The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos took Elsa by the hand and led her out to the SUV. He'd even had it freshly washed for the occasion. Carlos was bound to be recognized anywhere he went in the Latino community, and if he was going to make an entrance, he was going to do it right. The restaurant was in a slightly safer neighborhood than where Carlos lived. As they drove up to it, it was apparent that it still didn't quite fit the neighborhood it was in. It was a bright white, two-story building with a balcony on the second level. The architecture looked more Greek than Spanish, with big gaudy white columns adorning the front of the building. As dusk approached, nicely dressed young Hispanic men and women could be seen approaching the entrance, all very trendy-looking.

It wasn't exactly a valet place, but a young guy standing out by the front door saw Carlos as he drove up, and flagged him down. "Yo, Carlos," he called out, shaking hands with him through the rolled down front window. "You go in, man, I'll park your ride for you." Carlos nodded and hopped out, walking around to Elsa's side and walking her to the door. When he opened it for her, a barrage of loud Salsa music burst out upon them, bringing a little grin to Carlos' freshly shaven face.
Elsa slipped out of the car, looking around at where they were. The building was immense and everyone was dressed nicely. Nicer than she was, she thought. They all had big hoop earrings on too, and Elsa didn't have anything. The best she had was the red skirt Carlos had given her and the black heels that his sister had brought for her. She took Carlos' hand as she got out of the car and looked timidly towards the Salsa music blasting out of the the place. She leaned up to Carlos and whispered in her ear, "Carlos, I'm nervous. Like, a lot."
Carlos smiled widely at Elsa and gave her a playful slap on the butt as they went through the doorway. "Don't worry, baby, you with me, so you gonna be fine," he whispered back. He smoothed out the front of his pants and looked around once inside. It was his first time here since before he went away, and he noticed quite a few young faces he didn't recognized. Things always changed, he thought to himself. As they waited at the front, though, Carlos did see a couple of men and a young woman who he did know from the neighborhood, and cheerily introduced Elsa to them, trying to make her feel comfortable.

The hostess looked over at him a moment later, a thin pretty girl who he'd never seen before. Mesa para dos , Carlos said to the girl (as almost all Spanish was spoken there). She nodded at him, about to tell him there was a wait, when a man came up behind her, nodding at Carlos and then whispering in the hostess' ear. Right after that, the girl took them right to a table close to the dance floor. As they passed by, there were a few expert looking pairs already dancing, though it was still early in the evening. Carlos nodded in agreement as he sat across from Elsa in the prominent location. "Make sure you bring two margaritas right away," he said before the girl could leave, though she wasn't a waitress. "What you feel like eatin' sugar?" he asked Elsa once they were settled.
Els was admittedly impressed by the kind of pull Carlos seemed to have here. She knew as a gang leader he had to have some prominence at most places, but it was almost as if he owned this one. She sat down across from him at the table and fidgeted a little bit. She still felt very awkward, even more so when she saw the expert couples out on the dance floor. She was afraid she was going to look like a buffoon with Carlos, that she would embarrass him. Plus, her skin seemed to be glowing amidst all the tan people here. She felt so out of place. This was one of the reasons why she was convinced she and Carlos would never work. She didn't fit in with his people and he wouldn't fit in with hers.

"I don't know," she said, a little exasperation obvious in her voice. "Pick something for me. I'm hungry."
Carlos sensed Elsa's anxiety, and held his hand across the table to take hers. In this type of scene, he wasn't a violent man; that wasn't something expected here. Here, it was more of a place to be as suave as possible. "It's okay, we won't dance 'til there's some other new people out there. That happens every time." As the girl brought the two margaritas, Carlos took a sip of his, (not his usual drink of choice, but he was trying to be in the right mood) before asking for a beer as well to go with it, and ordering for them in Spanish. "I got you the Pechuga de pollo," he whispered to Elsa after the girl left. "It's chicken with cassava. Real Spanish food. Not like you get in some fake chain," he said with disgust. "An' I got the Chuleta Empanizada," he told her, pointing at the menu. "That's pork."

