The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos loved it when she lashed out at him. Conquering was no fun anyway with a willing partner. Letting go of her waist with one hand, he leaned down towards her face and gripped her up by the throat, pushing it down into the pillow, not enough to injure her, but plenty to cause a little bit of pain. "That's too bad," he growled. "Cause you about to have a big, bad Latino boss up in your juicy, slutty cunt," he snarled, warmth from his mouth wafting up against her face. Then, he sprung into action, trying to wrestle her shirt from her body as she wrestled against him.
Elsa was sobered when he grabbed her throat and pushed her down into the pillow. Now he was getting a little too into it for Elsa's comfort zone. He wasn't so much cutting off her airway, but he was pinching the sides of her throat and it hurt. She struggled against him, gasping for breath in anticipation that he would clamp down her throat enough that she wouldn't be able to breathe. She was relieved when he started going at her shirt, the pain in her throat dissipating. The shirt was a harder conquest for Carlos as she could flail her arms about every which way to stop him from getting up. She did exactly that, but somehow he managed to get it up to her breasts before she could really do anything.
Carlos laughed as he got her shirt up, roughly squeezing at her bra-covered breasts once he had them out in the open. He constantly pushed her arms away as she flailed and struggled against him, finally pushing up at the bra so that her pillowy breasts spilled out beneath it. Pressing his body down against hers, he let one hand trail down to her panties and began vigorously rubbing her womanly slit through them. Looking down into her eyes and panting a little bit, he gave her a grin, as if to say that he was the victor here, and was about to take all the spoils and plunder than he craved from her body.
Carlos knew he had won, Elsa knew he had won. But that had been the point all along, so in a way they both won. Elsa got her shirt up off of her head and let it fall behind her. She reached behind herself and unclasped the bra, it was annoying to just have it stuffed up by her face. She bucked her hips up when he began to vigorously rub at her. There was no need for him to do that, she was horny for him already, but she didn't mind that he was doing it. "You win," she whispered with a smile as she threw her arms up around him, "The big, bad, Latino boss gets his juicy white prize,"
Carlos didn't mind that Elsa was playing along. Rough and kinky was rough and kinky, and Elsa was hot when she was acting like this. He grinned widely when she helped him remove her shirt the rest of the way, and the bra, too. He still needed to do something bold, though. He was feeling quite the alpha male today. Pausing for just a moment, he looked down at her panty clad, juicy white body. "You right, I'ma take my nice prize," he said as teasingly as he could. Kneeling over her, he tore off his shirt and tossed it at the foot of the bed, and did the same with his designer sweatpants.

He gave her panties another feel, and quickly judged they were wet. "Damn, I knew it," he rasped, looking her in the eye. “You soaked. You gonna get punished for lyin’ and sayin’ you didn’t want none, bitch,” he threatened. Bending over her waist, he peeled them down and off her ankles. Then, he had an idea. Looking over at the nightstand, he saw a roll of duct tape that he'd been using to patch up a pipe in the bathroom. Panties in hand, he leapt over Elsa, and began ramming the panties into her mouth, as he'd done once before, and grabbed for the duct tape, pressing down above her screams and protests as hard as he could, glaring down at her with a wicked smile as he fought to get them in.
Elsa hadn't been expecting that. Not at all. She didn't mind when Carlos got a little rough and crazy with her, but now it was like he was reenacting one of the times he raped her. Tears welled up in her eyes almost immediately and she started to kick at him wildly. She tried to close her mouth before he got the panties in there, but he was too fast for her. He'd already started shoving them in there by the time she started clamping down. She shook her head and screamed, trying to kick him in the stomach, thighs, even the balls. He was going too far now. She didn't feel safe with him anymore.
The line between fantasy and reality was completely blurred now for Carlos. He knew that up until now, Elsa was playing along. Now, he wasn't sure, but he didn't think so anymore. He ignored that thought as he grunted and bore the brunt of some of her kicks as he kept shoving the moist panties inside the cavity of her mouth. He laughed as he pressed his hand firmly against it, taking a big strip of duct tape in the other hand. Releasing his hand for a moment, he slammed the strip of strong tape over her mouth and pressed hard, before taking another layer and pressing it over the first one, spanning her bulging cheeks from one side to the other. Now this really got him going. Elsa wasn't enjoying it at all, and that's where he got his kicks, it seemed. Pressing a strong leg over hers, he stemmed the tide of her kicks and pinned her wrists down to the bed, one on top of the other, darting his gaze around until it found her teary eyes. As he looked at her, he wrapped the duct tape round and round over her wrists, creating quite a thick binding for her arms.
Elsa's tears spilled over when he slapped the duct tape down on her mouth. She shook her head and tried to speak, but all that caused was the juices in her panties to drip out into her mouth. She shook her head harder as he put the second piece of duct tape over her mouth, trying to scream his name to make him stop. But it seemed that he was getting hotter and hotter from this. She tried to free one of her hands to rip the duct tape off of her mouth but he caught it and quickly taped both wrists together. This was no longer any kind of fun for Elsa. She felt like she was about to get raped...and she was. She bucked against him and kicked him as hard as she could but it seemed to do nothing to him.
