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A beseiged Castle

She closed her eyes and kept her head away from his trying to get his away, she opened one eye slightly looking up at him then turned her head noticing his eyes, then shoke her head and growled remembering her princess and her kingdom, but she didn't want to be raped infront of others at least do this in private to keep her dignaty, she looked up and him and snapped the gag in half with her sharp teeth and moved her head up to look at him making him back up as she did, she moved her hands up and pushed his chest back as she crawled ontop of him " you may have me, but you will never truly rule, you are just a prince with a power search because your father won't give up the kingdom" she said harsly and got up from him and stood there above him not being able to walk as she flicked her tail.

Isabella watched them and jumped down to the bar she growled softly and moved behind it grabbing her necklace holding it in her hands and going to the door to try and open it, when she found it locked she turned to look at the men, she then saw nuke regaining his composure " Nuke...your help would be great right now.
Toscha looked at her and glared then pushed her off and picked her up and carried her away giving her rear a quick swat. "We'll just see about that my Tigress." He carried her off to an empty room and carried her to the bed before setting her down on it. He climbed over her, running a hand along her thighs. "Now now where were we hmm?" He looked at her and ran his hands down along her body. "How shall I play with my new tigress?"

Nuke slowly was coming too but one of the soldiers got the jump on him and pinned him down with his sword pressing it against his chest. "your cute..Now little girl you are going to hand over that necklace and yourself to us and your friend here wont have to get hurt. I don't think you want that." Nuke looked at Bella and shook his head. He took the same oath and said that he would lay down his life for her. not because of just the oath but the last thing he said before he was forced to leave was I always loved you."
Mara looked up at him then pushed his back with her foot slightly " don't do this you and i both know im not the one you really want" she raised her hand up and pointed to a portiat of the princess that sat lovingly in her chair posing nobly for the artist, Mara moved out from under him to slide onto the bed a bit more placing her hands in her lap watching him " she is still out the kingdom i mean" she said quietly, she loved her princess but she didn't want to go through rape.

Bella looked up at the Soldier and growled slightly then looked at her dear friend, she loved him just as much and she would never want somthing to hurt him not when it was about her " don't hurt him, let him go and i will come peacefully" she said quietly as she tossed them her necklace with her families sign on it.
Toscha looked at Mara and laughed. "Mm maybe I will and maybe I wont..but for you to make it up then my little Tigress. you are going to get all dressed up in something very revealing and you are going to give yourself to Sgt.Bothari my second in command, failure o do so and I will take you in front of everyone in this castle is that understood?" He moved over to her,trailing his hands down along her sides and licked at her neck as his tail curled around her waist.

The soldiers caught the necklace and noticed the crest on it. "All right then. walk over to us, hands behind your back and no resisting to anything and he'll be fine." Nuke looked at her and shook his head but the soldier pressed the blade against his shoulder starting to break through the skin and into his body. "Bella...ah..Dont."
Mara glared at him and moved her leg away from him," fine, but once you find her, don't you dare hurt her" she growled dangerously at him her golden eyes gleaming slightly as she flicked her tail a bit beside her.

Bella smiled down at her friend " don't worry ill be fine" she smiled a bit and sat up looking at the guard, " move away from him and get the sword out of his shoulder" she growled slightly and stayed still where she was a lock of her black hair hanging down slightly.
Toscha looked at Mara and untied her so that she could get ready for Sgt.Bothari. He smiled and let his tail slide inbeteen her legs for abit before he turned back to the door. "You will do your absolute best to please him or else you will be punished for failing me and it will be even worse then being taken infront of everyone, Don't dissapont me now." He laughed abit before heading out of the room and talking to his second in command for abit before telling the Sergeant to go and relax in one of the rooms for a little bit. Bothari nodded and headed off through the castle hallways then going into the library. He grabbed one of the books and sat down and started to read.

