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Miami Beach University - OOC

Sorry guys-work has been busy tonight.
@KaeganofAmber - it has been said, real life comes first. Just let us know if you're gonna be a few days or something and we'll figure out something ifa large group is waiting on your or something, it's not biggie. Supposed to be fun, don't stress it.
You guys have snow? I haven't seen snow since the beginning of Winter -_- ... I kind of miss it. I hope things pick up so that time passes by faster for you.
Consider yourself fortunate then. Its colder where I am than Antarctica. Temperatures plunge under -40. Don't even need to differentiate between Celsius and Fahrenheit it's that cold.
City issued a warning of a possible power emergency given how much the furnaces are running and all. If there's a power failure, better double or triple layer them sweaters up. But yeah, just the typical Canadian life here.
We got quite a bit this year..definitely enough to make a good snowboard season 😁 but not enough for people to enter a state of panic like
they always do..

It sure is pretty though!

@BennyQ I have a few friends who live up that way, they were telling me the same thing!
Its so....bright. I think my screen froze just from looking at it. Going snowboarding, sledding before it thaws could be fun.
Pertaining to building a snowman...

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