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The Eastern Front ((WWII RP ME and Blueracoon))

Senka nodded and she looked down the scope of her snipe looking for their target already. She heard his offer and she looked up and said "All right, go for it" she said handing him a pair of binoculars. She looked back down the scope still looking for now. She sighed a little. This looked like it was going to be another long drawn out mission. Oh the joys. She settled her self into the snow getting comfortable. She sighed to her self and continued to look.
Desya grasped the binoculars and instantly set to work, laying down on his stomach in the snow and spying into the house, looking through the windows to see the life that was going on. It was mostly maids and other servants, all bustling about. Lucky them... soon, they won't have a master that they'd have to answer to- at least for a little while. He looked quite different from his usual self when he was spying on their target. His face was usually adorned with a grin and bright eyes and he looked as if there were no war going on around him. Now, his eyes grew darker under his worried eyebrows, lips set to a frown and an almost too-serious look crossing his features.
Senka continued to look down the scope of her rifle. She couldn't find their target yet, just his maids and other servants. She sighed and she looked at him seeing the seriousness on his face. He always got serious while on mission. She looked down the scope again and said "I think I found his office" she said, this room looking very different from the rest, it didn't have such a homey feel to the rest. It was lined with shelves full if files, books and whatever else this man had
Desya seemed to snap out of a dreamlike state when he heard Senka talk. Of course, he was as observant as ever but he usually looked as if he were having a dark-themed daydream while he was working his shift as spotter. He didn't look at her- he couldn't afford to let his gaze shift for even the slightest moment when it came to missions like these. "Do you need to move to get a better shot?"
Senka looked through the scope of the rifle and said "No, this is fine, he's going to have to go in there sometime" she said holding her aim. She continued to look down the scope. "This might take awhile" she said sighing.
Desya knew what was in store whenever he was summoned to these missions... so needless to say, he knew better than to grow fidgity as the minutes passed into hours and hours into days. For a man in his own house, he didn't seem to let himself be seen by the outside all that much. It was rather irritating, but the Russian soldier knew he'd just have to deal. It had to be in the late, dark, and cold hours of the night and his spotting shift was about to end. To be honest, Desya was looking forward to his well-deserved nap, even if it only lasted a half hour, maybe forty-five minutes. However, a bit of movement caught his eye in the study of the house and Desya squinted his eyes, straining to see who it was. He recognized the face from the file. "Senka, heads up," he hissed.
Senka had seen the movement better then him, since she was still looking down the scope of her rifle. She heard him and said whispered back "I know, I see him...I need a good shot" she said watching him move about the room. He then stopped to look in his desk draw, leaving his head exposed to her. "I have a shot..." she whispered "I'm going to take it" she whisper again and with that she slowly pulled back the trigger, the sound of the shot loud bang. she watched as the bulled hit it's target and he fell to the ground dead. "Got him, now lest get out of here" she said beginning to get up.
