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Summer Wind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She got out and smiled as she moved to walk with him, her heart racing a bit. She hoped everything went well.
She hadn't seen the manor done up so extravagantly, she never really paid much attention to the foyer anyway since she was always darting through it to Magnara's room.
It seemed to be going fabulously all night, there was plenty of food and alcohol and it was just so lively. She hadn't been to any of the upscale parties on the reservation before.
He would glance over at her every so often and just smile, for a playboy he was the biggest softie she had ever met.
"Everyone," the room fell silent at the booming voice and looked to the top of the stairs. An old bull stood there and it was easy to guess he was Magnara's father. "I wanted to thank you all for attending tonight's festivities. It is a very special occasion, you see. Tonight is the announcement of my son's marriage." Oh, did Magnara tell him about going public already? Though...looking at Magnara now, he seemed petrified.
She made a noise and cautiously sipped her drink, trying to play it cool. Maybe he was just nervous?
The old bull pointed out into the crowd and everyone parted to see who he was gesturing to. And it wasn't Ayani. Oh no. It was a rather curvaceous bovine in a rather form fitting gown. "This is his future wife, Ava."
"Etana!" Magnara's voice suddenly boomed through the foyer, angry and damn near stressed. Etana looked to his son flatly.
"You disagree?"
"Of course I do! I'm a man and can make my own choices, dammit!"
Magnara looked to Ayani, as if to tell her this wasn't his idea at all.
"She's of noble birth, same as you. It'll be good for the family. Do not embarrass me, boy." Etana stated.
He couldn't find her anywhere. Not a trace, but he could swear that he saw her entering a cab that was leaving the estate.
She smiled sadly, having obviously wiped away some running makeup. "No love, maybe.. maybe it isn't.. her family would help put the reservation a lot.." she said.
"I don't want her fucking family's help, I want you! I'll only ever want you, I'm in love with you, dammit!" He argued, struggling to keep his voice level.
She waved her hand. "Your father.." she took a breath and her voice wavered. "Your father seems to think this is the best choice.. as head of the tribe, it is his decision... I love you Magnara.. More than you will ever know... please don't forget me.." she said as she reached to gently kiss his cheek before the cab left.
He stood numbly there in the driveway, so stressed and anxious that he felt he was going to throw up. And he did; he dropped to his hands and knees and threw up right there, gasping and coughing before regaining some sliver of composure.
"Magnara." Oh, Etana's voice made his blood boil, "Come inside." What was the point in arguing...? He forced himself up and walked briskly back inside, pushing passed his father as he did.
Ayani found herself at home, half a bottle of vodka down, just sitting against her bed and staring at the wall. It was over.
He burned through so many packs of cigarettes, angry and full of self loathing that nothing mattered. Not without Ayani by his side. He never gave his betrothed the time of day,any time Etana brought her over to be with Magnara, he would go to the casino. He wanted to see Ayani so bad. He missed her so much.
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