"Now," Carlos growled, "When you scream out while I take that juicy pussy," he threatened, "those screams of pleasure ain't gonna have nowhere to go." Pushing her tied wrists out of the way, he used his vise-like strength to push her flailing legs apart, and wedged his hand up against her still moist pussy. Finding the clit ring, he did his best to flick it around despite her struggles. Ignoring her tears and muffled cries, Carlos considered all that part of the pursuit, he thought as he continued to rub at her little nub via the piercing. "You still want some thick Puerto Rican cock?" he asked in a snarl as they continued to struggle, Elsa writhing beneath him.
Carlos rubbing at her piercing only caused her hips to buck and her body to shake. Technically they were bucks from stimulation and shaking from pleasure, but the pleasure wasn't registering in Elsa's mind. The only thing that was registering in her mind was the fear of what Carlos was going to do to her. He had complete control now. He could rape her ass again, he could fold her legs up on his shoulders, he could throw her off the bed and get her on the floor. She had absolutely no power here. She shook her head violently when he asked her if she wanted his Puerto Rican cock. She didn't. "No! No! No!" she screamed, but it just came out as muffled noise.
Although her response wasn't really audible, Carlos could tell she was trying to refuse him. But he chose to believe what her body was saying, instead of what she was trying to say through the panties and duct tape. Her hips were responding to his touch as he kept playing with her piercing. "I think you still lyin', mama," he chided her, trying to change over to a more suave vocal tone. As if to prove his point, he gently pushed her piercing out of the way and began manipulating the swollen pink nub itself, pushing down on it with his thumb, before twirling it between two fingers, completely abusing her weakness. Next, he let his index finger drag down her slit and dive inside her warmth, rubbing at the sensitive areas around her womanly opening. "You sure?" he taunted. "I don't think a finger's gonna satisfy this slutty pussy," he observed, continuing to finger her slowly. He was quickly developing a massive erection now, in anticipation of what was to come.
Her entire body jolted when he pushed the ring aside and grabbed hold of her actual clit. Her hips bucked up violently and she moaned desperately. She was taken off guard by him doing that and her arms flailed hopelessly in an attempt to become free of the duct tape. Now that his hand was busy abusing her she was able to close her legs and try to kick him away again. She knew in the end it wasn't going to work, but the worst part about him manipulating her was that he knew how to render her defenseless without even hardly trying. She wanted to at least try to level the playing field with him.
Flailing wildly, Elsa's arms almost struck Carlos as they moved in their strange way, all bound together in front of her. But then, he was suddenly knocked off her body by a swift kick to the chest, his finger pulling out of her sex with a squishing sound. Coughing and catching his breath, he tried to ensnare her again, and grabbed her knees, pushing both of her legs all the way back, leaning his weight on them so they were forced down against her heaving chest. Her body bent back in two, he stared down into her pained eyes between her knees.

"Oh," he snarled. "You want rough? I'll give you rough," he promised, reaching back and slapping her milky ass hard several times, craning his head back and watching the delicious flesh quiver. Running his hand along her butt after he'd struck it, he let it wander between her legs and forced three fingers up inside her pussy. Together, they were about the side of his manhood, and he pulsed them in and out, making them squish with her juices as they did so. "So, if I let your feet down, you gonna kick me again, or do I gotta fuck you with you legs over your head like in a whorehouse?" he growled.
Elsa didn't know that girls were screwed with their legs over their heads in whorehouses, but if that was how it was done there she didn't want to be done that way. She shook her head at him, tears still welled up in her eyes. She wouldn't kick him again, she actually hadn't meant to kick him as hard as she did. She winced as she felt him press harder down on her legs, the pressure building in her thigh muscles, her hips, and against her chest. She took a deep breath and groaned, her eyes squeezing shut for a moment. She had to give in to him now, even though she no longer wanted (despite what he'd made her body do by touching her) him. He was hurting her and he knew that she couldn't handle that.
Carlos felt just a twinge of pain inside when she closed her tearful eyes and shook her head 'no'. After all, she was no longer just some hot girl in prison. She was the mother of his child and his girlfriend. (Not to mention his devoted Spanish cook.) So he released her legs, and let them settle on the bed straight outward, quivering just a little bit still. Helping her settle her bound arms on her stomach, he leaned over her waist, and decided to give her one last warm-up before he took her. As she recovered from the painful position he'd had her in, he took a long lick along her slit, and darted his tongue expertly in a circle around her clit, sucking up just enough to stimulate her, before tracing his mouth back along her sex lips, and inside her warm love tunnel for just a moment. He grasped at her hips as she bucked a little, before he left off her warm body, and looked back up at her duct-taped face. "I'ma take my main course now," he told her with a grin.