The soldier slowly pulled his sword away from nuke much to Nuke's displeasure. he didn't want these soldiers to get their filthy hands on her but here she was going to them willingly. "All right now sweetie. we've done our part now its time for you to do your part. off with the cloak and place your hands behind your back and come to us."
Mara watched him walk out and sighed softly when he left, she rubbed her head and bit her lip slightly, she didn't want to do this but if it kept him off her back she was greatful, she got up and changed into one of the outfit provided for her, and cringed at how skimpy it was, a small g string with a small bikini top, she growled and slipped on the small garments and looked at herself in the mirrior " oh god i look like a whore" she said to herself and sat on the bed rubbing her face, after a while she got up and walked quickly towards the library and opened the door and closed it quickly, she didn't know he was in there, and she started to pull her hair up into a high pony tail her back to him.

Bella looked at him and tapped her foot slightly in a small rythme of tapps like they used to when they were little, the taps ment that he was to cause a distraction then make thier escape through the nearest window near the door, she moved forwards slowly looking down to Nuke and biting her lips slightly.
Bothari didn't hear her come in as he was busy reading from the book and enjoying the fire of the fireplace. But it wasn't going to be that way for a while. Bothari turned and Saw Mara and sighed. "You again..escape somehow I see." He quickly drew for his sword and looked at her. "Perhaps I am going to have to teach you to be subservient." He watched Mara and looked her over wondering why she was in quite an outfit but perhaps she had escape when Toscha was trying to play with her.

The guard grabbed her and pulled her over and bound her hands behind her. Nuke quickly got up to draw his own sword from beind a counter but one of the soldiers noticed and jumped him while the two others pulled Bella out of the Tavern. "We kept our end but you tryed to cut cheap on yours? That's quite bad form princess." They dragged her off to the forest and looked her over. "Hmm now what to do with you. I suppose we could have some fun."
Mara jumped a bit when she heard his voice and turned her head back to look at him, she bit her lip and reached for the door nob, she knew that she was going to be punished but she would rather die instead, she growled slightly and looked back at him " your not going to teach me anything.

Bella struggled a bit and went wide eyed when they still suggested doing things to her, even tho they knew her status, she thought quickly and smirked slightly " ohh i don't think thats a good idea, you see if i know a prince they want there women to be virgins when they get ahold of them, if he finds out i have been violated in anyway, guess who he is gonna take it out on.
Bothari watched Mara and held his sword out. Its polished blade gleaming in the firelight from the fireplace in the library. "You wench need to learn some manners and to learn who your superior is." As they were arguing Toscha walked back to the throne room and went over to the planning table and looked over maps. "So we have nearly the whole city under lock? That's good any signs of resistance?" another soldier shook his head. "very little and it should be over by sunrise."

The one looking and waiting for their partner nodded. "She has a point, Do you know what prince Pasternak would to us if he found out we did anything to her?" The one holding Bella hissed at his partner. "Shut up shut up..Fine...we'll deliver her to the prince and we might get rewarded for it." The 3rd soldier came back, he was injured but still walking. "damn fool didn't know when to quit..He's one of us so I didn't feel the need to kill a fellow Estovokian but i gave him a lesson in learning when not to fight." The soldiers nodded and grabbed bella and put her onto their horse and tied her to it then they got on as well and rode back to the castle.
Mara grined at him and turned her body around " aww what's wrong, afraid of a challenge?" she smirked and placed her hands behind her back and tilted her head cutly looking at him with her gleaming golden eyes and grined slightly showing her teeth a bit to him.

Bella hated being tied down, so she tried to pull at the ropes that bounded her wrists, she gripped the horn of the saddle and held on as tightly as she could her black hair flying out of the band that held it, she felt the wind hit her face slightly watching the castle come into view after a while.
Bothari looked at her and held his sword slowly advancing to her. "Because I know that cutesy is just an act and I don't buy it but I'm not going to let you just think you can escape so." He slid his sword away and drew a flintlock pistol and aimed it at her. "There is no point in trying take step away or near and i fire." Toscha talked to a few of his soldiers. "Has she been found yet?" the elite members shook their heads. "No Sire but we are still looking for her.

