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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Brayden was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "Well I suppose we should start now. We will want to camp at nighttime, far to dangerous to ravel then."
Soon enough they had grabbed what they could, and were headed out of the ruins. Currently Vivian was leading the way since she knew exactly where they were going from there.
The hours seemed to trek past and Brayden was looking up as the sun was beginning to set. The three guys didn't seem at all winded by the walking, although that was a completely different story for the two ladies. Although they had both continued walking without complaint, obviously just wanting to get to where they needed to go sooner rather than later.
Brayden was agreeing with Kodi and was commenting that he would get the tents set up for the night. Ariella and Vivian was just stopping to catch their breaths for a moment in time.
"What can we do to help?" Vivian was questioning and Brayden was just waving them off, telling them to sit down and take a break for a bit.

Brayden was looking over before he spoke, "You guys could have asked to stop at any time, none of us would have been upset about it. The three of us are use to traveling long distance, neither of you are. The next half of the trip is going to be a lot rougher so please... if either of you feel tired... say something."

This had both of them nodding their heads.
Ariella was giving a nod of her head and she was just sinking down to her knees. Nope her legs felt like jello at that point in time. Felt like jello which meant that they were going to be quite sore in the morning.
Ariella was just looking up at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a faint shiver as a cold breeze passed through.
Ariella was just looking at him before she was giving a soft smile and merely gazed at the fire as it flickered before her.
"I figured as much you didn't go through the same training we did" Kodi hated that female soldiers were treated differently then the males
Vivian scoffed and spoke, "Which is kind of stupid. I get that a female isn't as strong as a man but we are still able to hold our own if needed." She had proved that time and time again. Half the time the protection that Greg put on her when she went into battle was more of his own reassurance that she was going to be okay.
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