He took another sip of the margarita, glancing around a little anxiously. He hoped no one would judge him for coming in with a white girl. It wasn't like that was unheard of. "Come on, drink up," he encouraged Elsa. "At least you can drink again now, right? So you like it here?"
Elsa, though she had never told anyone because she knew they would take advantage of her for it, was a lightweight when it came to drinking. It only took a few beers or a couple of martinis for her to get really gone. She took hold of the margarita glass and tipped it to her lips. She sucked down some of it and shivered. She hadn't had a drink since that one beer with Brendan before she even knew she was pregnant. "Yeah, I can drink," she said a little absently, tipping the drink to her lips again, sucking it down to about half.

She looked around the restaurant again, more people out on the dance floor now. No one seemed to be glaring at her, no one seemed to be hating on her. She gave him a tentative smile, "Yeah, I like it. I do, really."
Carlos nodded at her, took her response as an invitation or sorts. He looked closely at Elsa, and noticed for the first time her mark from when he hit her in the morning. It looked like she covered it with some makeup, but it was still there. All the more reason to show her a good time, he thought. "Come on out then. You can blend in a little now that some people's dancing. The food won't be out for a while still." Standing up from his chair, he walked around the table and put a hand on her shouder. "Come on, I'll just show you the basics for now," he encouraged her.
Her face flushed deeply when he stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. She fidgeted away from him, trying to get her shoulder away from his hand without pulling it away or asking him to take it off. "I..." she started, a little lump rising up in her throat. "I don't know, Carlos. I don't know how, I'll make you look stupid..." she glanced around again, seeing one couple whizz passed them in ridiculously fast turns. That just intimidated her even more. "Can't we, um, wait, or something?" but she knew that if they waited she still wasn't going to want to dance.
"Nah, do it now," he said. He knew that if she got some food in her stomach, and still didn't know the basics, she wouldn't want to start up after dinner. Unless she got a lot of margaritas in her, anyway. Just then, a dark-skinned young man with neatly trimmed short hair and a shaped-up beard came up to the table, a girl with the standard hoop earrings and a short dress on his elbow. "This is Candi, Carlos," he said. We got married while you was away, man." Carlos greeted them both and introduced his friend to Elsa. "We was about to dance," Carlos said. "Ain't that right, Elsa? Come on, we'll all go out there together," he suggested.
"Carlos..." she mumbled as the Latina woman smiled at her warmly. She looked at the couple and for a second wondered what her life would be like if she was married to Carlos. Absolutely horrid, she decided. They could have fun together sometimes, yes, they had great sex, yes, but she couldn't be with him forever. Awhile longer, yes, but forever, no. "I..." but he'd pulled her off of the chair and she was now standing awkwardly with them, "I really don't..."
Once Carlos had her up from her seat, he pressed her on the back, guiding her towards the dance floor. The other couple began to move with the cadence of the music, but Carlos didn't start swaying at all yet. He was trying not to make Elsa feel uncomfortable. So as they got closer, he stayed just as still as she was. Although they weren't on the dance floor yet, he took one of her hands, and lightly bumped her hip with his. "I'ma lead. Just feel the music and follow what I do. What you say?" he smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the side of the neck. Looking over, he saw his friends were already moving around with perfect timing farther back on the dance floor.
She wriggled when he took her her hand and kissed her neck gently. She sighed, it was very difficult for her both ways. He was scaring the crap out of her by dragging her out onto the dance floor among so many who seemed experts at the craft of Salsa dancing. At the same time he seemed to want to do this with her so badly that she felt horrible refusing him. "I feel like I'm going to make you look stupid," she whispered to him, agony written all over her face. She rested the hand he wasn't holding on his shoulder and drew herself close to him as if that would make her fears go away.
"Don't be silly, you ain't gonna make me look stupid. 'Sides, you white, so these people gonna cut you a break," he said with a laugh. Letting his other hand drape down her back, he took a bold step forward, and then rocked back, trying to guide her with his hands. Instead of continuing, he started again with that basic move, trying to help her get used to it. Looking around, he couldn't help but think that it might be possible she actually could make him look a little silly, but he didn't care too much at the moment. He started going a little faster, stepping and rocking, adding in a sudden break to one side at times when the beat called for it. "So what you think? You like my people's kinda dance?" he asked with a little grin as he held Elsa, noticing she was starting to perspire a tiny bit.