The soldiers rode back to the castle. A checkpoint guard along the rode stopped them questioning who she was and when they told their story and showed the necklace the guard let them ride through and up to the castle. The stopped and got off pulling the Princess off the horse. They attached collar to her neck and lead while they made sure her hands were securely tied and she was even gagged.
Mara watched the gun being aimed at her face and stared at the hole for a mment then her ears perked and she had a worried look on her face "" she said quietly, she could scense the princess in the castle and she knew this wasn't good

Bella gazed around as she was marched inside the castle, her blue eyes slicked back and forth as she watched the guards around her home, she didn't like this not one bit and she had to think of somthing quick or all will be lost, she walked gracfully in with his guards all around her her long green dress dragging the floor behind her as her tail layed ontop of it carefully her ears going back the gag still in her mouth.
Bothari looked at Mara and held the pistol at her and shook his head watching her. "I think wench that your time is up. You have no choice but to surrender so be a good girl kneel down and place your hands on your head and it wont have to be any problem or any mess now do you hear?" He watched her waiting for her reactions. As that was going on a scout had noticed the gates being open and the princess lead into the castle. He made his way over to Toscha and stood. "Sir it seems that the princess has been captured and is being lead to this room as we speak." Toscha looked over at the scout. "Are you sure of this soldier?" The scout nodded. "Yes sir I am sure of this." Toscha laughed abit and nodded. "good you will be rewarded." He headed out of the meeting corner and walked over to the main part of the throne room and as he was doing this the doors were opened and the Princess was lead in by the soldiers who had captured her. "Prince Toscha Pasternak, May we introduce Princess Isabella Of Emmeria." Toscha looked at her and smiled.
She looked at him a glared slightly " i hear you just fine, you can start by getting that dam gun out of my face" she spat at him before she breathed in slightly and looked at him before getting to her knees and placing her paws on her neck looking up at him showing him her claws were in and everything, then she thought about somthing and smiled " are you scared of me?" she laughed at the thought and looked up at him

Bella opened her eyes looking at the prince who had taken her kingdom, she glared slightly moving her feet a bit as well as her fluffy long tail her blue eyes staring bullets at him thinking of so many ways she could kill him.
Bothari watched Mara and shook his head and walked over to her keeping the flintlock trained on her before he moved behind her and tied her hands behind her with a strange thread. even his claws would be useless against it so he knew hers would be as well. "Scared, No I just know you are skilled and should be noted for it so I'm not going to take any chance." He looked her over and grinned licking his lips and watching her reactions. "Now what to do with you."

Toscha walked over to Bella and stood facing her before pulling the gag out of her mouth and wiping her face up. "Welcome Princess I do hope the ride back home wasnt to unpleasant for you." He laughed abit and ran his hand against her cheek then looked her over. "Ah you have done away with such a beautiful color for your hair to some dull black, Im dissapointed in you dear princess." He shook his head then looked over at the guards. "Take her to be processed and stripped and changed into something more fitting." He looked at Isabella and had his elite guards haul her away. "This can all be fixed now Princess you'll see and then the bloodshed will be over."
Mara turned an eye to look at him and laughed "oh i think you are scared just a bit, worried that i could get the better of you in a single motion", she smirked and looked back at him her tail moving idly, she also listened to the comotion down stairs and wondered what was happening.

Isabella growled slightly and looked at all of them and pulling her arms away " i can dress my self and get your paws off of me " she snaped before she walked gracfuly on her own towards where her room was in general climbing the steps easily
Bothari looked at Mara and pulled her up and looked her over before he put the flintlock away. "I dont think so. Now what to do with you." He looked her over,letting his hands slide down along her sides as his tail curled about and traveled along her legs. "Well now I think we can come up with something now." He laughed and pulled her close running his hand over her ass and tail before he slid his other hand over her chest and stomach enjoying her soft fur. He would take her as a spoil of war.

The elite guards followed Bella to her room. one opening the door and pushing her in. They untied her hands so that she would be able to get dressed for Toscha. They knew every exit of the Castle even ones that the royal family was kept hidden. They waited for the princess to finish getting dressed. They allowed no one near the room on the pain of death if any one even tried to get past them. They were Strigon, the elite strike force of the Estovokian Royal family.
Mara froze slightly and looked up at him as he pulled her closer, felt her hair bounce slightly on her back and let her ears go back slightly, she blinked her golden eyes and turned her head slightly tring to read his thoughts, she knew what his look was, he was thinking of how many things he could do with her

Isabella watched the door and moved to bathe herself washing the black dye out of her hair, she looked at her blue hair and sighed moving to dress quietly into one of her more beauitful dresses, her dresses were never reveling and were usualy long to her ankles, she placed on her necklace and adornered her ears easily. She emerged from her room and growled at the guard when he reached for her, she moved forward and walked back down to the throne room.
Bothari looked at Mara and grinned as he licked at her neck before playfully nibbling on it as his hands wandered over her body. One hand slowly slid up her thighs and grabbed her panties and yanked them down to her ankles. "he he he.." He licked at her ear before he unzipped and rubbed himself in between her thighs and started to push himself up against her entrance before slowly sliding himself into her. His tial curled around her waist and swatted her ass.