Elsa appreciated the fact that Carlos leaned down in between her legs and tried to stimulate her. She squirmed and bucked to make him think that she was enjoying it, but truthfully he'd put her in a weird spot. She wasn't exactly angry at him but she definitely didn't want him to touch her anymore. She didn't want to go through with this sex, but she knew she didn't really have a choice. She looked up at him when he grabbed her hips and said he was ready to take her. And that's what he was going to do, take her. She wasn't really giving herself to him even though she was no longer resisting his advances. She took a deep breath and looked away from his eyes and up at the cieling.
Carlos sighed and breathed in heavily when Elsa looked away. Leaning up on top of her body, he pushed her arms to the side, and leaned his weight on top of her, letting one hand slide down across her sex and part her pussy lips while he took a little weight off that area. Letting his body fall back down, he sunk his dark, hard length slowly but deeply inside of her, letting out a prolonged moan once he felt her warmth. His body slid down and touched hers almost from head to toe, both of them moist; the result of sweating from wrestling around. Gradually, he began to pump in and out, looking Elsa in her almost disinterested, but sad eyes. "You want me to take them out your mouth?" he offered with a grin full of pleasure, nodding towards her duct taped lips.
He was being strangely gentle now. He slid inside of her smoothly, going in to the hilt without an issue. Then he began to pump in and out with zero pain, zero pressure, zero anything. Her insides clung to him like they always did, her body responded the same way it was used to responding but her mind just wasn't into it. His pumping in and out of her gave her mild pleasure, but it wasn't enough to get her going. It was sad to her that she'd lost the passion she'd had a half an hour ago. She glanced at him when he asked if he should take them out of her mouth. She shook her head and sighed, apathetic about it now. She didn't care anymore, she just wanted it over with.
Carlos laughed when she didn't want the panties out of her mouth. "That's okay, sugar," he grinned, letting out a loud groan afterward. "I was only gonna take them out if you was gonna make good use of your mouth and moan out my name," he said. Her pussy was soon milking his manhood, and it was completely throbbing as it penetrated deep inside her. Slowly, he began turning up the juice, rocking up and down harder and harder, sinking down to the hilt every time. Leaning over her chest, he dipped down and bit one nipple, twisting it a little in his mouth and letting go, emitting a long, deep moan as he continued to buck down on her. Finally, his eyes rolled back to the ceiling and he gripped hard at her shoulders, letting out a whoop as he orgasmed deep inside her warmth.
She heaved a sigh when he said he only wanted to take them out if she was going to moan his name. She hardly ever did that in the first place, she wondered if he thought that was strange or bad. It was funny to her that he was going so hard at her right now and she was barely feeling anything at all. When he finally gripped at her shoulders and leaned back, his cum billowing forth from him, she wasn't even half way towards an orgasm. And she didn't want to be. She wanted him off of her and she wanted to not sleep in bed with him. She'd made up her mind, this round with him had put her future into concrete. She was going to go along with Brendan's plan, she couldn't live like this with Carlos anymore.
Carlos arched his back and let out a second long moan after the first one, spurting inside her another time. Slowly, he rocked to a stop, and rolled off Elsa, his cock squishing out of her. "How bout if I take that tape off so you can lick my cock clean?" Carlos suggested with a grin as he lay in the bed next to her, having thoroughly enjoyed himself. Reaching over, he pulled the tape off her mouth, taking the wet panties when she gagged them out. He tossed them to the floor, and then tried to coax her head down to his sticky cock so she could continue to service him. He had been completely satisfied and by Elsa tonight.
She winced when he pulled the tape off of her mouth, it had stuck to her well and hurt when he ripped it off. She gagged heavily when he pulled the panties out of her mouth. She coughed and stuck her tongue out in disgust, but as soon as he started to coax her head down she resisted and tried to pull away. She closed her mouth immediately and frowned at him. She brought her hands down and tried to pull them apart. "Untape my hands," she demanded angrily.
Carlos could see immediately that Elsa was not too keen on what had gone down. "C'mon, mama, I was just playing with you," he responded defensively, rubbing her shoulder a little, before taking her wrists in his hand. He had a little difficulty at first, but eventually unraveled the tape, freeing her arms, although it there were clear red marks on her wrists from where the tape had been tightly pressed down. He sidled up next to her once he'd let he go, expecting her to service him now that she'd been untied.
She yelped when he finally ripped the tape off of her wrists. She rubbed their in irritation and glared at him as he slid up next to you. "I'm not going to clean your cock," she growled as she rolled herself away from him. "I feel disgusting, I'm going to take a shower." she slid off of the bed and made her way towards the hallway. She wasn't just upset about what had happened, she was down right angry. He hadn't treated her that way since they were in prison. She understood being rough and kinky but she thought he had gone too far.
Carlos thought about it and could understand why she was upset. He didn't anticipate her being that upset, though. She was being downright pissy, it seemed to him. "Hey, get back here," he called out as she walked out to the hall. "I thought you like bein' kinky," he protested. Worn out from the satisfaction he'd had, he really didn't feel like chasing her down the hallway, though. So he just laid back and smiled, closing his eyes as he waited for her to return.
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