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pain is priceless (tempted, Misha &Duchess )

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Naomi recognized the angelic curses and smiled before leaving the Ashe to wallow in her pain. Now, she went over to a burning furnace in a different room then came back with a cauldron filled with a glowing molten liquid and what looked like a branding iron. "Look out my little elf friend, I'm going to have to strip you for this next one." She moved her hand under Felicity's chin and into the collar of her shirt before pulling hard to tear it off. She threw the shirt away, and pulled out the iron from the cauldron. The design glowed red and dripped a golden liquid. The design itself seemed to be the initials N.V. Naomi held it up close to Felicity's face so she could feel the heat. "How does it look?"
She turned her face away from the heat, her earless side still bleeding slightly, she was starting to get light headed from the loss of blood, she felt the heat on her face and the coldness of the room on her exposed skin, she whimpered softly at the draft, she had seen branding before but she never thought twice about it but it sounded painful, " like you made it blind folded demon" she glared at Naomi and closed her eyes to get away from the heat.
Ashe watched the exchange between the elf and Naomi, amazed that the elf would continue to insult the demon even after watching what had happened to her.She continued to cry quietly as she felt the sharp driving pain in her eye and hand crest and wane over and over.She had never felt such a deep hatred as she did for the demon that had taken them and taken from them.She wished she could just crawl away and hide but she was forced to watch as Naomi brought the brand closer to the elf.
"Your attempts to insult me are laughable, my one-eared friend." She said with a wicked smile. Naomi dunked the iron into the cauldron of molten gold once more then let the hot metal drip onto Felicity's exposed breasts. "Just a little taste. This burn is nothing compared to what's to come. Think of it this way, though. You'll have gilded breasts!" After the gold had dripped off enough to satisfy her needs, she quickly pressed the iron into Felicity's chest so that the end result would appear just above her heart. She made sure to hold it there until it cooled, otherwise the metal wouldn't stick to the burnt skin.
she cried out but it wasn't in pain it was in pleasure, she moaned softly when the burning sensation touched her skin, she didn't know why but it just felt so nice, she looked down at the iron brand then at Naomi then back to the iron brand, she knew she wasn't going to get out of here alive, or at least look the same as she once did.
Ashe watched in confusion, was the elf moaning softly in pleasure from the burning gold?Ashe shook her head and tried to dismiss the thought but she could hear the difference in her voice from when her ear was cut off.She couldn't think straight but thankfully the sharp pain was beginning to become just a dull ache.She was glad that she could at least get over the pain quickly as she looked away and continued to cry softly.She couldn't wrap her head around why the elf would find pleasure in such a thing.
The vapor from the cauldron and the smoke and steam from the scalded, burning elf flesh seemed unusually heavy in the room, making the rafters all misty, but clearly, everyone was too distracted to really notice. Glimmerings of sunlight still shone through the little slit of a window.
Naomi was just as confused with Felicity's moans of pleasure as Ashe was, but it mattered much less to her. She pulled off the brand, feeling the burnt flesh stick to the metal and tear as she pulled. It came off fairly cleanly, leaving a gold-studded black mark on the skin between her breasts. "You seemed to like that, sweety. It's definitely something new to see someone enjoy my tortures. Maybe you'd like to suggest your next painful torture. Oh, and if you ask me to let you go, I'll take the other ear."
She moaned softly when she pulled it off her skin, she looked down at the golden branding and then back at her, she leaned her head back a bit of moisture forming between her legs, she closed her eyes and breathed softly clenching her fingers together, she didn't say anything she was still light headed from the blood loss.
Ashe closed her eyes and tried to tune everything out.It seemed that Naomi was busy with the Elf and she could breath easily for now.She tried yet again to break her bonds though she had long given up any kind of hope of breaking free.Dispite her attempts she couldn't suppress the pain from her eye.She had allways allowed her self a small amount of pride when it came to the deep emerald green of her eyes and now her eye was ruined.
Naomi smiles at the moisture she saw between the elf's legs. She pulled a knife from beneath her dress and took Felicity's chin in her free hand. "Best wake up sweety. Tell me what you want or I'll cut out your tongue since you don't seem to like using it." She picked up the pliers off the floor and used them to force her mouth open so she could get access to the fleshy oral appendage. "Say aaah."
She went wide eyed and moved her head away from the demon, she couldn't talk so all she made were fearful noises, she moved around a bit as she closed her eyes and turned her head away from her.
