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pain is priceless (tempted, Misha &Duchess )

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Jan 18, 2009
Ashe struggled against the ropes that bound her slender wrists and ankles together,hoping in vain that they had somehow loosened over the course of her struggling.Her wings had been pinned as well and she could not make any sudden moves in fear of pain shooting though them."W...Where are we?."She questioned in a voice filled with fear and uncertainty.Golden locks of hair hid part of her young face from view but it was easy to see that she was beautiful and ,her body clothed in a white shirt and bluejeans.She was confused as to how she had even ended up where she had and from the sounds of someone stirring beside her she could tell that another person had been taken as well.

She finally opened her eyes to survey the place that they had been taken to and didn't like what she saw one bit.the room was dim,a faint light filtering down though a tiny slit,hardily big enough to be called a window.the walls were sheet rocked though faded brick could be seen though what appeared to be a hole in the wall where either someones fist or head had been forced though.She could see all manner of devices and other curious items that filled the room and lined the walls.The floor was of the perfectly smooth type with a drain in the center.She finally turned her head to the side to take in the woman who had been tied up beside her before struggling yet again,her wrists raw from trying to break free.She had a feeling that she did not want to be there in that room when the person who had captured them came back.
Felicia had been knocked out when ashe looked over to her, she had been in town before the capture, she had heard someone with her keen elven ears and heightened scenseing she had long black hair that curled slightly at the end and if at full length it would barely pass her waist, her skin looked slightly golden in the faint light of the room, her arms were bound behind her and her ankles bound together a long chain coming from the bottoms and holding her arms down so they wouldn't break while she hung there in midair, she opened her bright green eyes and looked around blinking her eyes to adjust her vision, she groaned slightly and moved her head to look around wondering where she was, she yawned a bit and looked over to Ashe to see her awake along with her wrists raw from the stuggling, it was apparent that she had been up for a while.
Naomi was pleased with her catch. She had been feeling more ambitious as of late and captured two victims rather than one. It was easy enough with such a prominent demonic presence. She had even managed to seduce an angel into coming with her before she knocked her out and restrained her in the dungeon. The elf was more simple and more complicated at the same time, since due to their keen senses she had to take a more stealthy approach when it came to subduing her. Naomi shifted her form as she walked through her dark home, reverting back to her preferred form that consisted on an average build, long charcoal black hair, and red eyes with slitted pupils. She opened the door to the basement and walked down the steps, the skirt of a tight-fitting black dress trailing behind her as she walked. She conjured a light and floated it to the ceiling so that her captives would be able to see her as she greeted them. "Hello there, girls."
felicia fixed her lazy eyes on the woman whom had come in, she blinked a few times and tried to move a bit but found it rather painful to do so, she held her tongue and looked to ashe wondering why they were here and what sadistic plot the one who had put them here had. She looked down trying to guess at how to get out of her bounds, but with out her tools it was nearly impossible, she leaned back a bit her hands gripping at the chain that suspended her in the air a bit above the ground.
Naomi walked over to the drowsy looking elf first and slapped her hard across the face. She looked annoyed due to the lack of any sort of response to her greeting. "How impolite. You should respond to a greeting even when captive with at least an ear-shattering scream. You make this whole captive thing so boring, I might have to let you go." She walked away pensively and started shuffling through a cupboard, stalling long enough to let the girl answer.
Ashe made eye contact with the elf briefly before their captor made her self known.Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the demon,remembering the tricks she had used to lure Ashe into a trap.Her eyes followed the glowing orb as it settled near the ceiling and she kept her mouth closed as well as the demon greeted them.She could see that her fellow prisoners silence would irritate the demon and Ashe was content to keep her quiet as well.She winced slightly as the Elf was slapped and Ashe bit her lip slightly."What do you want with us?"She asked as she watched the demon move closer to a cupboard.
Felicia growled slightly and stuggled a bit not liking the fact that she was slapped, she tried to break the ones on her legs but couldn't, " you have no right to keep us here wench" she said in a chimmy but angry tone, she was pissed by this point, elves were not made to be held down or tied up, she clenched her fists and turned her green gaze to the one on the other side of the room, she looked worse off than she did but she did post a good question so she waited for the answer from her captive.
Naomi closed the cupboard and approached her two captives once more, holding a pair of old pliers in one hand and tanning shears in the other. "I might not have the right, but the people are too scared of me to do anything about it. You're here to be my playthings for as long as you might be able to hold out, and from the looks of it neither of you seem likely to endure long. She looked at the angel with a devious smile and looked at her hands with mild interest. "You," she said, directing her order at the angel. "Splay out your hands. I'd like to see how long your nails are."
Ashe watched with weary eyes as the demon closed the cupboard,an object in each hand.Her eyes flashed with anger briefly as Ashe listened to her words." wont get away with this!... Others will come looking for us and you'll wish that you had never been spawned.."She said as she recognized the objects in the demons hands and balled her own into fists to keep her nails away from the demon.Her body tensed as she watched her draw near,her eyes moving from the demon to the elf briefly.If she could keep the demons attentions from the elf then she would gladly.She didn't wish to see anyone hurt in front of her.
Naomi smirked then stopped when Ashe refused to follow her orders. She had a feeling that she was only being stalled by the angel, knowing that their selfless nature caused them to prefer harm on themselves rather than watch others be harmed in front of them. Being the demon that she was, she started moving toward the elf instead and ordered her to do the same. "Open your hands, and if you don't then i'll just clip off your pretty little ears. I'm sure that would be an exciting sight, wouldn't it my angelic little friend? What you don't seem to understand is that I keep everyone else in check through fear. Nobody will notice a single angel or a single elf going missing. It would be too much work to get them back, and they would likely die trying anyway."