Elsa was trying as hard as she could to do the dance right, but her nerves were really taking hold of her body. She clung to him so that she wouldn't fall over and kill herself. She closed her eyes for a few moments and heaved a big sigh, trying to just melt into his body and let him really take control. It wasn't hard to let him control her, he did it all the time anyway. After awhile she felt like she started to get into it and started to move with his body easily. She opened her eyes when he spoke to her, giving him a genuine smile. "I like it. I don't think I'm so hot at it, but it's fun." then she giggled, which she didn't do too much with him.
Carlos laughed when she giggled, starting to move around a little faster, nudging her with his hip from time to time to playfully press her the right way. He felt like he was letting go a little, doing something far more lighthearted than he was used to doing. She really wasn't great, but was better that he expected, considering it was her first time salsa dancing. And he was having fun, which was all that mostly counted. "It is fun," Carlos agreed. "And you okay, and sexy too," he added, pulling her body tight to his. After a little while, he spotted their dinner on its way. "Hey, mama," he interrupted. "You wanna stop and eat? Cool off with another margarita? We'll dance some more later," he promised, slowing to a halt and wiping some sweat off his brow.
Elsa had nearly forgotten about eating while they were twirling around and sashaying on the dance floor. But as soon as he mentioned it she remembered how hungry she was. She stopped when he did, reaching up and touching his cheek gently. "Yeah, daddy," she said back to him playfully, the same way she had that time in bed, "Let's eat." she grabbed his hand and almost dragged him to the table. When they got there she sat in her seat and quickly drained the rest of the margarita that was there. She shivered again, but less so this time. Elsa was feeling really good now, really playful, really at ease.
Carlos nodded with a smirk when she called him 'Daddy'. He liked that. He took off his hat and laid over the back of his chair while they ate. Draining half his beer from the thirst he built up, he let out a long sign afterward. He was determined, though, not to get drunk tonight. He was trying to show Elsa a good time, and he knew well enough to avoid that. After ordering Elsa another margarita, he dug into his food. This was a nice time. He wondered why he never did anything before with Elsa like this. Even only a week out from childbirth, she looked good, and he was proud to be there with her. "I'm havin a good time with you, baby," he said softly as he took a pause from his food, kicking at her knee under the table. "I can tell you know how to have a good time. Well, I knew that already," he said with a sly grin. "But I can tell more now."
Elsa dug into her food immediately and was incredibly satisfied with how it tasted. She, obviously, had never really had any real Hispanic food before. This was amazing and she made a note that eating out with Carlos wasn't a bad idea. She hadn't cooked for him yet though, she wondered if he would like anything she could make. She knew how to make Italian food, German food, French food, Swedish food...but none of that was anything like Hispanic food. She'd have to ask him.

She began to sip at the second margarita, feeling her body really loosen up. She kicked back at him under the table, taking hold of one of his feet with both of hers. She blushed when he made the reference to them sleeping together. That embarrassed her a little bit. She wasn't used to talking about sex in public, even in a sneaky way like that. "I'm having a good time with you too," she said with a little smile, some seductiveness in it. She'd already decided that she'd gladly sleep with him when they went home.
Carlos liked it when she blushed. It was decidedly endearing. He finished up his delicious plate of pork and rice, sipping at his beer from time to time, and just ordered a water once the beer was finished. He could tell she was loosened up enough to purposely try and tempt him, and he loved it. After dinner, they talked about how Gui might be doing for a few minutes, before trying out the dance floor again. Elsa did a little better at first, now that she had some experience. And by the end of the evening, she really wasn't doing badly at all, although Carlos didn't break out any of his best moves. He didn't want to show her up. Another woman (quite an expert Salsa dancer) politely asked Elsa for a dance with him, but Carlos turned it down even though Elsa said it was okay. "It's my first night out with my son's mama," he explained.

