The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

"Yeah," she said resignedly as she sat on the comfy chair. She didn't want to be in the car with Luis, but she didn't want to carry groceries on the bus and then two blocks from the stop to the house. "You think he'll carry the groceries into the house for me?" she asked with a little smile. "You got something in mind for tonight? If you tell me what you want now, I can make anything for you later."
Carlos thought about her request for a minute. It was kind of nice of her to let him pick what he wanted. "Yeah, I'll tell him to carry everything in the car and in the house," Carlos promised. That went without saying. Any of his minions would know better than to let his woman carry things. "How about some spicy pinto bean chili with and corn bread?" he suggested, something not too incredibly difficult, yet something she hadn't made him yet. It was a combination that his mother used to make him when he was a boy in Puerto Rico.
She grinned at his request. "Sure thing, babe. You gonna have to buy more beer when we run out though. I'm still only nineteen," she said with a laugh as she realized just how young she was. Her twentieth birthday was in a month. She wondered what she'd be doing by then. Would she still be with Carlos? Would she be in her own place? Would she be with Brendan? She had no way of knowing. "I'll be waiting outside for when he comes." she paused for a moment, wondering how she should end this conversation. "Thanks again, Carlos."
Carlos laughed when she reminded him of her age. It was easy to forget their age difference. He was thirty-one, after all, but she was probably the more level-headed one. "No problem, mama. I'll pick up some beer, maybe wine too. I think you liked that one I got last time," he reminded her. Once he went back in the cantina, he dispatched Luis from his 'busy' day and sent him over to pick her up. A few minutes later, Carlos' SUV rolled up in front of the house, but instead of Carlos, it was Luis in the driver's seat, beeping the horn.
Elsa actually didn't know how old Carlos was. She didn't want to know, she was sure he was far too old for her to be okay with. If she knew he was ten years or more older than her it would freak her out every time he touched her. She knew that Brendan was older than her too, but she didn't think that was more than five years. Once they hung up Elsa got Gui ready and ran out the door when she heard the beeping horn. She hopped in the backseat and held Gui close to her, not exactly wanting to be next to Luis. "Just take me to the supermarket downtown." she said to him warily as he took off.
Luis glanced back at her a little funny when she sat in the back, but then he realized that she had to watch the baby. "Ain't talked to you in a while," he said with a laugh, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. That was about the extent of the banter he was going to make with her. After all, she was the boss' girl now. Any insult against her was akin to one against Carlos. He dropped her off at the store and waited outside, just listening to some music and watching the mamitas pass by with their tight jeans and a short shirts.
"Yeah," she snapped at him with narrowed eyes, "The last time I saw you you were threatening to beat me if I didn't answer the phone." and that was all she said to him, knowing that he couldn't insult her back. Besides, he'd really succeeded anyway. She was with Carlos now, wasn't she? She got out of the car and went into the supermarket. She calculated how much everything cost as she went along. She got fruit, vegetables, corn bread mix, milk, juice, regular bread, beef, chicken, pork, some fish, cereal, some baby food, and everything she needed to make galletas. She went to the check out and everything cost about $75. She pocketed the rest of the money, saving it for herself. She had Gui strapped to herself with a baby sling as she lugged the groceries outside until Luis took them to the car. They were silent the car ride home and he dutifully brought the stuff inside. As soon as he was gone she set about preparing Carlos' dinner.
Luis didn't say much else to her, considering Elsa wasn't in much of a mood for it. He just carried the groceries to the car, and then into Carlos' house, before heading back to the cantina. He gave Carlos a quick report on what happened, as Carlos always demanded, before they got back to 'business'. They hung around a couple more hours, before Carlos headed back. Knowing that he had a warm meal waiting for him, he decided to return home around dinner time. He didn't actually buy any alcohol; he never did that. He just took a six pack and two bottles of Spanish wine from behind the bar, and headed home, strolling in the door ten minutes later. "Elsa! Gui!" he called out more cheerily than in the morning, carrying the brown bag of booze.
Elsa had just finished plating a steaming hot pile of chili with a giant piece of corn bread when Carlos walked in the door. She grinned when she heard not only her name, but the baby's too. She placed the plates on the table and almost ran over to him, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tight. "Hi baby," she cooed, going up on her tiptoes and kissing him gently. Cooking always made her feel better, no matter how shitty a mood she was in. And Carlos was in a good mood too, so that just made things even easier. It was times like this when she was reluctant to go back to living poor just to get away from Carlos. "You're dinner's ready," she said as she looked into his happy eyes.
