, as any force on one side would pull the other in tandem. Her legs were left spread apart, not to the fullest extent, but just enough that when he was standing at the foot of the bed, he had a relatively unimpeded view of what lie between her legs, covered though it may have been.

"If Prince Charming were a relentless, sociopathic killer with an obsession for control, of course." he grinned at her knowingly as he finished securing her legs.
The confusion on her face as apparent as his hands went to her ankle. Her mouth opened to protest, but then shut rather quickly, knowing it would do little good. Even so, her brows dipped low in displeasure as she realized what he was doing. When he made a grab for her free ankle, she squirmed and shifted it away to at least put up a token of resistance to what she found to be so irritating. Knowing full well how wide her legs were spread and the view he had wasn't helping. Even so, her breath caught as he grabbed her leg and pulled her body toward him. Her jaw clenched as she sat up to study what he'd done.

An experimental tug of one foot taught her the limit of the rope before it began to pull on the other. Perhaps, if she crawled to the end of the bed and onto the floor, she'd have enough slack to close her legs, but her current state made that impossible. Propped up on one palm, she gestured to his handiwork with her other hand.

"Seriously? That's what you consider comfortable? Are you afraid of the power of my legs and what they might do if they're not properly secured?" As both ankles tugged against the bonds, her thighs flexed, toned muscles rippling. As a tease, she relaxed and opened them wider. Were it not for the suit she wore beneath the coverup, he'd have an unimpeded view of her hairless sex. She tucked one hand between her thighs, pushing her shirt down into the dip to cover herself fully. Her dark gaze sparked as they narrowed.

"I've yet to see any of the charm from your version of Prince Charming. One kiss doesn't really qualify. A relentless, sociopathic killer with an obsession for control would have a completely different name. Prince Terrible, maybe. Prince Terrible the Annoying Intruder? Yes, that has a nice ring to it." She eyed him and the rest of that rope, secretly wondering what else he had planned and knowing that she wasn't going to like it in the slightest.
"Well, it would be a hell of a lot more comfortable if you stopped fighting it." he quipped. The movement of those well defined, clearly powerful legs did catch his eye, and so to did the little spread that practically guided his focus toward that little strip of fabric. Still, he did his best not to let that show. "Not so much scared." he corrected. "More like not taking any chances on what you might try to do with this free hand that I'm giving you." finally, he seemed to directly confirm his acceptance toward her earlier request, though the fact that he'd allowed her to gather up her choice of provisions had already hinted at that.

"Prince Terrible, huh?" he stifled back a laugh. "Flattery will get you nowhere, sweetheart." he taunted her as he examined her and the work he'd already done. "But you know, I gotta say, you do look pretty good like this. I can see the appeal..." he reached down and touched her tied ankle. "Assuming you get out of this, of course...maybe you should consider doing a kinky photoshoot or two." he smirked wickedly. "Now that would get you some attention."

Hell, it already has mine.

He glanced down at the rope in his hand, and back at her. And then, to her sure surprise, he set it aside, dropping it near the foot of the bed. Once again, she'd propped herself up, and that simply wouldn't do. So he moved closer, planting on of his knees on the mattress and bringing himself that much closer to her. His hand came up and came to rest at the center of her chest, as he stared into those eyes.

"Isn't that how all of those bullshit fairy tales go, anyway?" he remarked, sardonically imitating some offhanded generic narrative voice. "It all started with one kiss..." His gaze flitted toward her lips, and then he moved to close the gap between them, kissing her once more. As his lips made contact, he began to guide with his hand, silently demanding that she give into him and lay back. He followed her all the way down, never breaking contact the contact between them.
She tried not to show how his touch impacted her, tried not to squirm on the bed as his fingers dragged across her ankle, tried not to hold her breath as he neared. Even when he wasn't holding a gun on her or some other weapon, he was still intimidating this close, menacing even. Perhaps it was knowledge that he could likely kill her with his bare hands if he so desired. Easily. Too easily.

She wasn't certain what she expected, but it certainly wasn't a kiss. She resisted the press against her torso, not wanting to make herself completely vulnerable, but that kiss completely unnerved her. As he closed in, she felt a tremble in her stomach when he pressed his mouth to hers. Her fingers dug into the cover beneath her, desperately trying not to throw her arms around his neck. Whatever resistance she'd shown melted away. Her arms slid to her sides as he lowered her to the mattress, their lips locked together for that small time.

