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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He laughed a bit and his face actually flushed a bit. "Well, thank you Miss Kimia, I dunno where I would be without yer help.."
He chuckled a bit and smiled as he flipped through the book a little bit, mouthing some words with his brow furrowed.
He made a noise and continued practicing spells. He practiced Dancing lights, working up to the maximum four lights for the spell. He was so proud of himself.
He pumped his fist and laughed a bit. His brow furrowed a bit as he focused on the next spell.
She sighed affectionately, tail swaying contently as she watched. He was so cute, and handsome, and huge. She wanted him so bad.
He came in more and more, studying more clerical magics, even using such paltry trucks as to summon water and food. Was he really such a simple man?
She was going insane. He was so dumb! Maybe not dumb, but he was indeed incredibly simple minded and it made her so thirsty. She wanted him stuffed inside her and she wanted it now.
He was oblivious to her wantings and cravings, just coming over and saying hello, complimenting her, even in simple ways. If she wore a perfume more than a day in a row, he'd ask if it was a new perfume. Not great memory, apparently.
God, she was so wet. She ached for him every time she saw him. But she was worried he would get offended if she offered her usual trade to him like she did the others. She didn't want him reporting her.
He didn't seem like the type to report her, he even seemed like he was beginning to tske a shine to her. He was a bit shy and reserved, somewhat bashfully presenting her with an odd trinket every now and again. A cup of tea, a flower obviously picked from the Arcaneum garden.
She loved every gesture, becoming a little infatuated with him. She would work up the courage to offer her deal to him.
This continued for a while, but it didn't seem like it was going anywhere with him being so bashful. His confidence seemed to improve with his progress, so that was good.
His face flushed and he smiled as he moved over to her quickly. "H-Hey, Kimia..! What's up?" He asked, accidentally stumbling into a chair and fixing it before reaching her.
Oh my fucking God, I love you. Was what she wanted to say. But she didn't. She blushed softly and gestured him closer, "So...I have a small, kinda serious question to ask you.." She whispered.
She tried not to bite her lip, "I have a sort of...arrangement...with the other male students. I help them with whatever they need in terms of their studies if they..." She faultered, "If they share my bed with me...and I wanted to extend that to you.."
His heart pounded in his chest. Could it really be happening? He swallowed hard. "I uh.. w-well.. where and when..?" He asked quietly, smiling a bit.
Her tail shot up and she flushed darkly, "Well, if you aren't busy now, we can go to my dorm?" She asked quietly.
He cleared his throat and nodded. "I uh.. well, I ain't doin nothin currently.." he said as he motioned for her to lead the way.
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