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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was just looking at him and then was glancing towards the door at the loud knock, and then the door was flying open and one of his men were coming in. One of the rude assholes.
"Jesus.... No need to getting snappy at me because of the stupid fucking bitch." the male snapped before he was just turning and leaving the room. Mira was just looking at the ground and then at her pager when it did go off again. "I...I need to get going. It is a code purple." she spoke in a soft voice. Code purple was just the personal pager message for her, that she was needed right away.
Drake stopped her before she left and kissed her "ignore them all no matter what they say to you the only two opinions on our relationship that matter is ours" he then let her go so she could head out while he went ot deal with his men
Mira was just looking towards him before she was giving him a gentle kiss back before she was taking out her phone. She was sending him a quick message, with the address to the house so that he could go check it out whenever.
Some of the guys were gathering up, which had Mihaela just pausing for a moment, curious as to what was going on. At least for a brief moment, it wasn't long before she was following after Yuki so that they could get going.
Mihaela was just chuckling before she spoke, "Yeah I know. And I am sure I know why he is pissed. Well a reason anyways."
When they arrived, Mihaela was climbing out of the car and was heading off towards the building, her arm looped through Yuki's arm. Was she overly bothered by some of the looks that they were getting, not at all. "Yuki.... And.... my my.... Isn't this a beautiful angel that is hanging off of your arm." a male came up to them which had Mihaela just looking towards him. "In my country, is is considered impolite not to introduce yourself first before.... making at pass at another man's wife." she spoke, not even trying to hide her Romanian accent.
"You know, women should be seen and not heard." The man spoke which just had Mihaela looking towards him before she purred "Then I suggest you shut your mouth."
Yuki winced at that but then looked at the male “if you don’t not want my wife to disembowel you with her words only I suggest you step back and leave us be”
Mihaela just looked towards the man before she was holding up a hand before she spoke, "Please note that if you are are going to try and make threats, make them to somebody who is actually intimidated by your threats. I'm far stronger than I look." With that she was taking Yuki's arm and leading him away, wanting to get away for the time being.
Yuki walked with her with no care that she had told the male off they both knew their future positions and knew that soon it would be announced
Mihaela was just looking towards him for a moment before she was commenting that she really hated people.
“I understand love but for now we have to smile and deal with it” Yuki walked her over to the king and then smiled lightly when he greeted them
Mihaela was just looking towards Yuki for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yes I know that. I get to have my own fun later. Thanks to Zane and designing a dance outfit for me."
Mihaela was just looking towards him before she spoke, "I get two fun moments then." With that she was wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a light kiss on the cheek.
Mihaela giggled softly and was soon enough looking towards the king so that the man could make his announcement. Was she all that enthused about this being publicly announced? Not really, but she didn't have much of a choice in the matter ultimately.
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