Carlos could see that his dinner was ready, and he could smell it, too. "You turnin' into a real cocinera," Carlos said with a laugh, as he set his bag on the table and stepped over to Elsa, leaning over and kissing her back as he placed his hand behind her head and took a handful of dark hard gently while she hugged him. "You sure you ain't just a light-skinned maja?" he teased. Kicking off his shoes, he took one of the bottles of wine and a corkscrew and sat down at the table. "I got another bottle of that dark shit you like, sugar," he grinned. Popping the cork, he poured her the first glass. "If I remember right, this was the start of a really good time before, right, baby?" he reminded her, holding the glass up for her to take.
She giggled at him when he implied that she might be a light skinned Hispanic or a half breed. Nope, she was white as white could be. German, actually, though she'd probably be even more lost in Germany than she would be in the middle of the Spanish ghetto. She took the glass that he handed her and sat down across from him at the table. She tipped the glass to her lips and took a nice, deep drink of it. The warmth flooded her senses and she shivered lightly. "Yeah, I'd say you're right about that, Mr. Jara," she cooed as she used his last name for the first time in a long time. She picked up her spoon and dug into her chili, eager to eat after a busy day of cooking. Pinto chili wasn't something you cold make in an hour.
Carlos laughed at her 'Mr. Jara' title, and poured himself a glass of the red, clinking it with hers. It was unlucky, of course, to drink together without clinking, even if they weren't toasting anything. Sipping the strong wine first, he took a big mouthful of the chili in, chasing it with a hearty bite of cornbread. "Maybe it's gonna work out the same as last time tonight," he laughed before taking another bite. "Mmm," he let out in enjoyment. "I tell you what's better than last time," he raved. "This chili. My mama used to make us kids this kind of chili back home," he told her, opening up about his personal history, which was rare for him. Once they'd had some wine, he topped off both glasses, in a pretty merry mood tonight. He didn't care if they both got toasted tonight, in fact, he thought he'd probably enjoy it.
"Oh yeah? You think I'm gonna give it up to you, huh?" she teased as she ate her food happily. She drank more of the strong wine, letting herself get a little lost with it. She didn't want to get drunk but she didn't mind getting a little tipsy. "You think just cause you some big boss guy I'm gonna let you have at me?" she teased him more with a huge smile as she played with his feet under the table. She was feeling good. Really good. So good that she was willing to play with him like this. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to sleep with him tonight or not. She still felt a little sore from the ass fucking, but if she got Carlos going he wasn't easily going to take no for an answer.
Carlos laughed at her teasing, playing along with it. He wasn't close to drunk, but after a glass and a half, he was just starting to feel good and warm inside. "Maybe you ain't gonna have to give it up," he shot back with a big grin. "Maybe the big boss'll have to come at you and take it. Knock you down a peg," he threatened as he kicked back at her under the table. Polishing off the delicious chili, he topped off the wine glasses yet again, and sidled his chair right up next to hers, sticking his hand under her shirt and pressing it against her warm stomach. "You think you can stop me, sexy?" he rasped, breathing heavily upon her with his wine breath.
"What're you talking about?" she said as he came up right next to her and pressed his hand against her stomach. She leaned forward and nipped his nose playfully, "I'm a big girl. Big and juicy, right? I can fight you off, daddy." she growled as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Then she pulled away and took another drink of her wine. "But first you gotta let me wash these dishes, unless you wanna have a mess sitting around all night."
Was she serious? A mess sitting around all night? He didn't care about that. But evidently, she needed to take care of the dishes to feel right. So he eagerly began helping her clear them from the table and tossed them in the sink, chasing her down and squeezing her ass on the way. "You right," he growled playfully into her ear. "You is a big, juicy, delicious girl," he agreed. "But my specialty is taking a nice juicy girl, and makin' her scream and moan, even if she don't want to," he continued to growl. Once she had her hands full with dishes, he slapped her defenseless ass playfully, before wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing her up against the sink, kissing her neck. "Maybe you should try to fight me off, though," he whispered in a daring voice. He was really in the mood to conquer her tonight.