Ashe didn't like that smirk one bit and her fears were realized as the demon turned to the elf and repeated her command.She bit her lip and struggled against the ropes that held her tightly."Wait! Please don't I...Ill do what you want but please just let her go.."She asked as she unballed her fists.Perhaps if she let the demon do as she wished with her she would allow the elf to go free?"W...wouldn't you rather focus all your...talents on an angel?"She said and shivered slightly,she knew that it was a bad idea to offer herself like that but if she could save someone else then she would.
Felicity growled and watched the demon that was infront of her " im sorry i cannot do that, you tied my hands behind my back.....and i thought you would know better seeing as you tied me up....maybe your just forgetful or have selective memory, " she smirked and looked down at her moving her hair back out of her face and gazing down at her with her bright green eyes clenching her hands slightly to get the blood flowing to them again, thinking they were probably purple.
Naomi smiled and shrugged. "I guess I take your ears then, since you can't open your hands for me. Ah, such beautiful sabotage, and such predictable captives. It makes my black heart swell with joy to see such a pleasant sight. As for you, little angel, you'll just have to wait your turn. I don't have any personal qualms against you or your kind if that's the chord you're trying to strike, I'm an equal opportunity murderer." She brought the shears up to Felicity's left ear and closed them slowly at the base, making sure she felt every moment as she severed it.
Ashe Smirked slightly at the elf's remarks,it seemed that they were both determined to make this as difficult as possible for the demon but her smirk soon dissapeared as the demon drew closer to the elf and spoke.She had underestimated how cruel the demon was as she lifted the shears to the elf's ear and began to slowly cut,Ashe closed her eyes tightly not wishing to see the look on the elf's face as the shears cut though the flesh of her ear."Y...your horrible creature!!."She yelled at her disgusted by the being bent on their slow suffering.
Felicity screamed in pain at the sheer against the lower part of her ear, she didn't like blood it always made her sick to her stomach and the smell was unbearable, she clinched her fingers together, she felt her blood trickle down her neck and onto her garment, she tried to move around to kick her but it only made the pain strike her worse. The smell reached her senseitive nose and her stomach became queezy, she gagged a bit then threw up on the woman, she was a little satisfied with tainting the woman with her puke but the pain just incresed it seemed.
Naomi was unphased by the vomit as long as she continued to slowly slice off the elf's ear. One she was satisfied, she took a look at her dress, but her smile never faded. She ran her finger from her free hand through the soiled area of her dress then tasted it tenderly. "Horrible creature I may be, but where else can I get a reaction like what our little elf friend just gave? Mmm...Not bad." She moved back over to Ashe and untied one of her hands. "Now open your hand, or I might take one of your wings like I took her ear."
Ashe couldn't believe what she was seeing,she took in the glistening crimson of blood as it made its way down the elf's neck.She wasn't expecting the elf's reaction though and her own stomach nearly emptied its self as she Watched the demon run a finger along her stained dress and taste."Some day your going to know just what its like to be on the receiving end of your twisted little games..I hope I can be around to see it."She spat as she opened her hand for the demon.She knew that if she refused it would only be worse and she knew that her threat concerning her wing was serious.Her entire body tensed as she tried to brace her self for what was to come.
She whimpered in pain feeling the blood flow freely down her neck, she ended up throwing up again from the smell and the sight of it, she coughed after she was done and just started to dry heave, she felt her hair stick to her skin and the place where her ear was once, she closed her eyes and clenched her fists tightly a bit of blood ticking from the cuffs on her hands. she opened her eyes and looked over to the angel in the other corner.
"So, little angel, let's make small talk. What's your name by the way?" She held up Ashe's hand and held her thumbs at the base of her index finger and started pushing it backward against the knuckle. "I'm Naomi, just so you know." As she pushed she could hear the tiny popping sounds it made as she kept pushing. "How's that feel? I figured I might alternate with you, you know. Break a finger, remove a nail, break a finger and so on."
Ashe glared at the demon as she casually made small talk of the cruel work she was committing."My name is Ashe not little angel.."She gritted her teeth and tried to hold back the low groan of pain that threatened to break though."D...Do as you wish but I refuse to give you the satasfaction..."She said slightly breathlessly as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.She tried to act as if she could take it but in truth it had hurt like hell and she knew that this was only the beginning.
Naomi heard the finger snap under the pressure she had put on it. She let go of the finger and watched it dangle limply and bounce now that it was no longer restricted by that pesky bone. She took the next finger, the middle one, and extended it to look closely at her nail. It was shiny and not overly long, and looked very strong. She took the pliers and fitted them on the nail before pressing down to get a good grip. "Fine, don't talk. But please scream for me, because this is gonna hurt too."
Ashe heard her finger break with a sickening crack before it fell back down useless now,She continued to struggle weakly against her bindings as Naomi selected another of her slender fingers and prepared to pull the nail from her finger.She looked over and locked eyes with the elf,trying her best to prepare for the pain."Please don't do this to us!!"She cried out and bit her lip knowing that it was useless.There would be no bargaining with such an evil woman.She refused to give up hope that somehow they would be spared though.
Naomi began to pry the nail off slowly. She watched as it came up outer-end first, and some of the skin came with it in thin webs then hung there like raw meat. She did the rest of the hand as she said she would, alternating a break and a nail. She looked at her tiny collection of whole nails then picked one up. She looked at it closely and noticed how sharp it seemed to be. "Sharpening your nails? Pretty naughty for an angel. I might have to punish you for it." She smiled wickedly then used her free hand to force open Ashe's eyelid then shoved the severed nail into the glossy white orb.
Legends always said that his kind were powerless during the day. Many claimed the daylight made them comatose, or burned them up. It would be convenient for the mortals if that were true, but as with anything, the truth was more complex.

