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pain is priceless (tempted, Misha &Duchess )

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Allan staggered under the imagery that came long with the blood. He stopped feeding and healed the marks when he could hear her heart slow, when he could feel the life, the amazing, ancient life, beginning to ebb. He stopped and staggered back, almost tripping over the demon before he got his footing again. The elf, Felicia, could survive, if she got help soon, but right now she was hovering, on the brink, still conscious but weak. She would have been helpless even if she hadn't been chained.

"F-fascinating," he stammered. "Such a long life, such history... dreams, passion... and it would all have ended, on this filthy basement floor..." He glanced down, saw something, and picked it up. It was an ear, with a delicate point. "So damaged, already... even if you went back, you'd never be accepted now. Imperfect among the Perfect Ones, an impossibility: a disfigured elf. That can never be, can it? Oberon and Titania wouldn't allow it."

He sighed, the elven blood making him feel strange, almost drunk and oddly melancholy. Normally he didn't succumb to the ennui of years, but with two huge lifetimes staining his memories, it was hard to avoid it. He turned instead to distraction, glancing over at the half-blind, mangled-handed angel chained nearby. "And what of you? Celestial servant, trapped here, trapped by your mortal form, and ruined, now, crippled... what of you, Angel?"
Ashe let a sigh of relief pass her lips as Allan pulled away and healed the wound that he had inflicted on Felicia' slender bloodstained neck.She had not expected Felicia's blood to have such an efect on him as he staggered back.She was confused by Allen.He had saved them yet She couldnt help the feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her that they were still in danger.Her single eye followed Allan as he picked up her severed ear and spoke softly to no one in partiular.As he spoke it dawned on her that he had taken more then just blood from Felicia.

Ashe looked up at Allan once again as he posed his question to her."I....I do not think that I would be alowed among my kind."She said before looking down."This demon has tainted me and in turn I have become a danger to other angels.Would you allow one who has suffered as I have to remain among those who are still pure?"She asked softly and bit her lip."No my place is here among humans now."
Allan shook his head, gripped by the strange insights that fae blood had given him. "No, not amongst the humans, either. For what would they offer you?" He stepped close, and caressed the side of her face with her ruined eye. He reached up with slender, pale fingers and plucked out the deflated eyeball, a slight flash of pain exploding in Ashe's skull. But it was necessary; on Earth, it would rot and putrefy. He plucked her fingernail out of the midst of it, shaking his head sadly.

"Too marked for the Heavens, too beautiful, even marred, for the Earth. There is no light place you can go that will not victimize you." The blood and juices from her eye intrigued him... he'd never smelt the like. He sniffed deeper, going to her face and sniffing her empty socket, which still bled slightly, ruby tears on her cheek.

"On Earth..." he breathed in her ear, "you will die, you know. And as an angel, there is no ascention into Heaven again for you. That is where you are supposed to be in the first place. So what will you do? Do you want to die? Or would you rather... survive?" His voice was a seductive whisper, but the threat of him was something less than soothing...
Ashe knew the truth of his words as he moved closer.After what had happened to her she flinched away from his gentle touch.She cried out in supprise and pain as her ruined eye was plucked from her head.As her eye was plucked her mind was filled with a brief flash of light,a final vision from her ruined eye before it was taken.Dispite the pain that he had caused in removing her eye he seemed to be treating her gently,her head not hurting quiet as much as it had been.

As he drew closer she looked into his eyes."Then there is no place for me..."She said sadly,shivering softly from his closeness.She felt a strange fear within her but it wasnt the same as when she was being tormented by Naomi."Survive?She felt a stab of fear as the truth of his words hit home.What would happen to her once she died?He was right about her being bared from Heaven and she had no wishes to ever see hell."W....what would I have to do?"She asked.
Naomi wished she could put in her own two cents with more than just a breathy whisper, but she had to make do with what little of her was left. She managed to use her arm to stand herself up, but she was already winded since her punctured lung had since collapsed. She picked up the fillet knife with her teeth and slowly made her way toward the vampire, intending to jam the sharp blade into his larynx. She held her breath and kept her steps silent to make sure he didn't hear her coming.
Felica opened her eyes and saw the demon standing she tried to make sounds with her bindings and small sounds from her throat, she knew what she was going to become and she waited paciently for it to happen, but it was slow apparently, she called out quietly and looked at the demon with piercing green eyes
Tongueless though she may have been, there was nothing wrong with Felicia's vocal chords, so her grunts and noises were clear. Allan whispered, "excuse me a moment," into Ashe's ear, and then whipped around, the magical blood within him spurring him on. He flashed over to Naomi's side, kneeling down and forming a point with the fingers of his right hand. His hands were slim, and all his fingers together were rather less diameter than a soft drink can.