The soldier winced at the loud bang to his side. No doubt, he'd lose his hearing prematurely with all the trauma that damn rifle caused to his poor ears. Nevertheless, now wasn't the time to be worrying about his hearing. What mattered was getting the hell out, since sniping missions tended to be hit-and-runs.... and by run, it means get the hell out because by shooting your target, you just gave away your position. Desya had long since memorized their escape route and he packed away his binoculars and helped Senka with packing up the rifle stand. "Right," he muttered, not bothering to cover up their footprints as he began to slink between the trees and underbrush. It had started snowing again and their footprints would be covered soon enough.
Senka slung the rifle on her shoulder and she turned and began to follow him under the bush and out. She followed him as he lead the way back to the pick up point. She hoped they would get back with out incident.
He walked at a brisk pace, just fast enough to hustle the hell out of there, but not so reckless that the enemy would be able to spot them like a neon sign on the streets. Desya withdrew his radio, paging the base to alert them of the completed mission and their need for a driver to take them from the rendevous point back to the camp. It was still about a mile or so until they reached their checkpoint. The plan seemed to be going smooth enough until he began to hear gunshots from behind his back as he felt a bullet whizz by his ear. Desya turned to Senka to make sure she was still there before picking up his pace, taking cover behind the trees from the assaulting bullets whenever he could.
Senka followed him. She hoped to god he knew where he was going. She heard him radio the base, that calmed her a bit, not for long however, she could here the gunshots from behind. She did the same as him, taking cover behind trees when she could, however, she was not as lucky as him. One bullet connected with her arm. She cried out and fell forward for a moment. "Dammn it!" she cursed. She gripped the wound with her hand to stop the bleeding and scrambled back up to her feet.
Desya had been making good time and distance, considering their current situation. He often prided himself in running- he was quick on his toes and wasn't too bad of a jumper, either. However, when he heard his partner swear and drop into the snow, the male came to a dead hault, instantly spinning around to see Senka clutching her wounded arm. She was starting to stand up, so he knew that she was at least all right for now... although it was a major setback. He rushed back, grabbing her by her good arm to tug her behind a tree and out of the open. This way was too dangerous. There were too many spots for them to expose themselves. He did know of a safer way, though it was longer. "How bad is it? Can you still run?"
Senka got up with his help and stood next to him behind a tree. She looked at him and said "Yeah, I can run, it's not so bad" she said. "Lets get out here before they capture us" she said looking at him and waiting for him to keep leading, after all, she didn't know where they were going.
He gave a small nod, withdrawing his handgun to fire a few shots to provide them just enough cover to dart to the left. Without hesitating, he jumped over what seemed to be a cliff, but there was a ledge only ten feet or so below. Desya hugged close to the wall, knowing that it would be almost impossible for the enemy to see them at this angle. Finally, they came across the mouth of a small cave, which he squeezed into. He had to duck his head so that it wouldn't hit the ceiling. Desya lead the way, waving through the darkness and using his cigarette lighter as a simple, but effective source of light. After what felt like hours- though in reality, it was much shorter than that- they emerged on the other side, right at the rendevous point, where the truck was waiting for them.
Senka followed him over the cliff and into the cave quickly. She could feel the blood from her wound seeping through to her gloves. She bit down on her lower lip and she followed, resisting the pain. She saw the end of the cave and the truck and she breathed a sigh of relief. She climbed into the truck, with some help from desya and soon they were speeding away down the road back to the base.
(I g2g. 'Niight =3)