The guards moved along side of Bella keeping her in a formation until they got to the throne room and then did they move away from her. Toscha looked at her and smiled. "There is the beautiful Princess." He walked over to her and ran his hand against her cheek then down her sides enjoying the dress and fabric of it. "Very good. Now princess we have much to discuss. This can all be over with relative ease and no need for further bloodshed. Your people are hurt and want this war to end. All you need to do is give in to me."
Mara tensed and curled her toes slightly, she wanted to growl but held back knowing he could kill her with the gun still near him, she thought about all the ways she could dismember his head just with her mouth or at least cut his vocal cords, oh wouldn't that be a show, she grined slightly more to herself than anything as she felt him pull himself closer, she tried to step back but his strong arms held her there,

Bella pulled her face away and looked at him " i would never submit to you, or anyone" she snapped slightly at him and stood there watching him as she closed her hands into fists slightly her tail just barely touching the floor, she wanted out, she was stupid to get caught she was sad for her friend and most hope was lost for the kingdom if she gave in now, she would fight tooth and nail, but she wondered who would fight with her, she wasn't sure if nuke was on her side of his cousions.
Bothari laughed and slid himself deeper into her warm hole as his tail pressed against her ass. His hands moving all over her chest and slipped inside of her shirt if you could call it that. Moving skillfully over her breasts and squeezing them in his hands before he licked over her neck and let his tail go into her. "You wont be able to fight for long little kitten." He laughed and started to pick up the pace and strength of his thrusts into her.

Toscha shook his head and looked at her. "Now now no need to be rude. I have done you no harm. I could of easily have you executed as an example to all those who would resist me. but I didnt. I have had my soldiers bring in more people then kill them. We arnt the savage brutes you people play us out to be. Now dear princess give in and this can be all over." He moved around her, trailing a hand up over her ass.
Mara gasped softly when he entered her a bit more, she looked up at him and tightened her fists slightly, she placed her forehead into his chest and groaned slightly as he pushed himself further inside her, " you have no heart" she growled slightly and turned her gaze up to him

Isabella growled and moved away from him watching him intently " you do not scare me, and i decline your request" she glared slightly and kept her arms down watching him, she kept her ears up while watching him, she counted the guards in the throne room and then turned back to him getting away from his grabbing hands.
Bothari laughed abit and watched Mara. "and you have no will, you are a slave, mine." He pushed himself as deep as he could into her and gave her rear a swat before he picked up and pushed against her as hard as he could and let his hands travel over her breasts and squeeze them before he pulled her shirt off of her He moved her around and pinned her against the wall and licked over her neck and down over her chest as he pushed more and more inside of her.

Toscha looked at Isabella and shook his head. "Princess, I have been far to lenient with you. I grow impatient with you and since you appear to be stubborn then you shall suffer for it." He looked over to his elite guards and nodded. "take her to dungeon. strip her and put her into something more revealing for a wench and have fun with her..but do not go into her..that will be my job..break her down and humiliate her. use anything you have at your disposal." He looked at Isabella and shook his head. "You had your chance." The guards grabbed her and hauled her away down into the dungeons to get her better suited and to have some fun with her.
Mara cried out in pain as he pushed into her, she curled her toes slightly and closed her eyes as she felt herself being lifted off the ground as he moved inside her more, she groaned louder as he relentlessly moved in her " i am no slave to nobody " she leaned her head against the wall and kept her eyes closed trying not to look at him.

Bella smirked and clapped her hands together her eyes shining softly as she disappered leaving her dress and everything else that was on here where she once stood, she reappered back in the tavern where nuke was thankfully it was after hours, she landed in the downstaires part of the tavern and sighed softly rubbing her head and crouching down slightly " Nuke...
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