The danger in them playing that game, she knew, was that Carlos was incredibly strong. And he used his strength to his advantage all of the time. If she said no he would grab her, he would throw her, he would hold her down, and he would inevitably hurt her even if he didn't really mean to. But that was the game he wanted to play tonight and he was going to be rough with her if she didn't play it with him. And he was right about his speciality, he'd done that to her more than once in their relationship (especially when she didn't want him). She shook her ass as he pressed against her and tried to get him off of her. "Hey," she said in mock annoyance, "Get off me, Carlos." once she was finished with the dishes she wriggled away from him and frowned. "I'm not in the mooooood,"
Carlos knew she was mocking him when she pushed him away. After all, she was wriggling that hot ass tantalizingly. He gave her jean-covered ass a harder slap before wrapping her up in a tight hug and kissing her shoulder. "That's okay," he growled at her. "I'ma get you in the mood real quick. You know that desperate pussy you got can't come within ten feet of me without gettin' drippy and horny," he taunted. "Can it?" he demanded, giving her another slap before picking her up and tossing her over his strong shoulder, carrying her over towards the steps.
She squealed almost manically when he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. She fought and kicked, but not too hard. "Hey! Hey!" she protested, beating his shoulder with her fists. "Put me down, you big lug! My horny pussy wants nothing to do with you!" but all the same she was stifling giggles. She glanced at Gui as they passed him on their way up the stairs and he was sleeping so deep that a train could run through and he wouldn't hear it. That made her feel better, as she had the notion that tonight wasn't going to be a very quiet one. Even if she made an effort at being quiet, Carlos wasn't going to try while he was conquering her.
Carlos laughed and ignored her punches and protests as he lugged her up the steps and down the hallway. "I don't think that's true," he told her as they stormed through the hall. "I ain't never seen that slutty pussy not be wet and beggin’ for it," he taunted. Once they entered the bedroom, he tossed her to the bed like she was a feather pillow and leapt on top of her, grabbing her wrists and pinning her to the bed. He was in his zone now, playing full tilt conquest with Elsa, both of them just a little bit buzzed. "So go ahead, resist me now, juicy mama," he taunted her, pressing her wrists harder into the sheets and biting softly at her neck.
"I think I will!" she growled as he pinned her down to the bed. She wriggled her belly and managed to roll herself half-over, though her arms were still pinned down. She maneuvered her legs through the hole his arm created from his flesh to the bed. She began to try to worm herself out that way but soon got stuck, her arms hurting from being captured by his hands so tightly. "God damn, Carlos!" she growled at him, "You got me all tangled up!"
Elsa was being quite creative, it appeared, almost succeeding in struggling to get herself free from him. "You got yourself all tangled up, sugar," he taunted, not doing anything for the time being to release her from her entanglement. "I'ma let you go, but I think you gonna have to lose your pants for gettin' yourself all up in a jam." Letting her wrists go, her tangled body plopped down onto the bed, and Carlos began working her jeans furiously, struggling to unzip and pull down her waistband, smiling evilly up into her eyes from time to time and he undressed her.
She felt the slight pain in her shoulders and wrists immediately dissipate when he let go of her hands. She grabbed on to the comforter and tried to crawl away from him but he'd already gotten hold of her jeans by the time she did that. "Hey mister, no one said you could undress me!" she squealed as she clawed away from him slowly, her pants slipping down further and further as she went until she was left with her pants around her ankles and her panties all askew.
Carlos snickered at her protest, continuing to tug at the jeans. "Somebody had to do it, missy," he shot back. "You wasn't helpin' out yourself." Tugging at the waist of the jeans as the pants were at her ankles, he stood up on the bed, lifting the jeans up to force her ankles out of them, which caused her struggling, kicking legs to come up as well. Tossing them to the side, he leapt back down on Elsa, pinning her by the waist now. "So tell me," he leaned over and said lustily into her ear. "You wet for me yet?"
She wriggled as hard as she could when he got her by the waist, but she couldn't move much. "No!" she said with a deep frown, but the truth was she was incredibly horny. The wine had loosened her up in the first place and all this roughing around and got her going even more. She was raring to go and if he told her to stop struggling, she would. She wanted him now, undoubtedly. "Maybe I don't like big bad Latino bosses," she snarled at him dramatically.
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