Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

"I figured that you would stand by me. You have for all of these years. Even if it is my fault that you have been in so much pain." Vivian spoke in a soft voice.
Greg moved her back so she could see his face "I chose that when I volunteered to be your guard Vivian so it is not and never has been your fault"
"I mean at first it had been kind of forced on you." Vivian was pointing out after a moment in time.
"no it hadn't Kodi asked me about it weeks before I was informed and I volunteered he had actually asked me if I knew of a guard willing to protect you" Greg shrugged slightly
"Then why did you act as though you didn't want anything to do with it?" Vivian questioned after a moment in time.
"to protect you if the king thought I wanted the position he wold have assigned someone else" and you would have been at greater risk" Greg shrugged a little
Vivian was smiling at him before she was looking over at her brother for a moment and was wondering, "I have to wonder if he does truly care."
"he does more than you know or that he lets show to also again keep you safe" Greg knew that his conversation was going to be interesting
Vivian just looked at him before she spoke, "I'm really hoping that me telling him the secret isn't going to cause him to go like over protective."
"relax your brother isn't stupid and he won't risk doing something dangerous like getting even more protective" Greg guided her to the kitchen and went to work making her some tea
Vivian was looking at him although she was flushing a bit at the term that he used, and was looking at the ground.
Vivian just looked at him before she spoke, "When we were younger you were always wondering why I was constantly getting sick, and hurt more than you were. Well that is because I'm not a supernatural like you. I am human, one hundred percent human."
Kodi sighed and then looked at her "I wish you hadn't said that not because it changed how I feel about you but because I already knew dear sister I have since the day you were born"
"No wonder you were crazy protective when we were younger. I just learned a few years ago.... actually it was my ex-husband that somehow figured it out." Vivian was commenting, and she was really grateful that he hadn't been able to pass on the information to anybody.
"exactly its actually part of our bloodline in each generation where a wolf is born a human follows right after and it is the wolfs job to protect the human I studied like I did to find ways to better heal you and help you stay healthy" Kodi smiled at her and then pulled out the family crest that he kept on him
Vivian was just looking over for a moment in time before she was tilting her head a bit before she spoke, "Although I'm a bit disappointed that you never said anything although... I understand why you didn't all at once." Humans weren't treated the best there, if anybody else had found out... then Vivian would have been in trouble.
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