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pain is priceless (tempted, Misha &Duchess )

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Naomi's swing was interrupted before it reached it's apex, as a man in black BDUs appeared as if from a wisp of smoke. He blocked the swing of the molten-hot iron with one hand on Naomi's wrist, and lightning quick, as she was still blinking in surprise at his sudden appearance, raised his other hand to gently touch her face. He spoke only three syllables, but it was three syllables not meant to be spoken by human throats; as blood spattered into the inside of his ski mask from his now-injured vocal chords, a charge of mystic energy jolted from his fingertips to her face, which had the same effect as thousands of volts of electricity, tossing both Naomi and Allan backwards away from each other.

Alan hit the edge of a table, rattling the chains mounted at the corners of it. His ribs ached, and at least one could possibly be broken; a momentary distraction with the healing speed of a vampire, yet possibly a crucial one. Still, the pain was worth it; Naomi was now locked in human form. This did not make her harmless, but it did prevent her from transforming into any of a demon's more overtly powerful and dangerous forms. It was worth it, because with her in human form, he was a physical match. And his preparation then made the difference.

"Hello, Naomi," he groaned in a rough voice as he straightened, drawing his Bowie knife. "Welcome to your death."
Naomi yelped in pain when she was electrocuted then got up slowly from her new position in a newly made dent in the wall. She looked at the vampire with fire in her eyes and a smile that would turn Medusa to stone. "My death? You presume that you can kill me? You may have caught me off guard with that little lightning attack of yours, but human is one of many of my forms." She attempted to transform into something more competent at close combat, but when she tried, she only got electrocuted again. She realized right away what had happened, so instead she opted to use magic since she could use that no matter her form. She spoke a few words in a strange language, and a ball of fire erupted from her palm and aimed for Allan.
Oh, Christ, he thought, as the fireball came rocketing toward him. He wasn't quite up to speed yet, his ribs still knitting, so he couldn't dodge the spell. However, he almost smiled inside his mask, and resisted the urge to reach up and caress the amulet he wore.

The fireball exploded right in front of his face, setting the table and the rafters a-smoulder. He was thrown backward again, over the table, where he rolled over to the wall. He lay limp, seemingly dead.

Of course, a vampire always looks dead, whenver it's not moving...
Naomi smiled but wondered why the intruder wasn't a smoking pile of cinders. She pulled a long cleaver from the wall and approached the seemingly dead vampire. "Best wake up. I know what you are. Your kind always have a distinct smell of death about you, and it's not the same as is usually down here." She held the long blade like a sword and pressed the flat tip against his throat, ready to make a move when he did.
Once the cleaver touched his throat, he moved. He'd lain there long enough for his various injuries to knit and heal; he had no reason for pretense any longer. Only his right arm moved, but that blindingly fast, bringing the Bowie knife up in an arc over his body. It met the blade of the cleaver, and passed right through without slowing, and the blade of the cleaver fell against his chest, useless, the severed edge mirror-bright. The arm reversed its sweep just as Naomi backed out of the way, slicing through the air where she had been. He was up and on his feet in an eyeblink after that, coming toward her, the knife held in a very professional grip; he was clearly an experienced blade fighter. His face was still behind the ski mask and goggles, but the smile was evident in his voice, now that his vocal chords had healed.

"And I, dear Naomi, know what you are. You think you know what I'm capable of, just because you know I'm undead?" He let the mocking tone of his question carry the rebuke.
Ashe closed her eye and tensed as she heard the molten branding iron cutting though the air when she heard a thud as her swing inturupted and she looked up in amazement as a strange man in a black outfit and a ski mask stood in between the angel and demon.She would have given her thanks if not for the syllables that eurpted from his throat.She recognized what they ment and rejoiced.She could only look on in hope as they fought.
Naomi was caught off guard by the sudden quickness of his movement. Not even she could move that fast in a human form. She clearly didn't have as much experience with blades as the vampire did, but she was excellent at black magic. She launched another fireball at him, a more powerful one in hopes of overpowering whatever trinket he was wearing that prevented his immolation the first time. "I know more than you might think, bloodsucker. And I'll have you know that you'll be having none of mine." The worry was only a little evident in her voice. The inability to transform hindered her greatly. It shamed her more to know that she should have seen this coming.
He saw the little dot of the fireball spell coming, the seed which would blossom into flaming death. Not so much for him, mind you, but the shock waves were still a bitch. So he avoided it as best he could, darting to the side, blindingly fast. He immediately started to feel the strain of the hypermovement; added to the drain of healing on his internal resources, he was going to be getting pretty hungry if the fight lasted too long.