He drew back, and then punched through fabric and orifices, destroying tissue, ramming his hand and forearm up into the demon's body, feeling organs beneath his fingers. He made a fist within her, taking hold of something wet and squishy and pulsing and gripping it tight. He stood, dragging her body up on his arm, whipping around to gain momentum before essentially throwing the demon horizontally across the basement, flinging her off his forearm. He kept his fist closed, so as she went flying through the space, she spooled out entrails like a party favor, wet gory loops of intestine spiraling out behind her until she smashed into the far wall, breaking yet more bones. Yet even with all that, he knew she wasn't dead. Even locked in form, he knew she'd be clinging, tough enough to keep going. But she was much less a threat.

He looked back over at Ashe, dropping what he had of Naomi's and flicking the rancid blood off his arm. The sudden burst of speed and power had made him famished again. "You needn't do anything but swallow..." he said, crossing to her and plunging his fangs into her throat, drinking deep. The angelic blood filled him with yet another sense of energy, completely different from the elf's, and a new set of life-impressions, and he barely remembered opening his own wrist, on his unsullied arm, and pressing it to her lips as he felt her beginning to fade...
Naomi barely clung to the last thread of life that threatened to snap if she were to even be touched. Her entrails were spilling out of her like a sac of chunky water, but it wouldn't really have worried her if she didn't know she was totally and utterly defeated. The agony was insurmountable yet she could not scream, which only made the experience all that much worse. This time she began to weep again, but not in a way that she might have learned from previous victims. This was a sadness all her own.
Once again Ashe was amazed at the speed and skill in which Allen dispatched Naomi,as if she were nothing but a minor inconvienance.She watched the demon spralwed on the floor trying to understand how someone could be so compleatly crule and hatefull as Naomi.She wasnt mad at the demon anymore though,now she mearly felt a deep pity for the creature that she regarded with her single eye.She couldnt bring herself to say anything as she saw quite possibly Naomi's first genuin tears.

Her gaze soon returned to Allan though as he quickly made his way back to her.She nodded once before she found him at her slender neck,his fangs piercing her flesh.Ashe let out a soft gasp as her life blood flowed out of her,Her vision growing dimmer as she felt the press of his arm to her lips.She weakly took it and her lips parted to allow the vampire's own blood to fill her mouth.Her eye opened wide in shock her entire body seeming to react to it as she began to drink from his wrist with a supprising strength.
Allan groaned against Ashe's neck as he felt her suddenly arch in her bonds and suck powerfully at his wrist. He was already near full to bursting with all the precious exotic blood he'd been consuming, and now, and now, he felt a release, felt his own blood... and perhaps some of his memories, instincts, and the basics necessary for survival... flowing into her. He didn't know what the Change would be like for an angel in human form, but it should take a few minutes, regardless.

When she began to spasm and tremble, he knew the change was underway. He reluctantly stepped back, as she started to vibrate. He noticed her hand, and frowned just a bit. Probably wouldn't be anything, but... just in case... he reached up and quickly set all her broken fingers; the process of Change would heal those broken bones. He also found her pulled-off fingernails and set them in the tacky blood of the nailbeds. Again, he'd seen stranger injuries healed by the Change, both more trivial and more severe. They might always be discolored, those nails, but they'd be as rooted as any.

He moved (somewhat drunkenly, so awash was he with conflicting impulses and powers, from the blood now within him) back to Felicia. "So you see," he murmured, "she has left one host and joined another family. Where her former comrades could no longer accept her, I've given her acceptance into a new life, and a new existence." He stepped in close, almost seductively close, and breathed into her good ear. "You, lovely sidhe, are in a similar situation, and I offer you a similar choice. You can let your magnificent history expire here in the basement of this anonymous house, or you can change your story, become eternal with us. All you have to do is nod..."
she breathed softly opening her green eyes slightly feeling him close, she made a soft sound from deep in her throat but it sounded sweet none the less, she lifted her head up slightly so he could see her face as she nodded, she really didn't have another choice, her beautiful voice shattered because of loss of toung, her dismangled ear gone and the golden branding mark embeded in her skin shone promintaly, she nodded slightly turning her gaze to look at him as her black hair stuck to her face from the blood.
He brushed her hair away, pulling it free, tenderly, while he gazed into her ageless eyes. His fingers stroked down her jawline, on the undamaged side. Then he tilted her head gently, and plunged his fangs once again.

