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Topics you're tired of being asked to do

Alright, lemme update it for what I get from my requests
-Plots that are clearly about the smut but the guys think they are being slick and getting it past me.
-On a similar note, folks that think they can negotiate their kinks in. I have my maybes listed, you can negotiate THOSE. Nothing else.
-Uninspired fandom plots.
Wilting flower victims in violent roleplays are uninteresting to me, so I get tired of declining that.
I'm growing weary of playing the characters with dominant and courageous personalities who are unafraid to initiate smut scenes IF they are opposite character's that lie around and do nothing. If a potential partner is strictly sub I often gotta pass them up because that shit gets real old. Can't enjoy a scene when you lie on your back waiting. Something's gotta give if I'm playing these enthusiastic and bold types.
Werewolves, shapeshifters, not saying there is anything wrong with those things but I don't even mention them in my RT so it is really weird that people try and insert that into my ideas anyway.

Also when people take my ideas and just try and make them full on stupid over the top porn.
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