To the rescue[Me/puppyslave]

"I'm a little tired and my feet hurt maybe I should go back to bed I'm nervous." She held his hand and looked worried.​
"Then hello Princess Rose welcome to the world." She smiled and she was wrapped in blankets soft as silk as the mother was cleaned and put back to bed. The little one after she was cleaned in luke warm water was handed to her father by a maid "How does she look dad?" The maid asked with a smile she was in a soft purple blanket for royalty.​
He rocked the baby gently and smiled at her"She looks as beautiful as her mother"he said and looked at his wife
She smiled and blushed "Thank you sweetie and she has her fathers eyes and his smile." The litle baby cooed and smiled up at him as much as a baby can. "I can't wait for her to get older start to teach her all the things I got to learn." She sighed happily.​
He chuckled at that and smiled"I'm going to teach her some things too"he said and kissed Rose's forehead
"yes I want her to know where she comes from and be proud of her heritage."She smiled and watched her little one sleep "Can you believe it our little one is here?" She could smell the air "Wow a special feast is being planned." She heard a knock and in stepped Mulan and his parents with gifts for the baby from the emperor as well as them."Wow a party just don't be to loud."​
He smiled as they came in, a little surprised at the sight of Mulan"Yes, Rose needs her sleep"he said as he held the baby in his arms gently
"Yes that she does so lets put her down for a nap and go into the parlour and open gifts." Lynn suggested to give the newest arrival a well needed rest.​
He nodded"Okay Lynn"He said and laid Rose in her crib and helped his wife stand up, leading them all down to the parlor as one of the many nanny's kept an eye on her.
the baby was still and sleeping and Lynn slowly stood and wore a long robe to cover herself. She followed him and smiled the queen's family there as well with gifts for the happy couple.​
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