It was true, however, that his powers were greatly reduced during the daytime, even as far underground as he was. He felt sluggish, nearly unconscious, and weak, putting him down around human levels of performance. But sunset was not too long away, and he knew where his target's lair was, and he had reason to believe it -- or she, considering its preference for a female guise -- would be home tonight. It was time, and he was fully prepared.

He walked through the sewer access tunnels in utter blackness, but he needed no light. Had there been any, he would have seemed like a commando or SWAT officer, cloaked in a head-to-toe Battle Dress Uniform of black, complete with flare goggles and a Kevlar balaclava. But his BDU carried no insignia, and he was remarkably light on gear. An oddly-turned amulet of tarnished brass hung on the outside of his flak vest, and his belt carried only a sheathed Bowie knife. All his other weapons were either memorized or inherent.

He paused, finally, under a tiny drainage pipe that emptied from the ceiling. He touched his amulet with slender, pale, ungloved hands, and drew his knife. The knife cast a bit of illumination in the tunnel, mystic symbols from several different arcane traditions etched into the metal of its blade. Some glowed faintly blue, others simmered a soft red, and a few seemed lit with a color that human eyes might barely perceive but couldn't name. Nodding to himself, he sheathed it again, and looked back up at the pipe.

Slowly, he started to dissolve, the top of his head becoming wispy and insubstantial. A vapor began to rise from him and drift quickly up the pipe, even though there was no air movement in this tunnel. The effect moved down his body, gradually obliterating his head, then shoulders and chest, and so forth. Finally, the soles of his boots disappeared, leaving only the muck of the sewers that he wasn't about to carry with him.

Allan DuBois, secret vampire and occasional demon hunter, was on the trail of his next prey. Naomi's hours were limited.

((For the formal record, this is a horror story to me, not a porn story, and as such I won't hold back out of squeamishness. I don't get a charge out of this, but I don't judge if anyone else reads it differently. I just, you know, won't invite you to a bris, or something, because your reaction might embarrass me.))
Ashe let out an anguished cry as she felt her nail being ripped out slowly,each second seeming to drag out as long as it could.Each broken finger and ripped nail added another flash of pain to her hand as she thrashed and threw herself against her bindings,tears running down her cheeks.She couldn't even speak to reply as she watched her examining her nail.As she drew nearer Ashe reverted to her own angelic tongue as she cursed the demon.She tried her hardest to turn her head away and keep her eyes closed but it was useless and a scream issued forth as she was blinded in one of her eyes.
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