Ashe turned her head as best as she could to see that Naomi was about to try and cut out her tongue."P...Please dont Hurt me Instead."She begged trying to attract her attention once again.Her wings spread out slightly and she glared at the demon with a hate filled eye.
Naomi grinned then looked at Ashe when she spoke up. "Would that I could, but I did promise her that I would cut it out if she refused to speak. Would an angel like you have someone go against their word? That doesn't seem to be in your nature." She managed to get Felicity's mouth open enough to get her tongue and keep hold of it. "Well?"
She couldn't speak even if she wanted to it came out all jumbled when she spoke in her chimmy voice, she tried to get away from her even more but it didn't seem to work cause she had ahold of her tonge she looked at her straight in the eyes and blinked slightly her green eyes looking dark and such in the dim light.
Ashe willed The elf to speak hoping that she would be able to save herself from that kind of pain as she slumped against her binings.She was begining to feel faint from the loss of blood as it dripped from her hand.She looked down.Hateing Naomi even more for her words.
Naomi dropped the knife at her side then knelt in front of her, keeping hold of her tongue. An evil smile crept onto her lips before she opened her mouth and her own snake-like tongue slithered out and wrapped itself around Felicity's. She engaged her in a deep kiss while beginning to throw hard punches at her exposed stomach.
She enjoyed the kiss for a moment then soon gasped her mouth opening while she punched her, she didn't understand why she was doing this ,maybe to tease her..or maybe to flip flop her mind on purpose, she thought she was here to kill us but in fact it was just for pure pleasure, she closed her eyes feeling the womans toung slither around her own toung she made soft sounds trying to get her to stop " please stop this " she tried to say with her mouth over the demons.
Naomi giggled at her implied begging then hit her one more time in the stomach, much harder than before. "Hearing you beg just makes me want to hurt you even more." She said, using her own demonic power to speak clearly even though her tongue was tied. The pressure she put on Felicity's tongue increased exponentially as the kiss continued, so much so that it would soon become painful. "Who needs a knife when my own tongue can be just as sharp. No pun intended."
Ashe could only watch in disbelief as Naomi and the elf kissed passionatly,Naomi striking the elf repetedly in the gut as they kissed.As the elf continued to moan and gasp as they kissed Ashe tried to understand what was happening but she had never come across anything like this before.To her pleasure and pain were two seprate things yet here she was watching the two mixing in ways she had never thought possible."I...I dont understand...."She said in her soft voice as she tried to look away.
she gasped softly tasting a bit of blood in her mouth, as she opened her mouth and bit at her lip and pulling quick enough to rip her bottom lip off, she growled and spit her lip out and onto the floor next to her, she grined and leaned back lickign the blood off her face and lips " not so pretty now are you"
Naomi giggled a little bit after feeling the slight pain of her own flesh tearing. She managed to keep a grip on Felicity's tongue then pulled back as hard as she could, tearing the prehensile piece of flesh out of the elf's mouth in a spray of blood. She swallows the tongue whole the picks up her severed lip then places it back where it used to be. The flesh seemed to mend itself instantly, leaving her lip whole again. "I feel quite pretty, thanks. As for you, you might want to get fixed up a bit. I mean, one ear, no tongue! You need to take better care of yourself!" Naomi's attention is drawn to a little window in the corner of the room. Apparently the sun had gone down while she was torturing her little captives. "We've been down here longer than I thought."
Ashe had not been expecting the elf's move and she allowed herself a hateful smile as she heard the tearing of he demons fleshe.Naomi's responce wiped the smile off her face however and she cried out in disgust as drops of the elf's hot thick blood hit her face."There is nothing pretty about you demon.Your nothing but a crule,twisted ugly creature who takes pleasure in making others bodys as ugly as you are inside."She said in a soft hateful voice.
She cried out in pain and opened her mouth watching the blood pour from her mouth, she felt faint from the loss of so much blood, she closed her eyes and fainted, blood continued to pour out of her mouth and into her black hair which matted a bit and merged with the dried blood that was already there, she was still like she was asleep but not as content.
Naomi watched Felicity faint then laughed hysterically. She took the hot iron from the cauldron and lifted the elf's head to open her mouth once more. She pressed the hot metal onto the wound and smiled at the hissing sound it made as the molten gold helped to cauterize the wound and staunch the bleeding. She left the elf to sleep then went back over to the Ashe. "I am ugly on the inside, but so is everyone else. I just bring it out to the surface when the 'good' beings of the world get a little too high and mighty. Plus it's just great dirty fun." She swung the hot iron and aimed to whack it across Ashe's face like an iron bat.
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