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Night Without Stars (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

More words of love and desire, more words of longing. "...the guards tell me that you were sent on a fool's errand, and that you would never see Skyrim again. My bed will stay empty and cold while I wait fruitlessly for you. I know they're just trying to break me and the vow I made to stay loyal to you. They envy you for having what they cannot. Well, they are the fools, I'll wait for you until time itself stops. Nothing will take my heart from you, nor will anyone take your place between my thighs." She was too much. He needed to be home.
Weeks turned into seasons, would he ever see home again? Of course he would. He had to. Minor border conflicts be damned, he would see her face again.
He could barely remember what she looked like. He hadn't seen her in so long, all he remembered about her was her curvaceous body, and those enchanting eyes of hers. How it hurt him to begin to forget her face, the battles were starting to take their toll on him.
He forced her memory to stay in his mind as best he could, but it was now bordering on obsession. The battles were blending together, he would dream so vividly of home, only to wake up against the cold canvas of the tent.
"I miss you so much."
"When will you come home?"
"My only comfort are your letters."
"I'll keep waiting, I'll always keep waiting."

If he could leave, he would.
He felt like he had aged, he felt sore. He had no idea just how different he looked from the smaller Argonian he had left as.
By the time the season was close to changing again, he was given his promotion - as well as his return papers. He was going home? He was going home.
He was almost in tears, was it real? It wasn't real for him until the ship was nearing Winterhold again.
He dissociated when the ship landed and he didn't even remember getting on the carriage toward Morthal. He blinked and he was suddenly halfway to the small Hold.
He was dropped off with his bags and he sat and sighed gently, just taking in how things looked so different that what he remembered.
He had to stop himself from having a moment on the outskirts before he finally remembered his motivation. He finally grabbed his stuff and moved back towards the house.
He was thankful he still remembered where she lived; in a little tiny house on the opposite swamp bank in the Hold. He remembered she told him her alchemy plants grew better on the outer banks rather than the inner bank more inside Morthal. It didn't keep the guards away, try as she might.
As he grew closer, crossing the wooden bridges to get over the surprisingly deep water beds, he could see her home. There was also a woman outside bundled up heavily, tending the flowers that grew. The closer he got, the more features he could make out; long wavy black hair, ashen skin and pointed ears. She looked over and he was stopped dead by her eyes; deep shimmering pools of amethyst. They widened slowly as they filled with recognition.
"H...Hulara...?" Oh, that voice. It haunted his dreams. It was her. It was Satlyn. She pushed herself up in a hurry, tripping over her feet as she rushed to him, "Hulara!!"
He dropped his bags and ran to her, laughing deep in his chest as he picked her up and twirled her around as he kissed her and held her close.
She laughed as she kissed back, tears pouring down her cheeks as she held his face in her gloved hands, she was so much easier to pick up now thanks to how much mass he had gained.
She cried and laughed more, "I was so scared you truly weren't coming home... it's almost been a year..." A year?
"It's almost spring, left mid-spring, don't you remember?" She asked gently. Eight, had it really been that long?
She threw some more wood into the fire and removed her gloves and coat. Her blouse was too tight as well as her trousers.
"Are you hungry? I have some stew cooking and I made bread this morning..." She said as she turned to him.
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