He darted to the side, but couldn't quite outrun the shockwave of the fireball detonating where he had been. The blast rolled over him, lifting him into the air and flinging him forward. Twisting to orient himself, he saw himself rushing up at the charred table he had broken his rib against. Figuring out what to do was simple, in his currently heightened state of time awareness. He curled into a ball to tumble to the right position, and then just rammed his legs out at just the right time, slamming his combat boots into the edge of the table, shattering the table into charcoal chunks but reversing his direction. He corkscrewed straight at Naomi from an unexpected direction, Bowie knife out in front of him. The mask and goggles hid his face, which was all the more unnerving as she couldn't tell if his face was screwed up in fury, utterly calm, or grinning like a madman...
Naomi's eyes widened as she was hit. The vampire's blade sinking into her skin felt almost heavenly, but she was still worried. It took a lot to hurt her even in this form, and with this much force he must have ruptured something. She got up from the ground and felt her cut and bruised torso before coughing up a copious amount of blood. She looked up at him groggily then tried to transform again, unfortunately getting the same result as before. "At least...take off the mask. Son of a bitch."
"Don't cough too much, you'll lose too much blood." The odd thing is, the cut, while painful and clearly a deep cut, is not too bloody. "Oh, you noticed that, hmm? I see you looking at your hands. No, this special thing cauterizes as it cuts. Saves the tasty blood that way." Stepping close, he fast as an eyeblink slashed at Naomi's hand, lopping it off at the wrist. It cut cleanly, effortlessly; indeed, she felt the barest tug, then her arm felt lighter. Indeed, other than some minor leaking, no blood gushed forth.

"Now, if you want blood, it would be something like this..." Moving fast as an eyeblink, Allan grabbed one of Naomi's own tools, a filleting knife, and jammed it through the palm of her other hand, then pushed it hard, driving the knife into the wall and pinning the hand there. He began to feel himself slow to his normal speed, which was not eyeblink fast, but was still many times quicker than a human could manage. He inhaled deeply as the blood trickled from her hand. "Ah, that's the stuff."

Stepping back out of kicking range, he reached up and pulled off hood and goggles, confident now. Handsome, pale face, sandy brown hair, and sharp, glittering green eyes. He also had prominent fangs in his smiling mouth.
She looked up at him with an uneasy yet still devious smile. She grabbed at the knife in the wall and through her hand with her teeth then grabbed it with the hand it was just stabbed through. She avoided trying to reattach her other hand since her regeneration was a type of transformation. Naomi stood up, feeling wobbly but manageable. "Such a pretty face. It's..a shame...that I have to ruin it." She lunged at him with the fillet knife in her still-attached hand, held with the blade pointed down so she could slash instead of stab.
He watched her come, a clumsy lunge, even when he was learning fencing from Richelieu. As she closed, he stepped smartly to the side and swept his blade down in a disarming move. Which, considering, actually disarmed her. Naomi's arm came off just above the elbow, and as she stumbled forward, he simply tripped her, sending her sprawling across the floor, right at the feet of her former prisoners... who were now technically as good as Allan's prisoners...
Naomi opened her eyes to the sight of dried blood. She turned over onto her back and looked up to see the hunched over figure of her currently unconscious elven prisoner. The brand she had seared into her skin was still evident between her bare breasts, and it gave Naomi confidence. She struggled to stand, the lack of both hands and half an arm making it difficult to lift herself. Using the wall and ignoring the pain in her seared stumps she stood and faced him with a new-found courage. "You think a couple lost limbs will prevent me from ending your wretched unlife? You have a lot to learn about me." She spoke the strange words again, but this time the seed of fire appeared just in front of her mouth. When the ball of fire was big enough, she shouted loudly and the fire flew out in a bolt that seemed more like an arrow than a ball.
He saw the arrow coming. Oh, this will never do, he thought as he dropped below it. The concussion forced him to roll off to the side a little bit, and was very annoying. However, in the ringing echo of the blast, nobody noticed his dull, droning, growling chant. He'd hoped he wouldn't have to use this emergency gimmick, because it was a pain in the ass and had risks of its own, but it seemed like it was going to be necessary. He couldn't dodge fireballs all night, and he didn't want the house to collapse on them before his work was done.

He slowly got up, still chanting without pause, employing the circular breathing technique the Tibetan monks used when they employed this particular enchantment. He couldn't move quickly, nor could he attack, while he kept up the chanting, but she would find her magic effectively disrupted, all such effects "grounded out" by the mystic blessing the chant invoked. The biggest difficulty being, the "peace of the Buddha" was not so effective in dealing with demons. Still, he moved toward her, head bowed and hands clasped in a prayer position, with the Bowie knife in between them (its sigils no longer glowing), but his eyes as they looked out the tops of his eyes still as glittering with malice as ever.
Naomi stared a at the vampire curiously. Her grogginess caused her reaction time to increase exponentially. She was too battered to decide whether she should attack him or wait. Either way she already felt the effect of his spell was already upon her. Her power had essentially left her, causing her to drop to her knees in pain. She screamed loudly as she finally felt the pain of her few but serious wounds. "I'll kill you!" She shouted at him, though her apparent position showed otherwise.
Ashe couldnt help but to smile as she watched Naomi grow more and more powerless and her soft laugh grew louder and louder."I told you demon Your deeds would not go unpunished.How does it feel to know that your powerless?Are you scared?"She asked scornfully as she watched her with her single eye."You have practiced your evil deeds for the final time Naomi.Now its time to reap the rewards of your actions."Her eye moved to the vampire and she smiled softly,glad that some one was about to give Naomi what she deserved.It seemed that her prayers had been heard and that her and the elf might just live though this.
She groaned softly and opens her eyes her vision a bit blurry from the loss of blood, she breathed softly and blinked her eyes a bit to get a better look at was was going on, she went wide eyed a bit seeing the fight between the woman called naomi and a vampire having it out infront of her and the angel, she wondered how long she was out for, it didn't seem like it was long for she still felt faint, she shaked her head a bit and gasped softly as they faught, she could speak properly for lack of toung and her hearing sucked with only one ear, she gazed over to Ashe and saw her smiling slightly so the demon must be lossing.
He approached with measured steps, still buzzing and humming the Tibetian charm. He heard the angel mock the demon, and given she had ample reason, it was only right. His senses detected the change in the elf's breathing as well, although he couldn't risk a glance over at her. His eyes were locked on the demon's, even in her weakened state.

