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Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was following after him and just looking around. She saw everybody but Aranya which had her asking about that.
Vivian was just looking over before she was speaking, "Aranya went out to explore the area around us, see what else she could find. She said not to worry about her, that she will be sure to keep safe, and she'll be back in a few days."
Ariella was giving a small nod of her head although she was asking about if Aranya was needing help which had Vivian waving a hand as though to dismiss the question. "I have a mental connection with her, she told me that she would let me know if she was needing help. And if that is the case, then I'll send out one of the guys to where ever she is at." Vivian was commenting before she was taking a sip of the tea that was in front of her.
“Viv agreed to check in with her often to make sure she is doing ok and to keep tabs on where she is and Aranya agreed to this as well” Kodi knew his sister would keep trying to reach her till she could convince her to return home
Ariella was giving a nod before she was giving a bright smile, reassured that everybody was safe and sound.
Vivian was a bit lost in her own thoughts, jumping when she heard Brayden saying something. Oh it seemed like the other general was just questioning what they were going to end up doing know. The guys had absolutely nothing at all, and their home had been that of the palace. Under the kings orders they had been forced to give up any places that they had once owned.
Vivian was tilting her head before she was smiling almost innocently before she spoke, "I was recently widowed, and little does the king know that stated in my deceased husband's will, I obtained all of his properties. This does include a vacation home in the mountains that nobody knows about."
Kodi looked at her "the mountains are rather close to the northern part of the demonic kingdom and their castle" Kodi knew they would be getting rather close to someone who may or may not turn them in
"I know and it is a good one we will just need to be careful not to stray too far" Kodi knew the mountains would be their best bet
Vivian was commenting, "Besides my deceased husband wasn't a complete idiot. There are some powerful magics around the mansion that prevent those from the demon territory from entering, unless it is through the main gate. And as soon as they do enter, they are without their powers until the owner says otherwise."
"Lets get going then." Brayden was commenting before he spoke that it was better than the old ruins, they were freezing cold. There was no heat or anything, and no way to keep the warmth in at all. Already Vivian was reaching out to Aranya mentally to let he rknow what was going on, and telling her where she could find them.
Soon enough Vivian was getting to her feet and Brayden was commenting that he was ready to get going.
Vivian was giving a faint smile and Brayden was stating that it would probably be best if they didn't teleport though, that they should probably travel by foot. As much as none of them wanted to do that, it was the best option. It was a couple of days travel from there, doable although he was commenting to Vivian that he was more concerned for her health, with her being a human and all. This had her waving him off before she spoke, "I'll be fine."
"I have treated her for the sickness before so should she get sick I can tend to her" Kodi would keep his sister healthy no matter what
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