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Piece of Your Heart (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Her phone buzzed, finally it was her boyfriend. Something about being with "the boys" and having no service.
'For two weeks? Sorry, hun I don't exactly buy that'
"Yeah, just.. ugh, my boyfriend.. he's uh.. he's somethin.." she said.
"wtf kaya y would i lie?"
"Trouble in paradise?" He asked gently before shaking his head, "No, sorry, it's none of my business."
"I dunno, but this seems to happen a lot"
"No, it's fine.. I should be used to this by now, yknow?" She said.
"Don't bother. It's done. Go ahead and take your stuff." She said. "Well, what's done is done.."
He looked at her phone when it started ringing again before looking up at her, "I'm studying ecology." A goth guy who was all fir nature and earth saving? Wow.
He blushed faintly, "Thank you." Her phone started ringing again and he scowled a bit, "What about you, do you plan to stay at your job?"
"How exciting." He smiled softly. Her phone kept ringing and finally he grew angry. He picked up her phone and answered it. "Stop calling her." He stated flatly and hung up.
She looked a little surprised. "I.. uh.. thanks.. sorry about him.." she said. "Would you like to.. I dunno.. do this again some time?"
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