The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She turned around and came back, but just to the doorframe. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of coming all the way back, not when she was this pissed. "I do like being kinky. But you didn't even ask me if I was okay with what you were doing. You freaked me out, Carlos. That was like an exact repeat of the Center and you know I hate that." and with that she turned around and stomped back out. She went into the bathroom and locked the door from the inside so he couldn't barge in on her. She got into the shower and took a really hot one, but not too long. She had the baby to tend to.
Carlos started to furrow his brow when she scolded him. "Hey," he shouted, getting up from the bed and following her. "Come back. I wanna talk to you. How can you say that when you was teasin' me, shakin' you ass, spreadin' your legs," he started, storming down the hallway in pursuit. Once she shut the bathroom door, he banged on it a couple times, not content unless he got the last word in. But when she didn't open, he left the door, and got dressed alone in the bedroom, cleaning himself off with a tissue. He was too tired to want to be bothered with her again tonight, but he was going to give her an earful if she tried to get up in bed with him when she was done.
She ignored him completely when he banged on the door. Just because she shook her ass for him didn't mean he could duct tape her and stuff her underwear in her mouth. And she didn't spread her legs, he spread her legs. When she was finished scrubbing herself down (including digging inside herself and taking out as much of his cum as she could get) she wrapped a towel around herself and unlocked the door. She stormed into the bedroom and went over to her dresser drawer. She pulled out a shirt and underwear and stormed back out without giving him a word, glad Gui was already downstairs. Once she got downstairs she put on her t-shirt and panties and got in the chair, prepared for a bad night's sleep.
Carlos was glad Elsa didn't lay in bed with him. She was taking things for granted, he thought. Carlos did so much for her, that he figured the least he could expect was for her to play along with him in bed. She knew he wasn't really going to hurt her. Besides, she knew what kind of man he was, she should know what was bound to happen if she teased him. These thoughts ran through his mind as he curled up himself and drifted off for the night.
She slept crooked in the chair until Gui woke up at 5am. She fed him and rocked him to sleep but by then it was already 6:30am and she couldn't fall back asleep. She laid him in the crib and sat in the chair thinking. It probably wasn't wise to go snooping around right after she and Carlos had a fight. He would get super suspicious then and he would know she was in on it and get pissed. Even more pissed than he was going to be anyway. So she'd have to wait awhile and hope that they didn't fight anymore. She thought for a long time, until it was about 8am. Then she got up and started cooking breakfast. She made Carlos a breakfast burrito and left it on the counter next to the microwave in case it was cold when he got up. She ate her own breakfast burrito and sat back down on the chair, actually falling asleep again.
Carlos woke up around 9:00, a little grouchy still from the night before. He was staying far away from Elsa today; that much he was sure of. He showered and dressed before coming down and noticing Elsa fast asleep in the easy chair. Angry as he was at her, he couldn't help but think she was a little cute as she slept there peacefully, Gui in his crib at her side. He thought at first that she hadn't been up yet, but then noticed a burrito there waiting for him. He heated it up, which wasn't as good as fresh, but it was much better than nothing. Although he would have probably reconciled with Elsa if she was up, especially now that she'd left him a peace offering, he didn't want to swallow his pride and wait around to talk to her when she woke. So he left the house after eating, even though nobody usually started gathering at any of his hangouts until at least 11:00. He didn't plan to return until late. That was his way of punishing Elsa, he thought, for being rude to him the previous evening.
Elsa woke up a few hours later, just before noon. Normally she would have been upset with herself for sleeping so late but she wasn't today because she figured she'd put in her hours earlier with Gui and cooking breakfast. She saw the empty crumb ridden plate and knew Carlos had been and gone. She washed the plate and then went upstairs, digging out her phone. She sat on the floor against the bed and dialed Brendan.
Brendan had been more than a little disappointed when Elsa hadn't called him the previous day. It was two days ago now since they'd met at the mall, and she said she'd try to call him the next day after that. Although he couldn't help but wonder if she'd changed her mind and was considering staying with the relative safety Carlos offered, he thought it also possible that she may have just not had the chance, or may have still been thinking things over. But all those ideas dissipated when the phone rang and he saw Elsa's name pop up. He was at work, but ducked outside to take the call. "Hey," he answered eagerly.
"Hi Bren," she said softly, grasping her sore wrist of the hand that was holding the phone with the opposite hand. She was silent for a moment after that and heaved a heavy sigh. "I need to get out, Bren. I...I can't stand being here anymore. But we had a fight last night, so you and I have to wait. He'll be real suspicious if it happens soon because of our fight."
Brendan's pleased smile to hear her voice quickly turned into a frown at the thought of a fight with Carlos. He knew that wasn't anything like a fight normal couples have. It was a horrible though, actually. "I'm sorry baby," he said. "I wish I was there to hold you right now," he offered with a sigh. "You're right, though. It can't be now. But I need you to do something. Do you think you can help us get started?"
If he was there to hold her, she wouldn't be having this problem. She wished Brendan could hold her. She wished that Gui was Brendan's baby and that she never had to worry about Carlos again. "Yeah, I can do something for you. Knowing Carlos he'll be gone for hours. He thinks he's punishing me by leaving me alone all day. What do you need?" the thought of having something to do gave her some hope for her dull day.
Brendan's heart raced at the idea of sending her to perform this dangerous deed. "Okay," he said, his voice hushed and heart racing. "The drugs may be hidden in secret compartments behind his tool cabinets in the basement. If you're sure he won't be home, go check. Don't do anything, just see if they're there," Brendan said nervously. "I hate to make you do this, but it's probably the safest way," he apologized.
