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Summer Wind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"No." She heard his chair push back and he grabbed her arm gently, turning her to look at him, "No buts...I miss you so fucking much, Ayani, I can't get you out of my head.."
"I was already betrothed..." He said softly, petting her cheek gently, "to the most enchanting woman I have ever met..."
"Ayani, goddammit!" He rose his voice, "I don't care! I love you, for fuck's sake! I'm not going to let some fucking tart or decrepit old fuck take you from me!"
She was trying to hold everything together. She wanted to just agree with him, but how could she? Another relationship in the shadows? Would she be just a second wife?
"I only want to marry one else..." He looked so defeated, so vulnerable, "I love you so much, Ayani, I've been stressing myself sick being apart from you..."
"I'll figure it out..." He muttered, "But you aren't going to be a second wife or a mistress or anything degrading. You will be my first and only wife...if you'll still have me..."
He set her down gently and cleared his throat, "No, was my fault...I'm sorry..." He moved away and exhaled, "Please return your things and your uniform to your locker, alright? I expect to see you work as hard as you usually do."
She nodded. "Alright, Magnara.." he said as she gathered up her things and moved to set them back in her locker.
Things were still really awkward with them, but he took her out on small dates when he managed to get away from Ava. He seemed so much happier when he was with Ayani,like he used to be.
She enjoyed it, more than she would ever really admit. But she kept to herself about most things, not wanting to make things more difficult for him.
He was at her house this time, sitting with her on the couch and just listening to music. "Etana is sick." He suddenly said, tone flat.
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