He came up right in front of her, as she was wracked with the pain of her injuries, and stood there, hands clasped on the blade of his knife. Then he suddenly ended the chant. The silence rang out like a bell. And the instant he saw a flicker in the glow of the sigils on his knife, his hand flashed out and buried the tip of the knife in her larynx, severing her vocal chords, and no farther. As she wasn't regenerating while locked in her human form, he knew she wouldn't be able to form words now. Her spells were useless. He was safe.

He pulled his knife free (carefully, so he didn't damage anything else... yet) and stepped back, savoring her reaction.
Naomi clutched the hole in her throat after Allen pulled the knife out. It wasn't bleeding, just like all of the other wounds that that knife made, but it was painful and debilitating. The inability to speak finally pushed her over the edge. She looked at him with pleading eyes as she dropped to her knees and started crying in front of both him and her two former captives. Her sobbing was silent, only sounding like heavy breathing thanks to her no longer functional vocal chords. She curled up on the floor, a last and feeble line of defense now that she was utterly disabled.
"Ahh..." Allan said in a soft, almost sad and wistful tone, looking at Naomi on the floor. Then he straightened, and raised his voice, addressing the two captives almost as a lecturer. "Observe, if you will, the demon in defeat. Pleading for mercy, crying piteously. Of course, she learned these behaviors well... through observation of the dozens, hundreds, of victim's she's tortured and murdered over the years." He slammed the toe of his combat boot into her sternum, rather over the stab wound he'd given her earlier, and felt the satisfying snap of bone.

"Of course, lies and cruelty are standard traits in Homo Infernium, so that should come as no surprise to anyone. What does surprise me is what she had on the menu for tonight..." Stepping over Naomi's form, he stepped close to the elf, and sniffed deeply. He leaned in and licked up some of the drying blood from the severed ear, off the side of her throat. "Oooohhhh.... it's been many decades since I've had elven blood..."
She breathed softly and opened her green eyes to look at the vampire now, she watched him taste her blood and knew it was his nature but still it was odd, she gripped at the bindings that held her form up and in the air as she looked away from him not being able to talk properly, so she just didn't speak at all, she gazed over to her angel friend and then at the dead demon on the floor possibly dead.
At least they still won't live through this. Naomi thought with a hidden grin. The broken sternum finally hit her, causing her to cough up a little blood as a shard of bone had punctured her lung. Her breathing became labored, but she knew suffocation wouldn't kill her, and knowing this know-it-all bloodsucker, he knew it too. She tried groaning in pain, but she was once again thwarted by a lack of working vocal chords to do even that. Instead she turned over to look at the elf and mouthed "He'll kill you too" to her.
In his hungry state, after all that exertion, and faced with the exotic taste of her, and the erotic sight of her, all bound and helpless and disfigured, he couldn't help himself. He licked the blood on her neck more urgently, more hungrily, and then, without further warning, he plunged his fangs into her throat, puncturing the vein. Had he wanted to sate himself immediately, he'd have gone for the artery and drank in the spray, but he felt like taking his time, so the vein's languid pulse filling his mouth was sufficient.

His lips and teeth were locked against her throat, his body pressing against hers, as he drank deeply of her. She tasted of ancient magic, the dreams of a majestic culture, long dead. She tasted of forests and meadows, lakes and brooks, cottages and castles. She tasted of fairy beauty and subterranean threat, of stories and legends. More immediately, she tasted of pain and pleasure, endorphins and poisons. It was a rich and heady mixture, and it made Allan feel light-headed, giddy. He had to force himself to stop, to lick the wounds closed, before he took enough to kill her, and he barely, barely succeeded...
She cried out in pain once her plunged his fangs into her throat, it only hurt for a moment then the numbness came, she also felt light headed feeling the blood leave her body, her eyes flutered slightly as she leaned her head against his, she could see her long life flash before her letting him see what she saw, her ancient life being drained from her in an instant.
Ashe couldnt help but feel a small stab of sadness for the demon.Even though she had done so much to harm both herself the elf it was within her nature to want to help those suffering.She was about to thank the vampire who had so disabled their demonic captive when she turned her eye away from Naomi to look at him and the elf.Oh no hes used up too much fighting Naomi....She thought as he watched her sampleing the blood from her ear and neck before biting and drinking from her.She looked back between Naomi and Allen,frustrated from not being able to help the elf from either of them.
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