She nodded again, "Okay. I'll look. I'll call you tomorrow and tell you what I find, okay?" she paused and slid over, laying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling. "So how are you? Are...are you still bruised up?" then she heard some commotion in the background and her heart sank a little, "Oh. You're at work, aren't you?" she sighed, "Wish I was at work..."
Brendan grinned a little at her wistful remark. "I'm fine, don't worry. I just wish I was with you," he admitted, rubbing his eye to test it out now that she mentioned it. It still hurt a little to the touch, but it was getting better. "Well, I wish I was at home relaxing, so I guess we're even," he teased. It actually was a shame she had to stay in all day, though. "When we're together, we should do something about that," he said a little cheerily. "Maybe start a business or something, so you can work and stay with Gui at the same time," he suggested.
She giggled at his business proposition. "Business? What kind of business? I guess I'd be the receptionist, hm?" she laughed again and a huge smile spread over her face. Talking to Brendan always made her feel better. Always, even when he made her feel bad she felt better than now. "Well, Bren...I should probably let you work. I guess I'll go...I donno, clean the basement," she hinted with a little smile.
Brendan laughed at her suggestion. "Nah, maybe you can be the giant mastermind behind everything, and I'll be your errand boy," Brendan joked with a chuckle. He looked around, and realized he did need to get back to work. "Yeah, make sure that basement is spic-and-span," he agreed. "I love you, baby," he finished off, unable to let a conversation go by without reminding her of that. He'd no doubt be in a far better mood for the rest of the work day.
Her heart couldn't help but swell after he told her that he loved her. "I love you too, Bren. Miss you." she forced herself to sit up and gave a little nod to herself, "Bye, honey." and then she hung up the phone and stowed it in her purse. She descended the stairs and quietly went to the basement door. She cracked it open and flicked on the light. It was dusty and gross down there, but she made her way down the stairs anyway. She found the tool cabinets and opened them gently, as if someone could hear her. She dug her hand inside and pressed against the back, which moved! She dug her hand inside and felt a bag of something. Her heart swelled again and she quickly moved the panel back to where it should be and ran out of the basement.

She spent the rest of the day lounging around. She made dinner, with some for Carlos, but it was cold before he came home. She figured he was probably out screwing Erica or something so she just fell asleep on the chair.
Carlos was, in fact, out screwing Erica. He figured if Elsa wasn't going to appreciate him, he'd be with someone who he could beat the crap out of, and didn't give a shit about it. They were prudent enough to do it in the back of his SUV this time, so there wouldn't be any Elsa trouble. After screwing missionary style in the back seat, safely behind dark tinted window, Carlos drove her home and headed in himself. Strolling in a little after midnight, he left the dinner where it was, since he'd long ago eaten, and zipped up to bed, giving Elsa a little pat on the shoulder as he passed by, unsure if she was aware of it or not, before dozing off for the night.
Elsa slept through the night on the chair, not feeling the pat Carlos gave her. She woke up at 8:30 the next morning, yawning and stretching. She felt a little sore from having spent two nights on the chair. She thought it was wrong that she, the woman, was the one that got kicked out of the bed instead of Carlos, but she could never make him leave his bed. She made herself some breakfast after dumping Carlos' uneaten dinner in the garbage. She sat at the table and eat it quietly. She had decided that if Carlos wasn't going to eat the food she left out for him, then she wouldn't cook for him.
Carlos was stirred awake by the commotion downstairs, considering that he was sleeping kind of lightly. Yawning and sprawling himself across the whole bed, he laid there for another five minutes and slowly woke, until he was alert enough to venture downstairs wearing just a pair of mesh shorts. "Morning," he said softly to Elsa, politely enough, until he saw that she was eating alone. "Anything for me?" he asked, clearly a little put off.
She looked up at him and shrugged, "I can make you something if you want. I figured you didn't want my food though, since you left what I made you last night untouched." she stabbed a couple of pieces of scrambled egg with her fork and put it in her mouth. She chewed as she watched him and then swallowed. "But I'd be glad to make you food. I didn't want to waste it though, in case you had someone else's food to eat."
Carlos grumbled a little at her lecture. There was one thing he'd learned from the women he'd been with through the years. They never liked cooking for nothing. It was like infidelity was preferable to these women than making a home-cooked meal go to waste. "I had work," he lied. "You don't gotta cook me nothin’ now," he grumbled, not wanting to be reduced to the status of a beggar. "I gotta go soon anyway." Walking over to Gui, he bent over and touched the boy's arm playfully before heading up to shower and get ready to go.
She rolled her eyes as he went up the stairs. She sighed and stood up, going to the fridge and pulling out some stuff. The way he'd touched Gui playfully had made her feel bad. She did something simple, just putting together some scrambled eggs in a pita and rolling it up with some bacon. Really simple, but good enough she hoped. She took out some paper towels and wrapped the pita up in the paper towel. She sat down in the chair and waited for Carlos. When he finally came down she held out the little package, "Here. I made it to go."
When Carlos came down fifteen minutes later, ready to go, he suddenly felt a little bad leaving with the 'to go' meal. He gave Elsa a kiss behind the ear and a 'thank you' before sitting down at the counter. He hadn't spent much time with her lately anyway. "I'll eat it here for a minute," he offered with a smile. "I should probably spend a little time with my favorite two people before the day gets away," he explained. "So how you feeling?" he asked, the first time he'd asked anything of that sort since he'd kind of raped her.
"I'm okay," she said with a little smile. She slid off of the comfy chair and walked over to where he was sitting at the counter. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and rested her cheek against his neck. Was she really one of his favorite people? She supposed she must be. He fucked her a lot, she cooked for him, she had his baby. She was a hundred times better than Erica. Erica was only there for when he and Elsa fought. She wondered if he'd let Erica move in with him after she left him...she didn't know. "You gonna be out late again?"
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