Desya helped his partner into the truck before jumping into the back, himself. As soon as they were both in, the driver began to speed down the road, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire once the enemy got drift of where they were. The road was too bumpy for Desya to perform any sort of competent surgery on her wound, even though he was taught how to remove and patch a bullet wound in basic training. He reached into his pack to pull out an ace bandage and rolled up her bloodied sleeve to expose the wound. Desya wrapped the bandage around the wound tightly to stop the bleeding as best he could. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty that she was the one that got shot. Somehow, after all their missions, they had never gotten away with anything more than a few scrapes and bruises. This was the first time they had come across with some true difficulty. "You'll be all right," he encouraged, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. He had to pretend that it was all okay, for both Senka and himself. God, all that blood spilled looked terrible. She seemed paler and it was obvious she was in pain despite how much she fought it off. "Is there anything I could do?" Christ, he felt so useless right now.

Senka watched as he did what he did what he cloud for her right now. She felt him bandaged up the wound to stop him bleeding. She did feel a little fatigues at the moment becouse of the blood she had lost. She looked at him and nodded when he said she would be alright. She closed her eyes for a moment before she looked back at him and said "Unless you can take the bullet out, there's not much you can do for me" she said to him. She leaned back a little and said "I need to rest, save what energy I have" she said softly.
He frowned slightly, feeling a bit guilty that the one request she had, he couldn't do. Of course, it wasn't really his fault- it was either stop in the middle of it all to remove the bullet and risk getting it by five or six more, or just wait it out. Desya bit his bottom lip and pulled the jacket off of his shoulders and folded it up neatly into something that resembled a pillow. "You should lay down."
Senka looked at him and said "Alright" she lay down on his jacket and closed her eyes. The truck kept moving along and she could feel her energy draining, as her blood continued to drain out of her arm. It was not long before it had seeped through the bandage. She found her self moving closer and closer to slumber. It was probably not the best course of action for her to sleep. The might be a danger that she would not wake up. But rest was the only thing on her mind right now.
Strange, she was a lot easier to reason with once she's lost a bunch of blood. Desya was half expecting her to grumble in protest and insist she was all right... but the fact that the wound was so bad that she couldn't even give a rebuttal was unnerving for the soldier. He grew even more worried as the blood began to seep through the bandage. It seemed like an eternity before the truck pulled into the base. Without wasting a moment, he pulled out the small medical kit and instantly rolled her sleeve up past the bullet wound. Desya fished out a pair of tweezers, taking extra caution as he picked the bullet out of her skin. He was amazed he was able to succeed with his hands shaking so much. He put the metal object to the side and began to clean the wound, only bothering with whiping up the area immediately around the wound. There was so much blood that it would take too long to clean up so he'd worry about that later.

By the time he finished that, the driver had sent for a docter from the infirmary, who rushed into the back of the truck with his surgeon's kit, quickly nudging Desya out of the way to finish cleaning and sewing up the wound.
By that time Senka had sunk into sleep. it was her body's way of getting her energy back. She didn't;t even feel the bullet come out of her arm, and the wound being cleaned and stitched up. She was then brought to the infirmary and put on a bed, being made to rest, though it wasn't like she could protest though, she was already asleep. She had lost a lot of blood so the doctors had organized for a blood transfusion. They set her up with a drip in her arm, the blood replacing what she had lost. She did not wake for hours. By the time she did it was in the middle of the next day.

She stirred a little, her eyes hazy as she looked around.
Desya wanted to follow into the infirmary, but he knew that there were duties he had to uphold as a solider. He grabbed his jacket and hustled out of the truck and over to the general. After a recount of the mission's success and drawbacks, he was released with the promise of no more missions until his partner was fit to shoot again. While that usually would have been a good thing, knowing he was able to rest for a while, the means in which he achieved such a break were not pleasurable.

For the next day, he remained at Senka's bedside, keeping a vigil except for a few hours where he dozed off. He was surprised at how throughout this war, he had seen many comrades fall but a single bullet to his partner's arm was all it took for his conscious to swarm with guilt, sorrow, and pity. When Senka finally awoke, a smile crossed his otherwise worried features and he reached out to brush his fingertips over her hand, as if to make sure she was awake. However, despite all of his concern, he couldn't help but tease. "It's about time you woke up, you slacker."
Senka felt somebody's finger tips touching her hand. She looked around trying to spot a face. She found it, the face was already teasing her, she knew the voice. She seemed to grin a little at his teasing and said "Shut up, Lets shoot you and see how you take it" she muttered out. She felt a stinging pain in one hand. She looked down to see the drip. She groaned and said "huh, they even gave me blood" she said sighing a little to her self. She looked back at his face and said "Did you give your report?" she asked him.
Desya couldn't help but give the slightest of smirks. "At least I was smart enough to doge the bullets," he replied. The soldier followed her gaze to the drip. Of course they gave her one. The amount of blood she lost was so great, it was a wonder she was recovering from it already. Her face was so pale, he worried whether he'd ever see color in those cheeks again. Back to her serious self- no more than a minute awake and already worrying about military business. "Yes, a day ago," he answered.
Senka heard his reply and she said " Okay, good". She sighed a little to her self. She then felt her stomach grumble. She sighed a little and said to him "Think you could get me some food?" she asked him, turning her head a little towards him. She sighed a little at her inability to be able to retrieve it her self.
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