You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

When he got to her dorm and walked in, she was laying in her bed with her blankets bunched up into a sort of nest. She smiled when she saw him and started to purr faintly.
She hummed, "How did I know~" She teased, "I wonder if they'll be mostly human..." Maybe, if she understood how things like this worked; their child or children would be exactly half human, with bits of orc and tabaxi. She hoped his genes would be stronger; she was bullied a lot as a child for her ears and tail, at least looking mainly orc, no one would dare pick on them.
She held his hand, smiling more, "I'm sad to say, though, that this means we can't have sex least until the baby is born.."
"I mean, I can still give head...and I guess, well, so long as you're careful, my ass is an option.." She told him, "so long as you're careful." She repeated firmly.
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