When the bed pressed up beneath her, her eyelids fluttered open to gaze up at him. Loosed from her bun, her dark hair spilled about her head. She pressed one hand to his chest as if to push him away, but there was no real force in the shove.

She felt boneless, weightless, as though she were floating above herself somehow. Spending all morning outside in the heat, the sun, and water made her feel somewhat lethargic, and not even the feel of rope cutting into her ankles could break through that waterlogged sensation. Her heart hadn't started racing until he'd kissed her. Again. There was less heat in the second kiss, less ravaging, but it still made her tingle in the most pleasant of ways.

What in the hell is he playing at?
Truth be told, he was not himself entirely sure of what it was that drew him to kiss her again. He had more than enough power to manipulate her position without any such coaxing. So then it must have simply been his own desire. His desire to elicit that same scandalous reaction he'd drawn from her that morning, and leave her wanting more. His desire to prove the power he had over her. His desire, to taste her lips and lose himself for just a short little while within her kiss once more.

He adjusted himself on the bed as he bent over her, kissing her deeply and uniting their tongues together within her warm mouth. As he did so, he grabbed her by her wrist and brought her arm up high over her head, pinning it to the pillows his other hand explored briefly its way up and down her side, slipping up the top she'd just put on to cover herself and letting her feel his touch along her ribcage, over her silky, still warm skin. Then, as he slowly pulled that hand back, he reached behind himself, unbeknownst to her, and slid it into his back pocket.

For a long moment, he lingered, not quite wishing to break away; enjoying himself far too much. Her hand at his chest might have felt his own heartbeat therein, increasing steadily. It was not until he finally made the move to part their lips that he glimpsed into her eyes, a faint smile on his lips that was equal parts menacing and playful, as though he'd truly been indulging himself in every second.

"See? Now isn't that better?" he asked her. "If that's not charming, I don't know what is." He looked content with himself, but not just because of what he'd just done. He also knew what his next move was, and that meant he was already positive of how little she would like it. As he looked into her eyes, without missing so much as a single beat, he drew a pair of metal handcuffs from his back pocket, and had the wrist he'd been holding locked into one side of them before she even had time to process it. He rose up onto his knees, and quickly secured the other metal cuff around the wrought iron vertical support of the headboard.
Sofia couldn't help the slight arch in her back as she felt his fingers skate over her skin, leaving tingling fire in its wake. Nor could she help the tiny little moan that escaped her throat before she could swallow it as she felt his tongue press past the barrier of her lips. Her eyes closed again as she indulged in the taste of him, tongue caressing and welcoming as it tangled with his. She shouldn't encourage him, she knew, for that desire and passion would only grow in strength if she allowed it. She'd not yet given him an answer to his proposition, but it was already clear that he'd do what he wished without regard to her feelings on the matter.

When he broke away, she licked her lips as she opened her eyes, body thrumming with the need he'd planted beneath her skin. She wanted more of his wicked mouth, but she'd never tell him so. However, she couldn't quite hide the way that her body responded. Her back hit the bed, her clenched fist opened, and she had to catch her breath. Everything about him was intoxicating, maddening. She wanted to haul him down onto the bed with her and fuck him senseless. She also wanted to slap that smug smile of his right off his face. She'd never hated a man with such fiery passion while still wanting to rip off his clothes and pin him beneath her.

She stared at him suspiciously as he gazed down at her, eyes following the hand that dipped behind him. She didn't see what he'd withdrawn, but she heard the click of the handcuffs and knew exactly what he'd done when she felt that tug of metal against her wrist. Before she could jerk her hand away, he'd secured her to the headboard, leaving her stretched between the top and bottom of the bed.

Her slightly dazed expression quickly shifted to wrath. "Oh, you fucking bastard! I knew you were up to something!" She gave the handcuff a jerk. "Don't you think the cuffs would have been enough without securing my feet, too?" She squirmed on the bed, twisting to peer up at where he had her secured. Her arm had enough slack that it wasn't uncomfortably stretched, but there was no way she could get closer to the headboard with her feet tied.

She sucked in a breath, eyes darting back to him to glare. "You're going to leave me like this for how long?"
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