She was already nearly drained, so it was a much quicker process. But she, too, was enthusiastic in her draining of his wrist, her lips warm but rapidly cooling as they suckled on his skin.

He drew himself away as she started to convulse, pausing only to gently lever her head back and re-attach her ear; when she Changed, it would be fully whole once again. Then he stepped back and regarded her. Scarred and lovely, just like Ashe. He had no idea what would happen with either of them: he'd never heard of an elf or an angel turned in this manner. He had age and experience, but he expected they would be reborn into the night with strange and powerful gifts, unpredictable and terrifying.

Speaking of unpredictable and terrifying, now that the two prisoners were on their way to becoming something entirely else, he turned his attention to the original cause of his visit. He didn't bother releasing either of the neonates; he found it particularly fitting, symbolically, that their first actions as newly-awakened vampires would be to break the bonds that held them. And they would do so, easily. Therefore, they were no longer his concern.

He strode over toward the remains of Naomi, reviewing what it would take, what he had available down here... and what he could expect from her.
Naomi looked up at Allen with a strange combination of sadness, disgust, and contempt. She was almost to the point of begging for her life, but even in this state she was too proud to do so. Her blood ran down from her mouth at the corners and her eyes wept black tears instead of clear ones. "I won't beg for my life if that's what you expect." She said through her sobbing. "I was keeping the balance. Is it so wrong that I enjoy myself while doing so? It should be you who sits in my place as you've taken away from them the eternal bliss of death."
Allan frowned as he squatted next to the crippled demon. Her vocal chords had healed already, which mean she was slowly, slowly overcoming the effects of his spell. He glanced to the glistening trail of her intestines, and noted it slowly drawing back into her body, by infinitesimal inches. It was her body trying to at least restore itself to it's original state; that was the first stage. In another day or so, she'd be back to full capability. He'd have to stop her before then.

"My dear Naomi, I expect you to die!" he chuckled. "Sorry, I'm a Bond fan. Ah, you might have been keeping the balance, but you know the deal: you operate until you get caught. And you got caught." He shook his head. "And preying on the exotic! If you'd kept to humans like you were supposed to, it probably wouldn't have raised as much of a fuss. Well, too late now."

He grabbed her by the front of her clothes and raised her high, then jammed her backward, onto one of the hanging meathooks she had in the basement. How many victims had she hung up on these? No more, after tonight. He was reminded of the original TCM movie, of course, but he knew she'd last a lot longer than that other character...
She gasped softly hearing her heart slow down, the lone beats felt hard agaisnt her chest and she felt herself flinching and jumping uncontrolably, her green eyes were wide and the pain in her ear returning as the skins tarted to mend itself, she hissed softly and clenched her fists slightly as she jerked around her mythical blood having already been drained and this new blood, this old blood in a shorter history and time, was now flowing through her many veins, she curled her toes tightly as she felt the final heart beats of the very thing that kept her alive for centuries.
Ashe let out a sigh as Allan pulled gently away, her body already beginning to tremble and shake as his blood flowing inside of her, changing her body in ways she couldn’t describe. She caught flashes of images and memories in her mind's eye, bits and pieces of information that showed her what she was and how to survive. Her nails reattached to her fingers but for the rest of her existence they would have a dull, dead look to them. Her pure white wings spread out behind her, their downy white feathers becoming a silvery grey for she was no longer an angel yet she had not fallen either. She felt the keen sharpness of fangs as her body began to calm and become still. She only then noticed that her heart had stopped beating while she had been shaking and trembling.

