To the rescue[Me/puppyslave]

She was handed a gift and sat down to open it and smiled gorgeous blankets for the little one made of silk. She handed one to Li "Your turn dad." She smiled.​
He opened up a gift from Mulan and smiled. It was a set of small, nicely decorated daggers"Nice. For the little girl, yes?"he asked, chuckling a little
She smiled and giggled lightly "When she's much older of course." She opened the next from her mother and smiled it was a little dress for her and it was a soft blue like her mothers eyes..​
He smiled at that one"It looks nice"he said and opened the one from his dad. It was a bracelet with little charms on it.
She looked to it and smiled "Aww how cute I can't wait until she can wear it."She opened one from her father and smiled it was a teddy bear like she had when she was a girl it was stuffed and made with the finest of course.​
He smiled"It looks nice"he replied and then open one from his mom, pulling out a pair of silk booties in the family colors"Nice"
She looked to the gift and smiled "How adorable we'll need to find something to match them dear."She opened one from her gradnparents and smiled it was a pair of clothes little dresses for the little princess.​
He smiled"They are adorable"He said and opened the gift from the emperor. What was in it was a necklace of bright green jade"Wow"
"That's to big for the baby." She giggled and smiled lightly "Maybe I could wear it and give it to her when she's old enough you'd don't think he'd be mad would he?" She blushed softly.​
She smiled and looked to him "Ok then its beautiful." She felt it on her neck and smiled it looked perfect.​
He smiled at her and then at the others"Thank you for all the wonderful gifts"He said, hugging his parents
She smiled and hugged her parents and the other guests "Thank you everyone I'm sure our little lady will love everything."​
He smiled at everyone, felling good"I'm happy to have so many people who care"he said, hugging her family
Her family hugged him and smiled having gifts for them later as well "I can't wait until the feast always my favorite time." She giggled and smiled softly since babys arrival was a big dela here.​
He heard the bell for the feast to begin"Lets go eat"He said, smiling as he headed to the dinning hall with Lynn
She sat with him and smiled "It smells great I think there's turkey even wow how special." They rarely got to eat turkey so it was a treat.​
"Yeah its rare here and one of my favorites." She smiled as she got a leg her favorite part of the Turkey. "Also we might have turnips or cabbage the cook does great things with that I'm surprised he ever got me to eat my vegetables." She giggled.​
He smiled at that and chuckled"My parents had trouble getting me to eat them too"He said, getting some of the turkey and the vegetables she had suggested, eating slowly"Yummy"
She smiled and got a few veggies and nibbled still needing to eat for two she was breast feeding of course it was the way of motherhood.​
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