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To the rescue[Me/puppyslave]

She nibbled and talked with the guests and enjoyed the time of basking in mother hood and celebrating the baby arriving.​
It had been a few months and the baby was happy as ever and crawling around. "Where are you going little lady?" She crawled away to her father and laughed happily.​
Li smiled at the crawling little girl"Come on Rose. You can get to me"He said, laughing a little. She was such a cutie and energetic
She laughed and kept going right to him her mother was looking over some important papers doing her duty as queen."That's daddy girl." She sat down in front of her dad reaching for him.​
"Oh laws for women oddly I think we should have a little more freedom the only jobs women get are tailors and cooking jobs no nurses or teachers why shouldn't they be able to?" She smiled happy to be giving her countries women better lives.​
He smiled as he bounced his daughter in his arms gently"That's nice. Add in that they can join our army."
"Yes I was thinking at least as cooks and to help fix weapons and nurses the war could use it." She nodded and smiled lightly "Or maybe use them to help rebuild I'm not sure yet mom says this stuff takes time to figure out."​
He smiled at that and nodded"It does take time to enact changes, but changes are worth the wait"He said and kissed her cheek
"I know i hope to make things better here better schools and libraries even." She smiled and kept writing down ideas and then looked to her daughter and smiled "A better place for you."​
She giggled in his arms and rested against him "That's my goal to make it better for her I just hope my ideas go over."​
She smiled and nodded "All right then I think a little break wont be so bad." She stood up and moved over hugging Li and kissing Rose on her head.​
Li smiled at that and took Rose to the crib with Lynn, laying the little princess down and tucking her in
"Sleep tight little princess." She smiled the baby cooed and fell asleep and Lynn hugged Li softly "She's so precious." She whispered.​
Li held Lynn gently"She is such a cute little girl"He said and lead her out and down to the kitchen for a snack
"Her moms brains and her dads muscles." She giggled and kissed his cheek eatting a little warm bread with a smile.​
He chuckled"And her dads love of weapons. She was trying to get at her daggers the other day"He said as he ate
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