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Best Big Bother (Lan and Foxxy_Mama)

"Hot." She says to him softly. "Not too hot." She explains to him softly and tightens her legs more around his waist as he's still inside of her pussy.
Lan turned on the hot water just right for both of them and went in with her still around him. He began moving her up and down on him, sliding in and out and kissing her neck, 'That good?"
She moans out with pleasure as she starts moving up and down on his body as she pulls away from his neck, letting the water wash over her body. "Oh so good. The water is perfect." She says to him softly.
Lan slammed into harder, his mouth moving over to her breast which he began to suck on and lick the nipple of. They were so good, he could just enjoy them all day.
She moans out as he starts thrusting inside of her and using his mouth on her breasts. She keeps moving herself up and down on his body. She cupped his face even with her nipple inside of his mouth and looked him in the face. "I never used my mouth on a length before, can I try it with you?" She asked him softly.
Lan smiled at her and nodded, "Yeah sure, I don't mind you practicing on me, I'll probably enjoy it sis."
She blushed when she heard the words practice on him. "Okay, but you'll have to explain it to me because I dont fully understand it." She says to him softly.
Lan moved down a bit, "Start by going down there and licking of it to get it nice and warmed up."
She nodded and got down onto her knees. "What do I do after that?" She asked him as she sticks her tongue and licks his full length on one side.
Lan smiled, her tongue felt so good against his member. His hand went down, petting her head, "Mm once you feel it's ready, stick it in your mouth and start sucking on it."
Lan looked down at her, loving the way she was trying to satisfy him, yet feeling a bit teased. He was longing for her to satisfy him as he was already very turned on.
She stops using her tongue and looks up at him. "Now do I use my mouth to suck on it?"She asked him softly as her fingers starts running up and down on his length.
Lan nodded, "Yes, go ahead and start sucking on it." He smiled petting her face, "Go on sis, show me how good you are."
"Okay, do I move my tongue around on your length while I'm sucking?" She asked him softly and her fingers continue rubbing up and down his length.
Lan was just ready for her to do it, feeling a bit inpatient, 'Yes if you want, just try sis." He didn't know why he did what he was about to do as he grabbed her head, forcing her to take his cock into her mouth and moving her head back and forth.
She was shoked as he forced her to take his cock into her mouth and moving her head up and down on his length. She started choking and pushed his hand off her head as she pulls away. "You never been this forceful with me before." She says to him as she moves back in the bath tub, away from him.
Lan looked at her feeling a bit embarrassed, "I'm sorry, you were just doing such a good job that I couldn't take it any more."
"I dont like it when your being forceful like that." She says to him softly as she moves back towards him and wraps her mouth around the head of his length. She starts sucking and moving her tongue around as she takes more of his length into her mouth at her own pace.
Lan rubbed her head softly and blushed, "Sorry sis, you're just so amazing I can't control my self." Looked down and smirked, "Can you blame me?"
She moved her eyes side to side letting him know she meant no. She keeps sucking and moving her tongue around on his length as she continues taking more of him inside of her mouth.
Lan bit his bottom lip as he felt closer to cumming, 'Ahh sis that's it, just a little more. You're very good at this."
Lan moaned a bit as he began to cum hard. His cum coming out of his member and spraying at her. He had his eyes close just enjoying the great feeling.
She moaned out and swallow it as she continues sucking on his length until he was completely empty. She looks up at him to see if she could stop sucking on his length.
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