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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

“Well time to get going you have a great night and drive then all crazy for me” Sakura then hung up and went to find Gabriel
Mihaela was giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "Oh I plan on driving them crazy. I heard that there were going to be a dance competition as well. I may have asked Zane to make me an outfit for it." Something that she was wearing under the kimono for the dance that she had planned.


Soon enough Mihaela was tucking her phone into her pocket before she was making her way towards Yuki when she spotted him, just wrapping her arms around him from behind.

Gabriel was looking towards Sakura when she came up although he didn't say much to her, just continuing his conversation with his mother at the time. Just letting her know what had happened.
Yuki chuckled “ you ready to head out?” He then turned and looked at her

Sakura walkedup and tucked her arms behind her back hiding the cast and smiling at the wormsn
Mihaela was giving a faint smile before she spoke "Of course. " Although she was spotting Mira, who was standing in the doorway a bit timidly, which had Mihaela smiling at the other woman gently. "Umm... Y... Yuki... Would it be alright if I... I borrowed Drake briefly.... I wont take up too much of his time.... " Mira spoke in a soft voice as she finally walked up, which had Mihaela raising an eyebrow. Since when was she this shy?
Earlier in the day one of the more brash and rude men had essentially told Mira that she was just in the way, an unneeded distraction to Drake. A hindrance.

Jessi looked over before she spoke "No point in hiding the cast dear. Gabe told me everything that happened. I'm just glad you are alright. That man had punishment coming his way for a while."
Sakura pouted a little “they wouldn’t let me kill him” Sakura growled a little but let her arms hang by her side

Yuki looked at her and then frowned “you don’t need to ask me for permission Mira you two are a couple I won’t come between you two” Yuki didn’t like the change either and when he found out what had caused it there would be hell to pay
"W.... We aren't technically a couple..." Mira spoke in a low voice, and just pushed some of her hair out of her face. After that she was going over to where Drake was at and was asking him if she could speak to him privately.
Mira was just hesitating for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "I....If you are busy, it can wait....It isn't that important." After all he had been talking to a couple of the guys that worked with the group that he ran, and one of them happened to be the asshole that had said she was just a hindrance. "I don't wish to be a bother."
“Your are never a bother Mira besides you make my day better most days others you are a calming force for me” Drake smiled at her and then ruffled her hair lightly
Mira was just giving a nod of her head and was walking with him into another room so that they could talk.
Drake closed the door and then looked at her “ so what or who seems to be bothering you?” drake had noticed some changes recently and he didn’t like it
Mira just looked at him for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "I.... Ummm....." She pursed her lips for a moment in time before she was stating in a quiet voice that she had just found out that she was pregnant. And then she was stating that she didn't want to be any more of a hindrance on him than what she had been lately.
“First of all you are not and never will be a hindrance to me and secondly how do you feel about this baby” Drake was excited but if she didn’t want it he wouldn’t pressure her to have it
Mira just fidgeted with her hands a bit before she spoke "I've always wanted to be a mother. But I'm scared, I'm nervous, I'm thrilled. A mixture of everything but overall happy. "
Drake pulled her into his arms and hugged her close "then we are having a baby but you know this means we need to find and buy a bigger house right my apartments isn't big enough for a small child to really run in"
Mira was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Well.... Nobody said that we had to stay at your apartment then." Nope she had her own place. An apartment that she lived in but she also owned her family's home, not that she stayed there. Too large for one person, and she tended to rent it out now and again. Recently she hadn't though.
"My family's home. I don't stay there just because it is too much for one person. Instead I rent it out now and again, I've in a while though." Mira spoke in a soft voice.
"do you want to go and look at it later and we can see if any repairs are needed and how much cleaning we will need to do" Drake didn't mind the idea of living in her families home at all
"I mean yeah we can do that. I'm not sure the condition of it, haven't been there in a while." Mira was commenting after a moment in time.
"Mira but looking at it we can make sure it is safe and sound for the baby and for us" Drake really didnt like the change bit he was sure to fix it
Mira was speaking in a soft voice, "I....I know. And I can take care of it myself.... You already have so much going on." She was however looking at her pager when it went off at her hip, looking at the code that she had gotten. A minor thing, not anything that she needed to be present for.
"no we do this together Mira this child is both of ours and I plan to be there not only for you but for it as well" Drake was ready to scream but he knew that it would only upset her more
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