You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He was losing his mind, what wws going wrong? His studies were a mess, he couldn't manage to save them now? What was the problem? Why wouldn't she even try to talk to him? Any time he tried, all he got was "nothing", when he was pretty sure it was something. But what that something was, he had no idea. Why did she just give up?
"Ye haven't talked to me!" He snapped. "Ye checked out, ye gave up, Oi been sittin and fuckin sufferin just t' get ye t' trust me again but y'don't even trust me enough to tell me what the fuck was botherin' ye! Pushin' ye away?!"
"Checked out?! Fuck you, I checked out!! You're the one who checked out!! I trusted you, I've been trusting you!! Are you so fucking stupid that you need actual god damn words?! Trying my ass!! I've been the one who's trying!! You've been emotionally vacant this whole time!!" She screamed.
"Then fuckin talk to me!! Ye didn't try to!! I been askin ye whats wrong, been tryin t' talk to ye but y'been so fuckin convinced that Oi hate ye that ye been shuttin down!!" He snapped back. "Ye been tellin me nothin fer a whole numb fuckin month!!" His fists were clenched, his eyes getting wild.
"Because you do!!" She yelled, "You do hate me!! You won't touch me, you won't look at me, fuck, you'll hardly kiss me anymore!! If you want Kit so bad then go fuck him!!"
"I want you to use your fucking head!!" She yelled, "You don't have a single fucking brain cell to rub together, Agaruk!! If you did, you would know that the only thing wrong with me was you!! You hardly spoke to me, hardly did anything that we used to do!! Why?! Why are you being such a fucking coward?!"
"B'cause Oi don' wanna fuckin hurt you again, Kimia!!" He shouted. "Oi'm sorry fer bein so fukken stupid!! Oi'm sorry that Oi fucked up and that Oi pu' us in a worse fuckin spot than we were b'fore but Oi'm aware Oi'm not the brigh'est!! Oi wan'ed to avoid hur'in you but fuck Oi guess Oi can' even do that!!"
"If you weren't so scared, you'd know that you wouldn't!! I've spent this whole month thinking you just didn't want me anymore!! That you didn't want to touch me because I wasn't him!! Is that what you wanted, Agaruk?! Because that's what you fucking got!!"
"Well good job, genius, it's what you got!!" Her throat hurt from yelling so much, "Why didn't you just tell me you were scared instead of letting me drown thinking that carrying on would help us...?"
"No..." She shook her head, "No, of course I didn' didn't tell me anything, you just pushed me away and isolated am I supposed to understand and think everything is ok when you do that?"
He shook his head. "Y'still didn't answer my question.. well, not really, anyway.. what do ye wan' from me..? What should I do?"
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