Ashe looked around slowly, taking in the dimly lit room with her green eye calmly, she tested the bindings that held her still and with clenched teeth, broke them easily. She smiled slightly as she took an unsteady few steps before making her way closer to Allan, She wanted badly to see Naomi's final moments.
"NO!" Naomi shouted as she struggled to lift herself off of the meat hook with her hand that had grown back and her now three-quarters of an arm. "I refuse to let you out of here while I still live." As she moved she groaned in pain and coughed up more blood. Her entrails managed to knit themselves back together inside of her, but the hole was still there and left them exposed. "You've committed an atrocity, vampire. Only mortals should become vampires and you know it! These two should have died. What difference did it make whether they were human, angel or elf?" She looked at the two former captives with fear in her eyes, newly energized and ready to tear her apart. "You don't know what you've done."
Felicity breathed softly feeling her ear mending itself completly, tho her hearing was starting to sharpen even more, she opened her green eyes and felt her vampiric teeth push through her normal ones, it was painful to say the least, she felt her strenght come back to her as she broke away her binds, she broke her ankle chains and landed on her feet, she walked over to allen and stood on his other side looking at naomi and smiled slightly moving her hair back and leaning against allen not being able to say anything.
"You speak of your rules of who should and should not do what as if they're universal," Allan purred, stroking his fingers over the selection of implements Naomi had on hand. "What difference did it make whether they were human, angel, or elf? In death or undeath, it's the same. But now, at least, their stories will go on."

He selected a box cutter for his next tool, and spun on Naomi. Two slashes, from collarbone to leg, leaving long, shallow gashes in her flesh but cutting away her clothing, exposing her flesh. It would be easy to just slash her throat, but he felt she deserved a bit more involved of a send-off. The naked flesh did nothing for him, really, but the lack of clothing made his aim much more precise. And, if Naomi had any residual sense of shame (unlikely, but he'd seen stranger), it would enhance the experience. Not for the better, perhaps, but still...
Ashe smiled as she drew closer to Naomi."Why should you care If weve been changed."She said in a soft voice as her hand moved forward to touch her cheek."You cared not when you captured us,You are the one who played god and decided that our lives should end in this little hell hole."She said anger tinting her voice briefly,her eye seemed to change briefly before she smiled again."I hold no grudge though Naomi,I forgive even you who's soul is as black as ive ever seen.Just think.If you had never have captured us you might have survived just a little longer."She said and steped back and away.She turned her head slightly so that she would not have to watch,she may be a vampire now but she still had the soul of an angel and didnt wish to see what would happen next.
Ironically, Naomi did blush a little when she found herself naked. Now genuinely worried since she was quite established in the opposite position she had at the start of this little encounter. Her death was imminent, but still she refused to beg for her life lest the tables manage to turn once again. "Don't you think to forgive me. Just because your wings are gray doesn't mean you aren't fallen. With your knowledge of virtue and my knowledge of sin, we both know that vampirism is a disease born of necromancy. One of the worst sins short of the cardinal seven. And you willingly accepted it upon yourself. What does that make you?"
Ash's eyes widened and it looked as if she had been struck by naomi's words.She bit her lip and clenched her fists,knowing in her heart that her words were true."I...I am no longer pure,I have you to thank for that demon."She looked down and away."I..Im still a good person..I will be forgiven..."She said softly she wished it to be true but she knew that what she had done was almost unforgivable but it was a small price to pay if it ment she wouldnt be alone.She was afraid of what would happen to her in the future but she was even more afraid of being left alone.
she looked over to Ashe and came up to her placing a hand on her shoulder gently and looking up at her eye with her own bright green eyes, she let a small smile play on her face pushing her hair back behind her mended ear and leaned up kissing her cheek softly then looked to the demon, she couldn't talk and she hated it, but she wondered if she could fish her toung out of her stomach, she moved forward and stuck her hand inside her and dug around easily, her nails rubbing against the soft inerds .
With Felicia's freshly-minted undead strength, her hand plunged almost without resistance into Naomi's abdomen, jamming straight into her stomach. Allan was impressed both by her savagery and by her anatomical accuracy. He didn't know what she was going for, but he thought he might help.

"That's bound to be a tight fit in there; the organs are pretty closely packed. Here, let me loosen things up for you," he murmured as he made a sudden slash across her lower belly, just above her hips, the wide rent gouting blood and a fresh torrent of suddenly-loosed guts. Allan reaches in and grabs a handful more and drags them out. She had begun to heal, but it was still slow. The faster she was injured, the slower she would work, until they could overcome it. He was actually glad; that meant it wouldn't be over TOO soon...
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