When the night was over, Carlos led her outside, arm around her shoulder, as he waited for the boy to pull the car around. "You know, the fun don't have to stop here," he growled quietly in her ear, giving her a rough pinch on the hip through her flowing dress as they waited alone on the dark, cool street for their ride.
All and all she had had a really good night with Carlos. It was like they were a normal couple. No fighting, no jealousy, just a little nerves and some strong coaxing on Carlos' part. She squealed and then giggled in delight when Carlos growled in her ear and pinched her hip. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged herself close to him. "Oh yeah?" she murmured to him, turning her face up to look at him as she wore a stupidly happy grin on her face. "Where you think it's going?" she slipped into her ghetto speak a little.
Carlos was getting turned on by Elsa's seductive ways. This was something new for him. At the Center, it had been all about what he could get her to do. But now, she was really giving it back to him. He squeezed her back and held her close to him in the cool night. "We gonna keep havin' fun," he assured her, letting a hand wander down to her soft ass. "In the car, at home, I got a feeling it's gonna be a good night," he rasped to her as the car pulled up. The kid hopped out and opened Elsa's door for her as Carlos hopped in the driver's seat, grinning widely across the car at Elsa.
She hopped into the car next to him, thinking about what he'd just said. In the car? She closed her door and saw him jump in next to her, a wide grin on her face that told her that he was thinking sex, sex, sex, and then sex. "What you mean, the car?" she asked suspiciously as she furrowed her brows a little bit. The only thing she'd ever done in a car was make up and get felt up, and that was a long time ago. Carlos wasn't going to settle for that though, and if he was going to be driving then that would mean...only she could be working.
Carlos widened his big smile as he gave her the once over, checking out all her juicy assets as she looked over from the passenger seat. "I think you already know what I mean, sugar," he said with a chuckle, pulling slowly away from the curb. He undid his thin belt, and loosened the drawstring on his pants, reaching over and rubbing Elsa's thigh and knee delicately as he continued to keep the car as steady as he could steering with one hand. "Bet you never did anything like this before. I think it would really be fun," he growled over to her. "And really baaad."
Her eyes widened as he loosed his pants, she could already see a bulge growing there. She glanced from the growing bulge to her thigh which now sported his hand. He squeezed her expertly, he knew how to turn her on even when she was nervous (surprisingly enough, the things Carlos did to turn her on were different than the things Brendan did to turn her on...but they both worked expertly). "You're right. I never did anything like this before," she repeated, her eyes drifting back to his now bigger bulge. She leaned over a little bit and tentatively slid one hand inside his pants, feeling his cock there. She touched it delicately, "I'm not sure I can do this, might be too bad for me,"
Carlos grinned as her she delicately held his cock. Her touch was arousing, and there wasn’t any way he’d want to let this chance pass by now. Once he got to a stoplight, he took his hand and placed it over Elsa’s wrist, clamping down on it and moving it back and forth some, before turning to face Elsa and giving her a big, squinty smile. “It’s not too bad for you, mama,” he said slowly. “I’m the only one who know how bad you really is. You really good sometimes, but when you bad, you really bad. You know it.” Just before the light turned, he wriggled the top of his pants down, and adjusted his underwear so that his hardening cock protruded through the opening in his boxers. It was best to leave the underwear on just in case anything happened, he thought. His manhood getting to full-length now, he placed a hand on Elsa’s neck when the car started moving again, and rubbed it gently at first, but then began gradually prodding it in the direction of his lip. “Come on, do it for your baby-daddy,” he prodded in that gravelly half-whisper.
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